Show ‘at vr eo’i5W'k''9Ms t ft IMm- THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE SATURDAY MORNING Student Fete They Must Eat So Kitchen Work’s Vital to Becomes Riot In Oklahoni Sit-Dow- MARCH 1937 13 Police Firemen Cal In to Subdue Battling Engineers and Lawyers Yorker tion on Douglas Plane Efforts of Commission Strike and Settlement on Merchant Marine March J2 (INS)— Warping that communists seek to destroy the merchant marine Sena to Copeland (D) of New York Friday called upon the nation to place a merchant marine on the high BOSTON as sttident lawyers at the University of Oklahoma tried to kidnap the engineers’ queen One student was injured and police and firemen were called to rescue another from atop a flag pole In the midst of the melee pretty dark-eye- d Jo Wade Thornton junior was crowned queen of the Engineers’ annual St Fat’s cele eeas second to none Copeland chairman of the senate commerce committee and sponsor of the merchant marine act of 1936 addressed the Boston chamber of commerce He warned that there are other contributing factors to the decline of the merchant marine but said communists lead these "sinister influences’’ ot bration The fight started when the lawyers attacked the coronation parade headed by the queen and her attendants in an open car The law students dumped a quantity of gasoline on the pavement and set it Pointing to the recent maritime strike Copeland said: Withholds Accusation T am not one to cry ‘communist’ whenever there is an honest difference of opinion over economic questions and I do not accuse the present representatives of the various seamen factions of being in afire Fight Flames Chemical Biz-ze- Shrine Association Names List of Officers Tenn March CHATTANOOGA Chackes of Alnad temple East St Louis HI was elected president of the Shrine Directors’ Association of North Amer12 UP) — Louis ica here Friday Other officers elected were Lee D Dewey of Waco Texas first vice president Lex Lord of San Diego Calisbcond vice president and Lou Fischer of Charleston S C secretary-treasurer £ Utah's Larses! and Flnest M miner j store f 44 EJroadwajf $299 - -- Okla March 12 CD naming: gasoline blocked traffic and overripe eggs filled the air Friday V L A Group Takes Ac Tells of New NORMAN engineers fought the flames with fire extinguishers while the lawyers rained rotten eggs and paper sacks filled with water on the heads of the paraders from second and third floor windows of the law building The queen and her attendants took refuge in the bottom of the car Law students poured from the building and fist fighting broke out Flovd Hildebrand named St Pat by the Engineers bore the brunt of the attack His green costume was torn in shreds but be managed to go through with the formalThe ity of crowning the queen coronation was no more than over When fighting broke out again Kenneth Schwoerke law freshman started up the flag pole to get the Engineers’ flag while more than a hundred students battled at the bottom of the pole Rush to Scene Police and firemen rushed to the scene and ordered Schwoerke down but he continued his climb while Engineers shook the pole in an effort to dislodge him Schwoerke ripped away half the flag ande&me—dowtt Engineers off his stripped grabbed him clothes and were about to toss him in a nearby fish pond when J F Findlay dean of men res cued him wrapped him in a raincoat and sent him home Dean Findlay said he would rell port the incident to Dr W B university president "There never has been anything like this” he said 19 Sen Copeland Coast A F L Warns of Plot Heading for Against Shi IS CIO Conflict Strike n “““iXTrAi the employ of Moscow SANTA MONICA Cal March 12 Los Angeles divisions of the American Federation of Labor moved toward conflict Friday with UP)— the Committee for Industrial Organization in connection with the strike in the Douglas Aircraft company plant The central labor council comprising A F of L groups filed a petition w ith the national labor relations board asking permission to intervene in the C I O case against the Douglas company acheduled for Monday Will Return On Monday 29T of the 347 men indicted for conducting a strike in the Douglas plant several weeks ago will return to work The C I O leaders meanwhile have asked that an election be conducted among Douglas employes to determine which organization shall represent them as a collective bargaining agent It Is the contention of the A F of L Secretary J W Buzzell of the central labor council declared in his petition that the A F of L gave the United Automobile Workers of America the right to operate only in automobile plants Members of the latter