Show “ L - s I ' Xi 4 "The Weather UTAH— Fair Sunday Monday IDAHO— Cloudy rain or snow WYOMING— Generally fair NEVADA 7-- Fair Sunday cloudy Mendayrm-“"-" VOL 138 NO 83 ouMunptiua 81-0- yar r rate: Utaa wtao Nd ctMwbcrt ui in advance $18 SUNDAY MORNING By 0 N MALMQUIST A state wage and hour "bill Which follows the general the national act but Which --is more restrictive in lome respects is being circulated among state legislators preparatory to introduction proba- JANUARY SHANGHAI Jan 14 (UP)— Chi nese Advices Saturday reported a reiuvenated air force said to in elude soviet as well as American and British voluhteers had inflicted terrific damage on Japanese warships and airplanes in South China Claiming the first major Chinese triumph in recent phases "of the" war with Japan the Chinese messages asserted that: Two r sunk off the Bocca Tigris forts iq the Canton river Japanese batteries at Kongmoon south of Canton were demolished Twenty Japanese airplanes were set afire near the Botca Tigris -- Japanese-warshipswe- Ahead of Schedule -- A - for-an- -- I -- any-thing U S Reveals Plane Firm’s Aid to Japan Defines Employe " The state measure Instead of devoting a special section 'to exemptions as does the national act does this in the difinition of “employe" are ex The ecutives and professionals agricultural employes domestics in private homes and employes of the exempt-classificati- ons United States Presumably exempted from pro- Visions of (fhe state act by reason Of the federal law are those industries whicii are engaged in inter-stat- e commerce and which are therefore under the national act The fact Ihaf the federal-governm- has occupied the field of regulation with respect to interstate commerce will remove this class from 4he provisions of the state act in the opinion of The national act however gome specifically states that where higher prescribes legislation or lower hour wage minimums fnaximums than the federal legisla wage-ho- Company Ignores Hull Recjuest To Reject Orders WASHINGTON Jan 14 (A1)— The United Aircraft corporation of East Hartford Conn is the sole American airplane manufacturer not cooperating in the government’s unofficial ban on sale of airplanes and parts to Japan The state department disclosed this Saturday in announcing it issued a license to the company in December to export 600 propeller blade forgings valued at $102 0001 to Japan No Legal Ban There Is no legal prohibition against such sales inasmuch as the neutrality act has never been o ked against Japan However Secretary of State Hull last July 1 addressed a circular letter to all airplane manufacturers and exporters in which he advised that the state department would “with great regret issue any license direct- or authorizing exportation indirect of any - aircraft aircraft armament aircraft engines aircraft parts aircraft accessories aerial bombs"” of topedoes "to countries the armed forces of which are making use of airplanes for attack in-v- ' - -- upon'civTiian populations”1 Report Made ' Subsequently the national muni tions control board reported to congress that all manufacturers "with only one outstanding exception" had conformed to this policy prF The state department Saturday lo-g- tton the local provision will said “this exception Vail is the United In any event it is" likely that Aircraft corporation of East Hartborderline "businesses could avoid ford Conn” United" Aircraft corporation ofrisk of violations only by complying with the provisions of both ficial declined comment Licenses for a total of $3101767 were issued In December for export of arms ammunition and of war and $5368027 worth of material actually was shipped on licenses previously granted the dc’partment’s report showed at federal and state legislation least until they have been defi tltely placed in or removed from the Interstate commerce classification by court decisions Seasonal Industry ‘ Another major difference between the federal act and the proposed state bill is in the field of seasonal industries The national Act permits a maximum work day of 12 hours and a work week of 68 hours at the regular rate of pay for a period as long as 14 weeks in an Industry which the administrator Classifies as seasonal The —proposed state measure carries no tpecial provisions for seasonable industries ” In' one respect the’proposed st&te bill is less restrictive than its parent legislation In the case of extraordinary emergencies such as fire flood storm or epidemics qf Illness or disease the state measure would waive the hour limitaprovided- - "The employer tions promptly notified the