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Show ; L t A quarterly publication serving communities in the western portion of Salt Lake City FALL 2002 Myths v. Facts _ from About the West Side Lake about our west Salt City neighborhoods in a newcomers want to be involved in our schools, our businesses and our governance ? Parkview . £ accepted the assignment, because I believe thata good community newspaper must be more Myth If: We are a good neigh- than a cheerleader and the eternal create neighborhoods that are good. for raising families-in local schools, in providing youth pro- optimist; a good newspaper must help us -critically examine our- seives as a community. Do we believe our neighborhoods are good places to live and important to the fabric of all of Salt Lake City? Or do we hold perceptions not so rosy - which cloud our ‘vision and limit our involvement in our neighborhoods? The Myths represent some of our perceptions of our neighborhoods, the Society Bennion Education, for Tree zations to help with regular maintenance and support of the ‘site. Given its close proximity to tions to our neighborhoods? Do and Riley Elementary Schools, series of four upcoming articles. like Utah Utah, and Parkview Elementary. The Bend-in-the-River Partnership is looking for organi-_ each other's histories and contribu- and facts” the Environmental by Edie Trimmer As a staff reporter, I have been asked to investigate the “ myths groups Center, Center, Sorenson Multicultural and numerous churches, borhood to raise a family in. the Bend is an ideal service loca- Are we involvedin positive ways to tion for Eagle Scouts, ParentTeacher Associations, religious groups, community organizations,. ete. Participants can help Volunteers ae grams, in reducing crime and the threats of drugs, in assuring consis- lessons from Vaughn Lovejoy, ‘the “Mad Tree Planter.” to weed, water, and mulch the Site. ~ Autumn at the — Bend- in-the- River tent health care, in celebrating our youths talent and potential in a variety of ways? Myth IV: We are a community with a future. if your eroup chooses to be a partner organization, we would like you to commit to at least one service day per year, during the peak grounds maintenance months of April - October. Interested Do we, as home and business owners, invest in our neighborhoods by Sonja Hervi_ volunteers can. also_ serve on one of our Steering Committees and help with eduand plan to stay? Are we repre-— good or bad. I hope the Facts, ‘Autumn has just arrived, but Fremont Avenue (1100 South). ‘cational outreach, community sented by elected leaders who live which may contradict or may In addition to hundreds of beau-— organizing, youth leadership, or for those of us who work outside, in our neighborhoods and, thereenforce the Myths, will help us grounds planning. tiful native trees and shrubs, the cool weather and fall precipitaunderstand where we really are in fore, understand us? Despite the Volunteering at Bend-in-the“Bend” is also home to the fact that we host more than our fair © tion couldn't have come quickly the difficuit and wonderful poe River presents a chance for you. Michael Foundation Urban Tree enough. The record-high tempershare of industry and transportaof creating community. to make a difference right in your House, an outdoor classroom and The “ West Side” for the purpose tion corridors, do our political atures and lack of raintall this meeting spot that is frequented ‘own community. leaders value us as viable neigh- - summer have been challenging of these articles is all of Sait Lake If you are interested in becomby schoolchildren, community for plants and trees (and for borhoods? Do we believe in ourCity, west of the 1-15 and Union ing a partner or finding out more organizations, and users of the those who care for them). Lots of Pacific Railroad corridors. ) selves not as a transient neighborabout service opportunities at help is needed to keep natural - Jordan River Parkway Trail. hood, but one with a river running i plan to interview a broad ~Bend-in-the-River, please conBend-in-the-River was enviareas watered and weeded, espethrough it, valuable to many gencross-section of residents, and to fact Sonja at’ 587-9027 —or sioned and created by children cially during drought years. erations a neighborhood which consult statistical reports, such as. shervi@sa.utah.edu. and families from the Poplar One of these areas is Bend-inprovides labor and tax dollars and the 2000 Census, as par of my Grove community, with support the-River, a 2-acre urban eee a common-sense political voice? investigation. space Bend on the J ordan is located at River. The 1030 West \ I welcome your comments at 671-5894 or -_edicann@ixnetcom.com, The four myths I have choseri to focus on are: West High Alums Knock Your $ sks by Fred Thaller Myth I: The neighborhoods of the West Side are the most ethnically diverse and they represent households with modestincomes in comparison to other Salt Lake City.neighborhoods. Have the demographics of our neighborhoods changed significantly over the past ten years? If so, how do we feel about these changes? Are we significantly different in these respects from other Salt Lake City neighborhoods, If you want to get your socks knocked off, go see Knock Your Socks Off at Trolley “Square Live U a U_= student and West High alum, Joe Rogan, started this locally-grown improv troupe, better known as KYSOFF, with a group of friends in August 1996. Many of those friends and fellow actors also eraduated from including Central City, People’s Freeway or Sugarhouse? ‘West High School. Myth II: We welcome newcom- relies heavily upon audience participation and suggestions. Improv is about being funny and ers and we support each other, despite our differences. Do we appreciate and understand Community Council _ Reports page 4 OF \ fast on your The actors. get feet, and it the audience involved throughout the show. In ihe be ginning, KYSOFF practiced its craft on street corners, in shopping malls, at private parties, and even did. “eguerilla-style” improv theatre at Trolley Square and other venues, which were “hit and shows where they risked run” being escorted away by securi- performance space Alternative Grounds, a blackbox theatre in the ment of Video ! Holladay. at : small base- Vern's -They in performed there weekly for about a year, watching their audiences grow steadily in size. Then,. the troupe went to Chicago for their second appearance at the ty. | Improv Festival. When they The troupe has been to the returned to Utah, the troupe Chicago Improv Festival three years in a row, and accor rding to ‘teamed up with Quick Wits, improv steadily . another well-known Rogan, they've together they and troupe, improved, having been invited to perform at better venues and in better time slots each year. — After KYSOFF returned from their first Chicago Improv Festival appearance three years ago, they got their first official moved to the Avalon Theatre on State Street in Murray. Lhe shows filled the theater, and a successful collaboration was born. Four months later, the improv troupes found another West Side Stories Opinion ~ Sports page 6 page / page venue in which to perform, the Dodge City Playhouse at the Wagonmaster in Murray. Last October, Trolley Square Live opened in the abandoned movie theaters in the southwest corer of Trolley Square, and the troupes decided to move there. On the four stages. at Trolley Square Live, you have your choice of two improv shows, a hypnotist, a kareoke show, assorted bands, stand-up comedy and some off-broadway shows like Tony and Tina's Wedding, which just ended a successful run. The Rogans are trying new things all the time. They hope to get the rights to produce the Candidate Spotlight 9 page 6 — ~ |