Show rrrrrt 0 lUtS W ayne S- -- - S Conforotwr - r r- v rTp-rr- D1'TV (OllIlliWIOMlKS The aim us J Stake Conference of the Sunday School of Wayne Stake was of the general index The commissioners adapted the recommendation The tax rates were set as follows: 4 mills County 2 mills 1 mill Sinking fund Int Bond Fund j mill Report of Simon Christensen justice of peace was submitted and approved rJ he clerk and attorney were oruered to procure the necessary hooks blanks and stationery for registration agent and for the use of all oifieers of election in the rountv Regular meeting Monday August 3 Chairman Abbott presiding Brest Jos and Asa 8 Ilawley met with tho com jtli hisubsistanls mLssionors and asked for help for Th Gc'ierfld Stake Presidency au Father Riley who resides up Clear Elder Karl G Maeser on tbe stand On recommendation Creek canyon Sirpuig Waiting for the Reapers of Commissi cut Shipp 10 were np Prater by Elder G S Rastian them hs indigent ted t as'-propria S ngtiifr— Boa u t i f ul 1 uy poor f Brest JosEckersley opened tne coni I J C ChiUsUTson was appointed 3 5 ference by offeriug a few remarks on Jauitor ef the county court house for the weather and the prospects of the tho ensuing your Ills salary is to be lot h a ul HoMcit conference lleported his labors in $80 ar hie bond 8200 brief Assistants labored in harmony The commissioners fn ’MW Felt appropriated $10 £ with him Felt n great deal of satis- to py Jus O Peterson tor a right of in Ou faction with the progress of the Siln way for a reuntv road across his land Fiil mint's’ batunUiv After Results of the Nickel The mcney is t be paid when the sa'j i wave of emotion excitement as day schools (V( -) j ) noons b) u rtrn'i ways great religious gat- Fuud wore very gratifying an increase land Is deeded b R th:v wars not lunatics or of 35 per cent over the year before her The boundary Ben the Annabel!? There on the arm when Goods F 'raViTi 'in-- ‘ uy ware aelfrcspcet- - making 75 per cent paid AU office) ft and Monroo te'mol districts was farmers aio times clean should up their yards -o an-'ng A aerie eu'riiK win detest ' seem to bo honest faithful aud pro- changed to run beginning qn the riv rake s hen up leaves clean 1" m and occupy gressive arcy abinr of a mile south of the er ' a aud do of number hopscs great tlislr present artitaL vitU the cleaAndiew Sanders the reported Supt Central bridge thenee east ono mile small small are while that rest consciences and stiongest things s Loa school in good condition thence In a southeasterly direction very Important and must be looked A set of questions were placed be that have swayed their politiof crust the walondiej fhI after if a farmerexpects to be successcal action at any time for many years foro those reporting schools and the following tbe mountain till Inteseqtjrg tfie line ful It is a evlous fault with farmois Xat the fa ets be fairly faced atd told exact condition of each school was of Towuship 25 South ot Range The m oral superiority in the conven-’'tlo- u f Hind out The results of these rc-- west Thence north to intersect with that the' It t these thing go too long The coops in which the chickens me rts from the entire Stake were very the did not lie with the masterful east boundary ot present kept become foul and unhealthy for politicians of the Hill and Whitney good precinct the hens so that very few eggs are LI Thus Jakeman reported the Ly type who went to Chicago with the The salaries of county officers for obtained from the In Best layiug hens the in school man condition Impression that thoy might through good the ensuing two years were set thus: fowls Intended for maiket do not fat— manWe in The convention arc long experience congregation sang Fixed ten test and diseusebHre fostered The Maximum agement divide the ranks of the frcc- - Sowing SUREEN-DOOE- S pigs during ret weather are often silver majority and secure a cotnpro-misBrother Muesor occupied the rest of t betheir knees wading iiUilth up result Against the earnestness the forenoou session spoaking on Zion cause their pens are not cleaned Staf and the great progress of the Suuday openness and almost fanatical bles arc going to wreck forwuntofa r the majority the school work Advised all teachers to Oils few minutes' repairing in proper time were School