Show A - THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE SATURDAY MORNING MAY 19 1934 AT SALT LAKE THEATERS 01IOF RICHEST County Nurses’ 1 tiji Graduation to - tijwmm uii tr IN BII) i Be Held Friday “H DEALS SL General Hospital Morgan Rockefeller Two Double Feature J Bills Weekly at Victory - Class - Buy Up n-Hit Depressio- ItlR Hunter" with Buck Jonta and Dorothr Beginning this week the Victory Eerier will present two big double feature ' ON THE AUDIBLE (CEEEN bills with a change of program each PARAMOUNT— Richard Barthetmess in “A Modem Hero" with Jean Muir V(ree Saturday and Wednesdty Mnger Teasdalt Rambeeu Dorothr Marjqrl Ross 'Glasmann announced Friday Burress "Upper World" with Warren The same high quality and variety of VICTORY— William Olnter Rorer Mere Alter alto pictures will be maintained giving ‘‘Ureters Liner” with Noah Beery Ralph Victory-goer- s a double amount of en- Lewi jutrld Allra Guitar Von Bert fertltl — CAPITOL— tertainment each week Will ace Beerr In “Vlra Vlh” Par Wrar Stuart Erwin Leo Carrillo “Upper World" a love drama star with Oeorta Stone ring Warren William and Mary Astor Srhlldkrautr Rathe Jus da Uille Joeeph is one of the two new attractions Sat- ORPH KUM— John Barrymore and Carole In ‘Twentieth Centurr") alo urday Written by the famous novel- Lombard Lee Tract In "I'll TU th World" with ist and playwright Ben Hecht whose Gloria Stuart “Wunderworld" startled moviegoers RIALTO— Ear Pranrli in "MandU7"‘with Cortea Waraar Otand Lrlt Tala tew aeesona ago it tells a dramatic Ricardo bot alao Paul Muni in "Hi Nelli" with Glenda Farrell story of intrigue in the upper reaches OPM—' "Mraterr of Mr to Hold Exercises at Elks ' Club ‘In-La- ON STAGE AND ICKEEN W Rex Jswell PLATHOU8R— On the comedians In tha and hi Muei-OI- rl musical melans "Jorland Revue” ion th Edmund acreen "Let1 Pill In Love” with Low and Ann Southern alaq-T- ha Thrill Concerns YO ENTER NAVAL ACADEMY Vernon Ross Hayes son of Dr and Mrs Murray Hayes former Salt Lake residents has been accepted fot entrance lnto the United States Naval' academy at' Annapolis &M- - it was Mr Ha yea a announced Friday graduate of East high school ranked third among 50 youths who took ex smlnationt- - for entrance into tha academy RESIDENT PACES CHARGE’ 818 Laird avenue was accused of installing an electric dish washing machine without first obtaining a city permit in a complaint filed in police court Friday by W S Hlghman Commencement exercises for the school of nursing of the Salt Lake o Trlbunt Servic General hospital win be held next tilt Lakt NEW YORK May 18— Two of the Friday evening at 8 o’clock at the world1 richest families—those of Maria- Elks’ club Sixteen nurses will be Rockefeller— have been quin-and graduated at bargain counter T" with Robert etly acquiring of society Monttomerr Elisabeth Allan Lawia Stoat The Rev A E Butcher will proprice more than $1000000000 worth William one of the screen's Hennr Btrphenaon Warren of depression-sickinsurance compa- nounce invocation and Cobnty Com"Plrlna Down to Rio" with Gene most suave and llnlshed actors ar STATE— del R'o Olneer Roaera Raymond Dolor nies credit agencies and security con- missioner B F Quinn will address in Hollywood by way of the Raul Rohllen alao "Two Alone ” with rived cerns their recent (Wall street operPerker Jen New York stage He has played many TOWER (Ninth East and Ninth South!