Show Wedneody Morning 'i Construction Réprt Shows Lawyers Beck Utah Amonz-IulLeadeis Nonpartisan : :'q'1it44 — 1ke111-tit- e 4$$ioil:-WillHéa- 1i1$) heavy Enerineering Survey Discloses — membeibal 'bar assogiation J'Retiben- Clark - are: chnrch D of S L the of firstpresioverwhelming majority -- 1129531348 iiiJObs Stir-le- During Month in Western Slates I An AWArarileTir47MArtfielitt:"'t'°e6cletuba touse of gmeyv!watrnitt-4--- nönpartisan 'method of electing to the assembly judges it is revealed by replies to 'Opal addresses association at Bar the American a questionnaire' sent out by the 0 Utah state bar W Q Van Cott its annual meeting jrt Philadelphia chairman of the state bar commit--te- e the week of September 8 Mr Clark a director of the on selection of judges °anSAN FitANCISCO Aug 13 (AP)-1- Jtah was listed Tuesday as quitabie Life Assurance society nounced Tuesday one of many western states whose contractors of heavy engineer of 359 replies to the question- nd vice president of the BenefiLife Insurance company will Ing works broke all records for value of new works started in July naire from a membership of ap- cial one be orthree speakers in a sym0oximately 756 254 favored a Figures compiled by H W Pye on federal regulation of posium election ritz editor Of Daily Construction method without In June with $441945 insurance September 11 reservations 26 Service reported the total for compared were favorable Nevada's $679583 with $559745 other two speakers in the western states amounted to $129- - New Mexico's $1027603 with $766- - with qualifications and 79 were will be SenMor Joseph symposium Mr 531348 and new work started in 744 and Van said unfavorable Cott $2697198 with Provisions of Utah alone amounted to $2005- - $2941417 Oregon's bill to be intro- C 120'Mahoney of Wyoming and H Pink New York superis 621 compared with $1392480 in duced before tpe coming legislature on this matter will be 'consid- intendent of ipsurance — June Eight other'Utahns plan to atered at a meeting of Mr Van Tbe totals Include outlays for Cott's committee Friday at 4 p m tend and participate in the nation- national defense construction ex- in room 1311 Walker Bank bulldpenditures for highways and an accumulation of ing extraordinary sizable construction jobs 'of many' Four additional members were Categories : - Portions of the highways in Big added to the committee recently Wyoming's July total was $451They arc A H Hougaard Shirley canyons P Jones LA Smith 599 compared with $542676 in and Little Cottonwood and Hadiond closed the were by county Tuesday P Thomas June ' to road permit freshly department July jobs for all atates west distributed to oil settle County "Mugs" of political candidates of the Rockiestotaled $129531000 B Mullins re- Firm to Give Commissioner J the least bit attractive aren't in June with Outing $33259000 compared 90 employes of Freed Mo$47061000 in May and last year's ported About to utility railed when - TheBig Cottonwood road is open tor company will be guests of the July total of $22134000 Commissioner George poles City to Maxfield near mine the a 11 point western The total for the firm at an outing Wednesday D Keyser told his colleagues states including Alaska and Ha- - but is closed above there In Little afterndon- - and evening at Lagoon Cottonwood can motorists canyon wail was $324450000 for the sévTuesday The plant at 47 Second East street en months of 1940 Tha- t- corn- - drive to a point six miles from will close at 3 p m and the work As a result the commlisiOn 1939 Alta where the new oiling begins era will leave for pared with $168534000--iin a asked Lagoon Mayor Ab Jenkins to di$221615000 in 1938 and $132548- body In charge of arrangements rect the police department to ask 000 in 1537 are Robert I Langton Garn S Goes to Jail ° Defense construction Jobs for Stlipeet committees of Gilbert that campaign Clark and At Tollstrup Arraigned before Un1ted4 States J Cleverly July in Hawaii and outlying is- both urge their parties political lands ran around $32000000 The Commissioner E M Garnett Tues' Sam: Walker Price Alameda air base on the San day Francisco bay drew a $2000000 man waived preliminary hearing Jump of new work and jobs at On a charge of pdssession of seven San Diego added another $5250- - marihuanacigarets and was bound Kerr Lids over to the grand jury In lieu of 000 Dozes TANG These jobs were tabulated under $1000 bond Walker was returned miscellaneous items which totaled to Salt Lake county jail : ' 1 - - -'- 9" toi on draft- UtitMade who Indigent may not be diverted to other uses Deputy Attorney General Sz D said Tuesday in an opinion to George C Miller county attorney of Beaver county Mr Miller had &skid If the County commissioners might use this money to pay portion of The the county nurse's salary state board of health plays one-haof her salary the county school and the county board Hut-fak- er history::pointing out that the states prehistoric past determined the nature and extent of its resources today lie also outlined nature of coal and ore deposits and oil shales In thestate which may prove potential sources of raw material for productive use ' one-four- th one-four- th Peach Growers Slate candidates to refrain from post ing their pictures on city propThere's an ordinance erty against it Mr Keyser pointed out' 0 Recommendations which will be to tife state peach marketing committee will be discussed at a meeting called for peach growers of the state Thursday at 8 p m in room 401 federal building V L Martineau county agent said Tuesday The state horticultural society is sponsoring the meeting proposed The commission granted permission for the Riacing of cards advertising the 'Utah state fair on utility poles at downtown In- n tersections between September and 21 7 —7 Blessed Virgin Fete To Be Thursday Sparks from the chimney were blamed by Salt Lake firemen for a Tuesday morning fire that destroyed the roof of a house at 324 West Third North- - street and did The Feast of the Assumption of slight damage to a neighboring the Blessed Virgin will be eele'brated as a holy day of obligation' The blaze which broke out at in Catholic churches Thursday 10:05 a m consumed the roof of At the Cathedral of the Madethe home of Veron P Curtis and leine masses will be at 6:30 and did an estimated $50 damage to 8:30 a rn and at 12:10 p M the structure's contents Four masses will he celebrated The fire spread to the home of at Our Lady of Lourdes church Clarence L Bishop 320 West Third 674 Eleventh East street at 7:30 North street causing $25 damage 9 and 10 a m the Rev Patrick to the roof Maguire pastor said Tuesday Marketing Meet - ' 20-3- Chimney Sparks Start Blaze City Re4iiests Police to Keep Political!Mit:gs'Off Poles' are - Professor Morsel! through medium of colored slides gave a brief resume of Utah's—physteal one-four- th t Séverirgandredieeerv'iailfis already- on file at city hotels for person planning40 attend thr na- tional convention of the American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers' convention Sep- tember 10 to 13 In the Hotel Utah Mrs Winifred P Rails convention bureau manager of the chamber of commerce said Tuesday In cooperation