Show THE 8 ALT LAKE TRIBUNE SATURDAY MORNING MAY 19 1934 O’Shocker Gains Victory Over Reilly Through Disqualification SUTTON AND EVANS MEET ONCE AGAIN Tigers Again Whip Yanks Ascend to Second Place Fair Faces Chisox Make It Two in Row Over Macks Browns Down Bosox Nats Best Injuns Sutton-Bemuo- n Evans-Wildin- for g Doubles Crown y j- - - rl- :e is tei t n P ‘ ! o 0 n t 1 a ' - or wwvyyi “ i - a a a at to J7 & '&) LEAGUE NATIONAL Chleari Pittsburgh St: Louts New York Soeton a Irooklyn Philadelphia Cincinnati Friday’s Reaalta Cincinnati 2 New York I PltUburih 0 Brooklyn 3 St Louie 3 Boston Chlcaao 0 Philadelphia 9 Saturday’! Sehedalt-Phlladelph- la at Chlcaa Boeton atSt Loula New Totli kt Detroit Washington at Cleveland 1 By J C D Heretofore we have never viewed tho troubles of a high court We have alwayi thought all a judge with sufficient sympathy had to do was to sit back listen to a lot of hooey toss a coin and render a decision Now we come to the conclusion that a really conscientious Judge hears the evidence weighs It and renders a decision—if he can ARENA RESULTS The matter hotfevfcrls beset with Pat O’Shsakar t2S Salt Lake vast difficulty This we realize when bend our clear unbiased mipd upon trying to get th rights of the case of Pat O’Shocker vs Pat O’Reilly (ss) Ths testimony we received at the arena Friday night instilled in our heart a consuming desire to be gifted with the power to issue a writ of certiorari a writ of supersedeas a writ of mandate or even a writ of habeas corpus The latter legal implewe Meet Goes C C -- Newman Subdues Kent With Hammerlocks Christensen Downs Speyer Boyd Wins its ill rflj To Semifinals X Pat Oalllr (M Bastes Ralllg faM 10 Isatsti left keek O’Skeeker aeeesO right erase heir presg O’Sheeker awar44 aaalahi isla was lint press W 0 mlastaai f tea RefUr’l tail AI Nrvaaa til Balt Las Many Kaat 223 Partite Ora Kaet wee flnt fall 0 alaetaai heaSlack New a a a wee Meant sea third 11 1 eilaotaai hemmerteeka" Bkana Chris tenses 219 Salt Lake 4sfsate 4 Fret Sparest 103 Salt Lika eae-fa- ll aatahi It laiattesl katx aclaasra flrlix 1M Salt Lake Aafeata AI Bar Arlhnr Hstln 141 PrestM Mabel ana-fa- ll aalski If priaataai ker press Ill NOVICE MEET Or-lo- 6 TO BE HELD - i v Too Lavish In Use of Knees Fists NEW yORK May 18 WP)— Wil- liam Harrison Dempsey arrived' In town today with his hairy arms loaded with bundles of baby's clothes his face beaming and his mind on anything but the fight business “It's going to bt July” he said as he carefully stowed away the “loot” in a hotel apartmentwhlle Mrs Jack Dempsey the former Hannah Williams of ‘'Cheerful Little Earful fame supervised "Right now the only thing we’re thinking about is the baby We've got to get all set for that If it's a boy it’s going to be Jack Mi-' chael Dempsey If it's a girl her name’ll be Hannah" Frey in Rare Form Bruins Win Again Bucs Braves Come Off Victors two-third- Red Ruffing In the middle of the fifth was charged with the loss for Happy Event Pat Walter Stewart (above) Wash DETROIT Baterday’a Stheielt NEW YORK demonstrated Chleato 6t atFhlladelonla B H OA I ington southpaw Brooklyn Combs ef 4 1 ODollaek i American Friday that the 1933 Bt Louis t Boston Rolfe it JlGojI'n P J Purcell Brownie Hunter Dr ment however would probably be of to be CineinnaU at New York 4 a I Oia Walter cf I I are Ruth If still champions league Othrit lb OOehrlnger lb I 1 I 11 C Pack and Dr F?L Stauffer llttla avail since wp cannot envisage J held when he the reckoned with 2 3 4 18 I as (AP)— Roaell 0 RightNEW YORK May Chapman — V earned their way to the semifinals