commission Of such excess employment The national act provides an exemption from the hour restrictions (Continued on fane Six) (Column Three) Europe Aw aits 15 1939 isu4ei vry morning second claaa Cay Inured at the poet office at gait Lena matter under act of March 9 1879 76 PAGES— TEN CENTS forts Downed in Dog Fight Another score of Japanese planes were engaged in a dog fight and some of them were shot down The advices did not report Chinese casualties Japanese officials discounted or denied the Chinese eiaimSi Chinese said that 34 Chinese planes took part in the raids 14 of them attacking the Kongmoon batteries and two bombarding the Japanese warships Although Chinese had made several attempts to strike back at the Japanese in the rith Canton area they had been repulsed in land fighting Earlier this week dispatches from Chungking asserted that Russian British American Australian and New Zealand fliers had joined the rejuvenated air force About 500 new planes 'including some were reported to have been imported by way of Indo-ChiDeny Buying Bellancas High Chinese officials however denied that any new 'Bellancas had been purchased Meanwhile Japanese bombers attacked Hengyang on the Canton-Hankorailroad The magistrate’s office was demolished 180 other buildings were destroyed 'or damaged by fire and about 200 casualties were inflicted according to Chinese advicea The United States consulate at Hankow announced It was investigating removal by Japanese military officials of a consular notice from the offices of the DuPont company forbidding entry Such notices’ are placed by consular officials on American property The DuPont office notice was replaced by a Japanese military notice saying: "Nothing can be moved in or out of these premises without permission of the Japanese military” Relief Structure Faces Drastic Revision as Next Move OrCliambeflain ' favorite vow of every legis-tur- e is— "this time we are going to do some work early in the bly early in the wgpk The measure designed to cpver session and avoid that frantic those industries which do not c&me jam atof the end" But the dying days every session bring the Within the scope of the federal legsame- tidal wave of shuttling bills to its is make scheduled islation when it is next to Impossible first appearance in the house individual legislator to keep W’here it already has several spontrack of all the actions ' sors but supporters may change Whether the current session their plans and drop it ihtd the will be able to complete its work senate hopper with caret and deliberation is a makes—i ontytimrwtH— answer most conspicuous departure from question But a glance at the first week's thd terms of the national act in accomplishments Indicates that it the matter of minimum hours It is really going to get down to provides for a maximum work week work during' the first half of the (without payment of time and one-ha- lf session for overtime) of 42 hours durDuring the first week 47 bills ing the first year after it£ effective were introduced into the two datfc of October 24 1939 and of 40 to 30 two branches hours after October 24 1940 This years ago compared All standing commitis the same as the federal act tees in both house and senate But the proposed state bill limits had been named by night Friday one the hours of work in any day whereas two years ago the house (without payment of overtime) to had only a few routine commiteight hours The federal legislation tees at work by the end of the on the other hand places the hour first week restriction wholly upon the work This ear the first week end week rather than on both work found the senate committees not week and work day only organized but actually on Pace Six) Federal Provisions (Column Four Under the federal act an em ployer may work ’his employes 18 hours on’e day six hours the next and so on provided he remains within the maximum hours for the week But under tha proposed state legislation the payment of over timewould be required for In excess of eight hours in period any In the matter of minimum wages the national act and the proposed state bill are alike in substance but differ somewhat In phraseology The bill provides for a minimum wage of not less than 30 cents per hour during the first six years from October 24 1939 and jtiot less than 40 cents after the expiration of seven years This is the same as the federal provision The state measure like the federal act provides that the administrator or administrative body (state industrial commission in the case of the atate) may prescribe minimums not less than the minimums fixed