Show NY METAL SHARES RISE Volume of Sales Declines as Stocks Experience Quieter Session Stock Averages New York STOCKS (Copyright Ind ti Week on Month ago ago Year 3 yrs 7 yrs High Low High Low High (Tonu i (Bain In Hundreds) Hlghl Low foloeo ISls Adams £xd Advance Ram Air Reduo W-Sto- accomplished despite Isolated weakness in liquor and some aircraft although the general run of the ahares moved narrowly Volume had dropped to 2150360 shares The of a averages were up six-tent- point net AUssheny Al Ohim Si Dye AllU-C- Fra F Si Am uco Am M Fdjr Am Metals Am do M pfd Am Rad & St 8 Am Roll Mill Am Safety Ras Am Smelt St R do Pfd Am Stl Fdn Am Sugar Rti do Did Am T & T Am Tob do B Am Wat Wka Am Woolen do pfd 3-- 8 - - Patlno Mln Penney JO Penm R R Pet Milk 1 Phelps Dodge Phlla R C ft I Phillips PeF Pills Flour Pressed Stl Car Procter ft Oam pub Bet N J Pullman Pure Oil Purity Bak 1 Radio Keith O Reading Oo Real Silk Rem Rand 71 Reo Mot ' Repub Stl do cv pfd Rey Tob B Rossla Ins 8 12V4 Safeway Sirs St Jos Lead St L Ban F do of d Schulte Ret Seab Air pfd Bears Roea Seneca wop 3 4 n Servel Sperry Corp Splcer pfd A Spiegel May St Bid Brands Std O ft El Std O ft E Pf Std Oil Cal Std Oil N J Stewart-War- 25 i? do B IT S Eleo L at Pow A do B do vtc 6100 Qlmbel miAAmn 1153 aiao 141 151 157 41 1 3S5 (05 330 180 395 175 400 1335 333 H uiuetie 167 163 310 'i'ti" 225 500 1375 343 100 TJn U U U u U U U U u iit 48 69 Bid Bk Manhattan Chase Natl Commercial 128 1035 1480 Fifth Ave First Natl Natl City fUP"C 1050 1520 37? TRTJ8T COMPANIES Bankera Brklyn Trust Cen Hanover Chemical Continental Corn Bxca Empire 4 105 125 38 40 13 51 15 53 20V4 941 18 31 II 18 4 47 'ft t nil WOOL MARKET BOSTON Feb 13 (AP)— Scattered sales or moderate volume were closed on the liner quality western grown wools Aver- monvna Texas Brought S2W85 yenU scoured basis jrhll choice Unes were a 31141 83 ! A 18 33 30 IV 304 t Lorlliard P WE WANT TO BUY 80 Man BhLrt Salt County Bonds $10000 Iron County Bonds $5000 Smithfield Bonds Ssiw-HQStltirt&- (U Co Walker Bank Buudlnf Wautck UN 1 Vi 80S ii lit if SO 104 Vi vv 50 104 67 108 a n ss 100 ao es 77 Vi V3 6lVi 50 Vi Vi 67 Vi 108 Vi 85 Vi 64 100 Vi 69 100 Vi 00 '4 12 34 16 34 88 48 p do gen 4s 75 do 5s 81 I Mont Pow rfg 6s Nat Dairy 6Vis 48 Vi as 50 104 80 43 3 83 Vi Cop Mln 74V4I 74 Vi 96 74Vi ft 181 P nv I 1 Fl 143 Vt 70V4 13 10 Vi 22 7 f-- faSJ -- l Bherwln-Wm- i Teck-Hug- 1 3 ' s silver King coal Singer Mfg Smith A O St OU Ind do Ohio St Pow ft Lgt Swift ft Oo Swift Tnt technicolor h Transcnnt O Air Trans-Lu- x VilTrlplex S 01 6M1S Vi Eni a ft 1 BS ism Penn Ohio P ft L liff lit 66 107 105 101 67 107 106 103 nm 76 100 vi 100 79 78 100 67 107 106 102 6 109 Vi 131 87 191101 121 01 104 77 80 Vs e Ik 34 71 45 53 Milan City 6Vis N Sou Wales 5s 67 Norway ss 44 oo es vs Orient Dev 6 Vis 66 Peru 1st es eo Poland 8s 60 Prussia SVis 51 Queensld 6s 47 78 109 Vi 106 96 87 101V4!101 91 104 104 70 76 78 79 68 68 7B 74 37 33 m 78 77 33 33 24 24 34 34 134 34 38 39 66 Vi 57 57 100 Vi 100 Vi 100 38l 43 9 88 Vi 89 69 86 65 65 67 67 Vi 81 101 100 101 19l 87 11 66VM 7 80 6 66 10 84 91 99 141 104 13 97 6 61 3 60' 8 15 ll 8 44 35 84 31 63 31 181 115 l 68 8 43 3 39 43 23 86 I 86 5 37 12 13 138 "'l 3 41 10 30! 91 9 81 5 37 16 90 4 31 23 46 57 4 98 4i 68 1 30 19 12 31 "8 67 89 Vi 1 105 88 Standard cvt Ss do Mm SI5 i 141 73 Vi O ft E 6s 36 64 103 Vi IS' 34 29 38 114 56 41 CHICAGO Feb IS1 (AP)— Butter steady: SS score ol 9B2!iUn: 01 liK u sec: en so toc oe sso wi 230 Centralised carlote 80 score 24c: 18 C! mand U S GtlAQ clals Ohlos 88 33o ano trading slow sackes per cwt: No 1 Wisconsin round whites 1180 mostly around 6165: IT fl enmmer- 8172Vi9176: Minnesota Red Hlverl 3175: Colorado McOlures few sales taano russets t205i3i2Vi: ocniamwhigher casional and lower: combination grade tl80tflS3 few 6160 Florida bu crates Bliss Triumphs mostly 1180 laano russets Marcn April 3355 nw NEW TOBK Feb 13 (API— Ens 18371: steady Mixed colors special packs or se lection from fresh receipts lB'AS'SOc: itandards and commercial standards 18c: ienioY4u puuuos ii iirsts uittiiioii ®17V4c: dirties No 1 42 pounds average checks ltVtoi refrigerator firsts unquoted white eggs selection and premium marks 24®25r nearby end midwest- - u 73 66 106 V i Texas Elec Bva 6s SO Union Oulf Corp 5s 60l u b nuDoer es is do evii 87 Utah P ft L 4S 44 64 64 to 80 Vi 103 98 85 11 FOHEION BONDS Buenos Aires Prov 7vis ind Total Un SVis 41 144 497 813 772 131 41 64 65 69 Metals Tvloney Settlement prices of metals at Salt Lake smslters as quoted by the American Smelt- -' Ins and Refining company are: Silver on Mew York bar silver price 84 Vtc 44e on government purchase price of newly-min- ed silver lead 400c and copper 766c a pound NEW YORK Feb 13 (AP)— Bar silve- rSteady Vo higher at 44c (AP)-- Bar 13 LONDON Feb silver— Firm higher at 18 d Bar gold— Down 3d to 136s lid (U S equivalent 33462 on basis o( sterling opening at 1504) Money per cent 015-1- 6: bills Discount rates-Sh- ort bills per cent LONDON Feb 2 Boston Stock List rvuvwina mrw Jiwiun rrw w!