of a writ of habeas corpus strong enough bawerl i ib 4 T I f Greenberg lb I I 7 1 Indians formidable Cleveland toji hander Benny Frey’ masterful pitch 4 0 7 0 4 11 3 Cochrans e Sutton and Dicker a The match between of the directors’ up for to get the corpus pf a modern heavy these leg the'May to seven safeties win scattered 2 4 debut Smith’s 4 0 Ai 4 lb 01 (Owen lb chiggers beinf particularly viihg today spoiled In weight wrestler or to retain it if it I Evans should be a thriller and pro- Heffner 10 0 0 Ruffins p vet- men at the Country club Friday to 1 100 OlMarberry-PThe cious and bloodthirsty beasts Giant as a pitcher starting W Evans doomed were Purcell as the llAuker some p p 1101 vide Smythe got quarterfinals spectacular play 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 OlHogsatt eran Cincinnati hurjer kept the eight G Hunter p 4 and 3 Brownie Hunter will undoubtedly be out to avenge Anyway the testimony offered by Reilly poured boiling beeswax Into I 0 0 0 aPox Giants’ hits well scattered while the took the measure of J D Roberts 0 0 0 0 IFlioher p his defeat at the hands of the Ute partisan witnesses of G’Shocker and O’Shocker’s nostrils Reds bunched three of their five 8 end 4 Dr Rack won from Rudy There were many other and similar-point- s b Reilly went something like this: captain In the school singles 1711170 40 13 2412 Totala Total! runs their both hits off Smith for brought out but thest art the one up and Dr Stauffer tri- O’Shocker tried to set fire to ReilTuesday The scores of this xBatted tor Smyths Inla ninth 1 over decision 2 to to give them a seventh main ones we recoil (Batted for Hoxsett 6 2 ’6 4 It was New match were umphed over P A Pspworth two up ly’s feet 009 100 200— 9 York ’ the Giants The semifinals will be held Saturday 201 120 Ux— 10 the first set and match that the tow Detroit Reilly drove tooth picks into And we art here to say that if any Smith went four innings before he A Runt batted in — Oehrinter s and all of these allegations were true" ' Summarytournament is also on the O’Shocker’s ears headed Evans had lost In college com- Roarl By JOHN LAKDNER point par 1 Rolfe Gehrig 1 Chapman Dickay The allowed the Reds their first hit schedule of the Canyon O’Shocker turned loose a band of they wouldn't come within jniles of 1 Owen 1 DoUack 1 Comba Goilio (Special to The Tribune) Saturday petition this year on lone Giant run came in the ninth 1 Comba Rolfe hits— Oehrlnaer links trained chiggers on Reilly’s legs Neither Sutton nor Evans was Oreenbera (Copyright 1934) (Continued eu Poltowlnf Fasti ' DoUack Lagzeri Ooilln ChapThe Terry’s double Ott'a infield out and usual a NEyr YORK May hit — Doliack Stolen baaea pushed hud in their matches Friday man O'Doul’s fly Sacrifice— Goiltn amount of defective and superfluous 1 O Walktr and the latter reached the finals with —Chapman NEW YORK New Division for Women’s CINCINNATI plays— Roaell to Oreenbars Dickey the loss of only six games three in Double Baaa on ivory was shipped out of the major BHOA BHOAl to Heffner Lazeerl to Smythe 4 14 if OIMoort 3 4 1 RufAdams Ib balls— 1 Auker 10 this week baseball markets Marberry Flsjher Vach match In his play against Sut league 4 111 Tour Intermountain 4 13 olCrlts 2b Blakelr of I Smythe I Struck out — Marberry 1 and fins - ton in cut rates or no picked up for 4 2 00 2 2 2 I Terra lb the University of Utah singles Auker 4 Fischer 1 Smylha 1 Hite— Koenla as second-handeal-era 4 0 10 7 4 In in 4 1 of 9 In Ott i out 010 l all Auker rates at lb Bottoraley (0 3rd) Evans had trouble by the championship Listed" 1 