Show Monument Mills Greco’s Tin Shop Missouri Pacific R’y Fastest time shortest line aui t best accomodations for feeding are the ) Clenwood Utah in- - ducments we offer to shippers of live tock between Puebjo and Kansas O J Kst East of Opera nouse Honey Cans Be'Iows F IMerton I?rop Cutlery Tin Ware and Repairer’s i trains rfo live stock City Special ’ casonable number of cars HBKocser C Flour F &P A J Flynn T F The Pest Place fo Get ' P Supplies Graham A Have You? Balt Lake City Utah WHEN you are married to the best girl in the county where did you look for that hotice that was so much to you and os little to even body else? In yout1 home paper When your home is invaded with a gitl or bouneng boy to whom doyou makeityour busines THE EQUITABLE STORE OUR BUSINESS IS San Pete and Sevier Branch GROWING no d OUR PRICES TELL WHY STATIONS We want more to take capital stock blue-eye- ’ West-Boun- East-Boun- d d to convfey evety information as to To the In after when the'manly young fellow yeais takes the bright eyed girl to a home h'sown or the bouncing boy now sex lime and weight? editor of our home paper MADS CHRISTENSEN Supt given a partneaship in the store because he has brought somebody ebe’s daughter and set up an establishment of his own to whom Why not get a suit that Is doyou personally exhibit the wed madt to fit you peifectly? ding presents and load up with the interesting event down to the last We Make Them folk and individual fealt cellar 330 am 355aniLv BELKNAP Artffipm6ro pni pickle 23 will run Tuesday's Train At moderate prices They always Saturdays Train 24 will run Thursday’s and that once more means so much to Mondays Wedyou and so little to others? To the Fridays fit you well If you oi ler from ou nesdays and II L Moran Agent Richfield some editor and the some paper Arid I) C Dodge Gen’l Manager S H Babcoes Trufllc when trouble comes in the home Manager F A Wadletgh Gen’l Cloth Passenger Agent Stock of you add to your possessions that General office Salt Lake City Utah desolate bit of reality the lot in the a man is Suits requires but thice days to have a suit ready If you order from our KEEP IT HANDY Two weeks are required the the has at it his strains 00 how Ripans in that for been by the side of yonrs to business of write in the life now grown five-ce- “Do j’ou have these?” He was referred to a gentleman who to be the Eroved ead of the depart- ment He Baid : “ The sale of Ripans Tabules is BURNED How is it? present two daughters who specially their mother giving a testimonial which should parade her name in the newspapers but to do this the elder lady argued: ‘‘There may be other cases just like mine and I am sure I take great pleasure in recommending the Tabules to any one afflicted as I was If the telling about my case in the papers enables some other person similarly affected to be as greatly benefited as I have been iBeenooDjection" The daugh ters knowing how earnestly she felt about the benefit she had received objected to constant and is increasing due especially to the influential character of the testimonials in the daily press and growing out of these through the recommendation of friend to friend Satisfaction with them is When once they are very general notice I that a permanent begun customer for them is made This 1 believe is through their intrinsio merit which proves the bona fide character of the advertising I think them specially useful in the general run of stomach troubles” ’ decided she was Buy Your Trees of quite right Our THE trees are alwavs free from moth Consult our agent before placing your order O C Andraeson Agent Monroe- Utah - tender to be a Best Pump ’Dade td dkJ o Have you?— Ex td b td : r- - co " Q O any way you will find JOHNSON’S BLACK i OIL t t The fine red color of certain rubber A CURE THAT CURES good often turns into a nondescript much to the disappointment of Beware of imitations Genuine only very the shopkeeper who is anxious to You leave Ogden or Salt Lake in show goods of perfect finish’ A fhe evening and after breakfasting fh writer in the Gumms Zeitung the sumptuous dining cars of the offers a few useful hints on the BANTAFE ROUTE on the third Sold at Z 0 M I Drug r°pt iu manner in which the red color may corning you arrive to or business con to season in attend be maintained The white is due nect with all fast trains for the East in the fiist instance to French chalk Borne one has said recently that the FOR I - P ' 1 when-signe- track of the ATCIIISON TOPEKA & BANTA FE railroad was in 6uch perfect condition that the long dis tance run BEST PLACE which not show much as long as the goods are not perfectly dry and which may easily be removed by wiping with naphtha The othej cause of trouble is the snlphur which slowly makes its appearance on th TO the ‘Flyer” on the New York Central could be equaled if no exceeded by its magnificent trains J D Kenworthy Gen’b Agt Passenger Dept 50 West