Show - I - s e : - - t - - ' - 7-- 31 omlog' Wednesday - I - - - ' - - - ' - '- - ‘ ' - ' ' 'Zile' SZtit gz- ki Treitiuttt - 0 " $ : ( - zig4astlaZZIMMTI71:11r11- 4:44N44- - - ss - :siivisaiimiNi:-:4- t7:i'1r1"tItMONTGOMERY x4: - - 's : — : '' 7-47 '- --- ' '! A fleg07Z1" ' ' 1 oir - I1 i 1 ' 1 ' - 1 '''''' r''' ' it - 77--- ' 7 14:A 123 '1--- 1 4 ! ' r i 'AV 1 lk - I 7'''' 4: k :: Q ''''' ' :'''"''"T: : :l'': t j ' 4 r - i t 4 At tho Head of tho Class! AN ' 1 "- k ' :app - 0 i !1 ' - :N — :):' ti:-:''-:- "': Ir- t- I 1 ' 'i c'-'7- 1 -- - ' 1 - ' ModoI-8- :' e - n 49e : °'-- ''' ' I ' t-- - el :: ' -s k d1 'II ?: n r ts: : t k V7 I : - 1-v- P-::::::- - :''' 4 1 1 i ''' I t c ''' V ) isi' I s ' - 4 1 q !' ? '''h f 14 ''- :1 - A ':: ' Jr :':'::: 11 ti' ' '" ce N1 4 ')':::'::::':': ' 't:!' xi -: li r i '' tt li : : i'l ii:: t 1 tf: ' 4 ( 0 P t ' losi 'i A I I 1 ) " and — '4 in ti M A 0124 ' 'i:::::"4:: I) ) I ! ::: 1 ' ''i-'- i i I ! For 4 :: i (119 :: 41 :: ::: ' :!::: i ' ' ' ' ' ' ' :' ' 5' : 4 are you'll find young man's suit: hard- better tai- with Thalottn- matching i i ' '' 'A-i - ::0-:4 ' ': a9e !: 41 41 k g oi: 1: it h ' I:1 I:" I I: af2Y1 li' v ' i ' ' ' " ' ' '' '::'-'- :' ' ' '4:::::' "' :::: 1 s'':::' 1- Oil :11 LowPricost ': it : "A ' - !4 - ‘ ' -----4-t ' 1ST SOUTH AT MAIN NI111411' ::' : ''''''''''':1-- C :0 SALT LAKE CITY ' - ' WASATCH 2732 1 ::: Illii 111111111 ' :' : N - i1t0l- 474&44 t ''''1:1Vip z-- --- ---- - - : 69 a' ' 25c k :::i:to' - ' :::'::: :' 04:0 ' ' ' ' i ' s' thowhiri? ' i:4: 25 C N :: Anklets 25e Popular Bermuda style made of highlY mercerized yarn smooth as silk Lined elastic cuffst! ": - ii r:: ' :::1 ' -- " Count :- - :- - -- -- ":'''''' ''' '' ' 1: ( 4 mli '''Loth"'-- Worfotht 's so' l' Worth end Girls Snug 2-- 39 i re 'made - i ji t ' N' - 1' : il 7 ' ':li : 4 " t I - 94--7 ' Matte:lopassths critical princess and pleated Raynn a Tubfastand plaids Wi6on7deirlul ' ':' ' : ' 72Wai ' Joubli a wardrobe! To it :':::'HI : :L prints' j :44ZgriW4T-iiZ-2- ': i d''' ' - :'' - r -- ' 1 Girls' ' Skirt S 'il ''' --- Full '': : ' ' ' :±: ' 1: - They wear longer! Cloie-kncotton with reintorced crotch Gleaming rayon stripe 24 ' ::: s L t ! 