In 0 12 0 o In 1 Ruffins if 3 0 0 OlO'Doul if 3 Fischer Hafer ney most the of The ‘ ‘ distinguished with his forehand drives but Friday 4 12 4 Schulmrlchrf 2 19 ODtokion "its 1 In 1 lWlnnins 2 0 0 1 4 0 4 ORran 8b Piet 2b Loslns pitcher—Smyths castoffs were Burleigh Grimes the this stroke was working to perfection 4 0 0 leGrantbam O Farrell 10 0 0 and and his placing was excellent big sputterball pitcher Joseph A novice flight open only to those 4 0 6 2 Veraea Ib c Mancuso 3 110 The doubles match between the ijisoarella Wild Ignatius Judge The best of them who started to play the game this 3 10 2 8mtth was Jim Weaver a St Louis discard season will be formed in the first two Utah aggregations also should be 0 xxWatklni 0 who immediately was bought up by annual women’s intermountain inviBell a brilliant and interesting contest as 'Chisox Win Again Come to the alert Cubs both teams have played faultless ten82 1 27 14 Y2 8 37 181 Totals CHICAGO May 18 0P)--Joe tation golf tournament which opens Total sBatted for Rran In seventh nis throughout the year and considissued live bases on balls In - It ha been pointed out and Tuesday at Forest Dale it was an- ggBttted for Smith In eighth erable controversy exists as to which nounced Friday by Mickey Riley pro- Cincinnati 000 002 000—3 force three will be pointed eat again that fessional at the course to Is the superior combination 000 000 001—1 New York e the first inning today In hatted-InRuna Koenlt across Summers: the Grime Is the lost of the spatter matches both Utah combines Chicago White Sox runs The primary purpose of the unCrlta Jackaon O'Doul Errors— were hard pressed in their first round plate and give Ted Lyons Just enough ball! Red Faber has gene and usual flight is to encourage the less Double piers— Jackson hit— Terrr Crita and Terry Frtr Koenig and Bottora-le- r matches but came through in the leeway to eke out a S to 4 victory Bases experienced feminine golfers to take a have Urban Shocker Hube Koenig Plat and Bottomler over the Philadelphia Athletics semifinals in a splendid manner belli — Smith 4 Frey 1 Beli 1 Struck part in the tournament competition on Hita— Smith I lit Bell out— Smith 4 Leonard Ray Fisher Ray CaldOne outstanding first round tussle The Sox scored the winning run disConsiderable interest is none In 1 Logins pitcher—Smith Wo are proud of our graduate ! lound Joe Geddes Aggie freshman in the sixth on singles by Hass and well Stanley Coveleikle Dana played in the championshipbeing and the Bonura and a double by Simmons ennosing outXan Freed Utah first-yea- r The handicaps of Card Recruit Loses FlUInglm Marvin Goodwin Bill first flights CHICAGO PHILADELPHIA Every time W6 fit one of these e flash in a trants in the latter division will not match BHOAl BHOA Dhak Shamin' Phil Doaglaa 4 1 I 0 1 2 lluhalt 2b 9 rf Warstler George Stoddard garment wo iwell with fido Cougar frosh vary more than five strokes accord- First Major Start 9 1 9 OIKaas Dick Rudolph and AI Sotheron cf cf to Riley This arrangement will taged the biggest surprise when he Cramer ing Johnson if'' 4 2 2 OlBonural lb 7 4 1 10 over how well he li going to look r belt2 1 2 4 9 0 llSlmmons If ousted Captain Jack Christiansen of Poxx lb John Methaielah Quinn was make certain even competition BOSTON May 18 4 11 OlApplInt ai I 0 rf W ’ ’ rookie ' Finney inford Jimm three-seing t a in pitcher Aggies fracas McNair as through all rounds when he itepi up to receive his llDykea throwing his damp one on the Pa112 4 1 5 BintlM 3b lb 4 0 ! 