Show “THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE io 60TII IN THE SENATE Bills Introduced Chamber' Delays Task Cities Utah legisla Prospects for adjournment of the twenty-secon- d ture some time Saturday were brightened Friday night when the senate accepted a conference committee report on the beer bill and passed the appropriations and state levy bills ' By adopting the beer bill commit tee report the senate receded from 'its previous position and gave the Ms on this issue bouse its — ntcipalities way will have exclusive jw risdiction over the granting and of licenses as the measure That the house will ‘now stands accept the report Is a foregone con elusion Inasmuch as it was this body which wrote in the amend' ment taking beer entirely out the hands Of the state liquor com' ' r mission j Sought Joint Control The senate had previously held out for a Joint control system where by both local governments and the state liquor commission could re voke licenses for liquor law viola of Putting Through Bil General Fund (Continued from Paso One) spent in acting on Important bills other than appropriations The sen ate however did consider appro prlations by introducing the meas ure by title and following the text of the house bill The measure which actually wili have to be passed by the senate Is the house bill because the law re quires that this bill originate in the house When the house bill does to the senate that body will be practically ready to pass it because already having considered the S B ‘257 — Farr: A senate title for the general appropriation bill (H B 250) S B 259— Farr: A senate title for the general revenue measure (H B 251) S R l— Holbrook: To provide for a legislative Investigation of the Introduced by consent legislature of the senate rules suspended and passed on final reading by 18 to 0 vote 5 absent To be engrossed Senate Action on Bills iS B B — Maw: To provide for additional revenues for firemen's Passed by both houses pensions and sent to governor S B 42 — Holbrook (a committee of nine bill) : To distribute 75 per cent of the state high achool fund to offset homestead exemption losses to the districts Passed both houses and sent to governor S B 55 — Nelson: To establish a new license and registratibn fee schedule for commercial trucking: tax Passed repealing the by both houses and sent to governor Utility Tax Bills S B 71 —Holbrook: To amend Among the measures passed by house Friday were two bills and clarify the liquor control act requiring that the tax commission Passed both houses and sent to tions for purposes of taxing utili-th- e governor valuation fixed by the Impetus toward the senate's ae S B 72 — Senate adopted conferJ V commission for rate ceptance of the "city licensing ence committee report receded from into the written President B Herbert provision power” some of its amendments and re beer bill by the house was given author of the bills contends passed by 18 to 2 vote 3 absent W (D) Thornton Senator the is J now rate base by higher To appro S B 118 — Thornton: Provo who as a member of the the tax base which has the $15000 for establishment of effect of keeping utility rates high priate Joint conference committee reportan adult blind center in Salt Lake id taxes low ed that some doubt had arisen as to houses and Passed by both City ' Most was the constitutionality of the joint licaused by sent to gefvernor controversy Senator Peterton school bill by Senator Glenn Snow cense power advocated by the senS B 123 — Lindstrom: To repeal ate which provides that school districts laws relating to aid for dependent When two agencies of government its calendar They informed the with a valuation of more than $4000 mothers Passed by both houses bave power to issue licenses then senators that the house planned to per school child shall not receive and sent to governor It Is questionable if either has com- settle down to work and pass all the more equalization fund money hereS B 125 — Lindstrom: To relieve bills in its hands after than plete authority—either to issue or important senate they received in 1036-3- 7 No comment was made by the This means that if excess equaliza- county commissioners of portions of revoke — Senator Thornton said he senators at the time but later a tion money is available in the fu- their welfare duties (care of the had been informed by attorneys blind) Passed both houses and sent senate “good will” committee was ture it will not go to the (D) Peterson Wendell Senator rich districts but to the poorer dis- to governor— Ferron urged adoption of the con- named to repay the house call S B 126 Lindstrom: To repeal Bills passed by the senate during tricts in the rural areas ference committee report to avoid statutes relating to emergency rewere: the our Heber of day chances Benhlon Jr lief of destitute having Representative "jeopardizing citizens Passed by 60 B farmers which H house (D) a change from the present system” exejnpts Daggett sponsor of the both houses and sent to governor of occasional sales make who bill prodexbills declared The appropriations and levy that homestead S B 127 —Lindstrom: To repeal must originate in the house and uce from the sales tax emption losses will fall heaviest on the law annually $75 29 those which' B will H the are normally passed by that body permit poor districts and this bill is 000 from appropriating tax fund to inheritance the were as