Second South Street Salt Lake City Utah tf C F WARREN Traveling Agt of Missouri Pacific R The CcLtado Short Line to Kansas City St Louis Mo and all ponts South and East Free reclining chair cars and Tollman palace sleeping cars of most ele gant design Direct connections at the magnificent Union Station St Louis for every where Tickets on sale at all stations on Rio Grande Western Railway E J Flynn II B Koosar C F&P AT F &P A Salt Lake City Utah does surface after weeks The sulphur can be got rid of by boiling the article in five per Cent caustic soda many articles will not stand such treatment however Rubbing with cotton cloth soaked in naphtha is again said to be useful Goods which y It td ' J ( j kJ jf 1 f r o td i r v M f - U 1 M '— ? ' Lf(y i" fj 11 j- k I 'j-- 'i rw’ 1 c v v r Q W i - f v Sold By Consolidated Implement co THE LARGEST UNDERTAKERS have to be exposeb in shop windows may be rubbed with glycerine soap chloride of calcium or other Buy Your Furniture Coffins Caskets Trimmings Burial Clothes Handles Screws and the like We are a!o In prepared co take charge of preliminaries for hygroscopic substances The treatis ment makes the goods rather slip- at the Monroe Furniture Room JoKn f Johnson ’ Proprietor pery but answers its purpose Treumann pubthe same lishes analyses of five rubber cemit issueDr ents all with English names The analyses do not show why those cements should do more than clog the pneumatics and valves antirender the real repair difficult —Scientific American iM hi1 $ They are well packed before shipping They are well raised and trimmed N SANTA FE ROUTE ! SALT LAKE NURSERY CO that is wounded I -- a new style packet containing- - ten ripans tabttibb packed In a paper carton (without gla) 1 now This low priced sort is intended for the poor and the for salo at pome drug: stores— for stye cents carton (ICO trlmlca) can be bad bv i economical One dosen of the five-oeFipans Chinioal Ookfoiy No 10 8ivruce Street New Yoi eight cents to tho will be rent for five cents IviFANsTABULKmcyalsobebaa of (ten tabules) news agents and at some liquor stores and barber shops One gives relist storekeepers you advertised in that paper and done what you could to help the editor to fight your municipal and county affairs and encourage him as he has worked to build up the town and bring busines toil Yourself or have any horse cow dog bird or any animal nt much call for the have HMtli A dollar’s worth of Ripans Tabules lasts me a month and I would not be without them now if it were my last dollar" At ’the time of this interview there were bought a carton and asked : paper and even he willing what he can to help you over hard spot And in all these years IF YOU nAYECUT s were selling your to do OR BRUISED Richfield roses Ripans Tabules recommended very highly in the New York Herald concluded to give them a trial and found they were just what my case demanded! I have never employed a physician since and that means a saving of $3 a call Sales Increasing The largest retail drug store In America is that of Hegeman & Co on Broadway in New York City A reporter who went there to leam Tab-ule- part of yours and whose sympathy and good deeds to others have long deen known and recognized if not publicly announced The editor oi I have J C Anderson odor of the chair advocate of Ripans Tabules for any case of liver trouble or indigestion said to a reporter who visited her for the purpose of learning the particulars of her 'baao : “ I had always employed a physician and did so on the last occasion 1 had for one but at that time obtained no beneficial results I had never had any faith In patent medicines but having seen st the head of the table it vacant — when all this happens who makes Elsinore at my mill almost everything that is needed for building a house Home made and imported screen and panel doors window sash rough and planed lumber mould ings lath and shingles and many other such necessaries Any articel that chances not to be in stock 'will be obtained on short notice the and parlor years Yours For Trade C NIELSON door and An Elderly Lady An elderly lady living at Fordham Heights a part of New York City and who was known to be a warm Tabules with a brother M D said : “ Several years ago I asserted that if one wished to become a pliilan-thopiand do a beneficent deed-o- ne that would help the whole human race— nothing could be better than to procure the Roosevelt Hospital prescription which it tht basis of the Ripans Tabules and cause it to be put up in the form of a ketchup ana distributed among the poor1’ Cemetery and somehow the sun does not seen to shine as bright as it used to and there is a flutter of crape on It Thousand Samples A Prominent Pbyalclnn A prominent New York physician in discussing the merits of Ripans funerals and to do other services usually quired of undertakers HORNE & MILLER j ' TWO BLOCKS WEST OF THE COURT IIOUSE i Richfield UUh re- |