— Copper the sales nigh low and closing prices ot zutura S3 stocks traded Tuesday on the Boston stock exchange: fu17s 13 —standard spot S3 pounds oound 6s Electrolytic—Spot 36 pounds ture 36 pounds 7s 6d Tin— Spot 238 pounds 3s fd pounds 11 pounds 76 Id Lead—Spot pounds 15s Zino— Spot 14 pounds 17s IS pounds 2s Id fd 81slHlghl future 128 m Tel Amoskeae Tel Low IClos 624 120 1751 13C future 11 Anaconda 361 Atchison 80 136 Alb Id: future Boston 30 81 Boston Elev 11 Calumet es Hecla I 106 NEW YORK Copper Range Feb 11 East Sc future and spot Quiet: electrolytic 111 Elec 88 14 Edison Tin— Steady: spot and nsarby 15118 fu100 68 First Nat Stores ture 66176 50 36 Iroa— Quiet: Mo 3 f ob eastern Penn- Oeneral Capital 434 33 sylvania 11850 Buffalo 81760 Alabama General Electrlo 130 11 Gillette 81860 84 80 Lead-Ste- ady spot New York 400c: East New Eng T ft T 187 11 NYNHSsH St Louis 380c 300 67 Zinc— Dull East St Louis spot and fu- North Butte 115 3 ture 440o Qulncy 15 Bhawmut Assn Antimony— Spot 730H736C 156 At Webster Stone 00 W71 Quicksilver— 37000 111 Swift A Co I NEW YORK Feb" 13 (AP)-C- aU money— Torrington 651 ii union iwist ur Steady 1 per cent all day 180 8714 851 IS Fruit United Time loans— steady 60 days 80 0li 180 66 Btioe Macn united 6 4 i: months im months 1 U B 540 128 Says per smelt cent 7001 1 Anex Utah 114 cent commercial paper per prima iisool 4W 10 Utah Metal Bankers' acceptances— Unchanged: eo-e- o M 4 months Total Boston stock sales Tuesday 43611 days days 6 months 1 tt per cent shares oar Cotton Market NEW YORK Feb II (AP)— After making new high prices for the movement onrallles from an opening oecune cotton Drone sharply Tuesday under heavy realisms and This followed reports from liquidation Washington which were Interpreted ln soma quarters as Indicating more oppositionv to crop control leelslatlon than expected Futures closed steady 13 to 33 jpolnta er H Low Clo8 1337 1186 1313 March 1306 132643II 1264 May NEW YORK Feb 13 (API— Foreign ex July 1271 1116 114441 1138 13Ha 1388 'change steady Oreat Britain In dollars Bctober 1261 1277 1301 otners in cents: na l in 13 H Great Britain demand 603! cables tfauuaij V bills 803 BPOt ateaoy mioaiing utso 603: rrsnce demand eaoies eDS NEW ORLEANS Peb II (AP)— Cotton Italy demand 118 cables 168 Demands: futures holiday Belgium 1310: Germany 1107: Holland Foreign Exchange e4i 2813 Sweden 1681 DenNorway 3348: 1205: Spain Bwitserland 84x1 Poland 1840: Portugal 486x: Oreece 448x Jugoslavia 1880x Ckecho-Slovak6170 IDAHO POTATOES IDAHO FALLS Idaho Feb 11 —Shipping point Information mark for Mon Austria 1886x: Rumania lOlx Ar- - day : talley— Carloads f a1 cash track entlna llllxi Braill 862x1 Tokyo 3000: to Upper mostly 1116 dealers Russets U S No nansnsi ss si'h: Hongxong ssis asexic I Dacxsi an inelud na some oocn-mu- g Olty (silver peso) 2600 Montreal ln Ne brands lotisl sale higher: special sarly 10100 York 8800: New York ln Montreal lower at car stock sessional ordinary m m tx) nominal a u1 anout caslonal car higher and lower: bulk NEW YORK COFFEE B No V to Russets growers wslghtoaah NEW YORK Feb 18 (AP)— Coffee closed I some points buying as low as siwi s higher todsy after early strsngth and sub- - few sales New Sweden district as tilgh as some offers of ana £urohouses 8135 for later shipment ssouentdeciirres Trade trade In- - II 060111 refused U 8 No 2 mostly 70 pean Interests bought whtle-oths- r ©75c tsresu an I commission houses sold Carloads f 0 b cash1 Twin Santo closed 11 to 12 points hlrher: sales S3 bats No 7 closed 18 to 16 track to dealers Russets u 8 No 1 tew tot— Ban 81260110: 0 S No 3 mostly sales nags ints miner sales isduu mojtly sreh W23o: May 104701 uiy loeic 86o a few lower bulk outweight cash to No 7( growers Hussets u a no i a lew esiea SeptembeV 1083c December 1106c — Meceii 830c: May s33c July l4c Sep at 3100ftl05 an occasional lot 3110 many growers asaing nisner piich u a 2 es mm No 7076o S6e80e mostly Santos spot 131X1 iivuo This Is on of a aeries of article containing pertinent Information regardlnf active mln- - V Inc stocks listed on th Bait Lake Exchange J clfle coast fresh aheel treated or liners fancy 