with the Salt Lake 2040 club approximately 300 letters me being sent seeretarin 0 and influential members :n the nation urging support for Salt Lake City's bid for the 1941 nit tional convention Approxinlately 200 letters are heing senernemhers of Utah Alksociation for the beef urging attendance at their convention August 30 and 31 here chargs lf and-past- ' and chairman - at-T- he ed - Draws tally Hotel '13'obkitias What Wit k Allah" ttsmthe- - opinion or Ray E Marril Univeesity of Utah geology professor- - who Tuesday 'addressed membeis of the Optimist club On that subject at the Newhouse hotel1 Was in D Hurd president 744?terattlA111-4444110rAhr& - i County Closes Canyon Roads tInttMRiueeotthr vial make a report September 17 A Pratt Kesler vice chairman of the junior barsection who will preside at the first junior bar section meeting September 8 Bur'ton W Musser delegate and Utah bar president Robert L Judd state delegate who will succeed Mr Smith as chairman of the Utah delegation Joseph Chez state lorney general whb will attend criminal law section meetings and Mr Hultaker said if one the annual meeting of the asso-ou- fourth of her duties arethat in "looking dation of 'attorneys general C after the indigent sick and dependJay Parkinson and Calvin Behle ent poor then the county may pay all of Salt Lake City and Paul B 61 her salary from the Thatcher of Ogden "poor and Indigent fund" but added: "If no portion of her time is spent in caring for the indigent sick or dependent poor then no portion of the 'indigent fund' may be used to pay her salary" eon-partis- ' sessions 'of:the committee -- f Parley gy JutistEleetions - Rulhiti Limits Educator Gives Talk Usdots of Indi atilt Fund At Club They :G-èolo- v -- I August 14 19 10 t: wer )' Ii CERTO lialleys's milliont for the month doubling the total so listed in the first half of the year ) Total contracts in Alaska and and outlying spots ran up iHawaii probably a new ‘ record — and the highest listed among data readily available This figure was second only to Cali- fornia's total of $47574369 which was among the best months in the state's history ' Washington's July contracts to- taled $15671725 highest for any month since January 1938 when 's Grand Coulee dam work hoisted the total above $36600000 Arizona had $2092478 in new contracts compared with $1297- 316 in June: Colorado $8177624 compared with $664218 and Ida- ' w ith bo $1063530 compared $5M91Colorado Included f total around $7160000 for the Martin dam - Montana's $1527644 for July around 62 :11::1 0 0 n u 0 0 I Flinii-Pl- ort ki Ile lb 29c Lb if I STEW OXTAILS BRAINS lb 21 c ik E dIll Cold floats lb s 19c LAMB The Home of Eastern - Sirloin Cl)rubed Lb— — lb10c Sliced Liver lb 25c C CS TREE 0 Ea ii a 413 for 19c 5n Lettuce a n uctritt: 3 Sc sa1 csztatizte: Pigsfeet 34c iscu Lbs u Fancy Seedless '111 A J uC 1 2 9c n Lbl Oranges 2 PEPPERS SPUDS a 24c ul Doz 2 10 35c rl 133I Lb: 96 rilli 9c II SUGAR r 52 tam Lb s -i ul - 59c ril 14 U — - 11 4 ''' - ' I 0'-:21- i tERSUKZ 2 for 25c Best F'oods Mayonnaise It 40c Lux 3 et po 3 t" 19c 19C SLICED BEEF fZlhgass 10o Giant 18c CORDED BEE9 19c 12-- Cane— BEEF' Vienna 3 anageI 20c1 cans— 25c Deviled Meat Can 4 01 Watermelons pEfiellEs itata: 3libs10? 344 Cantaloupes 1 POTATOES EL1011136?' FLOUR A- -I PAHOAKE FLOUR 20-o- z Pkg r ca LT lb 10711 Lunch WientsFA::tcY lbs19? PICKLES 3 for 10c 2 lbs 7c : PICKLED PIGSFEET 1111AUNSCHWEIgEll Mock Chicken Legs :Zags 3 for 10c 23c DRY SALT BACON 12c PORK STEAKS OFI Elis 1 I9c I7c lb 17c Lamb Chops G rdund Beef :1:11i612le:L dillmoonnwmmodmodmomeawwooamowati-0Affi- r(7: bmonive!!