Show CB THE OGDEN STANDARD-EXAMINE- Marriage Voivs Are Taken IPvf D Gibson Visits Home R SUNDAY MORNING AUGUST 27 1944 Sojourning in Ogden TYouna Counln k Visiting at S S Cuzick Home Clearfield In Cpl and Mrs G S Cuzick formerly of San Francisco Calif and now residing at 3029 Monroe Blvd Ogden have as their house guests 25— Pvt Aug is Dean Gibson who receiving treatment at Bushnell general hospital for a leg injury suffered as a paratrooper in Italy last Janat uary spent the past week-en- d the home of his parents Mr and Mrs Fred Gibson of Clearfield An ambulance was furnished by the Clearfield Kiwanis club to bring Pvt Gibson to his home and- take him back to the hos pitaL Many friends and relatives visited him at his home on Sun day Mrs Wilmer Barlow entertained with a garden buffet luncheon at tier home Friday with the follow ing guests attending: Mrs Ster ling Thornlev Mrs Milton Had field Mrs Clarence Bushnell Mrs Eldon Schwartz and Mrs John Sessions all Of Clearfii!ri? Mrs Snoden Roberts Mrs Welden Rob erts and Mrs John Adams of Lay ton and Mrs Ray Harvey of Kays ville Mr andMrs J Kay Nelson and xvap and Mrs Angus Stevens of Clearfield and Mr and Adams of Layton attended a nartv Saturday evening at the home of Mr and Mrs Lee Parkinson of CLEARFIELD their sonin-laand daughter Lt and Mrs William O Bunderson of Smyrna Tenn The young couple is visiting relatives in Ogden and Tremonton They were married on last April 12 at the post chapel Pueblo army air base with the post chaplain officiating Mrsf Bunderson the former Betty Mae Sheldon was accompanied by her mother Mrs G S Cuzick and was attended by her cousin Mrs Leon D King of Ogden Lt A E Carlson was best man A reception was held at the post immediately after the ceremony The bride is a graduate of Girls nigh school of San Francisco The bridegroom is a son of Mr and Mrs W R 'Bunderson of Tremonton Utah was graduated from the Bear River high school and attended US AC He is a member of the Pi Kappa Alpha ne enlisted in the army fraternity corps on November 5 1942 and air received nis commission on March 12s 1944 at the Pueblo army air base Lt Bunderson will leave for Pueblo on Aug 30 Mrs Ogden Bunderson will remain in Ogden with her parents w - '''f Mrs-Cly- Lieutenant and Mrs J W lid of Salina Kans who are visiting: at the home of Mrs lid's parents Mr and Mrs Glen C Child 1795 Center avenue Ogden Mrs lid the former Miss Elva La Von Child was married to Lieutenant lid son of Mr and Mrs J II lid d Mich at Smoky Hill army air field chapel Salina Kans on young couple will remain in Ogden for July 15 of this year J The several weeks Rud-yar- PO On Saturday evening Aug 28 the B P O Does held their mid- The Soroptimist club of Ogden held its monthly dinner at the valley House Huntsville Tuesday Hostevening at seven o'clock esses for the evening were Mrs Harry S Reed and Miss Zelta Following dinner the grouD gathered in the garden of Mrs E A Knapp Huntsville where a report on the recent regional conference held in St Louis Mo was given "by Mrs Harry S Reed Members who attended were: Miss Myrta Hales Mrs D C Love-lan- d Mrs Elizabeth Bird Mrs E Mrs William Varney JMrsHall Jr Tanner Mrs Ada d Lydia Miss Sarah Wilson Miss Zelta Ballinger Mrs John W Emmet Mrs C J Lindquist Mrs Francis J Drake Mrs Stuart P Out-of-Towne- rs Dobbs Mrs Harry S Reed Miss Elizabeth Huth Miss Nona Todd Mrs Herbert Stadelman and Mrs E A Knapp Guests were Mrs Reid W JenTREMONTON 26— Mrs Aug sen