Show & tM?- (iHlILs "’ fe' ' ni mirji 1 Job 6 Richfieid Utah Jul ACT! VI TV ESEfJUjV I'K H0FFM4EE Lawyer and Notary Will practice in all tbc Courts Stat? and Federal In Earnest with which rTil0 Mountain mining h:is Gold started jfc— 18887T7-- A ‘ er t Ji Appointments fofSJniy It v - 16 V K03EBZ ISSlbV -- Woitit at Gold Mountain Resins k M - Ruisness and Profcssinal Cards fc“‘ 1'bese may be fliluS A w ’ecle early or vook late at opthfe of i tho mission aries ’Ir Uoss CeliiE Bean and Mrs Eirza RICHFIELD UTAH That Mrs Bean is stringer than two years ag is undoubtedly a fact but that the EbTABLlSIIED 183J supporters of Mrs Ross will male? a stronger fight than the friends of Mrs Liytoa did in Mu J M rcterson I’resldetit is a s i true Ji'S Christianson Cashier Unless JCseph Ericks m lately g rad-u- a ted from Arm Arbor should cut a Deposits received subject to check swath in plit'cal mat'ers Vermeil Accounts Solicited Rapp will be tin Republican nominee for attorney Judg3 Money Loaned' Very- Reasonable Jennings refusing to enter tin rave at id' ) ou appruvj! InlSJOtV II Clark seeing hopesecurity Diufi’s Drawn Fa vablr In lessly snowedm ider in a grave of polit- 11 oblivion bit he is up again and All Parts of The World in fairly good sin pe for another bout in politics JI m iuutlni Como in and see us at the bank or oji ers surmising as to whether ns your business mail he is in this S season has ever where been ? ALINA subthe RICHFIELD W A Seegmlilejf’ UTAH ject of remark but now it has fuhv started and the new roads Pre belnir I’ E WestEiaij I' bmlt the 4 Vermel Rapp ELSINORE Joseph are people a T R preparing to do the work HAPPandBEAN Morten Jet sett i have promised they H N TIavcs jind below we summarize what is he- Lawyers Will practice In nil the State undVcdral ing done n BURRVILLE courts n ml United States Land Ollleo George A Smith of Provo and AndA J Young Messers Rapp and Dean are nblo and ex- rew Russ have obtained a bond Walter Baker in and perienced lawyers all probate land wator ease on the Trapper’s Pride and nlaln' and criminal litigation are RtCM FIELD ' Will’ mead all sessions of court In Ul'Sy 0 A Beal to begiq KelUny lhln tho Sixth Judicial District and work A adjacent counties Jeusen of Southern Utah Last Tuesday Paxton and Office In Audorton Building Dorrity who recently asm mod l’eier N Lund green control of the Richfield Utaii Advocate mine went onto the mounA W Boh in an b for sheriff or fir tain with supplies arid tools needed KOOSIIAUEif repreieaiativ but I he is in for something for working in their claims JOSEPH ECKERSLEY II Georgs ‘ Crmby Jr Henry Hayes can gej whitever li P‘le David Chidister Giay Ejrl ’’ lls't3'!a transfer Attorney at Law is acomtnoa expression wants” a Ako UilyWisconsin REDMOND compact the insistance of Henry’s friend At County Attorney for Wayne County aril Roche Is Its new lie Charles Jensen manager The with drew from the company is said to have considerable C F Micklesoc superintendent’s race and LOA UTAH means back of it and will thy will press him hard l'or work push county clerk as fast as possible CENTKAL COMHITTEE OALL GENERAL MERCHANDISE Tbe Peeling that a county assessor ' Two miles south of the" M W MA ESFIELD Sevie learns only his We business in two years handle a full stock of Dry Goods niurnSl!'ieral prospectors are at work’ haVG dt Jeasfc four 11 e Wtlhru Snyder has been at tliellol-an- d The county central niUfSl°Uld Groceries Lawyer j tbel Boots and Shoes nsVell a the committee of almost continually of late Democratic C°Unty-ifor Sevier County party lie being agents for t?Ph issortingtheore taken out and will duties Notary Public hereby called to meet1 Saturdav FARM IMPLEMENTS ship the better grade rnuitBER July 23 1898 at 11 o’clock a' m at fhome S1ce jus brother George went Utah '3 mJrf18 AnnieLauric lias put on eight lle county atturuej'8 office' corn! rh“ !f 1 rac® again pr not- and is sacking its house Richfield - C K COLLIES Tlleneedof ’ a meet-- Monroe has two men output B‘ F‘ for the place of