23t34c! Pacific coast standards Pacific coast shell treated or 23323e: liners mediums 224a23c browns nearby ana western special pacu private sues from stors 21ti21c: western standards 77 66 98 52 20 91 130 130 21 a 43 Total Issues em hennery exchange specials 2223ei nearer snd miowestern exenanse stsnaaras 2163lo marked mediums JlfSlVic Pa- 63' 8 L 6s 67 Oer ConMtm't'47'1 Btinnes is si 467 202 144 17c 93 100 V 68 90 90 96 90 11 Mss 17360: easy Extra firsts lfl'ifr 17c: fresh graded firsts lSUAiiave: pur rent receipts 16 e Poultry ellve 11 trueki- - firm Hn nun a pounas HHi e pounds and under 14'Aci him 12c: Rock broilers II- 2Hc23c: Leghorn - I Hn nailA 4Am k&lAk k-- ll springs 16c: colored 15 Vio: Leghorn ehlck-- ! ma c: turseys lie: roosters lOfnlic ducks 13015c: geese 13c: dressed turkeys unsettled young tome 21c young and old hens 18c: old toms lie: No 3 14c Potatoes 75: on track 366: total TI R shipments 634 dull supplies heavy de ei 69 49 MM l ffats Sat Advances Declines Unchanged o: 70 48 S0 70 is 73 40 41 53 Vt 53 Vt bo 63 58 Hi 68 stock sales Tuesday 107001 shares year age 104680 11600000 year Total bond sales Tuesday ago 14140000 FACTS ABOUT PARK UTAH Creamery higher than extras 36V2ec extra 82 rcore lb' 1 score 4i25c firsts 24V(t25c: seconds 23024c centralised 80 wore 36 ' 4zoc vneeee lsirUvs iiroi oiae wnoie mils flats held speel laiiy cured specials 18w 20c regular cured 17916c average run 16fcilec fresh grades unquoted Dressed poultry steady Crickent fresh 12618c: frosen 13 6 24c: folws fresh lid 16c frosen iodise old roosters fresh and fresh 14t24 frosen 8fllc turkeys frosen 1635c! fresh unquoted frosen UtilSViCi live poultry steady chickens freight 14016c: express 164tl7c: broilers fowls frelsht and express unquoted freight HfllBc express nwlo: roosters freight and express He turkeys freight 160 3001 express 20 0 2301 ducks freight 11016c) express unquoted Feb II (AP)— Federal-Sta- te Market News Service net wholesale prices: Butter 81 score 14c II score ISVic 80 score 21c uggg u o extras urge isvie mediums U'ic: smells 13r Oheesa flat or triplets II e (JTAH'S largest dividend producer is the Park Utah Mines Company The properties comprising: this consolidation httve paid their shareholders $3774286155 Incorporated ln Delaware in 1917 as the Park Utah Mining Company Its name was changed to Its present title ln 1925 Subsequently tha company acquired the properties and assets of the Park City Mining and Smelting Company (formerly the Daly West Mining and the Judge Mining and Smelting Companies) (he Ontario Silver Mining Company aqd approximately 61 per cent of the stock of the Daly Mrtf6mpjany''the two JM&er com--- ' SAN FRANCISCO I 61 Standard P ft Standard TeT WHAT THE STOCK MARKET DID' BUTTER First grade I 36 Second grade 33U sweet cream (Parchment wrapped'' vie'le'ssi First grsde creamrinyu del Melt Lake 31 Second grade cream del Salt Lake 20 SILVER FUTURES BOOS NEW YORK Feb 13 (AP)— Silver futures New laid henneries doe 18 closed steady e to 14 points higher sales Mediums new laid henneries dos 16 ieuuvuu ounces UnSiEoC LOW Close Full cream triplets dos 13 HignFu 1 cream lenghorns lb 4625 4485 4486 March 13 4576 4540 4646 Full crsam sandwich loaf lb May ! Jack cheese 6 pounds each lb 4619 4630 4580 15 July 4666 4640 4640 37 September niocs bwiss as-ibricks lb October 4687nl 23 lb December 4763 4730 4721B Oream brick lb bricks lb 21 n— Nominal 80 Roquefort 6 ibs earh lh Full cream daisies Wis eured lb 31 Full erssm longhorns Wis cured lb 22 ran cream inputs wis cured lb 17 Full cream longhorns western cured KIW YORK Feb 13 (AP)— Index of 18 commodity prices tuecemoer si staple aaiiKtfl ino: lfis everiffe eauala 23061: week Today 1397 previous day 1894 1297 1834 high ago 1393 month ago 1933 LOS ANOELES Feb 11 (AP)-Pro- duce high 1488 exchange receipts: 1397 1934 low 1260 1933 lOW 787 1932 high 1039! 1932 tow 41600 cheese Buttsr 100700 pounds 783 egss lis eases Year Ago Tuesday pounds Staple vs score 25c: 81 scors 24c: SO sutter Silk lb score 24c: so score zsc rnw-A0878 064 lh Eggs eandied clean extras nc: same 045 1036n Hides I) large standards 18c: aame mediums 16Vc: 1035 0396 Rubber lb same medium standards 15c same smalls 4587 8087n Wheat bu lb 3375 Corn bu 45 hens Leghorns under I "4 pounds Poultry 858 485 11c: IU to 4 pounds lie: over 4 ipounds Hogs cwt 3576 4471 lie hens colored Ol t'U to 4 pounds liHsil Silver scrap ton 1300 676 over 4 pounds 15c: broilers 1 to IVt pounds 08 05 15c over IVi to 3V pounds 17c fryers LegCopper lb OJ87 089 Lead lb Vi horns 2 to I pounds 11c Barred Rocks' 1246 08 Cotton lb 19 w pounds 