— the graduates ation have revealed “captains of industry" notable among Katharine Hepburn' in ‘Tittle Women" The addreSs to graduates wilt be From a mysterious headquarters ocJoan Bennett Rranoea Dee Jean which is “Match King" In “Upper with Parker Fdna Mar Ollrer Paul Luke alao floor made by the Rev Jacob Trapp and cupying most of the twenty-fift- h World" he is a multimillionaire rail‘‘Oolni Robert Dr Alexander Hollywood’' with Bins Croabr and J superintendof the Graybar building in midtown Marlon Parlea road magnate working on a gigantic STAR— Olrl In s Boat" with Doro-th- e of John ent of the Salt Lake General hospital ‘'rht David M Milton of Wilton Douelaaa Mnntiomerri Ka merger the nation’s entire railway D Rockefeller Jr and Colonel Her- will present diplomas eon: John Richard D'x in ‘‘Dr o( alio system The list of graduates follows: MuBeekonlnr" ylth Made Eran of J P bert Satterlee brother-in-laAstor plays his socially AmbiRuth McBride Rees Mary riel England Morgan have been conducting one Wlnnemucca tious wife whose neglect of her hus- laid In the orient concerns' a beautl Edith Odbert Ney of the greatest financial salvaging op- Salt Lake band and son leads to the dramatic ful Russian girl an exile from her Sallna Genevieve Knight erations Wall street has ever known Lake McKenna complications of- - the ttory Little own country who ia sold into virtual Salt Betty Quata While most of the publicly known Dickie Moore last seen with Ann slavery to a resort keeper by her own Salt Lake Salt Anna Meng Lindsey operations of these princes of Well Lake Ruth Havenor Pocatello Core Harding in “Gallant Lady” appears lover There is powerful drama street are being conducted under the leneAD’Neil Salt Lake Ruth in this role Ginger Rogers J Carrol many thrill scenes and a burning roByram aegis of the Xquity corporation from Salt Lake: Naish Andy Devine an£ Sidney Toler mance Salt Birch Lake Sylvia Jersey City N J many of the group’s Deris Wilson Great Flails Mont Etta are featured “Hi Nellie" Is a bang-unewspaper secret moves are being executed from Underwood How'Mystery Liner” is the Victory’s story with Muni in the role of a man Maurine Garfield: an unlisted branch of SatteiOee 8c second bill new attraction on' the ard Richfield Marjorie Horsley Soda aging editor When he disagrees with in the Graybar building Adapted from the thrilling Edgar his publisher on the handling Of big Springs and Myrtle Nelson LynndyL Wallace “The Ghost of John story- he is “demoted" to the role of atory Ijuj Raidings Holling" it presents the romance and ’’sob sister" advising Uvelorn ‘maidIn the one year of its operation the a aboard drama liner ens The film is packed with dynamic Equity corporation through consolidaat sea Noah Beery plays the captain action with a wisecracking romance tions mergers outright purchases John Holling Astrid Allyn as the to fill in delightfully Glenda Far and majority control of stock has acnurse Cornelius and pretty ship’s rell has the leading feminine role quired domination at deflation prices Keefe and Ralph Lewis as underoffi- and the cast also has a over Interests with listed assets of Kathryn cers love in her the head with supNed Sparks Hobart Cavanaugh more than $1000000000 These holdWhich includes cast Gustav porting and other--- — ings are only a part however of the von Seyffertlts and Edwin Maxwell e investments which novcartoon the Gob" a “Buddy include ventures Into real estate perelty and a new issue of Meirotone sonal loan companies and thrift soci- ‘Permissive Area’ S L News round out the new program eties Wall street seers predict that with Protect Sought New Double Feature the return of normal times young Mil-toand his associates will rule a fiBill the Rialto nancial kingdom probably second only to that of his sponsors A tale of thrilling adventure with In its annual report to stockholders Designation of a tentative colorful romance la the film “MandaDecember 31 last the Equity corpora25 15' at Grove Pleasant Ruth Armistead festival Adams and Ellen Lake May Nearly for area" Salt (left) designed which comes to the Rialto screen tion listed- Its year’ progress as fol008 visitors are expected to partake of the free lay" to protect established Industries and (right) are tempting Governor Henry H Blood n lows: Saturday Another picture on the - as eele at to the 'served be cream invite choice him and