aJ'H 'should be pre- Caffey weat north ing is important Lawyer WeZTf south end commissioner Hans Tuft ' ' Office in the Neill morning wi th a 500- - pound sent' wiiich wc supply to Wayne Couni Building a Democrat and Andrew Nilsson a James H Wellsr Richfield Utah Republican will be pushed a little people at fair prices 1 Chairman later on Captain Enga the Blue Bird’- STEWART J A Taylor & Co ' If Jacob Launtzan wasn’t on Attorney-at-Ljgo’ng rfJtVGr’ Weilt UP totha mine a mission he would be on REGISTRATION ACESTTS Offiieein Court Ucvse tho Repub-Fremont Utah utendingto be bjick Friday lean ticket again He has been s “ine Eichfleld Utah Jnhl? quite shipping: sacked ore v propulart as deputy clerk and despite year having already shipped 111 Sevier ' Reclatration feeliDS that prevailed over the 1 JENMNGS agents I the Tllirty tons m3nth for this county’s water as suit “Jake” is a stronger man will year '“pointed at last dplng as well as last year now ‘96 cc board meeting than in qf the tha are: Law summer’s jfuota' I :i P Rudolf s Twenty years’ active practice In the n vrdfir?eLamar exPert- visited g tlie A HEAVY STORM Palmer district and supreme courts of the United King for the ser1t'" last week 6 B i Waters States and the Oepartment'of the Interlot C-L- Hermanafm s Custom Grinding done on short ori at Wathlnytrv P-- O Rain-storGUiTCH of men er Vt 4 Best of milling machinery a Hends IXYoWeh A Office Enee Clock ’ - J LS annabella ! b FREMONT STORE fc Whe AmhhT s 1 ££ IJ " TuiS w 1 JtB ZVr LOA ROLLER MILL Attorney at lUt - — rjcnriLLu J t: DIE o' i ’ Queen°Q m A pr°Speofc’ - the Mountain Mwiipiert profit) Monroe (No 9) ‘ Joseph Several quite well appearing strikes Redmond were made on Deer and Fish Creek? of Vermillion J&tc ‘ Ole Larsen ' T tkrsrghr s Decker drummers L ‘‘’V-’'- ) Martin SimoDsen and Wcodruff Z C M report a heavy storm BRAN SHORTS li £ 'fi FLOUR ' Carter r "V P F Peterson AH ' GERLMADE and GRAHAM fohnE Gledtaill day Monday thd Panguitch valley was Office at Pioneer Drug Store Salina (No 1J) T G Humphry the scene of a continuorls raiD which on band Salina (No 15) E TV Crane for an hour was almost like a cloud a’ways RICHFIELD UTAH Richfield (No 12) M C Nielson burst It did little harm “there SUMMONS Richfield (No 13) W G Baker as neither nor hay grain was far advanced but sent a MES N II ST JOHN big stream down the river The river bed was dry at If J- McClellan Proprietor lntvuu!swct Cmrt °f SevIOr CounU State JAMES M ANSON Circlevi lie but a few hours after the Midwifery and General Care of the Sick Augusta Ostlund ' Plaintiff storm it was a torrent The canals all Extracts from His Letter To RICHFIELD UTAH J J Smith Millar SDMM0NS-ThLarsOstlund along were tilled to overflowing and Defendant The Censor State of Utah to the said Thursday morning irrigting streams I ou are hereby summoned Defendant: MES ANNIE M EELSON in this valley to appear suddenly became three twenty duys after the service of t sC times J"ames S their natural size The lucerne Midwife and Nurse Manson of Monroe writes rams upon you If served Conn? within the land was all needing water so the us a letter which we can not After a year’s absence for study JI am a witWhln thlnv dCtl°VS br°UKht’ °tiicrwlse publish flood in full caine in at a good time and on Here my place ready to resume my are some of the exservice and defend practice the above entitled action the whole did much good In case of tracts: and your failure so to do Judgment Elsinore Utah will be rendNo doubt some people think that ered against you We are prepared to fill orders for a according to the demand of tho complaint which soldier’s life is a lazy one but I am within ten days after service of this summons Estray Notice nOMEIl McCAETl upon you ’ win going to correct that idea by telling filed with theclerkofsaldcourt I have in my possession the follow- SHINGLES LATn and TICKET you what we do here at Fort Douglas U S Deputy I J Stewart At six o’clock when the bugle sounds ing described animals at present In a reasonable