20 vuvr oujvivu -- vu 565 1135 Wool lb roasters Barred Rocks over IVt pounds 1028 09 Coffee lb 17c: others no duck young under 4H 027 034 Bugar lb pounds 10c: old Sc geese 13c turkeys nnominai young toms 14 to 48 pounds 16c: over 16 1934 (Copyright by Moody's) pounds 18c: hens 8 pounds and up 15c oia toms lie: old hens ioc RUBBER NEW YORK Feb 13 (AP)— Crude rubber futures closed steady 33038 lower March 1046 May 1073: July 1103 September 1136 smpked ribbed spot 1036 tor Hogs-Stron- NEW YORK Feb 13 higher quotations prevailed at the close of the curb market today Trading was comparatively placid in comparison with recent activity Forenoon selling was largely absorbed and a fairly firm tone developed in the final dealings A number of specialties however Hiram showed sizeable recessions Walker sagged more than 3 points and other alcohol stocks were fractionally easy in sympathy with tha selling that predominated in that group on thS big board Some late buying came into tna metals Bunker HU1 Sc Sullivan con verted a point loss into a similar ad- vance Newmont gained a point Utilities wert rather narrow AmeriSc can Gas Electric and Electric Bond Sc Share closed with scant changes but the preferred of the latter gained points ln fairly active turnover Oils also moved in a restricted area Advances of around a point or so were shown by Armstrong Cork Flak Rubber J J Newberry Standard Oil of Ohio and Swift International In the aircraft division Waco gained more than a point but General Airways fell back 2 Tire & Rubber lost as much and Nov adel Agene and Dow Chemical also eased Transfers approximately 307000 shares compared with 408000 last Friday ill ALT LAKE ati isi tStt L Produce Market 21 80 59 69 85 Vi 86 167 103 168 V 166 69 71 7oy 60 00 61 39' 101 Transfers totaled $13718000 oar value against $15717 000 last FriThe 60 for domestic day average corporation issues advanced three- tenths of a point rresh 85 65 66 93 91 97 104 97 Vi 1 sin lar lb 16 14 ivi lA W 8s 63 Rhelm-Ru- 78 5s 6 Vis 1954 Phil Eleo Pow SVis 73 Puget Bd P ft L 6 Vis lIMf in 4Aa SO D Sheridan Wye 6s 47 Southern Cal Ed 6s 51 Southern Kat oas es 1944 Southwest O ft E 8s 1801 A 2 6s 60 4V4s Paclfio Q ft 1957 do 6V4s 63 0 Penn Cent P ft L 4 Vis 2 Commodity Index O N Y POW A U 4VIS 67 Nlaf Falls Pow is So Nor Ind P B 4 Vis 79 E Nor states row 4Via 1961 6s 50 Okie O ft r-- Rio ds Jan evis bi s 63 Rome Rotterdam 6s 64 Ravel Dutch 4s 46 3 Sao Paul Ctr 6 Vis 57 38 83 Sao Paulo Bt 7s 40 63' 66 33 66 sax pud wits is e 69 34 69 do evis ei 10 33 Vi 23 Serbs Cts 81 7s 63 103 104 64 Sweden 164 164 Swiss 6 Vis 65 83 88 Vi Toho El Pow 7s 55 62 03 ei Tokyo City 64 Vi 64 Tokyo El Lt 6s 53 60 Vi Un Btl wk evil ei A 371 87 Uruguay eg eo Total sales Tueadey 39176000: previous day 376470O0j week ago 326123000 year ago 3i461tvwi two years ago siaeuvuu date 638687000! year ago January totwo yeara ago noouwv ))e15tvw 71 A Mass Oas 6i Minn Oen El 5s 34 Mont L H ftP 6s 61 Nat P ft L 6S 3030 B Nevada Oal El 5a 56 N -- 38H P 00-- 18 63 Cattle-Stead- H 1' El Pow Oer 6Vis 60 58 Finland French 7Vis 41 do 7l 49 Oer O Ag Bk 6s 60 Oct Oer C AI Ln 6ViS 58 Oer Gov Intl 6Vis 65 Oer Oen El 6s 48 do 7s 49 Ital Pub Utli li 62 Italy Is 1961 37 Int P Bee 7s 1' Int Salt 56 61 Inters Pow 6s 67 Jer Cen PL4Vis 61 un Men ft 1 es 43 66 Pfd oait cr rroa Segal Lock Selected Indus Shattuck Denn 6s 4 Vis Irregularly Higher Quota tions Shown at Close of Small Board rf Vi ?4 do 6s SI Jan Copenhag- - 5s 52 NEW YORK Stocks—Steady metals strong Bonds— Firm Austrian issues weak Curb— Irregular alrcaft and alcohol shares heavy Foreign exchanges— Firm gold currencies higher Cotton— Easy liquidation unfavorable Washington advices Sugar— Quiet steady spot market Coffee—Higher trade buying CHICAGO Wheat — Irregular influenced by cotton Corn— Firm rural offerings small y to 25 higher top yearlings $723 g to IS higher top $485 Vi J Gen Pub Ut 6 'is 86 Great Nor P 61 85 Great West Pow 6s 48 Gull Oil pa 8s 37 Hous L ft P JVS 78 Dj ao ei k Hudson Bay 6s 36 Hvgrade Fd 6s 48 A iflano pow bs 47 Ill P ft L 5s 66 C Ind El 5s 61 0 Ind five 6s 60 Ind P ft L 6s 57 A Phoenix Sec Pioneer Oold Premier Oold !53 33 r SUperpow A Lehigh C ft LN Lib McN ft ft rennroaa 3m Crucible Stl 8s 40 Oudahr Pack 6s 46 Dallas P ft L 6s 53 C Det Olt Oas 6s 47 A Eiee ft L Bi 3030 Imp O ft R SVis 43 Falrb Morse 6s 41 Firestone Tire 6s 43 Fla P ft L 61 64 Ital Pao O 6 I WW toil cenaaa es so Chile 7s 42 ao ss eo SVis 64 Japan Mex 10 4s asd am I Oon 37 5i 74 'i 98 Comwlth Ed 4Vis 57 D do 4s 61 F oon O u Ba 4S 81 Consum Pow 4Vis 68 Oont O ft 1 5s 68 A Cord Corp Oresson Oold