2lBoken 3bi An additional flight will be formed from Columbus for three runs In cific coast with Clarence Mitchell Wrrt round— Rom Button Utah defeated Hlsslne 9 0 Rue! 0 10 two the Berry and first innings ruining diploma Xt’i a big dayfor Him Harold Fltggerald T 4 6 0 t providing that there is a sufficient hid Jo Oaddaa xColeman 10 0 0 Lyons p and Frank Shellenback Dan Freed! Utah 0 0 1 0 - Hayee e major league debut the Boston number of entrants Atea defeated for Dad and Mother and Us George 10 0 0 defeatet xxMlller t Braves today trounced the St Louis The in which special championship Christiansen Aggiei Oascarella p M0 0 is Captsln not the Joseph Ignatius Judge 2 In tha second game of Cardinals uuh Burt Dietrich p 4 2 0 0 WelshYO-fT'- : last of anything special but no one will be placed the outstanding femi- the series Semifinal round—Sutton Utah defeated 38 1134 9 Totala 307 27 10 wiilvdeny that in his time Joseph nine performers in the state is also Total! Fred Frankhouse started for the lotted for was one of the sweetest looking first attracting widespread interest The Tribesmen and was highly effective XxBatted for Hayei In ninth leated Stoddard Y 1 3 tournament is first event the major 003 006 010—4 little a basemen Deablee extant It's Philadelphia Surpris- of the women’s schedule and a Graduation 301 001 00a— 9 Firat round—Evans and Jimmy Wilding Chicago record until "Pepper’ Martin’s line drive struck him on the leg and forced Foxx ing that he didn’t go better in the Utah defeated Ross Tyson and Marvin is list entry expected went Ruel National When 1 Davis Assies 1 0 Joseph league Captain Joe his the seventh retirement In a nlte— Cramer Sweneon and Wilson Booth Y defeated Holipllna the I BOSTON arfT LOUIS Lett on bases— to1 Brooklyn last year it was Dietrich Haae SImmona man Waters and Marvin Alter Utah 4 of Max Carey and other HltgHJaaca-rell- a opinion 7 Chicago 10 4 2° lAl trrbi£nkl at Captain Sutton and Bud Bennlon Utah Philadelphia uCLibBH 1 in ' ' ( 4°4l defeated Roy Swenson and Merlin Allen here and there shrewd observer Rothrock rf S 1 4 $!Thompon rt 8 J 4 0 In 7 L 1 Assies 1 ilWhltner 2b 3b 4 Prich he would murder National that a j (IBerger ef Semifinal round — Xvane and Wilding tf SS!o Medwtck If tJtah defeated Swenson and Booth Y 1 ColTliu ib 1 I 0 Jordan lb league pitching for a while 44(1 St 141 Sutton and Bennlon Utah defeatet Senators Find Injun Outfit V Daria e Complete 4 0 1 jMelUmif 3b ) 1 t 7 9 Christiansen and Oeddes Assies 4 ‘ 3 110 - - i Lea If But the N L snipers seemed to re4 119 Hdftn e Hurler for 12 Hits and member Joe from somewhere Durocher aa' 4 117 Frankhouse P 3 0 0 Wlngford p CLEVELAND O May 18 W- -' they served him all sorts of noxious Navy Blue TlannelCoat $1153 Halnee p Southpaw Walter Stewart held the stuff The old Judge's current stand xDclancer Rhem White flannel Yrouserg$343 Cleveland ' Indians in check today with the Red Sox was conceded to be xxMllls While his Washington Senator mates his last though Walter Johnson tor Uooner p (Continued Prom Preeedln Page) White Bhirt 73 pounded Lloyd Brown "lor 12 hits one would have used him on first 30 13 27 16 32 7 24 13 Totala base ahead of Morgan This is no in the Colorado relays ran anchor Total! Play in the May leg of the directors’ and a S to 1 victory In third xBatted Heines for White Ground Tie 30 cup for women at the Country club WASHINGTON evidence of old world courtesy or man on the Pedagogue mile team in xxBatted for Rhem In eighth f (CLEVELAND B HA3A for Prankhousa In sixth entered the semifinals Friday The Blueie 2b B 1H0OA fraternal good WlIL Mr Johnson an unofficial time of 47 seconds flat St (Batted 