assistant who to In before they are considered in the registered designed compensate them part the e fund Passed pension 1 1937 to for these losses on senate pharmacists January and sent to governor become registered as pharmacists The chief opponent was Represen- both Bhouses Tired of Waiting The com' 192— Holbrook: S n A the regularexamina-tiotative J Ablett (D) Balt Lake The upper chamber members upon passing who lives in the Jordan school dis- mittee of nine tax bill Passed by however grew tired of waiting for and sent to governor H C M 6 which asks the federal trict The Utah Copper company both houses action by the house and introduced S B 217 —Lomareauv: To term! the titles of the measures into the government to appropriate $100000 mine is within the boundaries’ of nate terms of office of holdover senate They then inserted the m- to Duchesne and Uintah counties this district and for that reason it members of the public utilities com Reason is usually one of the richest from aterial in the house measures under for educational purposes mission who now serve as public part the tax revenue standpoint the senate titles and proceeded to for the request is that a largelands service commissioners changing Mr counties are Indian Ablett of of these passage protested readon second final them and pass Passed the bill on the ground that it would the terms of office therefore not taxed are and ing take from his district and several both houses—and sent to governor Voted Down As a result the senate will not S B 246 Tabled by senate others in the more favored class have to enact these two "must" Two house resolutions proposing S B 257— Passed on final reading He said bills into law after action is taken constitutional amendments to per- and give to other districts he is not opposed to the principle by 16 to 0 vote 7 absent sent to saunby the house When the senate equalization but he called at- houseB 258— Passed on final tered until 10 a m Saturday the mit a split legislative session and of reading to the fact that all districts S tention a to the maximum pay increasing only major item still ahead of that sent to 16 to 0 vote 7 absent by mines will revenue lose were defeated session of containing $600 per body was confirmation or rejection house a of result a3 new the tax mine on killed was bill which Another of a few remaining appointees of H B 2— Tabled by senate a roll call was H B 59 which would bill This Is because the bill reGovernor Henry H Blood H B 13— Killed by senate enact 65 cents duces the metal mine tax multiple of set minimum have pay up The house still has a sizeable list clause stricken and tax revenues ing 40 of places hours and maximum occupation hour of senate bills befors it but it can per H B 29 —Passed on final reading in the state general fund wtfffiTOn hours public projects per adjourn any time after the reprereturned to house H B 226 which redefines a motor Attempt to Amend sentatives pass the appropriations H B 59— Killed by senate enactkilled the was Mr carrier striking by Ablett appeared to be getting bill and the measure fixing the state stricken ing A Senator Ira clause considerable support so sponsors of H clause enacting property tax levies B 60 — Passed on final readHuggins (D) Weber who made the the measure attempted to amend it While Away Time to house motion said he had been informed They proposed that the figure $4000 ing Breturned 68— Killed by senate enact H Having lost all their enthusiasm that the measure would practically be increased to $4500 which would stricken for writing any more new laws into ruin every trucker with a franchise have narrowed down the number of ingH clause B 226 — Killed by senate enactthe statute books this session the in the state districts to receive future equalizastricken senate whiled away the time by An effort was made to bring the tion fund increases This amend- ingH clause C M 6 —Passed on final read passing a few house measures and natural and artificial gas tax meas- ment was defeated and the bill fin killing a few more All the mem- ure up to the top of the calendar aliy passed on a vote of 36 to 18 ing by 18 to 0 vote 5 absent re bers were weary and the only thing for consideration turned to Rouse by Senator Law- with six absent and' not voting H J R 12— Killed by senate on which kept them in session was the rence E Nelson (D) A senate bill Increasing the cost Murray Sennecessity of waiting for the house to ator Huggins made a substitute mo- of going to college in Utah also was 10 to 9 vote 4 absent senate on pass the appropriations bill and con' tion that the calendar be followed approved by the house The bill H J R 13—Killed by firming or rejecting Governor Hem and this carried by a vote of 14 to 4 increases from $9 to $17 the quarter 10 to 9 vote 4 absent ry H Blood’s appointees House Action on Bills Another bill killed also by strik- ly tuition fee in junior colleges and The session started out lively of the enacting clause was the provides that the tuition per semesH B 27 — House concurred in sen ing enough in the morning when Sen miners’ qualification bill H B 13 ter shall be not less than $2550 ate amendments and repassed by 39 ator Dexter Farr (D) Ogden moved which would require all coal miners The registration fee is left at $10 to 0 vote 21 absent to be engrossed to introduce the appropriations and to The same increase Is made in H B 62— House concurred In