In the law for particular Indus tries It also provides for wage differentials as between sections the same as the federal act Britain Seeks New Path To Peace Goal Foreign Fliers Join in Raids Around Canton First Pause Finds pat-4ern- of Pushes On Smashing Air Victories Speedy Start Of Session Augurs Well r 4 — h3 China Boasts WageHour Bill pleasure More Restrictive Than U S Law it UTAH SALT LAKE CITY I T ' mo $125 J Utah Legislators Draft State 'I dill? ana Hum)? Wyoming 8 daily and Hunday omm U Upper Chamber LONDON Jan 14 (Ah— Prime Minister Chamberlain is expected to try to ease the strain between Italy and France after he reaches home Sunday evening from his talks with Premier Musso- New Department no-gi- or-ta- lini This appeared to be the next step necessary to keep Europe's peace Chamberlain apparently refused to become an official mediator on to Rome and his iriada it plain that Britain fully backed France ’against Italian terriCounter torial aspirations (eneral Franco But Chamberlain now has firstthrusts failed to divert him hand information on the Italian WASHINGTON Jan 14 (AE) — A special scnate committee-proposinbroad revision of the relief -- structure "recommended "Saturday night that congress consolidate all relief agencies iio a single new department of public works The report of the unemployment committee came as the senate prepared to take up consideration of the relLef appropriation bill The house passed that measure Friday —after clipping off $150000000 frbm the figure recommended by President Roosevelt and writing In re strictions on W P A policies g three-day—vi- sit point of view Halifax to Confer Rebels Smash Outposts Of Barcelona His foreign secretary Viscount Halifax was expected to make an approach td France for negotiation on the more moderate Italian complaints when he meets with French Foreigp Minister Georges Bonnet at Geneva this week end They will attend sessions of the League of Nations' Ttnincitropening Monday An indication that Italy was open to negotiation came from the fascist newspaper II Telegrafo which is close to Italian Foreign Minister Count Gaieazzo Ciano 'Advance to Willim 37V2 Miles of Capital of Leftists HENDAYE France (At the Span ish Frontier) Jan 14 (Ah— Insurgents announced Saturday night they had reached the border of Barcelona province and were only 37'-miles from the government capital In their drive for a decisive victory in the Spanish civil Hite French Attitude II Telegrafo said: "The fascist government would not be averse to opening new negotiations but that is not completely possible with or without mediators in the atmosphere created by the French government and press” Before negotiating however Italy Francisco Franco hoped for an early insurgent victory war Tlis choice Herbert Hoover as G O P speaker a natural Victory Rally Will Spotlight New Republican Governors X X Generalissimo which became put an army of 300000 men into in Spain— something with action against government Fines de- a greater possibility Saturday movGeneralissimo Franco’s armies Barcelona the fending capital and Insurgents were said to have en- ing still closer to Tarragona tered Barcelona province on its the government capital Barcelona An insurgent victory would give western boundary through capture of Codom peak in the Sierra de Italy a stronger argument for exconcesQueralt This marked an advance tracting territorial or other claims Italy's of nearly 13 miles sines morning sions from France for tha northern column of the cen- have remained nebulous and unofficial Talk of “justics” for Italy’s tral army corps The column sent back word of "natural aspirations” has been min capture of important villages and glcd' with clamor over' France's Tunisia Savoy Cortowns in quick succession through- highly-prize- d “v sica and Djibouti out the day Moves Uncertain Diversions Fail Aside from an attempt to smooth Government counteroffensives in relations Chamsouthwestern Spain and in the out Italian-Frenc- h Briinete sector’ west of Madrid ap- berlain’s next diplomatic moves unwere unpeared to have failed as diversions der his appeasement policy certain the Besides occupation of Codom France’s bargaining position was peak insurgents reported that 20 most recently affected by rioting miles to the south their troops had in Syria her captured the walled town of Vails against French rule government air base 12 miles north eastern Mediterranean mandate of the port of Tarragona Govern- Three French submarines were ordered to Syria Saturday while the ment reports denied this (Continued on Page Seven) Insurgent reports