Show 'M V Around the County RICHFIELD Louis sell DeerlngTwine homo is from Cedar K 0 Salisbury Joel Kicks eame home fiom Logan Thursday Miss Priii tha Christensen is visiting at Joseph T F Ctillan is down from tin moan-tii(Jo’itlio & n i O If Lean is vacating on tin Cove Mountain Oar county is quite free from theria diph- HATS- - The Peering Twine lsthe li st ai d o best is qlways tin elieapcst James M Peter on & Co have just large J their Insurance on the store liliegli Jones audfamily have mov-- i 10 Salina Plenty of gjod binding twine at the a Co-o- p A new ice chest forms a valuable idition to Orrock’s store of fresli dairy butter is on liancl at Oi rock’s The streetsprinkler is not running cuise the piye is full of sand ' 'enty con-Kuii- ly Mis John Oberg was treited to a o’ei iut surprise on Friday afternoon Caroline Poulson and Emma lensen are visiting at M inti this Mn-e- PM s WJ 'n ju Dave II in sen has opened asho oeov Jame- - M l’cieraon N H' u shop ’f-- ' ter Christensen will go awa iiwk’s vacation o:i Monday si P !' lie hop will be closet1 Professor Benjamin Clelf will lei I ue ai the Biwery tom htovv iiiiiu nil m i ram time shoe - T le second cutting ready fir the nnver b i been plimomen d of iuceru is It’s growth T yor Thur )er Rilo i Seeg uiller and Cau'iian Seegmiier wll atieip S'lioil at some of tne nortiiern cii this w iiKr Geora B mill hudnvi liis voire pat of the Richfield Livery Stable and 'is moving to Mai ti to take charge of 1 lie Bench t' CLOSING OLT Ilou-- Andrew Laws n and Miss Young Mr relumed from Fri-iThursday Lawson reports the butter trade as brisk Alice Brovn Aianla Andelin Lii lle Brown Lizzie Wes nan Jiui Je are Sellers km Dave Hansen and Jim final! from Fish Like ALSO ladies summer vests al 5 & 10 cents Bpys and Mens’ suits at greatly reduced J k -- busi-aessH- Prices A few more Jadies’ Wrappers at $ IOO each Underwear at Mens’ Ju-die- e - Keduced Prices FACT great cuts in prices all along IN the line Come and get your bargain early A litte money will buy lots of things - N HATS HATS j ulius Miller and Oio Johnson have gone to P V Junction to work for las Butler and Jos Zolllg at getting out ml ling timber' Tiie Deering Binding Twine is guaranteed to bind more bundles of grain to the pound th ui any other twine in the mi- cot jMiss Ada T ebbs and Mrs Lydia Winter- - aer sister were in Richfield Thursday night on their way to Bangui tch By private sources wi learn tint Thiede was hanged at 14:41 yesterday Ben Iloopes t he j’dly barber tells us lie made no confession tut stoutly on tire 4 hist AI Winn located that maintained his iiiioeeiee to the last what seems to be a valuable prospect E W Me Daniel came home Iasi above the Crystal mine During the two weeks lie was night Dr Lorlng had u letter from Coyote in lnin ns he says Ins life was nearly on him to come at 'taken out by sweating Me is content- onceTuesday urgingis rising havoc in Diphteria ed with Utah the little settlement known usGraiils-viilJoel Shonnker is hero working in The Wright family have althe interest of N G U excursion to ready lost four children from the terThe excursion is to leave rible disease and others are very bad Castilla next Saturday lie hopes to get our off The D ictor couldn’t leave Monroe so he sent word to Dr Steiner of company IC to attend Panguiteh asking him to look at'ier for court held Judge McCarty measures have since of citizens Only one the cases Wi at do we know not been taken That was Eiof Nelson the came i of man machine genial sewing - our stockings at 5 cents a Pair Whether large or small all good-lookin- 1 HATS 'leuwood Ja'iuuy (JarJ an hum iv ) Ibis Innil - i The Krt crop haying is about ovtr As lie lias days in the county jaii no money tho latter will be his alterly here and now occupies part of Peter I a rid considerable of it isspoilcd by the flood— a good tiling it wasn’t Noah’s Christensen’s building native It is sairl that Elsinore is tc have a J A lloss went to Sait Lake tli is Judge McCarty will leave Momoe old Dutch grist mill be run by next Tuesday morning August 11 real morning In the Interest of seme min wind matter 1:' in ing court will In Wednesday open Junction