1: Get her 'BOTH a pleated and swing style at this value' price! Suspender or band topowith exciting aextras" belts All Iwikaermovnealmsty leatheor 0 J 7 t: k - ' N ' wool) I it 1747 198 tut? Wolltailototi I :: :: - ' ' ' ' - r - tr51 — 4 V - HURRY! SAyE" NOWPAY t - k4 t '""r444174727 Mr47r-4-4-- kTh'''''''2M:Te'ir2:17'"4i-'rCZM:ZZWVr4ra7:14Nma1'- n r —I — --- - --- -- ':':111 - "— - LATER " — - Ig (" e J PAY A SMALL DOWN PAYMENT -- - L"" r''''''''''14"1"' J ' - - !16:?'"1"""'u4rlito:"rl'elt'75"4-e44- 4 ' f : )'4i: it: :4 - ‘ t: - AND SMALL ItIONTIILY'- PAYMENTS : I 1 ' - ' i' 1 - BUY YOUR ENTIRE SCHOOL 'OUTFIT AT WARDS NOW! I t d 'Oirtstaniting vdtuos at 0 111'1 -- - ''': i 1 1 ( b -- 11 I' t ' ' 7:y ''' ' ft 't t! ' '' ' ' 't " Styles! Girls' Dresses i ::: si: lity L end Save Extra! "Comfytogs"o that with p kiddies help themselves! help' ‘ L '::L' ' "'7 7 ----7-- l'' ($ " I li s k n kt lt4T 1iTir vio Class — - i I 78 "He a d of the '::'::::':740tol1:41:1::::'''::1::: Tots" Waistsults Tots' Panties e Styles tor Boys ie 4 ' ' ‘: "" t::' '?:::: I :i i r en'''''''Camlyta-'-'gs'''fa- :i: 1 '''!1':'''''''1 - ::-- -- ::7:::::: Iiiis-- 7'L ::::: :77771 :4: ':'::tiimi -- -: 1 1 I '7758"2:7 1711:401: :s-:- :: 1 - ' - - Sturdy cotton Reinforced Cut' so they won't peep out of the shortest dress she wears tgiV:::::l1 'lt e ::::: 1 Bloomers for 4 to 16yeatolds ki i - ' ' '' The knitsand styles she LIrEs Firrile owutlhL all thw00 zdephy frit:ckynit cuffs 'aeasfdirgob:°'t-tg that FIT ::::1 ' - 4 1' ' 461 '') f '' i ! SWenterS y' c 98t necklines-an- irk5 Vtit :11 st115e Girls' Worth - Girls1-0Shorties!-1-- --L time at this amazing :::04 ' '07 r::'S- - ' ' '''' - W- :i: ' :: :ol 1 ' 4P' 2 :: i '' Mother—Why I ' - - K ::: At 0 !: I i::::il::!:s: v N' '': :::::: !::ll:' i 1 Tops inWormth an dComforél - :::: : ' : -4v !': -- Other Fine Anklets 4 i '-- — ' ' ::: ': ' C 4 ': i ::: lua :' ?:'l::'':' 0 - 14 I 1 1 1 1 '3 0111 ICY 4 k N:as II ' ' k r4 - ( e :i:: :: ':::H: ----- :-: ----- :: : i a ) Knit of o finer yarn than ever before at 10c—that's why the colors are so cleat Blazers heather! solid col: with stay-u- p ors cuffs! -: 0 to O : o :1 ::': 11 7— '" f: ' -- at - ': :''' -- '10 OCt10111 -Illayllurn‘Voriligns- I - - 4 -- t -" '' ::i:i -- 1 t e far Fall ond low priced! 7 - V-- wt i: e ''117 "‘" A 1 ti 1 t" J ''' '11)0 Supriot quality' cowhide with :: ' rrr11711:! ! - ' i 14 - I )1' 0 1( Ankle-huggin- t ' V J ' ' - - ' "slacks" 'itt vivid g blazer stripes! "crew" style stripes or scuds! price! New fall patterns 101 3 t mond V 4' tls k''--- Short-lengt- h N'4It 8) Voluos their too s s't : ' - :' 4- i I i$ Priced for ::' s' different celars1 Co01 ' buckle! a big double-tongu- e Creased edges for neatness - :: ' BoysPrep Socks shrinkprool fabrics—for !a‘4'''':'‘4 can't have 1'1 ' 4 xo:111Trtro fi: For sports wood For schooll! - ::'':: '''' '- - e ittlit al ' 4 - ' 144 :::::--': 'i ' ! 