said seven army iColumn Five) corps taking part in the big push ip northeastern Spain had speeded front up operations over a extending from the Pyrenees mountains cast of Andorra near the French border southward through Lerida and Tarragona provinces to -the Mediterranean - ' - n - changes: Earmark W P states Increase to 33 A allocations to 3 per cent the proportion of relief contributions required of local governments with some exceptions (The committee now ranged said contributions down from 22 per cent) The committee urged also that future W P A allotments be based on population of the states and the number of unemployed in each state shown by the 1937 unemploy” ' ment census' It one-thi- Fast-pace- rd T -- ' ' Bill WoultLCut Exports of Scrap Metals Senator Drafts -- Nation Shivers 100-mi- le As Storms Take 31 Lives -- L bdlr Martin Backers Protest Cut In UAW Leader’s Power Norway Claims Polar Area - CIO -- snow-cover- ' anti-Mart- in rain-soake- ‘ shovel-and-swe- ’Tis a Sight to Stir a Body’s Blood Men and No Mistake True Hemingway Style NEW YORK Jan 14 (A- VErnest Hemingway the tough boy of American letters put a bullish broker to sleep in the Stork club early Saturday with an old fashioned lullaby— one on the chin The broker it was generally agreed asked for it Hemingway as witnesses told the story of his latest demonstration ' of virility was sitting in the Stork "club with friends — 200 pounds of good nature and lusty humor— when the broker stumbled against his chair "So yBu’re Hemingway huh?” Bottolfsen Bricker Saltonstall to Gjt Prominent Places at Dinner To Be Given by Party in February Major Changes In addition to the consolidation proposal the senate committee rectwo other ommended major proposed that the average local contribution to the cost of ' relief By KIRKE L SIMPSON " except Ind events in Washing be fixed at WASHINGTON Jan 14 (AP)— states whera the average income ton'tended to obscure this week the significance of Republican prep- per capita is lower than the slmi- - — arations for a victory rally in New York the day after Lincoln's lar national average In approxi- - ” one-ha- lf Of the states which birthday The list of party speakefs" has more than casual Interest mately would fall in the lAtter class local Former President Herbert Hoover' contributions frould be proportion- - " heads thejist published by the Naately reduced tional Republican club under whose New Department auspices the dinner will be held W P A P W A the Civilian Co- n13 on him the With pro February servatlon corps and the National gram however are six of the ReYouth administration should be publicans elevated to governors’ brought under one directing bead chairs in the November election appointed by the president and sweep Thomas Dewey Republican confirmed by the senate as the candidate in the close governorship chief of a new department of pubrace In New York will be honorary lic works the committee said It chairman New Deal recommended a permanent federal Inclusion of such new Repubassistance program based on unlican governors as Bricker of Ohio Measure employment insurance relief and Fitzgerald of Michigan Heil of Wispublic works consin Saltonstall of Massachusetts As Defensive Action The report was signed by ChairBotand of Connectlcutt Baldwin SAN PEDRO Cal Jan 14 (Ah -Iman Byrnes (D) South Carolina attracts on the list Idaho tolfsen of the opinion of SeichieAKabane Senators Clark (D) Missouri even more attention than Mr WASHINGTON Jan 14 UP) and engine expert for Japan’s leading (D) New Mexico and Frafor services Hoover’s recall rally Senator Schwellenbach (D) Wash- Hatch aircraft producer Nakajima AirIt stresses a situation within the ington who frequently has been a zier (R) North Dakota Senator — craft company British and German pa dy which tends to make Republi- spokesman for the administration Murray tD Montana concurred in military planes lead the world in can governors in political strategic proposed Saturday night govern- all except the formula for distribubut speed and maneuverability states— to observer eyes— poss'bly ment regulation of all exports of tion of relief funds reserving judgAmerican have ships superior everrmore important factors in the scrap metals In order to conserve ment on that stamina Senator Lodge (R) Massachuof Republican party doc- national supplies of those vital in shaping Akaba-iunieducated at Cornell setts announced that be was All Citizens 1940 than new senators wartime Draft trines for versity and a resident of this coun-tr- y a minoriiiLrcpQrLio-whiclor house members senator said for 15 ypars arrived