strawberriesstrawberries with fo they Rialto’s new program is “Hi' Nellie" Assets of the Equity corporation aid them to recovery under the N bration attend the thirteenth annual "Strawberry day" with Paul Muni in the starring role (parent company basis) based on net R A codes has been announced by assets of stocks In controlled compa“Mandalay" has the beautiful Kay state for Utah the committee regthe Francis as its principal player with nies held directly $3 068 4685a Excess ’Skull and Boneg’ Plan of and the administration ulation the supporting cast being headed by of combined assets over combined lia- crushed stone sand gravel and slag ‘ Dinner Ricardo Cortez Warner Oland and bilities (including controlled compa- industries Anniversary t Lyle Talbot nies) $771732740 Total assets of The state committee decided to The theme of the story which is controlled and associated companies hold a Junior and Bones Skull in Lake honorary Salt public hearing $50000000" men’s society at the University of which June 4 to consider The latter figure it was stated did must be submitted to protests Utah will celebrate its twenty-fiftthe committee not include the assets of the acquired in anniversary Saturday May 19 with writing prior to the hearing General American Life Insurance a dinner at the Union building on Unless the committee changes Its 31 which on December company the university campus after the hearing the tenta- York Rite Will Confer 1933 reported a total business of $816' plans Skull and Bones was founded May tive permissive area will be recom 080000 t 19 1909 Frank J Goodwin and mended for the approval of Hugh S and ’ree Strawberries at Degrees ' Assembly Personal Finance Lester Blackner two Charter memIf Johnson recovery administrator In the field of personal finance the Mr Johnson approves the area will Cream Await Visitors at ber plan- - to attend the celebration Saturday Milton group recently has taken over be set aside for the purpose of elimiHamilton Gardner local attorney and United nating monopolies as well as the Morris Plan Inc will act as master of ceremonies Festival May Thrift corporation — The speakers will be Judge Herbert the oppression of small en York Rite Masons will meet SaturM Schiller G Ott Romney E L The division of Rockefeller and Mor- terprlses No additional facilities or the at afternoon and evening gan Interests in the ambitious venture new construction of plants will be day The first of enough free strawber- R’omney and Roy McIntyre' Over 200 men are expected to attend the is not known but both financial houses permitted until production will have special spring assembly of the Utah ries to feed 13000 persons were pre- dinner are represented among the officers and reached 70 per cent of the demand council No 1 Royal and Select MasBlood sented to Governor Henry H on the directorate R F Weske research1 engineer for ters at the Masonic temple The committee in charge of arin his office in the eapltol Friday rangements includes Dee 'Tanner Young Milton is president and e the Utah state committee said the T the be will assembly director Oilier directors of the Salt Lake permissive area was desig- Directing two pretty Pleasant Grove girls president of Skull and Bones Ray by are listed as Samuel W nated as that territory which lies J Nelson lllustrous master with the Ellen Adams and Ruth Armistead Owen president of Owl and Key Morriss Gusi and DeMotte Pomeroy Chase Donaldson E C Hunt-- in the Salt Lake valley extending work being supervised by W W ‘ Tha girls presented him with 'sevIngton Jr and Walter S Mack Jr Of- from the south county line to the Rager and John M Dunlap The a strip class committee members are 6 H eral case of berries and Invited Jilm ficers other than Milton as president north county are: Donaldson vice president Mack one mile north into Davis county and Goodwin William H Mitchell and E to attend