Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE FRIDAY MORNING Junior Traffic Jewish New Year U S SECURITIES ACT Week Squads Formed Opens Next — HELD BARTO UPTURN Junior most : police squads were organized iq three schools Thursday by Traffic Officer Harvey C Peirce raising the membership in the corps to -102 boys r The schools Oquirrh Lowell and — Webster make a total' of ten grade schools to be so organized Junior traffic policemen given the By ROGER W BABSON BABSON PARK Mass Sept 14 — The securities act of 1933 has oath of office Thursday were: Web- r ster school— Sergeant Guy Murri been the chief factor in practically drying up new security offerings Hansen William Gibson Kenneth atwell as refunding issues I am heartily in favor orthe under- Ingleby Vern Adair Kenneth Rose Dale Shkffer1 Paul Saville Jack lying purposes of the act — namely that the seller of securities Hauxhurst Lin Swainston and Paul should share with the buyer a defi Holt However-can nite responsibility Oquirrh school— Sergeant Wayne hot believe that the administration inStephenson Jack Brmton Paul Jorgensen Ben Taylor William Whyte tended to pass an act which even Wesley Ball Richard Cardwell Jay though accomplishing its purpose par- Watson Steve Hendricksman Ray' mond Arnoldus Junior Call Jack alyzes the major industries Smith and J9hn Croner Since the securities 'act became efLowell Douglas fective investment bankers have be- NORTH 8AJT LAKE Sept It (USDA) Mullett Roy Cole Hamilton Park come ultracautious The result has Host— Receipts 308 346 direct: throufh Ben sJones Jimmie Hurst Kenton hlpmenU Include 473 to Loft Antelet peck Donaldson Earl been the drying up of legitimate fi- era Hightower Thomas Top It 70 on odd brad drlve-lns 7 bulk This works a great hardwelchta It SO Maltby and' Vincent Rasmussen nancing pound ®t 60 lev velgbia It 10 aowt 13 00 ship on industry and wage workers as f3 35 Cattle— Receipt! 513 83 direct Throuah well as security houses and salesmen ahlnmenti Include 340 to Loa Anielea market and 15 to Loa Anirlei packer! Odd Much of the criticism aimed at the head ateera 13 75: tew helferi 13 °vleveret amall lota cutten to common legislation Is lustified I am 8Uetnat cow 113641 3 M bulla 13 OOh-- 35 odd automobile men would protest vigor- vealeri 15 00 Recelpti 1053 all throuib to Kanously if a law were passed making sasSheep— LONDON Sept 14 UP— The United feeders None this market each salesman personally responsible OGDEN States dollar weakened byflbeellmg It (AP) (OSDA)j-Hossfor any defective part in every motor Receipts 430Sept steads to 00 cente lower bulk pressure largely from the continent car he sells not for the first SO days best drlvsins it 00 few mixed llihte 1430 was quoted at a rate in excess of $4 60 sows 13 30 down but during its entire 'lifetime! No- packins Cattle— Receipts 300 steady few lots me- to the pound throughout today It body could afford to sell automobiles dium heifers I3 00 H3 50 including short touched $4 63 “but closed better at liiht Idahos at S3 00 common and The same is true with the securities load 8 61 was close cows 13 $4 3 00® do lower trades down medium Yesterday’s 1933 to 9100 medium bulls S3 30 down common $4 57 4 Tictcf To show how drastic has been the to ehole vaelara 13 00400 00 of this Much selling was effected 030 Wednesday’s sales Sheep— Receipts — effect af thl new program-o- n secur- etronc do unevenly hither for 'week: with against purchasea of gold currencies fius 7 loads benefit: let iambi some freltht review idahofat ity offerings French franc 16 70 two short loads and consequeriUytfie nancing statistics For the first seven St to St pounds feeders 10 70 somewhat on sterling load SO 60 appreciated months of 1933 hew issues floated with 30 outIdaho at St 60 load Idaho ewes S300 closing at 8140 amounted to only $112533000 com- ouUa out at S100 drlveln lambs St 50® 5 00 14 Cattle— pared with $5502127000 for the same DENVER700 Sept PARIS Sept 14 (JPh-T- he United calves 00 calves and vealers Receipts period to 1929 Total corporate se-- strong to 60 hlsher choice vealera S700 States dollar continued its downward eurities offered In July of— 1933 fw 7 t0 athar claiaea iteady movement today losing 20 centimes fed ateera 15 90 trelghi paid part load amounted to $95954000 against to close at 1T62 francs (367 cents to 1576 mixed “yearling flat 1932 in July and $862847000 16 606(6 16 helferi 15 75 other the' franc) close was Yesterday’ in July of 1929 Sincp 1929 new flo- load 16 6005 65 grail helferi 13 (003 75 1782 (561 cents) beef cowl 13 356(3 00: eutteri ili36663 60 tations have dropped S3 per cent and bulla 13 000360 Jtock ateera 006)3 60 the corporate financing business as a atork halfera 13 35: stock calves lit 11 33 direct whole has been deflated 89 per cent tenHogi— Receipt! 40004 45four singles bulk ISO to 330 top While fears of Inflation have elso been poundthrough: It 3004 40 plainer kinds It 00 WASHINGTON Sept 14 (AP)— Tha daily a handicap I believe the securities few 300 pound 13 60 parkins sows average volume of federal reserve bank act has been the real brake on financ- 03 76 atork pin Head?) 33 00 down credit outstanding during tha week ended Babson Assorts Government Must Revise Provisions of Financial Measure He-b'e- LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS school-f-Sergea- bea-v- Dollar Continues Steady Decline - ' n Reserve Report Sheep— Jteceipti 19000 natives steady to September eak better 1700® 7 16: asking ' reaarv ing 13 waa 12337000000 tha fed- f— — STATISTICS OBITUARIES MARRIAGE LICENSES A RADER 32 Casper Wyo 24 Casper Wyo SCHWARTZ RUTH WILLIAM If the Cook Fails to Show' Up or a Steno Clerk or Waitress Quits Get Action Same Day In Telegram W 590 Kate Rayburli Shepherd Kate M oT 717 18 111 three -G- ceme-ter- J to dlrec-tlo- Eirutson Fu Utahns Act to Aid U S Sugar Trade The Utah State Farm Bureau federation Thursday appealed to the administration of the agricultural adjustment act to jjfohibit representatives of foreign sugar interests from participation in sugar hearings The appeal was sent in support of the position taken' recently' by the American Farm Bureau federation said Tracy R Welling secretary The national group recently adopted the policy to prevent the further "stealing” of American sugar markets by foreign producers and capitalists he said The American federation Mr Welling said- is calling upon domestic producers to refuse to sign any code which would restrict domestic production in favor of foreign producers