group were the ones who struck closing the Douglas plant Consequently Buzzell's statement said the U A W A is not eligible to conduct such an election Attacks Leaders Donald Douglas president of the company bearing hla name attacked statements assertedly made by C I O leaders Friday declarof the ing their interpretation agreement that ended the strike was “a fantastic twisting of absolute falsehoods’’ Douglas called a mass meeting at the factory and made his remarks to 4500 workmen “To save their faces ’’ Douglas said “the strikers’ committeemen have given the Impression that conceded every point Douglas sought with utter disregard of the farts "The gained nothing whatever from the strike Whatever changes that have come since the strike began were a result of negotiations pending at the time between the company and the Douglas Employes’ association now the Aircraft Workers’ union’’ sit-do- 'But I do know that so much subversive propaganda has been issued to seamen by communistic and unamerican organizations that In the whole issue is beolouded the files of my committee are publications of such organizations aimed not alone at the continuous discharge books the ‘Copeland fink books’ but also advocating strikes and instructing their disciples how n to carry on disruptive acts in of agreements made by their ’’ leaders Defends Book Copeland defended his continu oils discharge book a part of the merchant marine bill on the ground “orthat It has been advocated by ’’ The ganized seamen since 1923 house of representatives voted to repeal this provision Thursday He urged the Immediate construction of merchant ships to compete with the large foreign fleets and at the same time blamed President Roosevelt for failure to promptly carry out the provisions of the act He said “The present situation Is ona of chaos In the last session of con gress much merchant marine legislation of major importance vas passed but so far this legislation has not been given a trial or even a chance to see what can be done under it” Submits Names “It was not until March 9 hat the president submitted to the senate for confirmation the names of five permanent members of the Over eight maritime commission months have elapsed since the passage of the merchant marine act 1936 and here at last we have the names of the commission ’’ 4 Declaring that "our future as a maritime nation is in the balance" DETROIT — Preparing and serving foods is one of the Mrs Dorothy Kraus supervisor is shown at top left Top and that "our national defense de- Continental strikes and numy take a hand major problems in Meet Bottom left right Mrs Kraus phones the meat market mands that we succeed" Copeland Mid in this culinary work for Chrysler and Hudson strikers’ wives prepare sandwiches for late lunches while added Approves Fund Plea These are the two latest plants to close in labor strife ‘For years no new ships have bottom right strikers serve in the potato peeling department been built or even started for our overseas trade and yet all 111 California asked congressional ap- opening and to reduce the numST LOUIS March 12 LP— RepreAbolition of the upper house formed Bridge Coins Asked persons know that our sentatives of 19 midcontinental y proval Friday for the coining of ber authorized to be coined for the the Rigsdag Denmark s legislative merchant marine is largely 12 WASHINGTON March UP— 100 000 Francisco-Oakland New ships built by for-i- n states concluded a flood conference is being discussed seriously leseent pieces to com- San bridge Senator William Gibbs McAdoo of memorate the Golden Friday by adopting a series of Gate bridge opening from 200000 to 100 000 that country eign competitors are fast taking resolutions to spur construction by away the business which rightly the federal government of reserbelongs to the operators of Amer- voirs floodways and other projects ' ican ships to tame America’s rivers The 200 engineers city and state officials members of levee boards Seeks Cannon Bishop and flood experts unanimously apa plea to congress to apNew Trial of Libel Suit proved propriate funds “NOW” for the $582000000 national flood control program authorized in the and Overton acts of WASHINGTON March 12 (INS) —Justice Jennings Bailey In U S 1936 Second Resolution district court Friday took under advisement the motion of Bishop Another resolution urged congress James Cannon Jr of the Methodist to remove requirements for local for flood control Episcopal church south for a new contributions trial of his $500000 libel suit against projects of an Interstate or national Holden Representative George character on the ground “it is