the thirteenth annual strawvice president W Franklin Best treas- from about the foothills of the Wa- M Qualtrough berry day May 25) at Pleasant Grove urer and assistant secretary R S satch mountains on the east to SeventThe of candidates will J A West president of the Pleasroom! West street on' the west start atregistration Elliot Jr secretary and assistant treas- y-second 2:20 p m with the assembly ant Grove chamber of commerce The area is 18 miles wide east and opening 30 minutes later The urer and the Joined in royal inviting governor n of west and 26 miles long north and master degree will be conferred at said free berries and cream would Donaldson Is a Samuel B Chase founder of the south 3:30 p m with the select master de- be served all visitors Chase National bank now controlled Council will gree at 4:40 O’clock Children will parade In costumd is by the Rockefellers Huntington close at 5:55 p m with the tradition featuring the festival program They a member of Satterlee's law firm al royal and select masters’ banquet will ride in more than 80 floats The SUey Sqwi Dally 3 GOOSES KL RIO Firms Listed visitors by popular vote will choose following Plerkene Pererltee GtfVAAYinono ' de- the Alta master’s' The excellent over to super weakened reign "strawberry queen” Among the financially ITh W REX JEWELL'S' evewill in the be Jean the from gree a festival has presented Milton to which among large concerns young Reeer Setter Parker ning with section 1 scheduled for group of little girls administered a stimulating shot of —In— “JOYLAND REVUE 7:30 o’clock evean and A ball reand rodeo to game gold serum "Two ' Jut Oat Elf Carnival of Jer "' iiri ning bathing revue and water carvive them and restore them to profit- Alone" Cowedtim t lake will Defendant Forfeits Bond nival at Geneva Reaatlfel Ceitemeel Beenerrf making health are t conclude the program - — I Yosemlte Holding corporation Failu’re For InterChain 8t General Equities Inc Appear Allied Pioneer Landmark Dedicastate Equities corporation ! Lent Ann Sethera General corporation Eastern Shares Forfeiture of a $25 bail ttond postBVC X JONES In “THE 42 188 Reed corporation United Founders’ corpoBrakebill hunter" Set thrill Hugh by tion W Ceremony With Derelhr ? ration General American Life Insurgent street was ordered by Judge ance company the Morris Plan Inc on court Daniel in Harringtoh police Wednesday American Colony Insurance company Friday when the defendant failed to American Merchant Marine Insurance answer charges of keeping and opim pit s4aiTMiTl company and the Proudfoot MercanGovernor Henry JH Blood will be erating a gambling device tile agency' Brakebill was arrested Monday by the principal speaker at dedication Within the last few weeks Equity services who said they commem- morals squadsmen monument a for has been trying to obtain control of tha Layton pioneer stage sta- seized a slot machine at the address orating the Phoenix Securities corporation tion and the “Prairie House” next formerly known' as the Prince 8c Wednesday at 4 p m John D Giles Whitely Trading corporation of the Utah Pioneer Trails : Although the net value of Its assets secretary A anassociation of and Landmarks has shrunk to only about nounced Thursday B O A Its predepression size United FoundPWetare: 1:05 5:20 Members of the Columbine camp ers is still one of the largest companies 5:15 7:50 and Pioneers have seof Utah Daughters 10:00 With DOROTHY WILSON f it: type at one time numbering lected a huge boulder which will be DOUGLAS ‘MONTGOMERY stockholders and Investments in moved to the Layton park on the Cast And e assets 845 different lines Its main highway A bronze plaque will ALSO— —— of $500000000 are now rated between be furnished by the Utah Pioneer 60 and 60 millions' Trails and Landmarks association “Day of Reckoning' Milton who married into the RockeMADG EVJ monument will stand