Allowing foreign producers to participate in establishing policies to govern domestic production is detrimental to the policy of American sugar interests Mr Welling said The appeal was sent to Secretary of Agriculture Henry A Wallace - September Chriaten-aeJamea William South Eighth West street accidental September 11 COON— Lorretta Coon 17 MignaUtah accidental September 10 CRAWFORD— Callsta Cox Crawford 75 1327 Harvard avenue pneumonia September 11 LASKY— Harry Lasky 63 Lincoln house tuberculosis September 2 ROBIN8ON — William James Robinson 56 1257 West Broadway pericarditis September 11 ROKICH— Peter Rngtch Utah Intestinal obstruction September 11 TRUESDALE—Jessie Colson Truesdale 26 Bountiful Utah pneumonia September 11 WALLACE— George Benjamin Wallace 74 721 North Second Weat street coronary disease September 11 CHRISTENSEN— 40 635 BIRTHS ELVIN— Albert W and Ruth Jettl Elvtn West Jordan daughter Ephraim— Alma and Maxine Sorenson Miner daughter: Mr and Mrs Shirley Zabrlskle daughter DIVORCES ASKED Ethel Cerva from William Cerva nonsupport and cruelty Leslie Fraser attorney Belma Faye Spencer from Robert E Spencer nonsupport John F Tobin attorney DIVORCES GRANTED May Steel from Hugh Steel nonsupport Judge Allen O Thurman Carrie Stocking from John R Stocking nonsupport Judge Allen O Thurman Mary Elisabeth Scott from Earl Vernon Scott nonsupport Judge Roger L McDonough board reported today reprechoice Colorado! 6750: blda 35 or more eral Public Must B Protected an Increase of 133000000 comlower iheep Head?) medium grids range sentingwith the preceding week and of pared Every reader knows that security we 3160 the week aama with compared lait house put out many disreputable is-- KANSAS CITT Bept 16 30000 17000 government year NEW SUITS FILED Receipt Por September 13 reserve bank total sues in boom days' leaving the Inno- plge —uneven to II higher top It 30 credit amounted lo 33367000000 an InIndustrial comwtsslon of Utah against Weather conditions September 14 1933-cent public holding the bag This on 160 to 330 strong good and choice 140 crease of 137000000 for tha week This pound Utah Oold Mines company to recover to 160 pound 134061 4 15 160 to 180 pound deep barometric depression has ad- the situation had to be remedied At the 14 corresponds with an Incraase of inland from the northwest and 3156 on insuranco fund premiums F 0004 30 Iso pound 4 2004 30 1103000000 In member bank reserve bal- vanced Trottier attorney eame time it should be remembered 330 to 350 poundto 330 Joined with the low southwest form a to 34 056(4 30 350 to 390 ance! and a deereaie of 33000000 In none- - trough extending from Arliona to Montana Industrial commission of Utah against the that It is as difficult to stop an Invest- pound 13 450410ow 390 to 350 pound 19 40 tar? Fuel company to recover 123$ 82 gold stock offset In part by decrease The lowest pressure reported was 29 38 Coalville a1s to 650 pound 33 35 of 146000 000 In money In circulation and Inches at or from" choosing " poor Beeurity-t- s on Insurance fund premiums F A Trot- Thla Havre jLESlnl disturbance pro-lhas Unexpended "capUal-fundor showers It is to keep a man from choosing a Cattle— Receipt! 3500: calvea 900: kill- 121000000— ttt’deposits of Taln“mJ sprlnxles ate and an Increase Utah Industrial commission against the if Colorado Wyoming Montana ing slaeieg fairly active atrong to 16 higher of 810000000 In treasury currency adpoor wife As part of th "new deal” epoti and Quicksilver Mining 35 up atockarg and faedera gteadv Washington and Oregon Rato In Sacramentoto Oold recover 1 1 101 48 on Insurance justed company the in In "truth securities" bill earl? top light and medium weliht fed Bills discounted declined 16 000000 at the light amounti hat also occurred program the fund A Tiottler attorney F premiums states and heavier In ilalng was enacted to place the responsibil- ateera 6410 ateera good and choice 650 federal precipitation reserve bank of San Francisco 13 eastern states ht central and to 1600 pound 646606 35 common and 000000 at TemperaYork New 000 113000 all on those and at ARTICLES INCORPORATION OF tures west issue ity In the are mostly near normal engineering the medium up 33 6004 86 helferi banks The system’s holdNowell Loans 656 South Main street to and choice 660 to 900 pound 14756) federal reservebought Comparatlva data at Salt Lake City It is ridiculous however to allow good In open market and Temperature 6 36i eowa good 13 0603 60 common and ings of bill 16000 capital small Degrees conduct loan business such a law to destroy an essential busi- medium 13 350135 United bonds ahowad virtually no Highest temperature today 83 stock divided Into 500 shares par value vealera (milk fad) change States while holdings of Highest In this month sines 1874 for tha week ness and handicap recovery even for medium to choice 13606(6 97 110 Nowell B 50 ttocker and United Nowell R Ruby president: States treasury notes increased Lowest 65 vice president feeder iteera oholce (all weiahta) 13 756i night such a good motive and Wilma Straup and of treasury certificate! and Mils Lowest last this month since 1874 39 common cod medium (all weight) 130 000000 665 Prior to the enactment of the se- 33 000176 Mean for today 68 I Chanieg In tha amount of mierva bank Normal 65 curities act of 1933 it was only necesD500 native lamb Sheep— Receipt REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS outatandlnq and In related ltemi durto weak no range Iambi eold early oredlt Inches ateadr Precipitation: to and for tha comparable week Total precipitation for tha 34 hours William O Bruce Jr to Axel W sary have all the facta accurate in opening blda around 60 lower iheep iteady ing the week follows-(Iof lot 7 byock 20 plat P last year Mars I Under the new od native lambs 36 60 but range lamb! offering securities 0 ending at 6 p m millions of dollars) Barnett to Zion's B B soTotal for this month to date Trace Charles lot law however the issues are held per- held upward to 3761)1 lamb! good and 13 Bept 6 block 4 plat C Bept ciety Accumulated month comchoice deficiency for this sonally responsible not only for the mon and medium down 66500735 to date 36 Angelos Otamalsklg to Dost Staga-kl- s down 34 60® 13 discounted s269 Total since October 1 to date J33 lot 7 block 9 Bingham plat 1307 accuracy of tha figure presented but 0 50 yearllsii wethera medium to oholce Bllla 7 Billa 37 A bouaht g 1 Accumulated deficiency since October 246 to 110 pound 63 606(500 ewri &HQ U B the