here Batur Insurgent infantry was supported n drafted” SHat6FTavis oroken American The (R Pennsylvania rarely had introduction a en route to by artillery fire’ on a World war dajf from Yokohama that governorships are the Monday to require licenses tor such the other committee member had scale and airplanes were massed in By Associated Press New York agreed stepping stones to the White House He said he believed the United squadrons of 100 Deep winter snows routing false invites special attention to these exports While there was no Indication Plan for Next Year States is lagging materially In miliCapture of Vails would put tjie harbingers of spring blanketed and other Republican state execuinsurgents within 45 miles cross- much of the nation Saturday night tives but that is not all Those whether his measure had administary aviation development tration backing it is known that noHatch said he believed there was 1938-3- 9 from the fall of has heaviest itself Barcelona with the learned a deal country "Japan great on the Lincoln day program and war disposition on the part of the department officials for some about the value of aviation from the where the government was reported season the half score other Republican time have been considering a con- committee to attempt to put ts (Continued on Pace Seven) 31 storm deaths were rewar in China” said Akabane At least (Continued on Pace Four) (Column EiKht certed movement to hoard supplies recommendations into effect in the (Column Three) ported as subfreezing temperatures of secondary metals as a part of emergency relief bill on which hear the Atlantic ings will bebegun Monday by a the national defense program coast to the Rocky mountains senate appropriations subcommitlearned was it In connection this airThe fatalities resulted from that the bureau of mines already tee plane accidents sledding mishaps has arranged to establish $oon a He said the committee’s report heart attacks while shoveling snow also recommendations for secondary metals section to "formu- carrying traffic crashes on icy streets and exspecifio legislation to prevent pojilate a sound public policy” posure Licenses now arp required for ex- tics iji relief would be pressed when Four persons lost their lives near of "tin and tin scrap a metal the appropriation for the W P A ports 14 Miles the Mont in OSLO Jan (UP)— flaming City Norway DETROIT Jan 14 (AP) — Supporters of Homer Martin presifor the next fiscal year is before dive of a Northwest Airlines plane The state council Saturday ap- which this country imports in ‘large congress later this session dent of the United Automobile Workers protested to the which exploded during a slSft storm proved a resolution formally pro- quantities Some national defense Byrnes is a member of the ap- have expressed concern into a and union’s internatiorfal executive boa'rd claiming —Norwegian— sovereignty experts Saturday against its action creek plunged too”that the present heavy exports propnations subcommittee handling bottom over of area vast the antarctic a in sharply curtailing the U A W head's powers re- - tlle fetief appropriations bill Chair- In New Madrid Mo the state The area claimed for Norway in- - might "drain possible military man Adams (D) Cplorado of the °I The protests came from commit-- ? irop scrap highway patrol started to break up eluded’ Queen Maud's land Prin serye? insubcommittee aid have iron appropriations of scrap Exports homeless 1000 a cess Ragnhild’s land and Crown tees representing several hundred The board overwhelmingly army of more than creased from 227500 long tens in before the unemployment committee gave no indication it was sharecroppers entrenched in snow Princess Martha land The formal "®32 t0 Martin supporters who besieged the its 095000 in 1937 report that his comJapan submitted d It made and the protests highway camps proclamation was issued for the alone increased mittee “would be disposed” to hear1 union headquarters Friday Their swayed by purchases Norof bases for Authorities said been had said tile it resolution purpose a insuring sharecropper public Byrnes’ views 164500 tons to 1091000 appearance before the board Satur- adopted by two Detroit U A' W families ousted from their homes wegian whaling expedltions The area dlatmed extends from The United Kingdom which had Seek Further Cut day was peaceful in sharp contrast locals of tool and die workers ask- were "a menace to public health” been taking less than 1000 tons five with Friday's siege when they ing Martin's” impeachment The Nearly 10 inches of snow two the Falkland Islands dependencies