Treatise and the Sunday simply get alealatlng politicians Manure Is accumulating In tho stables helpless The silver men had gone to and study it Gave teachers instrucso that horses have little rest There Chicago to control the convention in tions as to duty and methods of teachDoorsIs wreck 6een on every hand for want the interest of their cause and not to ing a of Work A few eabh hours' week ftngiug— Hope of Israel wrangle about the rival claims of can rerdnt article In a leading farm paper Prayer by Elder Andrew Sanders didates The great consideration has to an no of error minutes figures to show that three hours Owiug was to make sure of the with them a week spent in fixing up around the wore taken sessiou the afternoon were tforrn will After that pla they home will pay an ordinary fanner Confeienco was continued tSunday ing to trust to the wisdom of the hour rents an hour sixty cents au house a Prest full Jos with exa "When we morning )r stand hour-to- r more- skilled labor while a o Eckeriy presiding of thes marvelous press opinions the real one us and Como all let handy fnan could on an average Singing— presentation at Chicago of a certain Black-hufarm H make seventy-fivE Patriarch cenisan hour by Prayer type of American citizenship lifted to These are figures startling an of on almost matchless the height jet the arc true Singing— Ere you left your room thusiasm under the spell of an idea Class exercise by the Lyman school An instance of this which came unpassionately entertained it does not ElderS A Hanks second assistant Call der Apme Oil our notice: A and E were brothc follow for a moment that we insider his labors to Prest Eckerslej reported ers A was the older and showed a "enthusiasm to be a safe guide in the in the eastern part of the Stake held of m aetary science willingness to work was Meady in Schools doing finely teachers arc and was a "rnqler” ai everything We have in this country from time making great headway with the Sunmaking money E was not eo much ol Immemorial been accustomed to bear day Schcol Treatise A worker was also a steady boy bus and call free traders protectionists a member of the FreRecitation never made so much money A nevei -- ARE aici ociicr every dis agreeable names mont school by BESTrepaired anything but “lef it run till froui imbecile to liar and thief Yet Counselor llMIIansen of the Stake e it was done running and then got a ’both camps are full of men of presidency spoke a few minutes on is new concern" E was caieful witi h ni or sincerity aud pure the great Sunday school work he he had a made bad what Tae bittle of the monetary reguhu Brother Karl G’ Maeser then pretlnte to spend tightening up the bolt tariff sented a anyjaUnlirds like the exercise He class rellgeon on wagons mowers plows aud otliei Drives its stubborn seriousness made the work by very plain making is fro-it is things Once the two brothers comthe vary fact that tbe men on frequent explanations as he progressed EV blacksmith bills the - both sides are with pared year’s unimportant of lesson Also spoke the with the long-run- " bill was $47 A’s $125 for the same you sincere and honest If the education of the children Stake Presa size of farm and practically the same 'Silver men were indeed great ident W g Robinson said that he E’s farm yard alaged machinery extent “blatherskites’ intentional nevr felt a better spirit than he did and lubked ways or tidy nothing went ti dangerous “repaJiationists” when Brother Maeser was conducting Waste his real estate lose in value lie the country would tic in no the exercise Asked parents to heed soon had sheds built aud other such It is the council and grant the requests dinger fmn their doctrines things done We need more of the 'oaiy when good men hold tenaciously that Bro Maeser had made Presiof farmers that are like E class Is views serious erroneous that there 'to in Million dent Jos Eckersley thanked God for Costs in case of State vs Hyde views best way to keep this work up will The such that danger prevail the blessed privilege that we are eu Joy- Webb’ 7 1085 is to spend for it Saturday afternoons l of the ‘Til belief winch ing the good spirit and the presence-o- Lorenzo Rasmussen estray dernguesto tine Republican coiner brand Bro Maeser 200 Farmers should quit work at noon oi 'ti in