omission of any material fact 90 gecurl govt Bun rises at 606 and lets at 638 Septem- Olof Ohytraus to Jameg Henderson choice 90 to 160 pound 11600 371 tie 2301 Xl63 ber 16 lot 1 block 10 plat B This provision has so frightened se- OMAHA I 87 Sept 14 Other reserve bank WEATHER OBSERVATIONS 14000 falrl? active to ahippera on TAKEN YEN14 curity houses that they do not dare to x 3 credit and do Total reaervt bank UNITED BTATJS DEPARTMENT OP weight attempt any financing and lay them-- - dealrablt 37 3357 oredlt Wednesday's aver INTERIOR PUBLIC BUREAU OP selves open to law suits and prosecu- age: gowg steady tothan 191 strong top 14 36 lor Monetary gold stock 4327 I I Denver Colorado September 8 ROADS 190 to cholco 320 pound welghta tions Moreover investment bankers bulk good Treasury currency iff 1933 Sealed bids single copy subject ehoicb loo to 170 pound weiahta 4000 1969 X 16 x 97 adjusted ar held liable for statements by word and 4 351 140 to 100 to the conditions contained herein will 13 35 0 4 101 ho lo- Money In elrculttlon 4603 4 1 66 of mouth as well as by printed circu- tion weights overpound Station sows 13500 Member bank reserve be received until 2 00 o’clock p m on top 13 15l stags 130003 50 3843 balancaa X396 XlN lar This section of the new legisla- 3101 the 29th day of September 1933 for Cattle— Receipt 6600 yearling Itterg Unexpended capital tion has been the chief target of criti- helfera the construction of approximately and mixed yearlimii active atrong funda - ' 15 1933 Jtri Rayburn Shepherd solemn seaFan I Seventeenth 6oi th Jtreet widow of Inaugurating the FARMINGTON E Oeorte Shepherd iiedat the home of son of 4he Jewish religiouz year GAIL 8HOPE 31 Balt Lake her dauthter Mrs J TRAVEL OPPORTUNITIES A 1859 Wmart the feast of Rosh Hashanah of New UNETA 1TH IS Salt Lake pUNERALS Fourth East street DAN T WIXOM 23 Salt Lake Year’s day which opens the Jewish SARAH of DEANE DICKINSON 17 Balt Thursday morning for Robert heart trouble She DONOHOO— Puneral services Laka calendar year 5694 will begin on GERALD had ffceen Burns Donohoo will ba Jield Friday at for five 31 Provo months ELHOTCHPISTENSEN m In the' Sandy Congregational I f 20 ARILDA MAE 22 JONES Providence A L Rice Wednesday evening September chufeh with the Rev Mrg Shepherd W& Friend may call at the Prench bom in Lafayette LAMAR PARKIN 36 Bountiful and last until sundown September ELMER Wte room ol the mortuary 36 East 7th Bo MARY ILEEN SOPFE 21 Bountiful December 21 Among Orthodox Jews who cele166tut had lived h Friday until 10 a m and at the Draper DON AUSTIN TAYLOR 25 Plain City Salt Lake 20 years Junior high school auditorium from 11 brate the two day the following day MILDRED BARLOW 21 Clearfield Interment Sandy Her feuband died 18 a m lo 13 noon EAST— WEST —NORTH— SOUTH i 21 PRANK CHADOZ Tremonton Friday also observed years cemetery direction Deseret 'mortuary ngo Suriivinc are two Services will be conducted fn flie ADA FRANK 21 Logan Lo—FAST— THRU BER VICE for RICHARDSON— services Funeral aons EDWARD CRG6BIE 25 Ogden Key Z and Rex Wednes- ERNEST —NO BONO DELAYS renzo Richardson will Congregation Mootefiore Saturday DOROTHY WAYNE 23 Ogden Shepherd 3 BUSSES m In the South Jordan ward at p 20 m at 30 6 RusMrs daughters p day September RALPH PICKPORD 31 North Olden —FRESH LINEN BEAT COVERS oh ft Del Bishop A P Rasmussen offisell fikit Mrs C J i ih and 6:30 p m 16 Ogden RUTH REN& PARKINSON Thursday at 8 —RAILROAD PROTECTION ciating Friends may call at the gold Win- -' Mrs Spry gnd room In the mortuary 36 East 7th Bo and Friday at 8 a m’ The topics to UARANTEED TRANSPORTATION ward and 10 grand until Friday it 4 p m and at the resiMANTI chtldre all of Salt be duscussed by Rabbi J E Knk-stei- n dence Of Mrs Holt In South Jordan NEW WALTER D FTTZOERALD Lake 48 Richfield and Saturday prior to ser-- Thursday and Friday morn- VERA HARDING CUSHINO 43 Sallna RATEE LOW ROUND-TRI-P Funefel servicer y vices Interment South Jordan PAIR AND TO WORLD’S ing at 10 30 a m will be "A New CHARLES NORMAN PKTER80N 24 Rich- have ben tentatively under direction Deseret mortuary POINTS ALL OTHER field for Sunday Year and a New Deal” and ‘‘The IONA DICKENSON 20 Richfield arrange! PAUISON— Services for Ted Arnold Ptul the haste and place MAHf DEPOT German 'Jewish Tragedy” GEORGE ROBERT ME8FROY 64 Provo son will be held Friday I p m In the k ( announced MARY ROBERTA 88 LEY TOO Provo Rainbow room- 56 East Seventh South A committee under the chairmanAT 77 WEST 80 TEMPLE later will Burial lire Shepherd 33 STEPHEN REESE BUNNELL Friends may rail at the Autumn room Spring take plait In the City cemetery (Temple Bqusrs Hotel Bids) ship of Ben Arnovitz which is in In the mortu— City until time of services HELEN MADSEN 3T Mt Pleasant WAS 1366 n Intsrment City cemetery under charge of the distribution of syna- GEORGE HATCH 22 Koosharem Deseret mortuary Lois gogue ticket will attend session at BE88IE SMITH CITY -- TICKET OFFICE: LARSON 18 Mantl 606 South Main (Kenyon HoteB the vestry rooms of Congregation ALVIN ISMAL VANCE 29 Falrvlew PKGVIV-neral servMea for Lois Finer DOROTHY JANE COX 25 Palrvlew son 4 deiigbter of Ol and Annie Morgan gURIAL VAULTS Montefiore on Sunday from 11 a m 1369 WAS of be Binerson conducted Roosevelt will to 130 p m COLS BROS (origin Friday at 1 p m In Spaatsh Fork deg’gri) vaurprool DEATHS M MQT-cwfc cement W i The died residence at J vault ttui bnr(1 ill family BENCH— Ephraim Joseph Bench 2 737 SPECIAL ROUND-TRE- E a remit of polxonlnf Mam eatin green Sixth avenue intestinal nephritis Septem u applea F ber 11 12 In the Brpnlsh Fork cem- LOST AND FOUND be Burial wfl FARES 21 166 ( etery BRJJSCHKE— Henry Bruschke undo- - the direction of the Deseret street accidental ID The Weather - SEPTEMBER secretary-- treasurer i Hoca-He-c- -' 81 mortuary pocketbook cont money watch foun -PRESTON IDAHO 14 38 The child was born May 8 1919 at Spantain pen etc lost from auto near Mu FRANKLIN IDAHO 1416 ish Fork Besides her parents and grandnlcipAl springs Finder may keep money 15 35 POCATELLO parents Ml’ and Mrs Isaa I Morgan Provo: 1767 Michigan ave Hy 8Q7VR IDAHO FALLS 36 76 she la aurviwd by six brothers and sisters WRIST watch white gold Kngr Baguette Jack Lartbe Jetmle and ' Floyd Blab ” UNION PACIFIC 'Virginia Lamb's cnyn kw H 7981-- fi Lorraine Emerson CHI OMEGA sorority pin lost Bat In AuerSTAGES on bach’s Name Carmen Halversen Weaver William back Reward Hy 1830 D 17 $24 L 8 Wed lost currency COAST-TO-COA- ST scrip OGDEN— W llam J Weaver 31 of 3837 STAGE