sen be examined as to qualifications tax levy bills into the senate by title before being given full rights as tuition fees at the senior colleges ate amendments and repassed by 89 and proceed to consider them withwith the registration fee remaining to 0 vote 21 absent to be underground miners engrossed out waiting for house action the same The nonresident fee for “I see by the newspapers" he com the senior colleges is increased to H B 71 — House refused to con cur in senate request It recede from mented "that the legislators can get Ricli Woman Recluse $45 a year its amendments conference com' free board and room at one of the The house senate bill a passed Found Slain in Home which will allow the state subject mittee appointed hotels Under these circumstances the house members may remain in to authorization by the board of exH B 107 —House concurred in DALLAS Texas March 12 CD — aminers to session for a month I think it is senate amendments and repassed by of the accept building time that we do something about it” Mrs W H Knox wealthy the Sait Lake City chamber of com- 36 to 0 vote 24 absent to be en recluse was found dead in her merce as a state Blocks Motion office If grossed home late Friday her head crushed the state accepts it will building be authorH B 112 — House concurred in To introduce the house measures and an tied tightly about her ized by the bill to issue apron bonds senate amendments and repassed by Into the senate required unanimous neck to $125000 to take care 42 to 0 vote 18 absent to be en consent and Senator Will R Holmes Police believed robbery was the amounting (D) Brigham City voted no on motive for the a laying Mrs Knox of an outstanding bond issue on the grossed 0 the Farr motion But this did not neighbors said kept large sums building of $90000 and provide H B 200 —House concurred In stop the senators They have ac of money about the house Officers The for remodeling the structure senate amendments and repaseed by on bond matures $90000 issue 40 to 0 vote 20 'absent to be enquired a habit during the past 60 found more than $11000 worth of July 1 1937 days of ignoring technicalities when bonds and securities hidden in grossed Saving Claimed they conflict with the desires of the grip together with a cashier’s check H J M 6 — House concurred In majority If the rules are in the for $1600 Representative Sheldon R Brew- senate amendments and repaseed by way they merely suspend the rules The aged woman probably was ster (D) Salt Lake said this is a' 44 to 0 vote 16 absent to be enan act which requires only a ma- killed early good proposition from the state's grossed Friday police said standpoint and eventually will result jority That was the procedure folH J R 7 — House concurred In lowed and both measures were inin a saving of money He pointed senate amendments and by out that the state capltol building 41 to 0 vote 19 absent reparsed troduced by title Another motion D’Annunzio Chuckles to be en- details ton-mi- le pub-servi- mak-Eena- MARCH 13 1937 Nations Settle House Conducts ‘Love Feast of the the watch A presentation Spanish Plans sion to house of representby speaker 9 Legislative Calendar Prospects Permit Rights to MORNING UTAH Senate Agrees on Beer House Places To Speefl Adjournment Approval on 17 Measure Brightened for End of Session When Upper House Accepts Report Granting SATURDAY afternoon ses- portion of the DAY- - by 86 to 18 vote 6 absent returned to senate S B 130— Passed on final reading by 44 to 0 vote 16 absent returned to eenate S B 183— Passed on final reading by 41 to 1 Vote 18 absent returned to eenate S B 187— Passed on final reading by 44 to 0 vote 16 absent returned to senate S B 188— Passed on final reading by 41 tojO vote 19 absent returned to senate S B 189— Passed on final reading by 42 to 0 vote 18 absent returned to senate S B 197— Passed on final reading by 39 to 2 vote 19 absent returned to senate S B 211— Passed on final reading by 43 to 2 vote 15 absent returned to senate S B 212— Passed on final reading by 39 to 2 vote 19 absent returned to senate S B 235— Passed on final reading by 40 to 0 vote 20 absent returned to eenate S B 253— Passed on final reading by 43 to 0 vote 17 absent returned to senate S B 254 — Passed on final reading by 35 to 12 vote 13 absent returned to senate atives Friday was turned into 'll Powers Finally Agree on "love feast” when gifts were presented and words of admiration ‘Hands Off’ Details and respect were spoken Members of the house presentSpeaker Joseph W Jensen March Joint a gold watch and chain and action unprecedented In European with employes gave him a travelthe 27 nations agreed finally ing' bag J Waldo Parry chief history Friday night to minute details of t clerkK was presented with a brief and J H Shaw aergeant-at-arplan to enforce their pledges to case with a billfold "hands off keep Spain" A ‘sea patrol drawing a cordon of warships of neutrality powers about the Iberian peninsula wag ordered by the European noninter vention committee to begin Its work Saturday A week or more would be required the committee believed to install land observers on the Franco-Spanis- h and Portuguese-Spanis- h frontiers to halt the flow of arms and men to Spain The nonintervention committee in its short and harmonious session named two Dutchmen and a Dane to the three Important positions of actually directing the "hands off scheme under debate for many