pracTlnkham (R) of Massachusetts tically impossible equitably to measa The libel suit heard by jury ure and allocate benefits and to in a about two months ago resulted obtain the enactment of cooperative verdict in favor of Representative legislation between the various circularon Tinkham It was based states involved’ ized remarks taken by him out of The conference called on congress on the floor to enlarge Its program for flood an address he had made of the house severely castigating control in the nation “to include all the Methodist dry leader as a projects which it finds to be ecoshameless violator of the federal nomically justifiable” and “related corrupt practices act” in connection problems such as the use and conas oDthe head with his activities of both water and land" committee during the servation Would Keen Corps “ 10281 residential-campaiIn the last of their major actions the "flood bowl" delegates “earSleulli Fails to Find nestly urged” that the United States corps be continued Evidence of Kidnaping army engineers' in charge- of surveying planning EAST UNITY N H March 12 constructing and maintaining flood CPI — Ralph Caswell investigator for oontrol-an- d navigation projects— The general nature of the resoluthe state bureau of criminal investions actedasa-daperonstate tigation returned to night satisfied he said that delegations many of which had oniney djookt o wss oinipiy n dmeTotTieYdnTereh'cs prepared" to "lost child" and not a kidnaping make a fight for approval of speVictim cific projects All were encompassed Search of barns maple sugar in a broad way in a resolution dishacks and ijeaerted bu'ldings with- recting the “particular attention” e in a radius of the Brooks of congress to the need for relief Trod Mark home failed to reveal any trace of works in the upper and lower MisUS Fat Off the child sissippi the Ohio Missouri ArkanShirley toddled away from her sas and Red River basins How Oxydol Soaks White Clothes Snowy White So Fast home hist Saturday vo-latlo- $199 $199 CIO - r 4¥ Vnrs Wj swwj wmh um Hov Can Wo r t Flood Control Bsllcdcst? Ht f With Everyone Action Urged t Racing About $ x Out Neve i Easier Hals sit-do- obso-bod- nt Honestly Wo TMnli They Really Arc 1CCO c'3 tbs Most I' Beautiful Easter Hats - f v intbe y World Priced $1990 $399’ ‘ anti-Smi- th gn ConcoEd-NJ-Fnda- five-mil- HERE’S THE SECRET Yet Is So Safe For Colors Hands There is absolutely no need In letting washday “get you down!’ For science now brings you this new and amazing soap that works on an utterly new principle ! A soap that makes scrubbing and rubbing unnecessary and cuts washing time 25 to 40' '0 in tub or machine' A soap that soaks clothes snowy white so fast it is the wonder of all who try it yet so safe you’ll be amazed! Developed by 'the makers of gentle Ivory soap Oxydol does these 4 amazing things: “back-breakin- Wally Will Remain Abroad Says Friend few gentle rubs between the fingers to 40 in (2) Cuts washing time 25 tub or machine (3) Gets white clothes 4 to 5 shades whiter proved by scientific Tintometer 12 March Md BALTIMORE (UP) — Mrs Wallis Warfield Simpson will live the rest of her life abroad Mrs Lionel Atwill society woman and friend of the Duke of Windsor's fiance said Friday I had a letter from her” Mrs lkvill said “saying she has no Intention of ever coming to the United States to live " Mrs Atwull said that when she heard rumors that the Duke of Windsor nuTt ms’ e his horn" in tests (4) So safe that every washable cplor comes out sparkling brilliant fresh Oxydol is economical too 1 ests show d to one-hathat it will go again as far as even the latest soap chips on the market Give Oxydol a trial— see for yourself how much easier and faster the w ashing muih v Inter vour Jon gos— and-hocome out Get a pat ha e from jHijpakaTOitdirtial'i tninut£vv itlu- - clothes ir dialer todiv’ 1 ’roc ter & Gamble" out si rubbing or tolling Even gimy “o neckbands wash snowy white with a mut tin tmmtj it moo wuunnc institute one-thir- CINCINNATI Ohio March 12 CPI City Mkhager C A Dykstra admitted Friday that an offer from the University of Wisconsin of the presidency of that Institution "appeals to me” Meanwhile officials considered prospective successors as City manager of Cincinnati Chairman John Callahan of the executive committee of the Wisconsin board of regents requested Dvkstra to meet with tne committee in fimao Sundiy for a final Umteri'-fHates TommtR'W Tnnfrrrnrr'"bift)if" Simpson offering the use of her es - submitted his name to the full board tate Rainbow Hall ffdr formal action lf e - TV Cincinnati Manager Pleased by‘U’ Offer - r th-e- I ) t $1‘99 i&roratgjg |