Show FEBRUARY THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE WEDNESDAY MORNING 14 1934 IS Woman Growing High Hat Stiff Shirt Come Back With Return of Legalized Liquor Young at 75 Cuts 3rd Set of Teeth NEW YORK Feb W— Back to said "Business la in fact if I may K-CY- New York Office Sale B's 13 Doctor However Declares ‘Rejuvenation Report Unfounded V h BEAVERTON Ont Fef 13 W— The strange story of the apparent re Ju venation of Mrs Mary Anne Elliott 73 has reached a 'third and more thrilling stage for her she said today Friends stated her gray hair is dark' enlng she ls cutting a third set of teeth and now she explained "I can see” She has been almost blind for three yeara Two weeks ago Mrs Elliott said she was unable to recognize a neigh- bor who called on her Now—“One eye Is pretty clear and It seems as though the film is passing from the other 1 know that my hair is hefcoming darker" Cuts Eleven Teeth Mrs Elliott described how she had Cut 11 teeth and discarded the set of false teeth she had used lor years “I’m going up town— Just as soon is the sidewalks are clear of snow I'll walk of course” she said t ’ NEW YORK Feb 13 (ffj— The idea that an aged person can become young again was declared “unfounded” today by Or Iago Galdston who is in charge of the medical infor mation bureau of the New York Academy of Medicine and the county medical society He was commenting on dispatches from Beaverton Ont telling of the of Mrs apparent "rejuvenation” Mary Anne Elliott 73 whose friends declared she is cutting a third set of teeth and can now see after being al- most blind "Dr Galdston explained that sometimes individual phenomena occur Walks Like Youth No Longer Suffers From Aching Legs Working Every Day Again Thanks to Doctor’s Quick Prescription 8o fast does Nurlto relievo the agonizing pain of sciatica neurltla lumbago rheumatlam and other torturing achat and pains that druggiata everywhere sell this Specialist's prescription on a positive guarantee Many who had despaired of ever getting relief have been overcome with Joy after s few doees of Nurlto Best of all It top the aufferlng without using narcotics or opiates Nurlto la absoluteNo matter how long or how ly aafe severely you have suffered try Nurlto now If the very first three doses do not stop your pain money wlU be refunded Don't wait— go to your Schramm-Johnso- n 'druggist at once Stores Drug NURITO for NEURITIS Pain (Advertisement) DR STEDMAN’S TEETHING POWDERS for safe qnd easy Teething Positively will allay all teething pains and irritation Absolutely free from harmful Ingredients and need by Mothers the world over for more thsn M yean None genuine without this Vour Druggist you Trade-Ma- rk can supply James H Siedman London Eng their once esteemed level have come use the vernacular swell" "Repeal did it Drinking must be the high hat the stiff shirt the In- done at the right time and in correct verness cape and other items of for- attire Of course I’m not speaking of the eighteenth hole kind of drinkmal male attire Repeal did it say New York haber- ing 1 suppose shorts and a shirt of some kind still will be sartorically cordashers Since drinking shifted from speak- rect for club locker rooms easies to quiet cafes and modernistic “I mean the better kind of drinking cocktail terraces of smart hotels it It must be done with eclat Evening has been placed on a high sartorial dress that’ the thing” The management of a large chain of basis The proprietor of a prominent Fifth haberdasheries added some vital staavenue ciothing establishment said tistic on the top hat sold one or two maytoday there has been something of a "Whereas we a year" the manmajor boom in the sale of men's eve- be three top-ha-ts ager said "we now sell a topper with ning clothes Since December "Business in our dress suit depart- virtually every full dresi suit that ment has Increased 40 per cent” he goes out of the store" tardy appearance of 'supernumerary teeth” hut they do not constitute rejuvenation Explains Phenomena Sometimes he said a third molar may remain hidden In the gum lor a long time and finally appear because of some stimulation such as the rub ' bing of a plate on the gum But he declared emphatically "there is not a single record” of third set of teeth appearing in the mouth of an aged person As for improvement in vision he said that persona in general as they such as the or grow older become presbyopic If the person previously happened to be myopic or near sighted the growing would tend to correct the earlier defect and Improve the vision Also the hair of a human being may change color or shade for a variety of reasons "But these things do not constitute rejuvenation" he concluded