Detroit Aircraft H Bond ft Sh do pfd lurop El AA Pllntkote Ford M Can A ID S Ford Mot Ltd en Aviation Olen A I den ooldlleld con Atl OSf 7 6s Denmark T Can 6s 65 A os it gaterp Tr El SVis 84 Cities Ser is 86 Ii etteftasitee UU 6Via 51: Olt Ber low 6 7 Buenos A 6VU 55 do fts 61 sta Buen A Prv 6'4i 61st Ut UU BeU 8s 41 British DOMESTIC BONDS tHaiei in 31000) Ala Pow 4 Vis 67 64 Am Q ft E 6s 3038 83 Am P ft L 6s 3016 62 Vi 6s 58 Appal El Pow As Eleo 4m 83 As Q ft E 5s 50 do 5s 68 do 4Vts 48 O As Tel lit 6Via 44 do 6Vis 44 ctf A 6s do 6ViS do evil 108 65 IBleslHlghlLowlClose Walgreen A do 7S 4B B Argentine 6s 57 A ao es si ov jun do 6s 1961 Feb Australia 6s 66 do 4ViB 56 Austria gtd 7s 43 7s 66 Belgium do es 65 61 Berl City El do 6s 55 Bolivia 6s 47 do 7s 58 Braill 73 V4 FOREIGN BONDS (Bales in siuwi 13 33 Abltlbl P ft P 6s 63 1 Antlooufa 7s 45 A US 53 5s 61 6s 41 Ark 6s 68 3009 McKess ft Rob 5V4s 5s 36 Miavaie steel M K At T HI ti 1 Missouri Pao 5V4S 73 112 107 33' 1976 Oas Hi Ic Ligg ft My um 5J4 Mount Prod Hat Am co Nat Dairy pfd Nat Pft Lpfd New Bradford Newmont Mln iJiat Sud 'pow'!!! Nlolsslna Mines Mo Paclfle do pfd Mohawk Cpt Mont Ward Mother Lode Motor Prod Motor Wheel Munslngwear Mur Corp —— N— Nash Mot Nat Biscuit Nat Cash Ret A Nat Dairy Pr Nat Distill Nat Pow ft Lt Natl Stl N Y Air Br H T Central N Y Chi ft St LI if i investors N Y N H ft R N Y Shlpbldg Noranda Mines No Am Avlat North Am Northern Pas til 77 01 K O Ft S ft Mem 4 38 i K O Pow ft L 4Us 1 Kan O ft E 4Vis 80 Loews Inc Louisiana ft ulf Oil Pa olHng Oold ud Bay M ft S 5t Ill F ft L 16 Pfd imp oil can Ind Ter 111 A t Ins ON Am Internet Pet Intent Eoult - it Mack Trucks Macy R H Malllnson Mandel Bros 71 fit 5 of trading circles to the neglect of most prime investment issues The majority or U s government 107 al- securities moved a bit higher 81 63 83 thouah the activity here was ret 67 66 67 107 1107 107 stricted to a turnover of about I80031103 Vi 103 Vi 103Vi 000 Banking quarters appeared to 105 301105 105 have favorably received tne an 67 Vi 69 Vi 67 101 Vt 101 Vi nouncement of the 101 treasury's new of 83 82 4 63 63 Vi 63 fering of $800000000 of notes to be 77 IS paid February 19 and it was predict 63 93 Vi 63: 93 81 92 Vi ed the two issues would be heavily oversubscribed 85 45 While the market was Impressed 98 98 88 with the over the holiday business and industrial news some hesitancy 93 84 44 in expanding commitments was at 44 tributed to the 11 unsettled European 103 104 1 trirvl-MH— Lu &11UUUU11 104 104 u wcil flu lu nrpBuiiiftiuii 36 developments naving 10 ao wun iea- eral regulation of stock and com43 41Vi 91 93 modity exchanges on! 95 Carriers liens were the most con 104 104 103 Vi 103 sistent gainers but these yielded a 87 67 portion of their recovery In late 62 98 profit taking 46 Among the better utilities and In 39 dustrials were bonds of Utilities 93 93 Power & Light Trumbull Steel 107 V 107 Studebaker St Joseph Lead Reming 95 98 ton Rand Paramount International 96Vi Telephone Goodyear Columbia Gas 96Vil 98 98 Bethlehem Steel American Water89 87Vil 89 works and American Rolling Mill 4 86 Vi 85 Both McKesson and McCrory issues 85 85 Vi 96 saggea a point r better 90 80 26 26 26 Austrian government 7s of 1957 re 66 67 67 fleeted the serious disturbances in that country with a decline of 3 61 61 points but the Austrian 7s of 1943 21 22 23 24 advanced 1 The latter bonds 74 76 14 however are guaranteed7 by the urin- 96 Vi 86 88 cipal European powers Gains of 86 96 96 1 to around 3 points were held by 94 93 Vi 94 loans of Argentina Dutch East In74 73 88 68 dies Poland Silesia and Sao Paulo 67 en French obligations were fractionally 69 Vi 68 73 Vi 77 nigner ana tne uermans were lrregu 88 99 V8 74 6a 46 Warner Qulnlau 6s 39 Warren Bros Bs 41 Western Ilee 6S 44 7H4 Western Pac 1st 6s 66 Western Union 6s 51 do 4 Vis 50 78 Vi do Os 60 loss Wilson ftCo 6s 41 Youngstown S ft T 66 oo ss do deb 8s 65 Atlas Corp qo war Bulova Watch sfd Bunk Hill ft S Can Mare Wire Cen St El Oltle Service do pfd Claude Neon Lts Colum Q ft E pfd Colum O ft Q vtc t 8 ' $50000 Lake Vi ft II Cons Big 73 Int Mer MarSs 41i Int Paoer M il Int T A T cv 4 Vis 38 Co S 113 107 Wabash rfg SVis 75 do 6s 80 D Ill Steel 4V4i '40 iniana bi 4Vs bi b ini uemem es 46 Int Hydro El 6s 44 H Tenn Elec Pow 6s 47 A Texas corn Bs cvt 44 Texas ft Pao 6s 80 D Union Oil Oal 6s 43 4V4s Union —— —- Paclfle — 87 a ao 1st es 47 do (old 4s 68 United Bis Am 6s 43 United Drug 6s 63 U S Rubber 6s 47 Utah Lt ft Trac 6a 441 Utah P ft h 5S 644Vis 47 Utilities P ft L 00 OS OB WW Vanadium 5s 41 Wlwnrth ICftOSLftNO 5s 63 A Allied