Was 8554-- J 520 W 6th So Reward Lincoln avenua died Thursday afternoon at ss reclining sleeper chair-coac- h ia hls home of heart disease GUARANTEES TRANSPORTATION Ha waa bar here July 15 1907 a son of 13 Finest buses Inspection Invited William D an Oertrude LoNn Weaver Be- PERSONALS SPEC WORLD’S FAIR EXCURSION sides his p&rgits he is siqcvived by his two widow Mrs Ada McArthur Weaver ROUND TRIP $34 massage Franco American agent sons and a aakahter Eusena DelorU and EXPERT H 915 23 E 1ST SO Was 6132-William J Weaver Jr two brothers Carl LOS ANGELES E Weaver Ogden and Cec$l L Weaver VERY best massage hot bath al rub Atlas 7 Hours 10 to 8 Bldg room Loa Angeles and sister Mrs Laveda 00 Detroit 3456 Oould Ogden NEW method mass age 136 ty West South 06 Kansas-Cit17 00 He was emplgred as Was 9988 Hours 11 to 9 gatsnent worker Temple 06 N Y City 3406 for the John ScAvcroft Ac Sons company Elec treatments Eva McNally Puneral servlets will be announced later MASSAGE— HOTEL SEML01 exper nurae 403 Bo 2nd E Was 8298-- R by the Larkin Actons mortuary NATIONWIDE SERVICE PLATES 35 to 665 fillings II to 13 147 SO STATE PHONE WAS 2363 Dr Hudson Dr Thomaa 511 Bcott bldg MIBB RENEE Sedgwick expert massage end bath 10 to 9 P m Apt 313 36 N 1st Weat JTEAMSHIP TICKETS 19 16 BOUNTIFUL— nald D message baths alcohol rub B-lifelong resident ef Bountiful billed at his EXPERT Bemloh hotel home here Thursday night of hgart trouble FORMATION all lines tours and cruises He nd been sick dor year American Express Oo 24 W 2 8 W 260 Ht was bom January 12 19F7 a son of Tic Sedg- gWIM TO REDUCE Oeorge W and wick MALE HELP Hit mothet died about ghree years 20 lessons course $6 results guar m WANTED 'Surviving are hit father and the fdllow-ln- g PRIVATE W 1732 Was Ptof Thornton Springs W Jr brothers and klsters George RADIO— the new uncrowded (rowing Alonzo Roland Awln Fred Iflvln Rex livewlre profession — needs many Mrs Vera 'Hayes and and Ida Sedgwick 16 trained men lor Its good jobs television QETECTIVES Mrs Lucllq Muir $ of Bountlftfl aircraft broadcasting servicing and Actual shop work on AMElUCANDetec?' Aaan?Legltimste detec merchandising radio equipment Free employment sertlve 401 Utah 8av dt Tr bldg W 3928 Doimhoo vice Opportunity to earn part tuition Free catalog Western Electrical Col-leDRAPER — Funeral services wifi be con133 Regent at 8alt Lake ducted In the Drapegjunlor high school au- fOOT SPECIALISTS 17 ditorium Friday at Iso P m lor Robert REGISTER FOR EVENING SCHOOL L D S Business College offers tha Burns Donahoo Butbl DR L P DELK 364 Felt Bldg low rate of 115 for six months of evecity cemetery Complete treat- - both feet SI The services were ftrst nio$nced for Incl corns ning schooL Every Monday and Thurstoe nalla toot adjust W 3138 the Sandy Congregational church but later day evening la registration night Study ghorthand -- bookkeeping type-- — and- machine caleu)— writing English “17a Rice of the church will officiate tlon This low rate of tuition 1U soon — 4lb be advanced Enroll now DEPENDABLE man with car to deliver asm-pi- es DR GRIFFITH Mrs specialist tor men Cal) and take orders 602 Walker Bank 1134 South Main at Wag 5514 2 to 4 p m Blda services (ns Mrs EPHRAIM— Funeral WANTED— Young man high school educe-tlo- n Lawrence Hermansen viho died WednesRAVEL InOPPORTUNITIES 18 blstider and di$e gall for general office and limited day ol diphtheria 2 p m amount dictation and typewriter work fection will be conducted Friday funeral chapel In the Olsen mortuary Apply 1613 Walker Bank Bldg 10 a m Burial will be In Park celretery CRANBIC-NEVI- N September 18 LINES AD BIRTHS KHrstttoncOIylK WE CAN use 2 more neat appearing young' 24 EAST 2ND SOUTH WAS 8268 men 420 Ness bldg "MAINE TO CALIFORNIA" NOTICE TO BIDDERS WANTED— Boys girls men women to sell Lame Parlor Reclining Chair Buses Salt Lake City Utah Sept 9 1933 newspapers Call 52 Postoffice place NEW YORK— L08 ANOELE8 at Sealed proposal wl$ be received CHICAGO ROUND of the of TRIP the olflce the Secretary 22 gCHOOLS FOR MEN University of Utah rark building Including admission to the fair LOW RATES TO ALL POINTS University of Utah Cnpus B'ntll 10 o’clock a m Tueaday Septenftjer 19 "EARN WHILE YOU LEARN" BARBERJNO Moler Barber College 118 Regent at 1633 and then publlcqy opened and NEV read for furnishing the fo I owing IDAHO EARN WHILE YOU LEARN BARBER IN O at Utah Barber College 161 Regent at Item -- delivered at tke University Sesttla Spokane Pocatello Malad v LOWEST RATES Campus: FASTEST SCHEDULES 1— Horizontal un&fldv ateam en24 SALESMEN WANTED gine to drive a 50 k w iipneratbr and LEWIS BROS J $550 Donald J) Robert Bums K£DlCAir— — Lmcrenca Ilermansen J $34 FALLSELY STAGES exciter with auxiliary Milpmdht lor CULLEN HOTEL WAS 1064 WAS 14 the engine unit SUBDISTRIBUTOR to handle nationally ad1— Surface condenser With condenvertised eastern oil for north Utah ExLOWEST RATES IN TOWN clusive contract Investment In products sate and vacuum pumpi LOS ANQ 3550 FRISCO and equipment will be 3750 to 11006 I 8 00 For Installation In th$ Mechanical DENVER 700ICHICAOO Address Box 2000 Trlb Tele Engineering Laboratory qn tbs' UniBONDED AND INSURED COULD you sell the Hoover) versity Campus as called for 7n acWe have 3 openings if you are amWINDSOR HOTEL cordance with plans aifd specificabitious willing to work we will apend tions on file In the offlcejof Th t Sec237 80 MAIN BT WAS 5925 real time and money to train you even retary of the University Park BuildIf you have had no salea experience Utah of Campus ing University Call Z C M I basement Mr Peter-so- n GREAT WESTERN STAGES Instructions to bidder together hardware dept TRANSCONTINENTAL SERVICE with proposal specifications and Lo Angelea 550 forms of contract and bond mU be Phoenix Ari 25 1000 POSITIONS WANTED obtained upon appllcatlcqi ex the Chicago round trip apeclal 134 00 Office Unlvrglt$r of Secretary’ NEW MAIN Depot 371 Main Was 4343 MALE m Provo office lat 80 & U at Phone 1552 Utah between the hours 4f 9 and 5 p m CAPABLE man 20 rrs’ exp knowledge cl S L BUREAU bug ticket Certified check for 5 pet cetft of all office work payrolls cost go vate care Share expense Reliable Pri ref Trlb - Tele 51 W 2nd So the total amount of the bid must Waa 6000 ” 16 886 Ml of Earth Graded and Drained other alaughter ateera and aha stock steady X120 503 a 31 deposits ate — Off bulla and vealera steady to strong gtockara of th X— Up Highway on Project N R Defeats Own Purpose and feeders slow weak fed steers ant Combined reaouroaa and Uabllltlea