1 ' 59 ' b‘''''' :::s': 2' 1 : 4 : Al'4' ' r -itt ' '' - ''1‘ t ::::::::: - - 2kth ': t: '''''s '4 Yos---- ' I 1 J :':: - i: r7- i 4 - ':4 :''''"-e1157 :' l' p : 4:: g '44 fi"'!":!:' 49e n ' IP Model' tern '" Sturdy 1 ::: :N at I' -- 1 i':" :'s: ee s '' 1I4'i( I ti'' V7'' Boys' Belts full-grai- a ' - di '' s'' A ! k' '""o ! r hll I 1: 21 :rlr' :::r7 :! 1: - ---''' i at 1"t-::i:-:::-!::- Style-Wes- ::':'1 - - t:' :4":::' ''' 641 - A ::::::::: ' '::-:- :: Garrison " r ' ' 41:'" - you'vehrenarwsl abouti Madepantiews Comfort and wear 3 styles 444 Give extra Weer for school Non-sli- p rubgym basketball! ber soles reinforced toe can F77- 7- :::i:::! !7 heels - 411 c ::E :: "teetrIe ewarear mYeercerlYzed ' C441'11 11''' ::: cI :' 741 - :' k ' I ' - I :'''4 :'" Unbelievable 4 - :'::4' ''4i1050 MIII - 1::::::::::: 0° ::' k ''‘ 1011!"4:11:w ' ' -- Block or Brown :::::::::::::::1 i I COlOr f ul t '-- - i Juniot Von Archon :::::::::HJ'- I I $ Q They if The-famou- ' 1Vards Skips iif 4thread "JuniorMiss" C - r i 'H Now in Smell Sizes Weight ' :' Rayon Pan:ties h For Mon and Boys! ::::::::?:::: 15:CI'('''':::'''''::'':'"' ' Two-fiste- ' i - t $ 1 :i 11Pf' 4'n" ' 'I ' 79e ' '': d just lik" Dad'el denim-- 99 shrinkproal Triplesewn main seams PMr4VTR4W Made ::!: ' Nowt Cut full for lams Medium warm-ashitc- Avws i' ' r"::' lir 5 6 4 t° mrt57yr77-"-‘rg-- ' I L:i::::: Cold's With sturdy iN- and Play! ' :C:1:35k‘411K: ': ' ' ii ri Mai ii771:21k 11S 4 " - '':i::::: '''''" '111114 I ::':::'''':i' 'i ki ' i $ t '''‘ ::: '':i :::1 '::::1 i 7-- - Nolo i a ' i' -:- 4' - - :::: 4r11omesteader - comfort New peaked top designed to fit the ankle and give more sup- port! Reinforced toe cap t 'If I Best ()vomit Buy In Town! q 4' ' Words Lew Price 0 li illkIll r i N 49c toast cotton ::':::::E::1 tb - :1 Jilt1 11''i ' 1101101 e':''4i '' r''' s:::V::::' el' 1 11‘1 of in' Pf 11110 ' ' Rib-kn- it Ciirl!sSkips :- - lt 't'::' ' i :':il::: i ::':::::'-- For School rIittlie'411111i1 i :i ?::::f:7::::::'''1:1:f ti Made in the West—of the toughest denim vri know of Sanforised shzunk - ther n't-shrink more than 1 Every grain point Is bar tacked "vary size cut full ' ::: I i ? ! s k: 'r 4 " :: Nw InandOuterst :':':' 11 ' 14 t 8 ' s: s:::: ::'::' ::::: fi4) ::1 - 1Ar r ::':": - M ''''' 800 to 16‘ izt k I) ':''' ''''' x:::::: 