and Miss Eleanor Emmett Sarah Clark of Clarkston and son Michael visited relatives in Tremonton on Saturday Mr and Mrs Wallace Anderson Jr of Layton visited Mrs Olena J Hamer on Saturday Mr and Mrs Donald J Hamer Mrs Olena J Hamer of TremonGamma Iota held a special meet- ton and Mr and Mrs Wallace ing on Monday night Aug 21 at Anderson Jr of Layton attended the home of its Mrs Wal- the memorial services in Salt Lake ter Hoenes 2827sponsor Wheelock City Sunday evening for Frank The purpose of the meeting was L Barstow a relative who was to determine the names of killed in action in Normandy Mr- - and Mrs who will receive bids to the girls club Golden Frisby for the coming year Attending made a business trip to Ogden on were La Rae Anderson Olive Han- Saturday sen Donna Farr Carma Ramptom Mr and Mrs Roy Hiel were Mary Yeaman Doris Laughter Mantua visitors on Friday Miss Dolores Ipsen returned to Mary Jean Jensen Elaine Jensen Ruth Isason Marion Tracy and California Friday after soendinc Betty Joyce Hopkins her vacation in Tremonton Min-noc- Bal-ling- er Gris-wol- Myers Entertain Nevada Pair J Dr and Mrs - " i V Barlow of Clearfield Those attending were Mr and Mrs Eldon Schwartz Mr and Mrs Milton Hadxield and Mr and Mrs Clar ence Bushnell and Mrs Barlow of Clearfield Mr and Mrs John Adams Mr and Mrs Welden C Roberts and Mr and Mrs Snoden Roberts of Layton and Mr and Mrs Ray Harvey of Kaysville ' Mrs Doyle H Rampton is spending this week in Garland at the home of Mr and Mrs Thomas Her husband is conRampton valescing from an appendicitis operation at the Tremonton hospital He was taken ill while visiting at the home of his parents Mr and Mrs Thomas Rampton Their children Elaine Richard Helen and Kent are staying at the home of their grandmother Mrs Lettle M Adams of Layton - r H Myers en- honor Miss Dorothy Myers of Lo- gan Mrs J ames H Myers and Mr and Mrs Cloyd Myers of Ogden Mrs Trimble is returning to Reno at the end of the month after a three-wee- k stay in Ogden The "Little" s tor f Meetings Navy Mothers The regular meeting bf the Navy Mothers' club No 34 will be held evening Sept 1 in the USO Following a brief honeymoon to Friday o'clock clubrooms at seven-thirt- y California Mr and Mrs Scott Al All mothers with sons serving in len Petersen recently married in the navy coast guard or marines the Salt Lake City LDS temple are invited will make their home in Penrose Utah Birthday club will The bride the former Miss Ele meet at the home of Mrs C O nore Mae Perry is the daughter Royster 3775 Orchard Friday of Mrs Caroline K Perry of Wil- Sept 1 at eight-thirt- y p m Memlard Utah! Mr Petersen is the son bers are asked to take hand-wor- k of Mr and Mrs Fred W Petersen Sans Souci of Penrose Utah The marriage was performed by The Sans Souci club will meet Dr John A Widtsoe The wedding Tuesday evening Aug 29 at seven vows were exchanged in the pres pm at the home of Mrs Fred W ence of the bride s sister Mrs Radtke 756 Washington Blvd Thomas F Larkin of Snowville Those who will be unable to attend Mr and Mrs Fred W Petersen call 8248 parents of the bridegroom Mr and Mrs Morgan Miller Bishop and Pine Tree Mrs Jesse F Petersen Mr and The Pine Tree club will meet at Mrs Leonard M Petersen all of the home of Mrs Thomas M Tal- Penrose Mr and Mrs Orval Gro- - bott 1460 Marilyn drive Friday ver of East Garland Mr and Mrs &ept l at ten am with Mrs Ern Theodore Fuller of Ogden Bishop est Winkler as and Mrs J Wesley Perry Mr David