of the -tGrand Loop Highway and NR mostly 380061)6 76 soma held at welve federal reserve banks at tha close loise Before any new bonds or stock can yearllnaa of South the Entrance Park Highway and slightly hither helfera 15 006® of business yeatarday were reported tonight' Jheyehn Yellowstone Park Wyoming-- Involving be offered to the public it is neces- 6 0:00 odd haai 1585 tr 8 76 bulk traaa cowl by the federal reserv board In thousands Chicago 62 360 3 001 cuttsr grades major Items Of approximately 83 acres Denver it dollara as follows: 006t310! mesary to registethe Issu To prevent dium 13 5002 65 practical top vealOd Jctn clearing 275000 cu yds unclassified exthe omission of any material facts ers bulls ASSETS 00 fsw 16 50 heavy calves alow Helen 3540' cu Yds unclassified excavation such registration requires the filing weak tending lower few lota medium to Gold with federal reserve agents 2740681 Kan City cavation for structures 287000 sta yds Gold redemption fund with U 8 Lander of voluminous information with the good gtock ateera 33 18 0 4 00 overhaul 16886 ml finishing 451 cu 18719 Lot Ang treasury Receipt! 7600 lamba ilowi open- Gold federal trad commission 1 was sur- ingSheep— yds concrete -- 1333 cu yds masonry held exclusively aialnat F blda Weak to 38 lower! iheep and a Mlnneapolg Pt cldy 61450 lbs reinforcing steel 5370 Un ft 3777370 Modena ) Cleft early sales and bids sorted R notes prised to learn that one large holding rangesteady lambs 16 76 0 700 early blda sorted Gold aettlemant fund with F R Needles corrugated galvanized metal pipe 2573 company prepared 100000 sheets of natlv lamba 7 00 awes board 188111 New York to 13 75 cu yds hand laid rock embankment data to comply with th provisions of lambs 1575 0 6 36 three updecks two tofeedln Oold and gold certificate held by Omaha 13310 lln ft wood guardrail 15 5 ml 247334 Phoenix back breeding ewea the act Naturally the averagt in- 3376 J average) cut alope treatment 93000 gal liquid accompany the proposal TRAVEL Bureau — Private cara gtudent will do any kind ol Pocatello Share ex DEPENDABLE vestor has neither the time nor the PORTLAND work for board and rm Hy 6249-Total told reserve Tb right is reserved to rej&tr any asphalt and other minor Items of work 1690455 Portland O penae plan Also Insured buses Dally 14 (AP) (USDA)— Hogs Sept or The cash 388121 of la attention all to bide Information White House hotel W 5338 bidders directed Pueblo inclination to wade through this mass Receipt! 906 Including 138 government xother Janitor or watch-mReno the special provisions covering sublete with ref Box By Order of the Board of Begtnte TRANSPORTATION of statistics In this way much of the plga and sowg glow few opening galea Total told reserves and ether of all kinds at lower 81 Louis i of Utah contract ratea of of the the assignany ting portion yteedy with Wednesday’! average Strictly University TOURIST Independent vital Information concerning com- around cash 1838576 Salt Lake TRAVEL ment of douse BUREAU THOMAS HULLi contract to of good to choice light weights 5 38: packing Redemption 10357 Waa tha and CEMALE HELP fund: F R bank note 8634 Ban Dleao 26 panies completely escapes notice sowg 19 660378 light sowg 1400 leader BUI discounted mestic materials The minimum wage PRIVATE bus leaving Sept 15 lor Chicago 1 Secretary San Pran quotable 1478 down Thus Instead of teaching investors to Pigs Nauvoo etc can take four more very WANTED Seattle paid to all skilled labor employed on Cattla— Recslpta 150 calveg receipts 80: Secured by U 8 government oblireasonable 849 Bo 2Pd S Hy 5939-39030 8poksna this contract shall be 65 cents per hour UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT’ OF gations study securities more carefully before fairly active around staadv few eras) Otnsr MARRIED couple wlithout Children SO to bills discounted 104303 Tonopah The minimum wage paid to all unskilled INTERIOR BUREAU OP PCflUIC 14 00 04 76 helfera 13 00M400: beef 50 years old to do cooking they Invest this huge volume of ma- ateera 8 Washngton oowa 63 500 3 00: low cutters and cuttara on labor ROADS contract ahall this Denver Colorado employed September housework and gardening Boardserving comterial actually discourage them The 116003 26 few bulls 6378JOO vealers Total bills discounted NOTICE 133333 Wln’muccs TO CONTRACTORS 55 cents per hour Where plans and 1633 be subdeot blda Sealed fortable quarters and salary Give refcopy In BIJli single market 7347 Yel'stons act then defeats its main purpose bought open 6000 downi butcher choice quotable to 1700 erences experience and religion Writ u 8 government securities: specifications are requested a deposit to the conditions contained herein yrlU Yuma State of Utah Office of abova nd State One of the most unfortunate effects Box of $1000 will be required to insure their be received until 2:00 o'clock p mi on Tib Tel 442231 1000 Sheep— Receipt no early Bond Road Commission Salt Lake City alow) notes 15 day from the data of the 29th of the “truth in securities" act to date sales 690877 REGISTER FOR EVENING SCHOOL day of September 1933 lor United Btatea Department of Agricu- return wrlthln quotable around Iteady with eholce Treasury 14 Utah and Certificates bills 669663 1933 bids L D n to be September checks made 8 66 Crkshar-RuBusiness College offers th payhas been its failure to eliminate tip- lamba eligible to 00 and above few breed-I13409 Ml of lture Bureau of Fubllo Roads Denver opening U 8 Regional Fiscal Agent approximately low rate of $15 for six months of eveewes lata Wednesday 1300 par head able to Sealed bids will be received by ster sheets and stock promoters ReTotal U B Govt aecujitles Surfacing on Project N R 220360 Colo September 3 1933 Sealed bids Denver the ning school Every Monday and ThursColorado ' the State Boad Commission of Plana ST JOSEPH Me Sept 16 (AP) (TSDA) Other teeurluet specifications Hltfiwtt? of Grand 1769 th Loop cent activity in securities has brought — Hoaa to Surfacing conditions copy th single subject day evening is registration night — Receipts 9500! no directs 7500 Utah State Capitol Salt Lake Invwivlag contained herein will be received until and proposal may be obtained In the Yellowstone Park Study shorthand out a flood of new tipsters and rebookkeeping pin heavy hoaa mostly 16 to 25 Total bills and aecurltle 3 o’clock p m September 23 1933 for offices of the Bureau of Publlo Roads major ltema of approximately 75U Cu English and machine calcula 2 o’clock p m Friat hlsher spots