weeks OGDEN Admiral M H Van Dulm former 2441 Wash commander in chief of the Dutch fleet in the East Indies was put J FRESH in charge of the project ' LONDON 12 (D-- In ed ms Spetial of was made Representative Maud B Jacob of Provo who aald that members of the house appreciated the speaker’s fair treatment of them during the session which is now drawing to a close The speaker replied that he The the had enjoyed working with members of the house whom he praised for their desire to cooperate in putting over the legislative program SATURDAY f-- 2POUNO BOX Martha Washington CANDIES 10 “To O Booth 10 DAILY Mala M East Broadway Cl te old-ag- $35-00- Inserted the material of the h bills underneath the senate titles and the senate started to Work Because the Joint appropriations committee wanted to make a few minor changes in its handiwork it’ wm decided to discuss and pass the measures to third reading and then recommit them to committee Teiision Relieved Shortly afterThls was done the tension which has been growing up between the’two legislative branches was relieved by the arrival of a "good will” committee from the house This committee composed of Rep reaentatives Sheldon R Brewster Victor G Pett and Milton B TaV' lor urged the senate to remain in session and pass the house bills on Owri5uicideStori relief arid welfare agencies and is now paying $2000 a month for the GARDONE Italy March 12 CD— rental of office space in downtown Gabrielle d’Annunzio Italy’s poet-her- o buildings quietly observed his seventy' Among other bills passed by the the- - following fnurthbrthday Friday chuckling house Friday-wer- e over reports he had contemplated S B 197 — Allowing members of suicide the board ocorrections otheivthan Intimates described-t- he aging the governor toi receive a per diem wardar'referetwv4n-n-oen- i let ef $10r feutnot“more-than$25a ter that "l am now old and ill so I month am hastening my end” as represent S B 83— Making a correction In ing his poetic rather than his actual the title to some state land conframe of mind veyed to the government in Bryce Canyon national park S B 253 — Restoring provisions jot Amendment Offered the old law with regard to the enTo Coal Control Bill tering of Insanity pleas In criminal r Snow Reported DENVER March 12 CD — A genMedicated with throat sooth- tle springlike snow accompanied ing ingredients of by moderate temperature drops fell Vicki VapoRub intermittently Friday night from SP Cheyenne in southeastern Wyoming to COlora di Si)fitl£s in southeastern Colorado same lovely fashions 5th Avenue will be wearing on Easter Dayl Choose Spring's new washable crepes prints — — pastels — smart Navy sheers Impartial in Their Flaafery Sizes 12 to 20 38 posse dr S B by house entet-ln- g clause stricken on final reading S B by 42 to 0 vote 8 absent returned to senate S B 77— Passed on final reading by 40 to 0 vote 20 absent returned to senate Mothers and daughters alike are wearing them! Smart fabrics tailored vdith the simple assurance marks a master tailor S o fter ‘‘dressmaker’ S B 83— Passed on final reading by42 to 6 vote 18 absent returned to senate S B 84— Passed on final reading by 40 to 0 vote 20 absent returned — to senate S B 92— Passed on final reading by 46 to 0 vote 14 absent returned rjd ' to senate cases S B 95 — Passed on final reading S B 130— Granting the right of 2 WASHINGTON CD— March! reducing license Senator Robihson of Arkansas the eminent domain on fish and game ers’ license$35acttoand $25 under construction fee from Democratic leader offered Friday projects S B 211 — Making the state law S B 84— A uniform act designed an amendment to the Guffey-Vinso- n ednform with rules and regulations to compel attendance of out-of- -j coal regulatory bill providing for a of the federal savings and loan in- state witnesses in criminal cases tax of 1 cent a ton surance corporation The bouse killed by striking theThe house in passing the measure S B 235— clause a senate measure road commis Enabling enacting lf one-haThursday approved a levy of sion to regulate gasoline pumps providing a period of limitation for cent a ton to finance admlnis S B 92 — Allowing payment of the questioning of the validity of tax tration of the control system deed mileage for witnesses brought into the state to testify in court cases S B 187 — Allowing Utah to compact with other states in supervising parolees from penal institutions S B 188— Facilitating arrest of fugitives from justice S B 189 — To make uniform the procedure on interstate extradition s B 212— Bringing processors under provisions of the produce deal- - breathtaking price — the new jacket styles — boleros — shirtmakers— charming peasant dressesl In fact the At this that Brings You Pretty Smart lleadwork $ S 98 and a lot of fresh pew angles on flattery for Spring! Brims small pillboxes cultivating flung back to form round halos young blossoms on top of their crowns styles and adaptations of cartwheels Shiny new straws and feather- - -"r - —- — weight felts side-rolli- ng - types absolutely feminine Pricedlow for cashyso you can have on© of each kind Women’s and misses’ rsizes -' Air Test Successful air'BERLIN March 12 UV-A- n plane was hooked successfully to the Zeppelin Hindenburg while1 both were in flight in tests con-- ’ ducted Friday by Germany’s famous airman Ernest Udet technical chief! in ths aviation ministry ain-at-BroadwayYSal I Lake City v A I |