4: ' sL N :: - i '04 Ni- - - -- and solAll wash Big pockets-Sail- or dier boy styles able Sizer1-- 6 741:"'10 :): ' 6d:' 7 t N4s '''' -- Nothing's cooler or more sensible for warm weather than this coat model ot'10 thrrknroof f r4Nivrt7nr7XVITYrTMM: it: ::: k: ::::': s 4 ‘ 4' ' ' :7 2 - exciting than another? Skirts that whisk out neir ways! A '14 Lit ' 1 "1 : ' 4 59 What :makes one dress more :i 4 A : ill Tor Boys 6 to 18 1 ::4 Jeans 1 N r ' " : ': I Ill (4: 11 Husky - 14 t Untonsuits toe :::'::::':1::::i::":14:':":!i:::::31 : l' Plakhl Stripes! : - ' j (‘'1 i' 1 Boyf6 tq 16 r '' '' ps Ilealthgartis !iV'!:C41 ' ' Sport Shirts ' 41 : SALE! Reduced trots 411 Guard Hint Against of fabric to up and bind him? No but tons—laundering's easy Not a ' I ShiCte:So ' q Scotch '' 4 i 25 6 to 16 For Soya Shcipod N i 7(Q:' Brand o i: '' lam t ‘ e!--'-- 1:::?' tir 1 ' rrzzatmararmmmormsrao ---0 e - ' 11 l 1 2 - lip -- ' ‘ 4' ° 10-1- 4- 1 Lonitio '::1 ' P' 11 9 Coot Yost s'c ' 1 ots::::J: ' 71i t' ': ilk 11 4 !il :l:' ' ''' - '' v 01 ' - j 4:'::: (1 !:: School suits' ' It : 1111)i - Girls' New Dresses! e - ::: 7 ' L t': 1 0:: ranc ' - ':''1- - I r:::::: A: "Speed" Shorts broad- - Flannelettes and cotton - cloth in generous fort sizes New patterns 'fc 0 - I ''': R :1 " ' ' 1- : i ::: ? ' Is ) Nt A lq :'' i '" No Moro "Classraarn Fidgeti" With 79 arsnly At t Value PLUS in Buddy Ward :::::1 if: 1r 4b ::::a- ': i ' 1 ‘ 1 ::''' - 7 4 - -- '''- 6 : r 0 4"' -- I' -9 :i r7:'::n77'1777'7":: :':i i $l Boys' Pajamas i'':? ::::k:!"- :: 7777M'A:::$:! :'3::'S' I 14 ' -- t :1 s:f:1 arereal rt m" yd rt"unting for truly beautiful plaid"? These 4 Oisolitt 80 Sq Percain ! i I) t "t oclhan:wdoeysialg:incothtitirioilhtilyTchosse7Hpylilierda i II '' - at yahoos ' Yoll r k - C f ho T-- Outstanding i sv‘r) III If - 7"szeg4ty ' '4 i fa::3:TMOMmeroTtvOmmliN volletelli 1"r '':' ' :: f - f VI I 21!"i 1 k - ' - i Plaids Hi " Loss! r - 4- j '' - b - i :'!'::::::i Soiling Elsowhoro for ti 1 :: T'-'a--- - ::: ' ' ''"'' ( ':': 's : i i ': NeNit 8 kiloW" ::::::::::::::5 ':: for 10111 N- I high-price- t i V'''''It ::'- tr 0 i --1 : - i k z t Talon-fastene- '''''Ir H: L' :: i:: Z ' ::: : N that's Raglan sleeves' :::: :t A ' - 4'"--1- -eit -'--- 1 or 1 ' : a now Suit! Glensputt ! s getting ALI these d features for as 1 i Pleated lit t I e2 as I98:N1 d front fly 3 Dropped belt loops 4 atching belt with buckle '': ' 1 - t afonrdgobodo tlatankmsStnhuagescu 44t:2: i: Imagine '1 ' ss