Piptlieria is prevalent in Elsinore Friday 14 lie will open Joseph City can toast of lieav) court and draw a jury at Panguiteh Salt Lake doctors have been sent (or weight ladies: we have about ten who On Monday 17 lie w ill open court in — Lehi Manner tip t lie beam at 200 lbs each and ovei On Monday 24 he will re- Wrong brother Webb No Kannb diplherla and they are also g turn to Pangmtch where lie will be in Elsinore You ineam Seipio we for a week as he has several criminal 8 appose Jim Bolithowho runs the construe cases to try lie has written to the tion train had a lively chaso on his Miss Alvaretta Staples has returned clerk in IVir nc to adjourn the setting engine after a cow that had not learn home from Millard County Iler ed of court enough to get out of the way when health is about the same as It bus the whistle blows- - Neither engine The City brass baud have new si! been though her face set ms to have a nor cow got hurt ver instruments of their own The healthier glow is about about laid to the The track on regular bund practice and music At the grove Tuesday evening a ro Yat the mouth o' Clear Creek canyon missbeen have both oocassions public of welcome was tendered to ed We hope soon to hear better ception Elder John Johnson A nicely premusic than ever We have some good IIANKSVILLE pared program was followed by danc musical ability in Richfield and it with speeches of wel- Ti'c ing of the people is good interspersed health hoidd lie e icon raged come and crops are in a very prosperous conVirg Bean came from Burrville yesC W- - Snyder lately of Kalina was dition terday Ho reports a great deal of seen in Elsinore this week lie has TlnJ second crop of liay is beingcut diphtheria in Kooharem and says that by this time started up a barber shoj and green corn is seen on many tables lo-i William Manuel has his four eh e combined with a wateli makers dren Sad indeed it must be to rarfc Water is plcntifnl and has been ail buildwill of the occupy part with a happy family of four We summer used i for lveslon and Christensen’s ing' sympathize sincerly with our alllicted meat market The iqountian range is very dry neighbor-- ' ?nd cattle are dying fer want of feed A great many are being moved to the Jacob Johariion of Salina aged nine Henry Mountian veins was today ordered to be seLt t GLENWOOB School Reform the by the District Mr E Meskin'lcft here a few clays There arc several families in town since foi Die Diamond Placer claim Judge The boy hud been convicted Liddie J potty larceny by that have sickness Charles Hanson’s on the Colorado River where lie exittlc daughter is very sick with fever pects to work about ten or twelve men Andreiv Ileppler while herding Juring the winter He says he can MONROE lean up $4000 in the next four In contact with lust came week sheep months a bear Ou the bear became lie is twin seeing Everybody buying binding m frightened that he fainted It wa The Henry Mountian is having a I Parley Nielson will again attend aeky that the bear took one of the yjom lately but on the quiet order logs s'liool at Ephraim this week mt as it was in the spring of 93 after Wo hope A’ K Ilanson Is fencing Ills land the Kan Juan excitement The hottest town in the couuty for ' is more It sure this time east of his rutUers place expecting to ini it ics nuke taut his dwelling place in tlu Some claims have been developed in Aurthur Gentry of aear future he last six weeks which surpass any own Monday night Mrs- Graves of Ephraim is visiting uhing before discovered in the llonry Allie Webb wlilaieml school at t'l irimais and felatives Mrs Graves L fountain i Y Academy tlii-- i winter taken up with Glen wood puto min-- i J A Jacob-o- n Buns— To the Wife of Frank W the Marv-val- e Am my of vVailsvihc a daughter oi ' man was in town on Thuisdiy lie Jnih of J my at 8v inAil Uoin all Lon ForUi-- h Ins purchased J i‘ ili ieii in Lund attendance BerLlesoii’s blacksmith tools am i limed a partnership with J Mans’) Jiiiin Nielsou's wile presented him We were a little disappointed in not ' a i any on the'lounh vuii n ling bur program for Pionc r Day Eph Magleby lias gone east witn “CKNsou” however the day in the to Wiiliarn to