Mills Alum Co Am Am Cit P ft L B Am Cyan B Am ft Pgn P war Am Gas ft El Am Light ft T Am Sup Power As O Marine Midi Marin Field Math Alkali lnaotlve at the firm nominal quotation of May Dept Strs Maytag Texas wool moved Seoured lines brought Mcfntyre Poro c v mi ifwi r an wuou som in tne MnKeeRDort T 758J80 cents depending upon the eherao-greas- y McKessA Rob condition brought do Did estimated on a seoured basis to be prices 71 ft 76 cents lor Mengel Mld-Cochoice and 708)72 cents for average Pet Midland Btl - Vi J ll 10SM 93 Vi 77 5 ft Co 6Vis 34 Hud ft Man rfg 5s 67 Hum O ft R 6s 37 Ill CenTTiTTo 35 Ark Nat Oas 39 Looie-W- ijjesMi'iom NEW YORK Feb IS (API— Following is' 'Unlt-Ca- rr F a list of Tuesday's transactions on the New unit Fonders York cure exchsnge: United Oas Un L ft v STOCKS U S Elec Pow (Sales In hundreds) United Verde 5S Mot Loew's B3 2 Wh A Kelvin a tor Kennecott Kresge S S do Pld Kroger Groo Lamber Long-Be- 81 13 1665 6 105 87 New York Curb Market 337H Lehman Corp Lima Loco Liquid Carb 81 26 76102Vi Woolworth Worth P ft M Wright Aero Wrlsley Jr New Eng T ft T 5S 52 N O PUb BVC 5S 63 A Yellow Trk Ai C N O Tex ft Mex 6Vis T 8h 2t 28) ft Youngst 1854 N Y O deb 6s 85 Zonite Prod do rig as 2013 Y O ft H R 4Val Tbtar sales Tuesday 3150380 shares: ore- week ago 4358530: 2013 A vlous day 3187810 do 4s 34 year ago 1543860 two years ago 3603170 do 4 Vis 2013 January 1 to date 83M18R: year ago two years ago 63765765 H Y Chi ft St L 5V4s 28065313 y 3 100 131 Jluaranty Manufacturers N Y Title A Mt N Y Trust Title OAT Tjnlted States Iteyser m ft 31 30 Hoe jf Wilson do A Rnlinri n Johns-Ma- uut( Westlngh Air West El ft M Westvaco Ohlor White Mot White Sew Mach H Int Nick Can Asked Tnt Salt Shoe 30 V Int Int Silver III Int T ft T 13 48 West Un Tel es 40 67 A Oen Bak SVts 40 Oen Cable 5Vis 47 Oen Stl Cast 6 Vis 49 Thea Eq 6s 40 8 en oodrich SV44 47 Good T ft R 6s 67 Ot No Ry 7s 88 do 4Vss 77 E Aircraft Bis Carbon uorp Drug Fruit Gas ft Im S ft For Seo S Express B Gypsum a inaus aico S Leather A S Ploe 8 Real ft Im s Rubber Brat riya-- ei Bros 6s Duque Lt 4 Vis Erie rt 8s 67 ao ri os 7 Walgreen pf Walworth Warner Plot Wesson O ft S West Dairy B West Mary West Pac 16 ft Hud rig 4s 43 ft R O W 5s 65 Dodge Vanadium Harts Body Hershey Choo Homestake M int BANKS D do 1st D S Smelt ft R U S Steel do pf Util P ft LA Bank Stocks Y De Unit Unit Unit unit Unit Unit Unit "A hupp tyt IU Cent Indust Ray Inger Rand NEW YORK Feb Insplrat Cop 18 wing re the bid and asked quotations of New Int Bus Mach York bank and trust company stocks traded Tnt nmnnt Int Harvest Tuesday on an over the counter basis: N D Un Oil Cal Un Pac ooooricn Ooodyear T ft R do 1st pi Dritham-Palffe Grant W T Ot No ir ore eti ot No Ry pfd Ot West Bug Hudson Cuba No' Ry iUs'ii!! uuo cane pr s 50 10 ii— Carbide (In Gold Dust Ravi N Y Tel 4Vis 88 Niagara ShW 8Vis 6650 4s Norfolk ft 81c Hlsh Low iQlose North Am Co 6s 61 : N Am Edison 5 Vie 63 do 6s 63 O 41 SVi SB 66 4 Alleghany 6s 44 Northern Pae 6s 3047 64 38 Vi 37 Vi 37 do 6s 50 do 4s 97 Am ft For F 6s 1030 60 63 61 84 Am I Q Oh 5V4I 48 IS 85 m North States Pow 6a 1841 41 100 Vs 100 Am Metal 44s 34 100' Am Smelt 5s 47 Si03 101 101 V Ore R R ft N 4s 46 Am Bug Ref 6s 37 10B'4104H 104 Ore-WaR R ft N m T ft T 6ViS 43 ei luattiios 106 Vi 4s 1961 48 107 106 IDT don col 6s 46 6s 41 1 t Steel Otis 22 100 w urn 358 114 Am W W A 6s 14 Paclfio O ftTos 43 18 80 Arm Del 6Vts 43 Pacific T ft T 6s 37 36 '103 AT AS Fcvt4Vis48 401 8SM Pan Am Pet 6s 40 do 4S 85 Publlx SVis A O L-- L N 61 4s 16 Paramt il ft I960 Ctf 11 10414 Atl Refln 6s 17 Penn Pft L 4V4a 81 63 34 88 Penn Co B ft O rfg 6s 85 31 S1K Penn RR 6Vis 36 do rig 5s 5 IK do gen bi 68 65 6V do cvt 4 Us 40 21 do 4MI 76 D Bell T Pa 5s 80 C 110 IVtli W Beth Btl rfg 6s 43 Phil Co 6s 67 10344109 23 105 - 3 Brk M Trans Ss 68 Phli Eleo 4s 71 38 87 K 86Vi W Phil Read o St 1 os 37 ban Nat Ry 4Vss 57 88 88 Philippine Ri 4s 38 Can Nat Ry 6s 68 Phillips Pet 5ViS Pillsburr Fl Mills 6s J 1943 Can Nor 7s io O ft Bt L 4Vis 77 Can Pao 4Ms 60 PC Pub Svc E ft O 4s 71 do 4s perp Cen Pae 5s 60 pure on B'ti S7 do 1st 4s 40 Readini 4 Via 87 A Certaln-tee- d 66 Vi 5Vts 46 102 Vi Ohes Corp 5s 47 Rem Rand 6 Vis 47 0 ft O gen 4V4s 11 Republic I ft S 6ViS 0 B ft Q rfg 5a 71 A 1851 do 6a 40 do gen 4s 68 Revere O ft B 6s 48 Chi Ot West 4s 58 O M Richfield OU 6s 44 P ft P'Ss 75 - H do St Rutland 1st svts 41 adj 5s 1000 48 Chi ft N W cv t'- 63 67 St L I M ft 8 4s RftO do i 1933 81 38 t 3 0 R I ft P rfg 4s 34 4 70 Vi St L S F 4ViS 78 Chile Cop 5s 47 Clnn Q ft E 4s 68 4 88 do 4S 50 A S A ft A Pass 4s 43 O ft St L 4ViS 