up more bulk 240 to Du from forelsn banks Utah City 237 Custom House Denver newed the energies of old ones The cents Colorado tlon This low rate of tuition will soow C Yds 250$ Unclassified Excavation 270 pounds 34 006(4 30 390 to 965 pounds F R Notes ol other bank construction of 4647 mile of A ELLIOTT Acting District Engineer be advanced EnroD now day September 29th 1933 and at public under the Impression that 33 550385: good and choc 140 to 350 Uncollected temg Yds Subgrade Reinforcement 334)9 and drained highway on Project J that time publicly opened for con- EXPERIENCED factory machine operator new securities now offered under the pounds 15 406(4 40 packing sows 178 te 860 Bank premisee N R Ml Fine Grading Bubgrade and SliouV-der- s of the Boulder-CentrCity UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF 13 wash frocks Apply 8 30 a m Select 366)9 00 assets struction of a gravel surfaced Forest Highway Route located within or INTERIOR 47600 Tone Crusher-Ru- n new law must be sound have placed pounds Bi0TaC BUREAU Cattle— Receipts 14001 ealvee receipts 1(10 AU'Other OF PUBLIC Shoppe 1043 E 21at South 88500 Gal Liquid Aetbalt road within in Utah material National Roosevelt and Counpartly lng thr their funds in various promotional neral market Sanpete ROADS Denver active fed Colorado Total nattvi 8 auets fairly 4J38336 Forests In tha Counties of September and 3 entertainers must be over Qllpln and 1933 ties the same being N R H HOSTESS yearllnaa and halfera unevenly 16 to 21 under 28 and fake stocks Gold mining tele- Ileers Sealed bids single copy subject road material and other minor keaps Colombo Chicken Inn F Boulder State of Colorado Involving to 6 cents hlsher Western steers fully iteady O Box 1155 McGill Nevada conditions contained herein will of work to The attention of blddet a is-t No 72-between vision rayon and brewing enterprises cows at rone Project to 10 oenta higher vealera P R notes In actual circulation 1989123 major item of approximately 30 acres be the Provisions £OKdirected the Special received 2:00 o’clock until m MBER on Intr ladles in prof whole or part-tiR p bank note In actual circulaand Birdseye have mushroomed up all over the firm Stockers and feeders unchanged F 88000 cubic yards unclassified 28th- day of September 19311 for the ering subletting any portion of the wk R 2 New Ute hotel 110 N Main tion 133633 clearing good and choice 650 to 1600 pounds The length of road to be con- 3 excavation 900 cubic yards unclassified the contract of contract country In unconsciously protect- - ateera and assignment of t4 150 6 60: eommon and medum 660 pounds Deposits: 6 construction 684 ml approximately Corset Models 36 33 4& 38800 station of earth ducted or improved is 11723 PROFESSIONAL lug this particular phase of fraudulent up I3606M66 halfera good and oholce Member bank— Reserve account 1941745 excavation for structures Call afternoon Bupt graded and drained highway on to the use of domestic materials The The Paris Co to 900 pounds 14 760 6 00 sows tood Government 46004 yards overhaul 318 cubic yard concrete minimum wag paid to all skilled lpfasr miles and the principal items of N R 1 of Project security selling the new program has 650 Grading 130 63 356(4 00: vealers (milk fed) medium to Foreign benk cublo atone 21307 31220 Th Grand yards masonry on 75 contract this shall employed by Yellowstone work are missed ita mark folLoop Highway choice 14 0006 60: atocker and feeder Special deposits— Member bank approximately as 75865 pound reinforcing steel 1604 lineal feet The minimum wane gCHOOLS FOR WOMEN 27 Park Wyoming Involving major Items cents per hour steers good and choice (all Weights) 1375 bank 16448 low: galvanised metal pipe 48 of approximately 27 acres of clearing Grewtag Sentiment paid to all unskilled labor employed ' Other deposit f&5 00 43776 corrugated miles 193000 cut Excu ' treatment Unclassified and other 105 000 cu yds unclassified excavation on this contract shall be 60 cents pec slope yds Sheep— Receipt 8600: a few native lambs ' Already there is a huge public of work Th attention of 4706 cu 3 75 and down cavation 70500 Tons Gravel QUISH SCHOOL 1746047 minor Item holding best westerns at Total deposits yd unclassified excavation for hour Where plane and specification-aIn favor of modifying and soft- iUH and abovei most bids 39 to 60 cents Deferred availability 414240 bidder la directed to the provisions cova of will structures 11000 of Beauty Culture Best le th west Ill Surface 29600 Subbase cu and requested deposit unclassified yds feeders tenerally steady at t16 and Capital paid In 146889 ering subletting any portion of th con- excavation ening the provisions of the law This lower fir Ezra Thompson Bldg Was 756 for barrow 407000 at be required to Insure their return wifhs The attention of bidders is didown lambs good and cholca (x) 90 pounds Surplus tract assignment of contract and prosentiment is growing every day It is down )6646t6ll 178599 14 361735: yards overhaul 156 cu yda concrete In 15 days from opening of blda cheeks wethers me- All other Uabllltlea rected to the Special Provisions 117(9 visions for use of domestic material 468 611144 to be made payable to th U 8 cu said in 23120 yda lbs reincircle that such dium to choloe 0 yearling to 110 pounds 13750 maaonary Th minimum wag paid to all skilled covering subletting or assigning QRESSMAKING SCHOOL 27$ Fiscal Agent Denver Colorado liabilities 6733336 modification is part of the legislation 575: ewes1 good and choke 90 to 30 Total forcing steel 3716 lln ft corrugated Ratio of total gold reserve and other cash labor smployed on thla contract shall metal pip culvert ti 90®375: feeding lambs (rente) th contract and to the us of 2500 cu yds hand Plans Specifications and Pro penal mwy now being considered ip Washington pounds be IS cente per hour The minimum wax good and choice 60 to 75 pounds 15 50M 16 (X) to deqoslts and p R not llabUitlss d KEISTER make girl -Independent OutUnJ laid rock embankment 11723 ba obtained In th offlocs at tha BuDomestic Materials 6 I per cent Just what changes will be made it Is (x) Quotation baaed on ewea and watharg Contingent liability on paid to all unskilled labor employed on vitrified tile underdrain 4860 lln ft reau of Publlo Roads 237 Oua The minimum wage paid to all Pi1 Parchwd for foreign correspondents this contract shall be 60 cents per hour wood Impossible to say at this time Some- LOB ANOHES Bept 14 (AP (USDA)— 43363 House Denver 6 cut ml M treat Colorado A Other guardrail doe cash not J (a) slop Include F Where plana and specifications are reskilled labor employed on this Receipt 660: holdovers 141: auppliea thing however must be done as it ia logs— 29 nclude 476 on government account atroni R noteg or a bank s own F JR bank notes quested a deposit of ten ($1000) dollars ment and other minor Items of work LIOTT Aotlng District Engineer contract shall be 60 cents per POSITIONS WANTED rumored that investment bankers will deck! Colorado! 