0 9 Porter rf 001 001 000—3 Loula 1000 Hose Ensemble Clocked White 80 quarterfinal results: Mrs Morris KuheL lb 4 2 I OIKnlckrbker si 4 0 42 1 would put anyone on that first bag The Teacher relay team set a new Boiton 100 20— 0 0 4 11 OlAverlll cf — record of 8 minutes 208 seconds in Summary Runa bitted 120in— 10 Rosenblatt d Mrs F T Whitworth Manueh If Uartln ahead of Morgan 4 I a as 4 2 3 llVoamlk if Cronin Shoes TTrbanskl White Frlich McManua Thompson 5353 Sport one up Mrs' W W Cassidy d Mrs Schulte ef 4 3 2 C Hale lb very t this event largely because of Smith’s Berger Hogan Error— Medvlck Thomp4 310 0 2 9 0 OITroaky lb The extdua of Messrs Judge Harris rf son Walker Kennedy 2 and 1 Miss hits—Thompson Bsrger 0 12 1 White Belt great — 0 0 10 Prtlak e 30 — rf Stone e bases Stolen hit Uartln will worn all ocThompson d Mrs Halloran Travis 3b iiKamm lb ad Crimea Is a tad sad thing 3 Jordan 4122 the last event has been comDouble play— Jordan to S I 0 0 4 10 1 L Brown p Soules def Mrs J A Twelves balls— wlngford 1 Bases Phillips e Urbenskl on White Straw Hat 3 10 laBoUand 10 0 0 whether they find new niches er pleted Saturday night Aggies prob- Rhem 2 Elliott 2 Struck out—Rhem L 3tewart p Mrs G I Reed one up casions season Frankhouse 1 Cantwell 1 Hite— Wlngford not The departure ef big Jim ably will enjoy an j Miss Thompson earned her way to Totals 24 12 27 12! Totala In 2371718 1 5 In 1 In none RhemO Heines Colorado should outdis- 6 Mooney none in 1 Prankhousa I In 0 cBatted for L Brown In ninth Weaver might have seemed sad advantage the finals by triumphing over Mrs Waahlnston 000 101 (01—8 tance the others rather easily for Elliott 1 In 1 (non out In eighth) CantTwelves two up The other semi- Cleveland 000 001 000—1 If Charlia Grimm hadn't promptsecond with C C end Denver and well 1 In 3 Winning pitcher— Frankhouse Runa batted In— KuheL PhilLosing Complete final encounter between Mrs Rosen- Summary Wlngford pitcher— e Teachers fighting for third fourth hits ly purchased the large lips Pytlak Error—' Trosky blatt and Mrs Cassidy will be played — Harris 3 Homs run— KuheL Sacrifice and fifth With the many expected Pirates Stack Their from Newark Big Jim Double plays— Kamm —Travis Stewart Saturday Hale and Trosky Knickerbocker Hals and performances Satur1 Stewfrom what I saw sf him in the Trosky Bases on balls—L Brown meet should be day’s in eastthe best art I Struck out— L Brown 1 Steurt I 20 ONLY— YOUNG MEN’S Hay in First Round allegedly sunny south this spring ern division history is a pretty good pitcher whs may 18 WV-Th- e BROOKLYN May Buck Newson Turns become a very) feed one PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE Pittsburgh Pirate won tha second of the series with Brooklyn gam The other ball players who were Bosox Upside Down in the first Inning today when they at Teams and oft rosters Standing the big clipped league ck NewST LOUIS May 18 Won Lest Pet drove Charley Perkins the Dodgers' N J Los Angeles 781 11 39 Cali- sent to a to cover with a five-rusom the talkative Mission 17 030 only southpaw 20 included Phil the Page wabbly fornian was in line pitching form assault They peppered Ray 10 Hollywood 24 598 out- San Francisco Glenn Chapman Brooklyn s'paw 24 20 945 Lucas later in the game and finished today his Brown teammates were fielder from the same club 459 24 20 Lynn Nel- Sacramento in a batting mood and St Louis won son 22 on the long end of an 8 to 3 score 19 two berths Oakland 2r and Dick Ward whose I 13 Seattle 20 PITTSBURGH 303 BROOKLYN its second consecutive game from be Cubs Portland 11 with will 