Kunzler Mr William Kunz-le- r Queen Esther Mrs Paul Kunzler and Mrs Queen Esther chapter No 4 Caroline K Perry all of Willard OES will hold its regular meeting Friday evening Sept 1 at Spending the day in Magna are eight o'clock in the Masonic tem Mr and Mrs W Karl Hopkins and ple refreshments will be their daughter Mrs Glen Lewis servedLight the All following and small son Jimmy They are members and visiting meeting members are guests of Mr and Mrs Bert Lewis' invited Ad-A-Li- Carpe Diem held its traditional comthe home of Ruth ing year Stranquist 1416 Marilyn drive Wednesday Aug 23 Pledges attending were Flora Joan Cross Sparrow Dawson Ann Brown PeggyMarilyn Drake Marian Lindquist Joan Moyes Pat ?T0UngHelen p°rter Janet Stine Thomas Betty Midgley Bily and Marilyn Carrol party for new pledges for the at Mar-gflr- et th Lieutenant and Mrs William O Bunderson who were married April 12 in Smyrna Tenn are visiting relatives in Ogden and Tremonton Mr and Mrs Frank M Drlggs Mrs Max Loll and son Stanley have 'as their house guest at their of Salt Lake City spent the weekMrs end with Lieut Loll's parents Mr home in Ogden canyon A E Mrs of and Mrs L M Loll Lieut Loll Short sister Driggs' is serving in England Salt Lake City st o re of yo un ger set fashions nk ff - ' Gamma Iota Holds Special Meeting the X: Elenore Perry Is Recent Bride Of S A Petersen Visit Tremonton I Carpe Diem Holds Party for Pledges Mr and Mrs Scott Allen Peterson whose recent marriage is announced Mrs Peterson is the former Miss Elenore Mae Ferry of Willard Utah (Loyeland studio) ! tertained Friday at a dinner at their home 1349 Twenty-sevent- h for Mrs R P Trimble and hex young son Don of Reno Nev Those present besides the host hostess and their daughter Esther Lee were Mrs Carrie Myers Anderson mother of the guest of I ogden Members of the O F T club and their partners enjoyed a theatre party Monday evening wnicn was followed with a din ner at the home of Mrs Wilmer Soroptimist Club Holds Dinner summer party at Patio springs Dinner was served to 80 members and their escorts at eight o'clock The committee in charge included Mrs Henry Fryer Mrs C S Moore Mrs L D Moore Mrs Ernest Harris Mrs Howard Beckett Mrs Dick Tyler Mrs William H h Collins and Mrs Robert B The first fall meeting will be held Thursday evening Sept 14 at eight pm at the Elks home 1 V 1 de Does Hold Summer Party B They Are Visitors Here I co-hoste- ss V r I: younger set fashions1' BRITTAN'S " J m — tit !!!'"!"'l'"!ma J ll T) Urn' si A it I yis i f n jt i Hv3 I ' At 1 1' III II ky mk i M ft M V -- V ! i J i ihPMi (m ' 1 ( J Shi- a f -- — I i i hnMll i l p i1 hA j ' If I - J '- ? ' - rTVr: f " I f tit ' M1 ' $ Your beloved standby plays a return engagement this fall in a trimly tailored collarless suit with pockets and "soft shoulders" Perfect for day after day wear Chesferfield Casuals- i i rl — Distinctively Yours jiiiiLtut"t i 1 1495 to 5500 Toppers 2295 to 5500 Presenting a Trio of Brittan "Younger Set" Exdusives 3 of the styles (above) sketched from stock 2462 Washington Blvd - 2 Its smooth' genuine Botany Dolene" harbors satisfying warmth in its love-l- y weave It's a ' figure flatterer All the new fall and winter shades also black in 95 Perfect Mates for after-clas- s dates youthful lines so strikingly feminine and attractive that the young collegian must have several for her fall and winter wardrobe Sizes 9 to 15 saddle-stitche- d w - T sizes 10 to 20 SINCE 1924 trig-ger-tri- m |