15 0005 25 will be required to insure their return Tha attention of bidders la directed to NOTICE FEMALE hour the SILVER GOES HIGHER OF SPECIAL Cattle— Receipts 360 alow about ateady: apeclal subletMEETING provisions be forced to allow several sound com- common ooverlng wrlthln IS days from th data of opening to medium ateera 85 !3 Stockholder of Gunnison Bug The minimum wage paid to all 8TE70GRAPHnCTT7SWip"K'V'nV ting any portion of the contract assignNEW YORK Sept 1 W-Si-lver bids check to be made payable to the ment panies with bonds maturing in the eommon to medium cows 93 006)9 6050i4 office work wlshea full or cutter of contract and to the use of dotime po Company unskilled labor employed on this near future to default on principal altlon excellent references part grades 31 50(t3 85 hulls 1396 0 3 60 calves prices continued their advance today U 8 Regional Fiscal Agent Denver mestic materials Waa 4283-Notice la hereby given that a spi Th minimum wage Colorado 176 Plans specification and pro- paid to all skilled labor contract southwestern Bar metal waa receipts 50 be shall fully cents steady 25 What does all this mean to the mil- 36 4 11 38 at girl per cents deslrag housework! of on the stockholder i 00 W4 00 quoted employed meeting may be obtained In the office of references Was 9776-hour contract ahall be 65 cents per hour lions of people in the United States Sheftp— Receipts non Gunnison Sugar Company has beet cent while futures rose more posal tood (0 choloe up the Bureau of Public Roads 237 Custom thla minimum ‘ Plans and specifications are on wag paid to all unskilled duly called and will be held at thi who own no securities? They are not lamba auotabla I650U7 00 than half a cent an ounce House Denver Colorado J A ELLIOTT Th and room Was 2753 Eve 6349-labor employed on this contract shall office of the Company No 909 Fin T SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO file in the office of the State Bept 14 (API Interested in how much money the (USDA)— Acting District Engineer be 55 cent per hour Where plan and National Bank building Salt Lai Hogs— Receipts 700i Including 240 EAW SVGAS Road Commission Salt Lake City broker is making how big are the direct about 100 plga for government purare a on Utah specifications City th 28th day of Sei HEW YORK requested deposit 30 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OP of $1000 will be required and at District Engineer’s office RUCTION SALES sugar bond salesman’s commissions lights and butcher steady to 10 So was quiet and Sept 14 AP)-- Rw with to Insure their tember 1933 at th hour of 10 o’doi— or chase: no unchanged today 16 cents hlsher: top 5 68 on load BUREAU at Richfield Utah where they OF PUBLIC return within 15 days from opening of a m for the purpose of considering whether the investment banker is California! and spots quoted at 1 60 INTERIOR few 68 00 several lots 166 to aalea reported and aellera however were and acting upon th following mat little ROADS Denver Colorado September $ bids checks to be made payable to the may be reviewed by prospective WAREHOUSE AUCTION busy Actually however this new 330 pounds 16 96666 60 packing sows steady Buyera nearer together with th former awilling 1933 Sealed bids elngl copy subject U 8 Regional Fiscal Agent ters: Denver 36 cents lower 13 356i3 60 bidders Specifications proposal securities act vitally affects every- - to Cattle— to pay 9 53 for nearby sugars with holders to tha condition! contained herein will Colorado Plans 1— T9 Artl-elamend VI 160 Inoiudlng 88 and proof the Article Receipt specifications last the one Both business and employment 60 tale asking blanks of and I bidding be received until 2 o’clock p m on the posal may be obtained In the offices of plans will be of Incorporation of the Commoderately active killing classes Futures were firmerpries n ture over 25 rooms buyers will find on Increased cover- 28th day of furnished at Salt Lake City on steady about 100 head fairly good 638 ing and trad today depend for their vitality and mostly September 1933 for the th Bureau of Publlo Roads 237 Custom pany to provide that preferred stockplenty of goods here Big lot of buying wag promoted by the construction to short Ted57 ateera and long better tone to th House of Denver 12036 holders A ml Colorado of J ELLIOTT tools blow torches tron visa approximately the which votbe $200 growth upon the flotation of new en- yearlings 16 76 and market will be and renewed of erusher-ru- n depositing Company given 15 ) respectively load talk of Inflation gpqt N R Acting District Engineer on et of automobile mechanic eomblet Cloelu Project war surfacing if 8 and ing to fix right and prices such returned 15 the given seaof short 00: few feds contractor helf terprises providing plain refinancing 3 4 wrenchea 11380 late type vulcanlaer and othSale S war point of higher torn the and 83 501 fairly aood range tows 33 34 rights soned companies If the government ers submits an acceptable bid and reer tools lawn mower The market showed extreme galni of 4 Grand Loop Highway surfacing IN THE DISTRICT ’ COURT OF THE hose 2— For th transaction of such othmlse Yellowstone Park to medium 11 60 A 3 61V good hull wolnte cutter ltema: furniture of all kindsandWalnut on covering ana buying by bouses Wyoming Involving insists on swatting those responsible qunteble to around 13 75 possibly sbove United States for tha district of Utah— turns the plans within seven days Items of aper bualneaa as may properly come major room with Cuban get dining Notice connection! on were dlnetta table for Offering! petition dlachsrie in 6200 cu yds unclassified exfor financing the nation’s industries Sheep— Receipts 2300 Including 290 direct light owing to continued 8fter before blda proximately are received tha china cabinet mohair meeting over the Any bankruptcy— In the matter of Joseph holdovers fairly active fulft steady: Cuban situation but In uncertainty fed let walnut bedroom set then business will get worse and un- 670 overatuf 