0 Shell Pipe Line 6s 62 Colo F Sierra ft 8 F Pow 6s 1946 Columbia O 6s 63 May Skelly Oil 8ViS 39 8 Colo Pow 6s 47 Coml Inv"Tr'5Ms"49!: Southern Pao 4Vis 88 Don Oas N Y 5 Vis 45 14106 VillOS ao os 57 48 103 do 4Vts 61 102 Vi do 4Ul 81 do 4Vis 69 ww 65 88 88 H do 4 Vis Ore 77 Consum Oas Chi 6s 36 103 4'103 uonsum row os 53 Southern Ry con 6s 84 103 104 do gen 4s 56 Container Cor 6s 48 78 fi 8 W Bell Tel 5s 54 Crown Cork 6s 47 101 14 Vt Crown Will 6s 51 87 K Standard Oil N J 6s 46 ao n x efts 01 Crown Zell 6s 40 Corp Erie R R Eureka Vac CI as 7i Ax Prev day tfl Roll B Transamerlca Firestone T ft R Stores NEW YORK Feb 11 (AP)— Investment First Nat wneei trust securities over the counter market: Foster Fox Film A Bid Asked Freeport Texas Basle Industry I 148 Gen Am Trans Bullock Fund 1400 1100 Oen Bak Corporate Trust 314 flmn flltfftp do AA 307 General Elec da AA mod 343 386 ao spi Diversified Tr B 817ri Oen Foods do O 390 'i!6' nen (1 Ae E A do D I as 575 Oen Mill Dividend Shrs lae 138 Oen Mot Flvt-Ye- ar Fixed Tr 437 do pf Fixed Tr Shrs A 304 Oen Out Adv do B 778 Tm1 Jit trt Inn Fund Investors Inc 335 345 Oen Retract Fund Tr Shrs A 417V4 Home Own Loan 4s 11 Low Priced Shrs Mass Invest Tr Nation Wide See do vtc Quarterly Inc Shrs Stand Am Tr Shrs Super of Am Tr D Trustee Stand Inv D 20th Cent Fixed Tr United fixed Shrs United ins Shrs tjnlted Bank Tr As Timk-D- Tlmk d 687V4 Tide-W- Today Tuesday's high low and closing prices of bonds on the New York stock exohange tna total sales ot each pond: U S OOVBRNMBNT BONDS 1384 luouari ana Thirty-seoana- si 1082 (Bales in tiooo) 938 Low 1 Close BJlesl High 775 Liberty 3tts 7 14 10130 10135 111 15 50 10318 103il1 10316 1st I Stl 33-968 do 4th 4Us M SB 38 10323 10313 110133 439 do do 4th 4 KS 8 called f 11 10031 10031 10021 739 4Kl reg 350 doll-S-4th 1 10018 10018 10011 ealled S 48 108 trees 4 Vis 47-(1926 10730 108 43- OO 4KS-3370 10011 1008 10010 48 7874 A 4 43 10435 10423 10432 do 4s 4103 do 3Ka 8 10334 10114 N Y Ed'son IVis 41 do 5s 61 0 do 3Ss 3 Jun 10031 10088 10031 7 do 3Vs 10038 10014 10436 N Y N U ft H cvt 6s 1946 do 3Hs 1 Mar 10030 10034 10030 IV do 4Vts 67 10010 1008 10010 do avil 41 ' 8 do 3 Vis 8637 IS 30 N Y Btsam 86 47 5 do 6s 61 do 3s 3716 715 n stone ft web Btudebaker Sun Oil T—— Texas Corp xex uuu Bui Tex Pac L Tr Thermold Coca-Col- 862 835 839 832 868 842 772 826 705 Securities of U-823 747 Majority 99 8 981 Move Higher Averages 869 844 772 748 Show Advance 885 834 741 636 NEW YORK Feb 13 m Bonds 862 781 709 573 moved quietly today with secondary issues aaaln holding the popularity average equals 100) 794 848 792 845 Waek ago 800 859" Month ago 749 771 Year ago 634 655 2 yrs ago 676 742 3 yrs ago 900 1046 High 1934 802 861 726 741 Low 1934 849 High 1933 Low 1933 583 570 High 1932 713 "T80 Low 1932' 532 474 891 885 933 798 705 ft'i'is'ii"! Socony Vacuum So P R Sus Sou Cal Ed Sou Pae Sou Ry do pfd 60 20 it Shattuck F O Shell Union do pfd Simmons Slmirts Pet Skelly Oil Snider Pack urtlss-Wrlg- Investment Trusts 53 U Markets at a CURB HOLDS Glance FIRM TONE STAYS QUIET Ralls Util Total 4s do pfd B 1U 20 Ind I Radio 30b 83 (Copyright 19 BOND TRADE Standard Statistics company) 20 1934 CORPORATION BONDS laaies in mou do A 5-- 8 4 Pae Q ft XI Pac Ltg Pac T ft T Pac West Oil Packard Mot Param Publlx ctf park ft Til Park Utah Paths Ixch 3 PAL Metals were strong and rails like wise looked up Motors pointed a bit higher retail store representatives continued in lavor rubbers found support on stronger tire prices and earnings American can touched the and best price since 1931 at 105 U S Smelting set another reetird top at 131 Utilities were satisfied Anaconda Anchor Cap with small variations Armour Del pfd ill A Mining issues appeared to have ao do 111 B ofderived their stimulation from do III pfd T & S F ficial assurances that a program for Atoh Atl Refill silver rehabilitation was the admin- - Atlas Pow do Did lstratlon's "firm policy" Silver metal Atlas On the stock AuburnTack Improved slightly Auto exchange American Smelting Amer- AviationB Corp ican Metals International Silver Baldwin Loco Anaconda and Howe do Did Kennecott As Ohio Sound bettered themselves to the ex- Bait do Did tent of 1 to about 4 points net Bamberger pfd Beldlng-HeUnited Aircraft flopped to 17 Bendlx Avlat and went through some Jittery gyra- Beit le Co Beth tions before smoothing out Closing Bohn Steel Alum the stock was off 1 at 21 Borden Wright Aero sagged three in light Brim Mfi Shoe dealings but the Curtiss Wrights Brown e were steady Douglas showed a small Bucyrus-SrlBudd Mfe Bet gain Burr Ad Mach as sup Alcohols