approxiRICHARD DIX feller millions in 1829 when he wed The 30 rods from the site xof the Mickey Mouse Cartoon mately' asRockefeller first became Abbey station built about 1857 on the sociated with Colonel Satterlee dur- stage to route Virginia City Mont “boom” latter’s rehabilitate to efforts the ing mining district at that time Ben the defynct Bank of United States Holladay opened the stage line which - Satterlee married Louise Flerpont later was taken over by Wells Fargo Morgan eldest and favorite daughter St Co and operated until 1870 when of J P Morgan Sr in 1830 i the railroad came through Combination Bpafhettt A hotel adjoining the stage station and Ravioli Town-Count- y was built in 1857 by Christopher Lay Dog Tax Choice of MIDVALE ton a pioneer of the district Known SPRING CHICKEN HALF " AlSO Officials of Two TENDERLOIN STEAK one or was hhmM it as House" “Prairie tha Puzzling Silly Symphony ROOF CARDEN VEGETABLE DESSERT the first buildings in that region Cartoon “The China Shop" Tea Coffee Breed Butter vice STONEY CREEK Ont May IS (ff) Dr George W Middleton Only TSa CHARLEY CHASE COMEDY Utah Midvale association of trailf the Booth for Ladies —A dog lives in Stoney Creek— and president News Kadi Norolty will be master of ceremonies at the NICK RUGA’S ase For Couple thereby hangs a tale W Mr and dedication ceremonies Zxtra Lady The home of the dog master Is on A Nalder will lOo speak representing the township line half in and half out the Columbine camp of the D U P MUSIC by WALT ROSS E la of the village So when the dog e 121 W nd So An pioneer celebration tad His REVELERS in tha front of tha house he is a townEMIGRATION CANYON Was 10265 will be held the evening after the ship dog and when he is in the back dedication in — he is a village pup Opens Their Season The owner refuses to pay two taxes on one dog and the dog refuses to American Legion Day stay In ooa end of the house So the asassessor and the village township LAGOON— TODAYS With Their sessor are trying to decide who Should r!Av collect the tax Italian Dinner -- Tribune-Chlcai- Irvin Mills - w p Can-fiel- d - GRAVEL CODE ‘ d REGION URGED Ser-giv- Milton-Satterle- for t MARCUS Ht to Industries THEATRES ! at "per-iftlssiv- MASONS SLATE Pleasant Grove SPRING MEET Invites Governor To Celebration 25th h 10 $4 25 g ICflC A line-includi- great-grandso- Blood to Speak At Layton Stage Monument Rites Morgan-Rockefell- UHli I h - to for GIRLS IN one-tent- h T” - 100-00- All-St- ar one-tim- — vrfltivsim Grand Opening Tcnight TONIGHT ' V 'l - Dancing under the stare— twice as much outdoor floor spece as last season ( or OLD MILL - Pinecrest Inn - Social old-tim- Miimiii TONIGHT V -- JUNIORS HONOR 8ENIORS The junior class of the East high school honored the graduating seniors at tha annual junior-senio- r reception jn tha Union building ' on the' University campus Friday 'evening Arrangements were made by junior clast officers: David Chrtis president Anna De Ogllvle vice president Carol Woolley secretary Reed Richardson treasurer Jack Sharp repre- sentative It ' GRAND OPEN AIR DANCING If To Prefer Splendid and Dancing T The Information dept at Hie Tribune hs nu- the Mailc Front JEKRT JONES’ AROUND-THK- merous calls every day— -’ BEOZ MUSI0 WORLD ORCHESTRA TONIGHT The Roads Are in Excellent Ladies Me Gent 40e COCOT GROVE Condition PHONE HY 4868 "‘'Where can we rent a canyon cabin?" CIA® jack comer free a "2ft LEGION ORCHESTRA little 9 or rent ad a dar will rent your cabin for week or month Want Ada Wat CM Jut call PUBLIC INVITED ‘SSSxb ’‘Surprise Galore" KIjIj DANCING ‘ ' FLOOR SHOW DANCE TO THE MUSIC OF JIMMY’S NITE HAWKS 2— BIG FLOOR SHOWS— 3 EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT NO COVER CHARGE DANCING EVERY NIGHT HYLAND 7 TONIGHT SOUTH MAIN 17181717 ' Regular Season Prices DANCE 1101 ‘ ’ Walter’s Beer on Draught club: RED ROOSTER INN Dftiici::s i A - toll y |