lie Sorensen’s wife go expects beep Chicago presentei b’ way of Kansas City mu with a 'line baby hoy Mutlmr was a complete success the people of Fremont never enjoyed themselves Bertle-ea’- s Ja- frarm house has and child aio douigwell letter Quite a number of young Maria Johnson presented her liu“ foiss leen groatly unproved in appearance fronDLymah spent the day here uaud with a liilleboy b'oia Monday oy being palmed Some of our Saints forgot and cut J D Bertlesen is making some uitli aie Ua well as could be expeciet Lorenzo Luclianmin while unload-- 1 hay last Sunday Prehaps they changes in his residence biulcluigs back of his store i g some ties Huhl UIc wagon m'oppet thought it was going to rain which b eon ilia little mi Who' was noi it did we got quite a shower iu the cut‘-ui- g uiuwu to be standing lliel'e t'he chile ivening when they were through It Ha's riot rained since vas very sick Sunday evening but is real Well now I L n0rn0( ot lho Proft&sor y Last Monday night tlio town was g King along Peter lleiidi icKsou has been ver) Academy made us a pleasant call apd favored with a serenade that last jick lor the isisi'ilnee weeks' with a gave the people of Fremont somegoop till the wee sma hours Al Winn and Ren Iloopes have been ever Dr Nidi's faithful works are talk on education in our Sunday meet mg out prospecting Their object is sin onnging linn out ail right to bo to locate an extension of the Missos Brown and Washburn from Glen wood was surprised on Sunday y having so many Rich field people Monroe spent a few days visiting the Crystal Mine Willard Bean Jleber Christen fanners this week We all hoped the J D Bertlesen locate! a piece or call W A Keeg young ladies had come to stay Old ion occupied t lie si’and land near the mouth of Monroe Cai Y Coons lirotlier Jenson J miler ady Tanner’ we are sure would ’be He had sjent yon some time since mo if some good young lady in town others weie B300 in overjoyed the late improvements but US Hoods spoiled them all Mr Meteor and Mr G Snyder were ivoulfji oon make her home there five and no he boys grown l)ai girls Lorenzo Nielson and Lorenzo Lison-be- e seen riding around lown taking in Girls the Tanner hoys are fi rst class j have mado a “water location'' oi G leuwood sights P I Akelund we understand has t lie bill above town and north ea- -t to of the bath house gone into the sheep business Success They expect to brother Peter a use for of vein water and it INVEUGRY lap lit) e Elsi-uo- e ELSINORE Tne Presbyterian convention will Marion Cropper lias gono to De LaFrom 20 ineet here on August noth a load of (ms mar with o27 there will be a Bible Study From Editor J F Brunell of Mary 'vale jhe 27 to 31 there will be a regular was in town Sunday last convention Dan Hansen has assumed the J at Peterson & Co have jn-- t reof Marquardson and ceived two loads of Dress and Dry store Jensen’s in Eitderdown great variety goods Parks are Lewis Larsen and W I They arc head qaaters foi Clothing A Mr tuid Siloes all at lowest prices settingup a plaining mill will run Brown lrom Montana lately Attiriey Jennings went to Vermil- the mill lion yesterday to meet with the stockLast Sunday night the little non of holders of the irrigation company W Reek aged between two and C no action definite regardThey took anhree hold will water bat suit years died after a short tlu ing The funeral was held on Tuesday other meeting next week i N J Sheffield’s Dry Qoods Store Wright Block -- John Porter Earl Jjqwley and Ireta pavis James Stewart and Anna G i ecu wood and Carl Greenwood and Cma Stewart luim an excursion parly mm at Fisli Lake Bp Greenwood and wife will go to We lfope tills much rain will make qur barren hill greener Eldep W II Marreli who is cm a mission to the Southern Stales writes that lie is enjoying excellent health and his labors are very pleasant Beaver today It was suggested by Karl G Kaeser when here that we procure tho Anderand are Sam George Staples Gray home from Stale Line They located son rock building for a school house would answer lie said it the purpose three prospects while away exactly George Staples and Tam Marble have located a prospect on the mountain Tljc