at St Louis professed to tbe Singing— To Day While theSunShines thatSay'and go home to dinner AfBills rejected in a(I dinner '"the 'boys' should each be effect that the welfare of all classes in ter 16435 Treasure If J Hansen Prayer by Bp B F Brown ’our country—eapitalist two and wage work hours' variout at given 12 of Hunt m a the teachers and officers Report' of Teancum At justice’ earn v farmer and banker alike— re- were called piece’s ot work needing to he clone together and Bro Maeser peace Monioe was accepted 'JSNEJLSON existhe of the maintenance After two hours let the bi ys have Unquired Instructed them in regard to the Sun9 a in 4tp rest of the time to play August Boys an ting gold standard was and is an day School treatise and their duties The clerk was instructed to notify blamed for playing and totally uninfluenced by as teachers and officers of the Sunday romping oi ‘an alleged conspiracy of institutions School also Sunday but few parents give them spoke on kindred subjects O I K i TO CREDITORS ‘or personage's known as the "money any other time to romp Men who try Prayer by Eider G S Bastlan the plan find it excellent Boys do power" On the other hand the opinAftornoon session much more work in the remainder oi In the District Court of tbe Sixth ion expressed dy more tnan culled to order by president Jos Eca 'of the Democratic convention at the time if they have a half day loi Judicial District Coupty-oSevier KEEP kersley in favor of removing all restric- Singing— God Utah of playState Accept our Devotion tion from the coinage and the Boys at their work are free and in In the Matter of the Estate J Notice Prayer by Elder C F Brown of Archibald M Young to efficiency of the familiar silver Singing— we are Workers no way resemble tbe slaves yet there J Creditors Deceased doiiir represents a conviction as sin- ‘increment administered by Elder C is one lesson that farmers could learn Notice Is hereby given by the undercere as it is passionate and intense 1“ Okcrluud and J S Bastlan Elder by remembering how slave piasters Executrix of the Estate of ArTae Eutern bankers university pro- G S Bastlan spoke while the sacre-meused to do It was found profit alle signed M Yeung deceased to tho chibald editors who fessors and was being passed to give the Darkeys at least one Bearing his of and all persons having creditors call Mr Bryan a “b'atherskitV aud testimony to the greatness of the Sunweek recreation and preparathe raid Estate to exclaims agaipst of West on silver leaders the other subtion for Sunday The same treatment day School work Spoke place all tbe with hibit the necessary vouchers them and South in the general category of jects of interest President Eckersley gives boys a spirit of freedom that four after tbe first months within anarchists ind demagogues are In spoko on the g'od works of one of transforms the farm boy’s life from of this notice to tbe said publication difmore IF' YOU HAVE CUT BURN KF Abram our most earnest dura making the situation the toil of slavery to tbe healthfulness Executrix her residence in this at us were OR BRUISED whose services of free labor funeral ficult by their mischlcvo It II Cannon folly city of JRIcbfleld county of Sevier Yourself or have any fiorse cow s Is not merely a question of good in time nt held Salt tho dug present being Aipong all the framers we have evci State of Utah or kindly forbearance It is ra- Lake Clly birder any animal that Is wounded it known we never saw one who spent a G YOUNG MARY ther a question of the only means br Bro Maeser gave us what he said any way you will find reasonable amount of time to keeping Executrix of the laat will and teswhich the better reason can be made whs his funeral sermon for Brother BLACK Oil lOIISSOV up his farm buildings and farm matament of Archibald M Young to prevail over the worse Held his course A Abram U Cannon CURES CURE THAT chinery looking after Jijs cojvs and Deceased in life up before tbe Youth of Zion afl of Beware Genuine only Imitations Ather fiojnestlc animals and saving Bean & McDaniel The completion of the ticket on an examplo that could be followed when signed was already earned that failed what for Executrix Att’y was a surprise to almost every with profit in business This may bo from lack First publication July 1818 