Visitors Set New Record At Boulder Dam Week-En- d OWNERS Rented 1st Day— 25 Calls Could Have Rented 10 More It! JUST COMPUTED Beautiful colon! duplex very latest architecture and neweat leaturea Include automatic heat automatlo coollnc O X refrigeration all tile bath hardwood floor throughout brick garage Open today 15t Princeton ave Wag M21-- R MO— Rented Both Sides— Thanks end a Rental Ad produced 35 calls or more and "cut lhort” two rental A losses 111—A BARGAIN BRICK duplex completely remodeled hard- -' wood floor tile featurea Inlaid linoleum 30 Walking distance to town Wall It Waa IBU-- They cost $140 and $232 respeo tively but saved $20 and $8 — a week’s rental loss on each duplex property — and HERE’S THE SECRET OF their success! r Outstanding Values—In in Contest rer the direction of J J was begun at the First Church JOi Christ Scientist 336 East Broadway Tuesday to remove the present organ for the Installation of a new pipe organ it was announced at the local Christian Science offices in the Clift building The new organ will cost about $7000 The present organ has been in service at the church for 30 years Due to the removal of the organ there will be no Wednesday evening testimonial meeting at the First church this week it was announced However an Invitation is extended to the congregation to attend the service at the Seoond church of Christ Scientist 566 East South Temple street Wednesday at 8 p m Employes Share In Motor Profits NEW YORK Feb 13 (UP)— General Motors corporation will distribute $8499670 and 56433 shares of its common stock to 28393 employe-member- s of Us 1928 savings and investment fund class Alfred P Sloan Jr president reported today Of the total payment $5684485 represents the employes! original savings investment and the balance interest and benefits paid by the corporation Under the plan originated in 1919 the corporation contributes 25 cents for each dollar paid in by employes Interest is also paid on the savings WHY! S1 1— They described accur- ately 2—They listed desirable features the price 4—Included phone Nos 5—- Ads gave exact locations j6— Justified price asked SHCIAI—7 DATS IN BOTH “TRIB A TELEG” Se A LINK Manchester it' 20000th England mumcipally-biu- lt ha of Breakfast Cloth inches 51 plaids and bordered designs square crash peasant cloths Block plaids and colored borders Hemmed or fringed All crash n Colorful block color-fas- Frihged t Crash Dinner Cloths 54x54 54x70 inches Attractive °dand colorful‘ PeaAant block plaid designs or hemmed Each Napkin to Match— To we 2000 Sale Yards New Spring Percales 17 A B 0 and 20x40 Punjab For Qualities Every yard in the assortment is brand new in smart colorful house for patterns dresses pajamas children’s frocks All tub-fas- Indies-He- avy Cannon Quality Yd for bor- der Assorted colored t $ 6 Us Every-Da- y Nice weight for hand and bath towels easy to laun- ders Lady Pepperell Sheets crash linen Im18x33 Inches ported from Rusal All Extra fine drying quality Colo red Cases 354 63x99 Sheets 139 149 169 81x99 Sheets 81x108 Sheets 250 LINENS llow from Ideal printing to dish 12 r Ior““ cases scarfs towels vanity sets Flour Sacks size All new washed and Ironed free pi- Including borders An extra four threads to every inch insures longer wear in Lady Pepperell Sheets and Cases 42x36 19c buffet sets hand work 1 towels Prs Dotted Grenadine deira mmmmm Cottage Sets Sasli Curtains Rayon 40-inc- li Inches 84x54 Grenadine faat-color- ed Inches oolor Ivory 3 printed In attractive Japanese d a lgna -- crepe colors Many which 1 49c from with -'Contrasting dered designa For kitchen bedroom bathroom etc Ma- filet fin free from Tom aim dressing work pieces Case 42x3 !J ?1 S5o dol- lies Including obq uare longs ovals chairbacks 10c etc Inches 81xS9 quality mosaic cut 17c 600 Filet Doilies Empire Sheets All wide embrol- Two-to- ne appen-z- el Scatter Hugs 20x27 Inches throw down ruga center ed edge color Wilton with braid- Assorted 39c Another Shipment— rStehli’s Quality S Curtains Priscilla Styles Curtain Jap Covers Madeira and Fancy Tea Towels Sale of kS i I In Short Lengths Values to 108 to Lengths — 1 d Including every kind of silk' and every hue of the spring moss fashion chart crepe canton suede crepe triple sheers etc Panels All-Sil- f f I V M 1 Q j JrM Printed Crepes k New spring colors and patterns 40 inches wide beautiful flat crepe weave Smart designs OO-f- or OOv spring street wear Marillyn Crepe All-Sil- k $ inches ’wide pure silk pure dye from which to make your selections plenty of black Elegant dress quality 40 Lion House to Conduct Registration for a class in costume designing to be given each Thursday at 7 p m la announced by the Lion House Social