Relief Society house is being finished between Annabcllaand Monroe The health of the people here is not Most of the Inverury boys are away from homo this summer Charles and so good now as it lias been many are John Hawley are hauling lumber at having bad colds and quite heavy feWill and Rob Rose went vers Nothin" serious we hope DeLarnar to DeLarnar three weeks ago and John XX and Clifton Stewart are there too The Nauvoo Rustler of July 28lh Ezra Rappleye is working in the mines is from at Frico Jus Gray freighting says: “LastSunday was the 83d birth Milford to DeLarnar and Homer day anniversary of Mrs Catherine Ilya tt is near DeLarnar chopping logs Salisbury of near Fort Green and it was fittingly celebrated She is a sisMrs Erod Anderson is just home from ter of Die Mirmon Prophet Joseph Salt Rake where she has been since and is the only living member Smith Mr and Mrs Anderson will Apiil of that famous family Hers has been move to th Cit) this faB a most remarkable history She was The Democrats of the precinct have born in New York and was one c f the organized with A K Hawley chair- six chosen members of tho Mormon man Oscar Rose vice chairman Mar-gie- t Church organized and founded at PalPorter secretary and treasurer myra N Y and knows much about Joseph the Prophet’s discovery of the ‘golder plafi's’ from which he received Ids inspiration” HATS HATS Wanted to Exchange A two lior-- i open buggy for a good family horse not under 80Q pounds Smith N Monroe J BERTLESON’S SUITS MADE to D i!oci:ky nuci Trunks mad- to order For $100 oil tiei of: L Bs Raisins 3 - IT lbi f to Rice lb- -' 1) Sugar For 90 cents 4 lbs Arbucklo Coffee Glass Jars per dozen: Pints 90 cents Quarts 1 dollar Two quarts Ca-c- Fruit (choice of s $2o of OHDET —AT TIIE— kind) $3 75 Live Chickens Hens 5 cents per ll “ Roosters 4 ct Especial prices to laigc buyer-- ' Fresli I’ anas and Peaches today TQcrchaivf TatJor AT Shop VERY LOW PRICES AND G U A RANTEE1) SATISFACTION BY AN OLD EXPERIENCED CUTTER SAMPLES Just arrived from two Broadcloth Factories All New Goods-Com- and See By J E Richfield Tailor Joseph-'ol 'tail i r 28 th 10 8 fi ft led Oats IT' Mro loo - calls ' cans i rrntoes J its GO 100 FOR SALE Sever v feet Monroe a good d feet of tiie 12-5- 1 ri ’ - front on Main Street rock house !h '! x'ood-sizeco and theater hall 27x)0 priec is low for lho quality r! v C P Christensen Monroe Utah Notice to Ti ustces e s who ran not competent teach er or teachers may by materially aid ed by communicating with me at All boards of trust get the services of a on-'- Jact b M'-gl- i C'c id K r of Yetiro- - Naktnura Momolaro a Japanese Notice to Tenc1i(“t ' NgHgo to Stiiflcntr tramp laid his legs nearly ground off JOSEPH a of beam off a brake to S‘u Sevier from who get by trying Wild Imve Those tcarlii Comity W in Lawson issmiling over tlie nice train on Tuesday He desii i tie to-- ormal com so will certificates are’ m n j il il freight moving Mr Sehoreder will ra:tr boy his wife presented him with at died a little later !! I'ling school o ply fer a free scholarship do ml I) enure cured wilj rod stop with Mr and Mrs Jennings till All ' tons mils' tc in Leforo ing wit li lne at The teachers for the coming year arc 8 o’clock um on August litli the family arrives n James Sorenson Buddie Hesse and O T Baker is walking around again Aug' iieil) Mne by G Sclioreder of Salina is to move TFoot racing was indulged some this Charlie Whitlock was his family here as soon as they return last week lYmi Provo where they have been down from Mauti and did up all ocal ' Ui'il T al-te- n ’ O-- s I This morning Dan Bigley came up Eva Jensen trial before Justic Christenson The Elsinore band has been revived He was not represented by an attorney was out to play a tune of welcome It His honor sen-- t wii m Die first passeilgdr train came rind made no defense Jncdd liini to pay ui of $59 or sieud for 11 although he was kicked very bad the leg sometime ago a horse on by and very near setting in but for the cfllcient treatment hi time by Dr II K Niell blood-poisonin- g HATS came At The Elsinore fo-a- b HATS Co-o- p- Maglciiy Schools Monroe Utah Co Suyt of (' y si 1 1 i !' S' Moiri- i ni |