-- pp BLUEBERRY ' sc 1 0 cl pkg 40-o- z lippomp Veal CHOPS! : 2 for 5c CESE lb " tTre rp Irish Potato'Breid2 Ivs GLOBE II ill SteilIts ea DATE SQUARES MARBLE 23 Package 1r-- Prices Effective sad Thursday RAISIN POUND CAKE PANCAKE SW:TASHI Cake Flour Wed pan 27c 19c 29c ' 10c 15c IV I 23c 2 Kellogg's Corn Flakes Kelfogg's Shred Wheal :kg da VI COCOANUT CAKE 5for110? 111111AilliS Pkg 53c NI Pall ROLLS each lc doz 10c ' Ib PURITY GRAHAMS::: I Cocoanut Deep Cream Pies POTATO FLUFF lbse CUCUMBERS Sliring ORANGES SweetSizeJuicy PURITY SALTIIIES OfTASILIc LN11! d jars PURITY TOASTS14'" Jel !gilled Coffee Rolls doz 17c OMlitOes- Lug 390- 5 10? Crisp CARROTS Fresh 4 bchs 5c Large Bunches Fresh Green I fl161 LIA141 Quárt MISecond R I 111 DONUTS Dod Fresh Stone Lucia's - 1c17: GLAZED pe '1'0'tz F ltdc17 4' C Bakeries Open Evenings e tor Cans Ia g' fic - white1f Vienna Sausage Dressing - a 15c ti to es 1 it to 1 22 lbs Sodas Grahams 17c lbs JL b Lk U 63211 10 for 29c 10 for 33c 111:1Vr - 37c salad I Large Pkg LIBBY'S Canned MEATS - crystal GEISHA CRAB LIE 14 Qua ts romaig 881 Inv LauttialAiu bag Star Kist 23c 256 OPEN TILL II P M 5 AT URDAYS 2 25c T rcts4' 21c TUNAFISH Lilebuoy bars titt - VEMEOLI rt 4841) a) W SOAP Eal 14) ' t r SCHILLING'S COFFEE Drip or Pere Grind 01114 1114110 24c 1'4' Can - 45 c AMNON SPAGHETTI Tl'all"c17' QUEEll'S TASTE wCIRDIErIts or Os WESSON OIL tart 1 9c 43c G'ateW3 See It Ground! 1-1- ' GRAPE JUICE:n:1:ozti Eiff MACARONI SPAGHETTI EGG 11OODLES711 Heinz Vitiegar 5c pkg 5c 2 for 15c PINEAPPLE JUICE ROYAL GELATIN Zd1ng13 HARES ' ""e kg 4446- - cin: 9c- 21c - Pokts BAKING CHOCOLATE 'gb SYRUP :Zwifirl" 12c Old PEAS CORD 217c Dutch String Deans 14c 10c 19c Oke RCAr contlitiEzfik-t2:i- IBMEEI ID ot) Can 7c A for29c vart :Ott I" 290 DEL LIAIZ CORN 3 25c a""en PINEAPPLE' so se: 2 'or 31c Fruit Cookiall T'anafca7' 3 be 290 ScilOo tJ Pt) f' 1 Campbell's can 1Cc 3 cans 26c Chicken and Mushroom Other Vartetlet H:1 os t - 21i 2 5 11 Ali extk tot DJ A A ICJ ilinnimmlomnimOMMOCIO a GE AND CENTRAL RIG LOAF pn Cleanser 2p 9 1) ' cans (C! I Coltii$574 Pk Is - - g IL HOUSE gl MINvIZEU Lit 1111114 ZAP AJ7J Grapes Maxwell House -- Mtn Ruder's Kitchen Maid Trio Fj El Sliced Bacon lb l9cfl Franks 2 u:s 27cri 2 !'kg8 : RIPE OLIVES u n 0 11 CATSUP 21170 iidrySoap 10Zt 3Ic ti n u Mulles 2 2Ic Fr'Dressingot 10c 00110 :1:1 lb 16i BisquickZ" 294 nllissue 3 rolls 10c Dill Pickles 'fa: 15óri usuoso ::: Ige13c 11111111t!12cans25cU Sauce ilans15c RIliSO!"' 19cfl Pm! ' Sal Dressing 19c n n VAL JALI jar30 3cana23c Coffe3 211:1122cU iilini Béans n u PlaBeani FLOUR Tom' Ice- I i Guaranteed Val Vita 0 'tn 19c 2 89c Tiz: Pc n L2an 't:3 own C? no en C:j 'LL 4L- WHIM Immonow- 'T pkg 24c pkg 47c Full qt CORNED r- LA '"A" Gr 9 — Dill Pickles -1 Lamb—Veal COFFEE BUTTER 50111111 (g16 426ii aaannil 23c KRAFT CHEESE:Z1Z' 49c n 'Stewing I Utah Fancy Liemonsilur:Do 'Cakes I 1413 2-1- 1b Kraft Cheese Dinners D'irat 0 is J1121: LI 2 irk 711' Zglio) 3-- lb Beet Corn-Fe- d on ow 1 CUTS Fancy 0 tbi 9c 2 0 - PECTIN MCP a pkgs WEEKDAYS or - Ilk 29c Lb 1171 111 10c 2"-25- c OPEN TILL ' BROWN- 232 EAST 4TH SOUTH Wisatch 720 FREE DELIVERY Shoulder Cuts 1 Pints r Dozen polinERED VETTER'S MARKET Veal Chops UMW Kerr Caps - fillet Solo Fresh LIAYOIMAISE P 19c Ch opslb 210 VilYeol01:-Tithuit'- I- Hale i Pork Chops Quarts VEAL' or - n 17c lb 19c i Peaches O Pints Tuesday Wednesday Bargains UHaliburs7: I - - -- - "lig R 8 bbil to hp ip - Specials for RS wED THU 1 11 1 — - -- - - Gr Beef n -- HALLEY'S Bottle r-- 0 0Eu 04 s (12oorj I '41E‘mploAkoa0441w0A-40ir"A-41A- o Ti |