seemed to have been made Butte Butte Cop li Z a bit nervous by word that their Brers Co frenzied market of last summer was Calif Pack to be looked into by the Washing- Callahan Hee ton investigators U S Industrial Calumet D O Ale Alcohol and American Commercial Can Canad Pao Alcohol were down several points at Cann Mllli Case J I the lows and National Distillers fell Caterpll Tract Celanese back All recovered moderately Oerro de Pas Automotive shares benefited by certalnteed esti- Ches Sc Ohio further optimistic production Ones Corp mates The situation in the steel Chi & N W as im- Chi Qt Wert industry was represented Chi M St F St P the iron steel and institute proved Chi M BtP As P pf estimating production at just under Chi rneu X 40 per cent of capacity against 375 ao di Chi Rk Isl & PI per cent a week ago American Roll- Chrysler a ing Mill Bethlehem and Youngs-tow- Colgate-Palwere firmer at the close than Colo Fuel & Ir U S Steel The latter's preferred Colum O At E i Coml Credit weakened Com cred pi B Union Pacific with a rise of Coml Soiv Comwlth St Sou around 4 points led the rails Mont- Consoleum-Ha con oas Ward a merand number of gomery Con OH a advanced chandising preferreds Con Text Oent Bak A point or more Can Whether quieter markets are to be Cont Oont Mot experienced for a time is a matter of Cont Oil Del prod current conjecture Some analyists Corn Cotr Cork point out that prices have already Crown Zeller discounted a liberal measure of busi- Crown crucible Btl ness Improvement alihough further Cuban-ABus Pack trade gains have appeared during the Cudehyruo last fortnight or so With stock exchange regulation presumably on the ao a way ia come form or other it Is be- Deere Oo ing suggested in certain quarters that Deldo ftpiHud speculative enthusiasms may be De! Lack ft W Dome Mines checked Aire Commodities shifted lrregularlyj Douelas Du Pont de Nern Cotton which last week-enmade the Kod best prices since 1930 had a sharp Eastman Elec Auto L reaction which bore technical ear El Pow ft Lt so pi marks Silver futures improved mod flo ao pi El Stor Bat erately but rubber was off Endlcott-Joh- n 1933 1932 Ohio OU Oliver Farm Otis Elev Otis Stl Owens lit 01 ft a 1934 1934 1933 1800 1022 903 643 1137 611 1110 51 1932 (1926 average equals 100) Am Bwt Sui Am Can Am Oar St ?dy Am Oomi Alco Am Si For Pow do pit Am HI & L ptd Am-L- ago ago ago LOW Mfl h 822 823 903 703 836 517 888 511 1040 540 907 43 S 503 208 1324 1043 1087 1094 1050 543 891 418 1021 580 423 235 7S3 398 351 132 Prev day 90 Ralls Util Total 88 5 Today wlni KKW YORK Ftb li a Hit of Tuesday's stock transections me new If or a- stocg eicnanga: 20 20 50 141934 FEBRUARY Bond Averages New York BONDS Standard Statistics company) Alaska Jun cks NEW YORK Feb 13 had a quieter and mora conventional market today Some further recov ery from last week'i ahakeout was 1934 MORNING WEDNESDAY THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE Ask Your Invettmsnt Houts for protpectui with full Information regarding Quarterly Income Shrt6or write toAdmlnlitrttivcind Research Corpora Bon 15 Exchange PL Jersey utyN t 4lrfi 4i ttpm' $r000OOQ to 6t0p anllii nartlfal JJmrm1 148 Atotal Of 2090493 jeommoriTstock have been Issued There: approximately vuuu swciuiuiacTS ( present Park Utah's main products are silver lead and sine the ores also yielding minor quantities of gold and copper ' The company has 4481 acres of patented claims ln Wasatch and Salt Lake counties Through the Weber Coal Co it also owns 811 acres of patented coal lands In view of low metal prices operations were restricted ln 1931 and finally discontinued in 1932 There was no men are now employed production last year Sixty-fiv- e at the mine Dividends were discontinued ln July 1929 The highest annual dividend was 80 oents per share paid rpf 'art ln 1928 Production figures ln recent years follow: 1831 1631 1831 1830 1828 1821 Oold (OIS) Silver 0 6 38 11488 101868 1888883 3158 17678 26367 11821 Lead (lbs) (OSS) Zlne (lbs) 0 451863 Copper 0 413815 10876318 34073601 48708381 48631561 6455 617 3804051)8 1750671 14074284 4141857 68176862 (lbs) 0 4111 314574 104051 1228061 1833150 : Or Killed (tons) I 4117 17677 171760 100831 135021 Park Utah was listed on the New York Stock Exchange ln 1926 at the same time retaining Its listing on the Salt Lake Exchange Following is Its New York market range during the past six years: High Low 1833 1832 3426 1100 75 62 8 I 1831 1225 Vi I 87V4 1930 1437 '4 1112' 1821 IUI7Vi 100 1838 11460 I 800 MEMBER Salt Lake- - Stock Exchange Ure Pett & Morris Inc STOCKS COMMODITIES Salt Lake city BONDS |