5hflr' additional Information may be By order of the Board of Director tha early afternoon cavation 1000 cu yd subgrad reinforceionati Hfttl a bankrupt— In bankruptcy about 300 head wooled Oregon lot of bed tprlnas and mattresses S R BLUMBERG Secretary setback of 3 Polnti from the ment 12108 ml fine grading aubgrsdlng KO 13940 secured at office employment will again increase In lamb sorted- from four decks $7 00: four highs underq liquidation of the the State dressers and chiffoniers and acattared local shoulder 85000 tons crusher-ru- n chalra and Notice to hereby given that Joseph surDated September 7 1933 mostlv good wooled Nevada 1‘ fact 1 will go so far as to aay that decks rockers several chests of drawers oak Road Commission Th offering wrer promptly Each bidder Jonah Ha l of 8alt Lake 60000 gal liquid asphalt road 6 78 stralsht: few good shorn Utah 100 me- selling ?L07'rr’ dining room seta Monarch electrio th market rallied facing unless the new securities act is modi- dium has Hied his petition on th City 18th day of IN THE must material 15 00: plain ewea dull a ltema and submit letter of other DISTRICT minor work COURT from an 6S L H Tange electric range coal asaln with final pricaa within a point of tha Th attention of bidden la directed to May 1833 praylns for a discharge from jt(TH® fied good times wijl be slow in re- CHICAGO Sept 14 (AP) (USDA)— States for tha district ranee 1 Charter Oak g 1 beat Tha steadiness waa also attributed Approved surety company his debts In bankruptcy to tha All c matter of Ervin Neiigon Eureka vol 45000: circulator active subletto special tha better steady itors covering of provisions London and tha stradU showing unevenly turning and other persons Interested are to furnish said bidder 3 washing machine size 10 cent hlsher bankrupt— In bankruptcy No 13577 6 sawing good to choice 180 to 330 neaa of other markets of the contract assignany ting to ordered portion at attend although tha Business as registered by the trading To the hearing upon creditors of Ervin Neilson of A machine: good kitchen cabinet Ms- with required bond The right pounds 14600470 tup 1475 Sows 3130 waa not vary active ment of qontrsot and to th us of dosaid petition before th United States Balt Lake City County of Salt Lake o iestle radio lat type phonograph: now stands at 38 per cant n$ 50i September 1 60n December 1 64b Janu- - mestic materials The minimum wage '(lo reject any or all bids da redistrict judge tn the United Btatea and district aforesaid a bankrupt: 8500 fed steers and year- f®"1 heating stoves 3 ELBERT I’ V8b i'ubl room Mucb above a year ago and only 18 per cent Cattle— Receipts court tn th federal bulldlnt July to all skilled Notice labor employed on thla Salt served HUBBARD is hereby CHAIRS paid To strong on MADE IN HIB the 10 to 15 Instances 73b City Utah on the 20th day of Ocbelow normal pike ROYCROFT BHOPSTN EAST AURORA contract shall be 78 oenta per hour The dT of September A D 1933 the ’‘T'Cash certified check or cashb— Bid heifer firm to shade hlsher ft— Nomtnal 1933 3 tober o’clock at NIn afterth 3 said Y Ervin Neilson was venr rare antiques latest mod- cows more active medium weiahta 17 00 duly adjudicated Refined sugar was unchanged Refiners minimum wage paid to all unskilled lanoon thereof then 5 ier’s Oand and show there check for per cent of total bankrupt and that tha first meeting I535 refrigerator all porcelain hag 28: bor employed on thla contract ahall be 3410 listed at 470 lor fin granulated with cause If any they have why th prayer (Copyright 1933 Publisher Flnan- - largely cold control 7 cu ft box: and light offering mrkrhlfer'to coat 3375 mount of bid made payable to ofyhb creditor will be held at th of625 food and choio at from to 46 60 cent per hour of the petitioner should not be (ranted Where plans and fice of the undersigned referee In also almost new Weatlnshonaa electric cial Bureau) vealera 16 00(0 50 Withdrawal war again of fair 60 ar State By tile Road rule court lenersl of Commission furthe must aa it is a specifications all range requested Beason deposit ’’Havoc automatlo porcelain Salt Lake Sheep— Receipt building 16000 Practically noth- and a fair buslnaa waa reportedproportions la aeoond of 61000 will be required to Insure their ther ordered that any creditor opposone oven fine o Uity’ Utah on the 28th day oi SeptemIn Ain dona sellers asking gtesdy pricaa and hands accompany each bid as evidence NEW GOLD raiCE r ing thla application shall enter his condition cabinet full of roll and ber 1933 at 10 o’clock a m at which return wrlthln 15 daya from opening of refusing unevenly and rather lower early of and a faith good that and fils specifications in writbench breakfast room lets Iota or guarantee time the said creditors attend checks bids to may WASHINGTON Sept 14 (UP)— bids extrema top early 771 bid) 3766 be mad to the payabl PET GOODS MARKET 1C awarded the contract the biding In opposition thereto with th un“he and miscellaneous Items also wot their claims appoint a trustee Denver mall stock of new hardware screen HEW YORK Sept 14 (API— Cotton tooda U 6 Regional Fiscal Agent Today's price for newly mined gold downward iheep slow derlined referee in the manner and at examine the bankrupt and transact der will execute the contract and Colorado -Plans specifications and the time as provided in General Order were active today such other as business and MA consigned for export or for use in Georgia! bright leat tobacco may prices proposal may be obtained In the offices properly Sarketaan advanoing ?a&‘ 33 Nw J bond as McConnell gIVe reauired com crop before said meeting tendency Rayon was of the Bureau domestic arts and industries was fixed thia year in Referee of Publlo Roads 237 CusBankruptcy mor than steady and active- - Wool goods markets ware STATE farmeri McConnell ROAD COMMISSION brought WTH j Salt Lake City Utah ADAMS) AUCT Burlaw wag firm Denver BUk prices wan tom House Referee In Bankruptcy ! by the treasury at $2977 Colorado J A $6000000 in cash Dated Lake City Utah Septem- lira but trading waa dull iPy W J PARKER Chairman ELLIOTT Acting District Snglnactw lt®£ Lake ORy Utah September It ADAMS AUCTIONEER wgg 14$ 19n KERR Chief Engineer144 TO 146 SO STATE HY 4' "6 cism j 1 feed-er- -- TRA-VE- L ld MIDDLE-AOE- an Trlb-Tel- ni ng earth-grad- 29-- A al injTiEs' ' E P-- er " e " d tom-bine- Um-Y- k - B ‘ 3-- 4 — bald-ove- rs es A-- A-- A-- “ M Hoga-Rece- lpta guar-anteein- given-tha- - - bank-Tupt- cr player-pian- t a ftffsws? t H5 4 4‘ W - -l m |