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Show pense gee ge 2 e Page 8 The Vest View Question II: What will you do to ensure that the voice of - your constituents i is heard? 7 Responses: | Nisa Sisneros - Democrat, State Senate . Craig Axford- Green Party, U.S. House District 1 I will not be shy about speaking for the needs of my constituents, District 1 As part of my campaien, I fae developed a Good Neighbor House Program, and will work hard on their behalf. I will also make every _ which Question I: What are the three most significant problems you would address if elected? Se rel aes . a House Nisa ei District 1 The 1} Health Care: I believe a nation with our resources cannot continue to leave 40 million of its citizens without oD Democrat, Sus Senate believe I will be able to win the respect of arise. In addition to informing all neighmany colleagues. Hopefully that respect ’ bors of services and encouraging neighwill enable me to be heard more often than bors to work together, it will create a liason not. and the neighbors. _ Dave address if elected are: Education: the, need for ae asks between the elected officials in the area ue three most significant problems. | - would access to — ae is to bring néighbors together in resolving their differences and helping each other with the many problems 1 in their day-to-day lives. Each block throughout District One will have one | _ neighbor serve as a block captain, who will _.. behalf of the people of the First District, I be trained to deal with problems as they Responses: Craig Axford- Green pay District 1_ purpose _ effort to listen to them and take their concems back to Washington. I cannot euarantee that my voice will always be heard by every member of Congress, but by _ Speaking out forcefully and truthfully on Thomas - Democrat US. House I hope to set regular - meetings with the block captains through- District 1 out my term as Senator. decent, affordable health care. | funding for our schools, support for our 2) The Environment: We must besin to invest in cleaner tr ansportation and enerey. ten to all of my constituents, not just afew. monthly meetings with the Commmnity : issues; . 1am passionate about this race, passionate _ Council chairs. I also have an open door } Health Tees: the lack of adequate in my love of Utah, and passionate about policy. Although any constituent may call health care.systems on the West Side of . wanting Utah’s First District to be the best me at any time at 359-1424 1 will make | Salt Lake; and place'in the world to live and raise a fami- every effort to be home the first Tuesday of 3) Safety in our neighborhoods: the need ly. I promise that rather than representing every month, so that I may be easily for ways to protect our neighborhoods. only select sepments of our community, I’ll reached. | | ‘work to represent the entire First District. Duane Bourdeaux - Democrat, State Duane Bourdeaux - Democrat, State Legislature District 23 | ‘Richard David Bames - Libertarian, Legislature District 1 : Education, education funding, ESL. State Senate District 1 - First, I will be available to meet with my teacher qualifications. and program fund- ... Listen to what the people have to say. | I nee and ask that they keep me ing... ° will read proposed legislation thoroughly | informed on current issues of concem. I | before voting and spending funds. would ask that they get involved in the - Orrin Colby IM - Republican, State government process and be part of the Legislature District 23 | ‘ James Evans - Republica: State Senate team to keep our district. informed. I will . 1) Education: with fully one-fourth ce District 1 | _ continue to hold our government agencies our population in school, there are few. I will continue to do what E am doing accountable to meet the needs of the peoissues that impactus more on a daily now. - talking with residents and letting ple. By doing this, our voice in District 23 _ basis, that also; affect our future. more them know. that they nmst get involved and will be heard. When goverment is not directly. Further, with three of my four. CAPPess peas concems. accountable, I will po the extra mile for all ‘We cannot continue to rely on fossil fuel to supply our energy needs, without cant consequences and the steps environment. We to protect signifi- to both the economy must also take the remaining pristine . lands our nation has left. 3) Peace: Given what is happening in. the world today, as the only remaining super power and the world’s largest econo- _my, we have a responsibility to lead. We must again engage in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict and we nmst be prepared to invest in the developing world, not simply import their resources. We cannot impose our will on other nations in the name of peace, as I fear we are about to do in a ee ‘Thomas. = Democrat, Ds. S. ‘Honse,, District 1 _ The ae issues that I would make a priority are education, health care and the ~ economy. A top-notch public education is _ aright, not a privilege, and as amember of a I pleder to honor that. teachers, and. ways to deal with Twill work, organize and lead. I will lis- In addition, I would encourage resular diversity of my constituents. I am here for all the children in elementary school, I have a_ vested interest in seeing the, educational Teli system succeed. Making education work for the students 1S Paramount on my list of concems. 2), Community Safety & Dev Signaeae M. Renteria - Green Patty, sState _ different groups in the district. I am here Senate District 1 | for you. By continuing my iol cenit in the community to include the voices and parDavid Litvack - Democrat, State ticipation of my constituents on the issues, Legislature District 1 : ee : Richard David Barnes ” Libertarian , . Our communities need to be made. Safer . whether they be individuals or communityIn my first term in office,I feel I have : State Senate District 1. : : ter children. families and made a better, | phaeed organizations. _ done a good job of remaining very open _. Reducing the tax burden ¢‘on the neeee place to live. a and available to all of my constituents; : citizen, protecting the environment, and 3) Healthcare: I will ee particular ‘in Caby 1 Republican, State maintaming an open door policy. This I defending the freedom of the American emphasis on the needs of our seniors, Legidature District 23. would definitely continue. Another thing — | people - equal protection to all citizens. those with special needs, and the unin- _- Communication is Gated ae success.in _ that I would like to do to strengthen my sured and underinsured seements of our any endeavor, be it private or public. There is constituents’ voice is hold more town meet7 es Evans - Republican, State Senate 7 population. »-nothing I will do during my term more imporings, and invite constituents to visit the a District1 ., tant. than that of hearme my constituent’s state capitol, so that they can learn more The state budget, education, and quality David ake: Demers < sate - voices, concems, pains, ideas, sentiments, . about the political process, how it works, of life issues, including: health care and Legislature District 26 | __andsuccesses, Iwill attend conanmnity coun- | and how they can affect change. = . economic dev velopment. i | 1) The lack of effective hate’ crimesdies" _ cil meetings, and organize on-going focused ne islation: ie think-tank sessions designed to capture the John M. Renteria ~ Great ray, State ~~ 2) underlying causesf actors ‘Felated to” “breadth” and wealth of knowledge within our Senate District 1 ee = é poverty; | ‘sual as) the ‘lack of: -childeare: : commnity from which legislation will devel-. Developing west side Sontaiy dake “health ‘care, affordable housing, and low ‘op and be influenced. I will also maintain a Sen. Dist. 1, supporting, education and — wages, etc., and _... web site and appropriate forums for commm| youth issues, and resurrecting hate crime B svorine with the commmnity ie find nicating with me so that all constituents are legislation for passage in the next legislaeoTetoue to the intrusiveness of the Union able to voice concems and ideas, via e-“mail, tive session. -, Railroad: Ss 900 So, line. fax, letter, and/or in person. with — Mae Rocky Addeeon a due a that fee were oo ee : becesting 6to the . ¢ :: : “ Seed is one oft thhes : ek ommnmunity council's News and |. Weed. : and. _ aca: Conf erence meeting. Department of facfice«, Office of -_~=—SCWhat 1 found out. during that. Justice. program. established in meeting was n ame improve. the commnity. Wee4 EOW neleht See Glen vied L. 3 Weed and Seed. : < Cone: Chair and willbea dale : featured columnist in Paes edi- : and Seed i Ons of The West View. She. encourages people to write in . m about concerns, problems, or — _ othe or issues pertaining to the . 3 |