tlm Plaintiff’s Attorney One black mare 6 or 7 MIEEEAL SURVEYOR every man must get out of bed if not years old righfc thigh has on depending on the size of the order w already out Therearevery few men a and NOTARY PUBLIC halter is shod on front feet in battery C that are in bed at that an prepare any thing you wish’ W time Then comes the 2nd call which MONROE UTAH Notice to Contractors is to assemble and answer to roll call If said animal is not called for and 3rd call is mess that is tbe one that taken away within two weeks I will cm'also prepared to do custom saving The Undersigned Board of Commis-sioner- s every man is on time to at fifteen min sell the same to the of SevierCounty Utah will rees to 1 o’clock Drill call comes and der at the Glenwoodhighest cash bidu3 Town pound on ceive bids up to 10 AM Jensen and Akelund Aug 1st 1898 we drill for one hour just as hard as the 2j day of 1898 for the erection of a July to be County Jail we Can we then rest fora short time I K WRIGHT Dated Glenwood Sevier Co Utah PROPRIETOR built In Richfield Utah Fremont and drill again After drill some of 11 1898 Bids will be received I R Oldroyd Keeper fop the jail the men are taken and put to work on July of the Glenwood Town round buildihg without cells also for the jail the lawns the grass Others First Class In Every Way cutting with complete cells rake it up come go after ice some ' ' SUMMONS Each bid must be with Millard county has also been slash coal others tend to after accompanied s a certified check of five TERMS REASONABLE' per cent of the I will have the time to write to you ing the salaries of the county for In the District Court 6th Jcdiciz amount of bid made payable to S G when we arrive in Merritt Camp District W iynb Cjunty State op Utah San Clark clerk of said county which will Francisco I Elsie Ilatt PUT 1 be forfeited if the succcsful bidder re1 10m $750 to$3oo the Summons Ys that letters from friends would be Frank J Ilatt Deft r fuses to enter Into contract assessor’s and from to J 750 400 the Tlie State of Utah an approve bond with said com- appreciated very highly Blackburn Jfouse ' recorder’s fiom to To the said Defendant Fi an the 400 350 missioners within 10 days after the J Ilatt clerk’s Greeting from to POLITICAL STRAU S the treacontract is awarded ail checks will 500 750 loa UTAH You are hereby summoned to appear wit surer’s from 800 to 500 and the n twenty days be returned with rejected bids after tho servlee of this sum plan CestoL hotel accomodations for and mons upon you If served within the County sheriff’s from 700 to 400 The saspeculation may be found in the As we mentioned last week in which this action Is hroht otherwls politi- laries of countyj clerk the traveling public Richfield al- cal talk is thegame commissioner was within thirty days after service and defeat already rife with the great- so atRC WatkinsArchitect Provo the aboye entitled action and In 0 The board of commissioners reserve est interest centered on the attornev’s raiseeform 25 to 30 each anb the your failure so to do Judgment will hecase renHay Grain Stabling and office form 60 to 100 dered against you aecordins to the relief do the right tc reject any end all bids The city ordinances of Richfield surveyor’s salary manded in the complaint which within tin — Camp House also II n Bell Enquirer ton days after tho service of this summon arrange for a city election this fall W fl Robinson Prof and with new city as well as McCarty” priucipal of the Sal upon you will be Bleed with the clerk of salt ' county JI A Ross SAMPLE ROOM officers to elect ihe county seat district schools was a visitor at' Court will ina Rapp and Bean County Commissoners be in hubbub this fall Guests always made welcome TheE " Plaintiff’s Attorneys npuireroffice Sevier Co Utah today As Democratic candidate for record-Address—Richfield Scvelr County ! — -i Physician and Surgeon J- - A I’s" - e Order Shingles P The Wrifhf ffyuse ‘ bath-house- T '"V" '“ I fur-nis- h of-fiee- at Enpuirer State of Utah |