202 the 20 B H OA I BHOA by occupied the Boston Red Sox )1 to 8 1 L 4 Wtncr 4 2 2 cf oiTaylor If Tithe Steve Weaver Larkin young P Waner rf 4 3 1 olFrtr at 2 0 31 Cnrrant Raanlta Hornsby’s men collected 17 hits Krausse and Bill At Log Angelei Lew twirler 2 7 0 Kotnceke 4 110 If Llndttrom f E I ger H R one a home run byJBunft off three 1 I I 4Wllton If 010 100 000—3 10 19 2 00 Vgughan It a couple of Brave pitchers Minion Barrett 2 10 OlLttlle lb 4112 Boston twirlers Lot Angelei 000 OOO 003—3 7 0 Sum-rit couGene Moore Lew and a 3b 4 0 Batteriei— Riggs IlCuoclnello Babich and 3h I I I I 3 Lavagctlo lteber Osborns BOSTON ST LOUIS 2 0 0 3b 4 0 0 1 'Lopes O and Cardinal Pltapatrlcki J store Campbell chain cam of of B H OA Campbell BHO ple 8 0 4 8IO!!ft3b 413 OBerraa Lory 9(2 IIS coffee Roy Spencer the aging In At Sacramento: 4 I 1 3 Westcif 4 f I R H I Blrkofer p 2 0 0 3 Jordan 3b WerberSb 4(3 French 0 0 0 llPerklna p Yan11 catcher 107 006p 041 a of Seattle and 3 I f 0 Burnjilb Cooke rf -0 couple jun Lucas 2 001 0 2 1 0 Sacramento 400 100—0 R JohneonU 6--3 a - Boston Prepare LICKS GIANTS ' DETROIT May 18 (AP)— Lusty clouting featured today’ game between New York and Detroit in which the Tigers made it two in a row over the Yankees by winning IQ to 8 Detroit made IS hits and the Yanks 13 AMERICAN LEAGUE Detroit held the lead three times Standing ef Team! Woo Lost Tet before it was able to carry off the New York 11 14 n10I :to game The Tigers went out in front Detroit 12 949 Cleveland eee 14 481 with two runs In 'the first inning Waahlnelln 13 13 Philadelphia ' n 12 lot tied New York In the fourth and 3t Louis 11 423 Boston io broke a tie in the fifth 149 I 13 Chicago Southpaw Elon Hogsett who work Raanlta Friday'! 4 Chicago 9 s ed but of an inning gained Philadelphia New York I Detroit 10 11 3 St Louts credit for the victory while Harry Boeton Washington I Cleveland 1 Smythe who caitie to the rescue of 6 JacklHannah RED VETERAN UN SLAB DUEL charo-pionshl- p n Two-ba- u -- is 18-- Three-bag- of d- - PROVO— University of Utah play-r- s won their way to the finals In both slntles and doubles in first round and semifinal matches conducted on the Knight Woolen Mills courts Frl day in the state collegiate singles and doubles championships Captain Ross Sutton and Grant Evans of Utah will meet for the singles championship with the Utah doubles combinations of Sutton and Bud Bennlon playing Evans and Jimmy Wilding for the double title The championship matches will begin promptly at 9 a m Saturday on theWoolen Mills courts to hi to be completed in plenty of time for the state collegiate track meet starting at 1:30 Halts Tribe - I Mar-ber-1 d JUNE “GRADS” -l toll Cos-carel- AUERBACH’S! Fri-day’- - He-f- er Two-ba- sa I long-distanc- WV-Afte- 10-- e 8-- Two-bas- Sport Ensembles Colorado Aggie Team Favored 6-- 12-- O- -l Feminine Meet v e In Eastern Meet In Semifinals er lit The Sport Outfit is smart for Graduation be and for this Two-ba- Ill Three-bas- fl33 9: 42539 Two-ba- record-breakin- g BLUE SERGE WV-Bu- sun-kisse- d n SUITS 1 - 1 Reynoldaef Moraamlb Wallersjb Hlnnkleo Rhodeep WelUndp Pennockp xBithop OlOarms S’” HI' 411 4 I 0 llMellllp lb (I 41 1 1 Hem ley 4113 4 0 9 3 0 9 Pepper kee Joe McCarthy really hod tede seme delicate pert ting te get 0 down e the player limit He ef eue at hi chattels Lya xxSeeds Lery fer cash It Wax a nie thing xxxSolterf to da hecaasa tha Red Bex can 41 11 27 12 Totala oe Lya very haadlly and Jee In fifth- nse hiin at nil Lory Is a' xxBatted for Welland In seventh ' xxBaUed for Pannock In ninth polished and hlghoplrited