center Miss Ruth Ballard will conduct the class Mrs Annie Wells Cannon will review ”0x1 for the Lamps of China” in the book review lection Wednesday at 8 p m Joseph A F Everett is conducting a class in water colors and oil Thursday at 8 p m and Miss Elsie Hogan will direct a demonstration on “Preparing for an Emergency” at the same time Price Groups: 3 Special 1 Students who will take part in the final orations at the South high school on Thursday afternoon were announced after the primaries Monday by Miss Bessie Jones faculty instructor The five boys who will compete in the oratorical contest sponsored by the Sons of the American Revolution are Roldo Call "Emancipation” Theodore DeBry “Patriotism" Paul Hatfield “He Stands Alone" Paul McDonough “Stars and Stripes” Roy Simmons “Ship of State” Newell K Dayton is representing the S A R in charge of the boys’ contest Daughter of the American Revolution will sponsor the girls’ oration contest The five girls who won in the primaries Include Virgjpia Divers "Nathan Hale" Essie Keddington "Old Glory” Phyllis Shay “Peter Stuyvesant Dutch Governor” Eda Scott “Women of the Revolution" Barbara Gubler “Abraham Lincoln Mrs the Greatest of Them AIL” Chauncey T Overfield is in charge of the girls’ contest Judges for the primaries Included members of the debate class and faculty members: Ralph Y- - Backman Miss Florence Derrick cadet L B Harmon Ina Harris Edith May Williams and Miss Jones Costume Designing Class 3— Stated r Crash Cloths Instructor Announces List of Boys and Girls Church to Put In New Organ About This! Ask for Specialized Rental Service— Was 590 Sensational Sale --"All Linen Oratory Tests Danish-Norwegia- i f For South High Firm --NO MAGIC - ' Student Nurses At LDS Hospital Complete Course A SPECIAL MESSAGE TO VACANT PROPEHTY Like Silks— Domestics Finalists Named Nev-- All LAS VEGAS previous records for the number of visitors to Las Vegas and Boulder City were broken over this week-enwith approximately 300 persons arriving in town More than 1500 wem registered as they passed through the reservatii gate to Boulder City to visit the greit This broke the preBoulder dam vious record made November II when 145S people visited the dam In Boulder City where there is only one hotel and one tourist camp to accommodate visitors about 20 persons were accommodated on cots in the jail by choice not compulsion rather than sleep in their automobiles Las Vegas was so overcrowded that all the extra beds in the local hospital were occupied by perfectly well people Every hotel and tourist camp in the city was occupied with many sleeping in the lobbies of hotels and others sleeping in cars All private homes Following five months of prelimihaving extra bedrooms also were oc- nary instruction 28 students at the L D S hospital Dr W cupied school of mirsing will receive caps for their accomplishments Thursday Head Electrical at 8 p m at ceremonies to be held WH1 Visit S L Office in the Ensign L D S ward halL Preceding the ceremony “The Deof Modern Nursing” will velopment Conn be J L Buchanan of Bridgeport portrayed in song story and tabElectric SupGeneral of the leau Miss Lucille Harman will be president ply corporation will arrive in Salt the reader with Miss Jessie Evans Lake Wednesday night furnishing the music According to Jacob A Kahn district The following will receive caps at Mr of the corporation manager the ceremonies which will be under Buchanan will remain in Salt Lake the direction of Miss Maria Johnson local confer to with for several days superintendent of nurses: officials Erma Brown Zenta Bowman Helen Campbell Bonnie Carten MilCHURCH HISTORIAN RETURNS dred Clark Myrtle Clark Arvilla Andrew Jenson assistant L D S Cutler Vilate Davis Henrietta Drivreturned Tuesday er Ruth Gibbs Ada Glenn’ Maude church historian from Castle Dale where he spoke at Hamson Mary Harrison Marjorie funeral services for Oluf Josva Ander- Johnson Beth Lasson Evangeline of son Mr Anderson was secretary Viola Madsen Edith Pavkov n mission Long the L D S Christie Poe Betty Reese Elizabeth from 1908 to 1912 while Mr Jenson Robertson Rhea Robinson Elda was president of the mission Swainston Evangeline vTeuscher Lois Walker Mildred Wood Chili of proThi copper companies vide their workers with modern houses d Brings 22 Dramatic Values in Linen-s- All-Wo- ol shades including 25 QOp Coatings inches wide coating fabrics and dress materials Including velours melrose boucle brotfd-clot- hs wool crepes etc i CQ All shades 56“ r Si We All-whi- te grenadine with colored dots of green Also white and-- ecru gold orchid blue red These are truly outstanding values Keith- - ly Itsue S & II Stamps RIEN II NC opened house V-- ‘ |