Sentiment existed among ome to jammed stairways and corridors in resolution charged the U‘ A W inches more than Thanksgiving whch lie just south of the south- years ago jumped purchases 845000 Italian orders increased senators for further trimming the — the effort to get into the union of South America ern decisions fall York tothe covered New day’s heavy tip v size president with violating of the relief appropriations (Continued on P are Four) offlfces Australian Antarctic area of the board and asked that a spe- and brought out 32000 (Column Four) bill in addition to throwing still not movheld later workers be to cial convention keep traffic more restretions about administraof 1 abanelection new for a ing Hundreds of motorists than May tion of the fund The measure doned their cars at the height of the officers called for a $725000000 fund when Martin already- has before the storm en route to their suburban it passed the house Friday board a proposal for a special con- homes Speaker Bankhead insisted In an vention to be held before March 1" Maryland reported the heaviest interview Saturday that thi house He said Saturday he would press his snowfall since 1927 with 10inches action was not a "rebuff to Presiproposal as the only feasible method while Wisconsin residents shivered Roosevelt but merely repre- g he mumbled WASHINGTON Jan 1 UP-- In “It is astonishing” the depart- dent “Touglj guyt huh?" of settling by membership vote the amid temperatures of Individual memHe ‘ started rubbing his hand factional differences which have once more" after enjoying a fortnight a delightful little brochure ment of interior's typical ranger sentedonthe ideas the' size of the fund needbers over the novelist’s face mumbling of 13 threat"Memorandum for the weather Martin has normal entitled union above the degrees split observed "how many yards of ed for WPA“ taunts that would' have enraged ened to appeal directly to the memThe far south and traditionally Press” the United States depart' lthough the relief issue claimed- pond grass a coot can dowu with-o- ut even (he bulls Hemingway used bership if his proposal is rejected interior of ment the California baskecT in sunny Saturday the major Bhare of attention in cona to write about Hemingway didn’t like The Martin supporters who forced weather In Dixie “gen- night described the amazement sucking stopping— just the senate made ready for gress like it and tried to shoo the their way into the 6nion headquar- erally fair” weather prevailed over with which its natiorial park ‘serof bowl spaghetti” big action on confirmation of broker away But the broker ters Friday afternoon left only after Louisiana Mississippi In quoting the typical ranger-o- final vice rangers observed the coot at Tcnnesee rubbed again the Subject of the feeding coot some of President Roosevelt’s the executive board had promised to Alabama Georgia and Florida Los feeding time to —and a coot according to the nominees Quentin Reynolds the magazine receive three committees Saturday Angeles reported the mercury at 69 Chiefly the "Memorandum writer who was with Hemingway The first of the committees rep- degrees the Press” was designed to deal dictionary is a member of the rail Arrange Meeting advocated his own policy of apbut more ducklike jn family resenting Ford local No 600 issued Heavy snows fell over northern with poaching on Jamestown ar The judiciary committee a statement after its conference New Mexico and isolated several island Colonial national historical shape and plumage than other peasement to ' “Sock him Ernest” he said with the board disputing charges ranches near Las Vegas with drifts park Virginia but one thing members of the same family— the ranged a meeting for Monday consider the nomination of Felix to another of “but don’t draw blood" interior merely by board members of secret dealings from five to nine feet deep Rivers seemed to have led department to be a member of the So Ernest lifted one from the between Martin and Harry H Ben were reported-risinnear the dan- And finally to a ' department of was explaining it said the fasci- Frankfurter court and of Frank Mur floor and put the broker on ice nett Ford Motor company personnel ger point'in" east Texas and marshes the interior quoting a typical nation of the “life of & ranger supremeICODttmi-m PB SIS) S And the band played on- director nature loving ranger licoluma Two) and lowlands were flooded “despite the wet and the cold” So Ernest Socked the Broker I11 G O P considers his victory of high value Gov Bottolfsen semi-tropic- al v L l a hn km fc u- 4 f I At r l4 |