c o contraating :iI - - ' 4 I 'akN :: s - - :" fSottir:dwyerairb"kcneitntyearrnpi--antehlitt1:111- tza t " I :::: :'''e :':'i Y''' II ' I -i :'::::: : ':'''l ' ' 1:'g !: I i ' -- to17 Fot Boys 8 ' : ':s42?'1 ' 11 O ' 1111 s 'LkX '1 ' s1 Zipper Fly Front! : ::::: ''7kii4 T:1 i:: i II f LT i - ' 'i "' - 11": :: :4 It' s'el - ri New Fall Loligtes ' 1::': ': : I ii : ''s : '''' ' :1 ' - Now! With 1 41':1 : '' '' : '' ' :' :: r '': 2 q' ':::i Liv3 s tP SOw yourself - Buying Their- - o ' CTARGISMIn ' 1 t) itfa Childron-at-WARDS--fa- - ' 'i 1 33 '1 ' -- t ' 77M117407n7-7- - - " EZErZWstt 4- - ii ''''1 1 ' if 'i e ': i!::-:-- ii 1 ' °' 17' Zipper Front?' Zipper Paclieti ClotshosMothors-ar- - 'f I ' :711MTVV7‘":71MMO7154 V li$ :::7: Shirts449e Sleeve Boys' Short - lb Thoscrarolho Smart and Thrifty q10' 7- t - ' st ::il::Ys!'''' & Bloyes eCroat - - 411"114QZ" : t ' "" i i:: :'' - ' ' 1'4---:0- I ' ' i P2:H17A41-Itlw- t e I t " ' Ill ' - '' 11m°P' long-Weari- ng - ---- 46'77Et OreiN t 'Appall11110- ' - ' " '' p i:"'r-al?:17:- p04441415 : If z Big biight stripes on knit cotton Color- fast of course—and they're easy as pie to launder ' No ironing is necessary :::: ::: J A - ' - TwpTone—Twice as Smart! ' ' 1 01 f - 59 16 - - - - mw2 :::: til -- - T 47- ' - "Th :‘4 : Long Poovo i'C' ' r Knit Slm ts forBoys e -- ' 4 -- - ' ' mmtzpvfx:iay There's Extra Wear in These k ''':1'd -' '':- - ii 'Itti :::: ' Just in from the maker—a whole raft of fresh new patterns Every one lively good i C olorfast of course looking —3b laundering"' no problem! Big roomy sizes ' 1))111771!:771ic - c ''S 7 -- J:1':': ::'::::---:-- (- tyhn Yee Pay(t)nly icto te:''9 ' - ' ' ' '''' (e r A k) :: - r litte ''' I-- :i ' 12)7171 r IL II - f - N I: '- ' Fall Shirts v ' '- : - Boys New Ss0 N I ' c ' 1'': orrIntnt11 ' koi s 0 - i" ' ''''' '4I " A 1 'V $ lk ':- — k i ‘ i w t ' t itsits 1 ' t ' $) ' i k'i411 F ti ':': ':: rn ' - : -- a - 1 ' -- -- - I - 1 - - ' ' I t ' - :::::::: ' t ' :1 ' l':: 1 77 - I itaii )i ::'ii::':: '5 i :i::'i::: ? i ' 7:Lb i ' ' - --:' 7::77 ::4"1-'-'-- : iN :tr I r7:777-77:7-- q 1' ) - 6i- I tk: 1 1' : :!! It - : il m 1 - - g---------- 6 ' : ' - 1- - - tt 1 14? t - - Stm- i 1 0 i :14'1'17 ' t‘i -s 4 '''' k '"' - r ' t I' I lid-- t (s -- ' t: it 4 : 41 i r !r- - )t 'tsets :7t7---- i : - 4 If04 e:4 t 2N I ' --- : - -- WARD ' ' 3 'er:?-----2- ''' :'' rator t- 77 ! tes - - - ' - 40 A -- ( ii - "" -- - 41it ' 1 : -— 1940 August-14 - ‘ t 4- - ::::: - 4fr?z' t |