dude 002 000 016—11 Boston Hs plays ale baseball at first sr 101 112 10X— 11 St Louis 7 third er sbert er second hat th Summary: Errors— Waltaxa t Pepper Rune batted In— MelUle 4 Wtrber Cooks Tanka hey always been pretty Burnt 2 West Newsom 2 Pepper Morran well eqelppod - thsnk yen nt Oarma Metlllo Rhodes hit— Three-baWest hit— Welters Home Clift these spots Se Lyn goes to Bosrun—Burnt Stolen base—Reynold Double ton and Colsnol Reppert pockets to Meltl-f- o play —Strati re to Hemeler to Clift X 1 Baeea on balls—Rhodes Welland the price of 256 106 glasses of Newsom I Struck out—Rhode 1 Welland boor 1 Newsom I Hita— Rhodes 0 In 4 Welland ill llBtranfeu 0INewsoap its die-pee- inT Tivectfoae HIGH SPEED TYPE Two-ba- S Loalas pitcher— - — Mr McCarthy had to take out a little pennant insurance in the form of a bull pen catcher and another in fielder He recalled the perennial Jack Saltzgaver and gave the warm up assignment to John Schulte His hspd was still two Over the limit so Mrs L” F' Thompson carnod The he discarded Norman Kies and Charright to meet Mrs R C Hiil for the lie Devens and hoped for the best Thompson Link Bonny Victors A—i TTESTXRN LEAOUC Friday’ ! Retails Omaha 4 Sioux City I Rock Island I Dei Uolnet 0 Cedar Rapids 0 Davenport I Topeka 0 St Joseph 0 xPrtder Beck pt Ill0(0 p 37 11 27 11 Total! Total! 3032715 xBatted for Lucas in Mvanth 501 J01 000— Pittsburgh 200 010 006—8 Brooklyn Runa battad in — Lindt trotn Summary: (Continued an Following Pago! jt— ParirCrowd Mobs AI Brown Jacobs Eats Burning Cigar m J In 2 Pennock I In Rhodes V lit Batteries— Credited Pltterer and BradNltcholaa Hartwlg and Merer bury May leg championship of the directors’ cup play for women at Bonneville Friday when ch defeated Mrs C E Fpley 7 and 6 The flnl encounter will be played next week In a challenge team match Mrs Charles Link downed Mrs ‘Donna Williams 6 and 4 OLD-TIM- E HURLER DEES " ST LOUIS May 18 (di-Ge- orge W McGinnis who pitched for Chris von der- Ahe’s St Louis Browns of the American association in 1883 and 1884 died today after a brief illness He was 71 yearsold PARIS May 18 (UP-- AI Brown of Panama world bantamweight champion suffered cuts bruises and a slight brain concussion last night at the Palais des Sports when mobbed by French boxing fans The mobbing occurred after Brown lost on disqualification to pas ton Humery French' light- weight in the sixth round The referee halted the fight after warning Brown three times 'for fouling Brown’s tactics so enraged the spectators that they stormed the ring broke down the posts tore up the canvas and smashed rlng-id- e sels — They slugged BroWa with their iuU On hit huu over the head with a heavy ‘ cane At least 20 men were pummel-ln- g him when 40 policemen responding to a riot call rushed the ring and rescued Brown He was bleeding and semiconscious Police fought with the mob for 20 minutes before the arena was cleared Many ringside spectators received minor injuries Joe Jacobs of New York manager of the former heavyweight champion Max Schmeling injured hi throat when he swallowed a burning cigar Humery weighed 132 pounds and Brown 122 - Brown's title was not at stake because the match was over the d Two Fairs of Fants! What the well-dress- ed graduate would wear certainyblu MrgI — These suits are -- tailored and come hi both single and Sizes 34 to 40 styles le most beautifully1 double-breast- ed Auerbach’s Graduation Special! SHIRTS r Plain colors— tan blue green grey and white Tull cut fast colors and all elzes Extra fine quality (Boy’ Punxlahlnfs—Street Floor) AUERBACH limit - 4 A |