one It hal been thought that Mr of our experience among farmers but Dialogue by Second IntermediSold at Workingmen’s Stoic a mil John It McLean of Cincinnati would ate Department of Lyman school we never even heard of scull a farmer Druggists nominasecure the Class exercise by Primary Departbeing real poor Notice to Creditors tion but it fell to the lot of Mr Bewail ment of Loa school In the matter qf the Estate of F A who beaded the delegation from Maine It Bro Maeser spoko a short time givWood-WorkiDeceased Perkins Shop To Mr Sewall belongs the novel Also instructions spoko There are in Sevier county forty-ongeneral ing of being an Eastern national of tho small hymn book recently got Notice is hereby given by the under- I’LAMMi 9IO”DlNC4 schools including Ihe primary Toiilson administrator of tank pr esldent who believes in free out intermediate and mixed All the signed Foul BRACKETS of F A Perkin the estate deceased TCKMXG fillvar Ho is at the head of a famous President Jos Eckersley spoke a children of school age between 6 and Maine annexed of creditwill to of with the Bath the jinn shipbuilders AND GENERAL WOOD WORK short time Conference adjourned for 18 years lire numbered and classified ors of and ail persons having claims DONE AT MY MILL WEST and is a director In various important one year ns follows: Annabella boys (VJ gills Ol' against said deceased toexhibit them TI1E POULSON ROLLER MILT Railway enterprises and other corpora- Singing— Sing we now at Parting tiG 40 girls 37: Central Bnrrvnieboys with the necessary vouchers within tions He is a man of force and charBenidietlon by Bro KurlG Maeser JU 'i tr mi boys 54 girls 4G Elsinore hoys 125 four months after the date of the first t acter in his year It is only A good spirit was ma nlfested through125 75 84 Glcnwood girls boys girls publication of tills notice to said adiinco June lSOi Hut he has been out the entire conference Attendance Joseph boys 69 girls 80 Monroe boys ministrator at ins residence in r has man a as lie known was large with the exception of Sat198 girls 188 Ricbfiekl boys 300 girls the same being tbe place for ween a strenuous opponeut of the urday morning when a heavy rain fall 290 Redmond boys 73 girls 68 Salina of of sold ROLER-Mill- S the transaction Democratic policy of repealing the prevented those from a distance from Vermillion boys estate in Sevier the business boys 161 girls 217 Comity Amerilaws which protect navigation 28 girls 22 coming Willow Bend boys 70 FOUL rOULSON can shipbuilding and bis selection as Ono of the most enjoyable times the 70 Wallsville girls boys 23 girls 18 ' Mr Bryan’s "running mate" seems In saints of Wayne Stake have is at the Administrator Cove boys 30 girls 34 Plateau boys more than one aspect to be rather in- Ann ual Sunday School Stake conferStewart & Collins 9 girls 15 Sigurd boys 11 girls 17 A tty a lor Administrator But the convention ence And we hope this will ever be congruous Besides these there are 145 attendv First ’publication July 27 18‘A LarcU previously constituted committee to (thought it expedient to choose on thO case schools and 108 attending ing private irJBlown Eastern man rather than ono fro hi nrd they no SCbiJOl IMportM by C F oyerscevthe abstract fee Assistant Btx? advise Ike discoatmu-tncWent or South cf the use 10 a ni 211 -- i 1 QRTUNITY Buy Y Your Shoe everyth! Goods in’ :'H ! Hat fac uoetl your family at The Hirh 1((1 which keeps an excelleniquality of and the Market for gives highest your price )- - 1 pig-pen- PRODUCE rq-mi- one-fourt- li eonvlc-ytlon- -- IKWRI p Vnna-bell- Dealer Southern' Utah’s i -- e Machine Oils Paints and inten-bityo- free-silve- !yth sash and brooms Panel - Glassand Putty forty-- Wan t all lie five can get e m and See his 2 Cans Sweet Singers of Monroe - THE lutelli-“gjhc- The Best always the Cheapest or at Shakespeare says: “Never buy thing because it cheap in the dear to ai never-endin- g THE to-an- s” sing ee Is not a cheap machine yet Thirteen are now use - four-fifth- s The Singer Company can suit it -- Terms to all People conditions Local Agent Elsinore two-third- s Clii-cag- - ‘ mone-to-i- V nt gold-standar- d after-noou- a rs man-iier- Sat-’(urd- ng dis-lnctl- e 1 ) sixty-firs- free-silve- THE ELSI NORE Ricb-Uta- h Will supply you with Flour and bacon Ham |