Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE FRIDAY MORNING UTAH DOCTORS' Noted Surgeons Gather Here S L (Continued (roj Ptie The surgeon's knife as a means of according to Dr Matson First of the lungs was used by filldealing with advanced cases of tu- lapsing with gas and then later the them ing berculosis is becoming a more and surgeon’s knife has come Into use in more widely accepted practice among removing adhesions and creating the members of the medical profession ac- necessary scar tissue that enables to live useful lives Surgery cording to Dr Ralph T Matson thoracic surgeon of the Portland Ore also has comfeinUv play in removing Open-Ai- r sanatorium one or the guest pressure exerted on the lung from physicians attending the sessions of the the neck and other portions of the anatomy Utah State Medical association “Under the methods that are now in Commenting on ‘modern day treatment bf tuberculosis-case- s Thursday use at the Portland sanatorium" Dr Dr Matson said that the use of serums Matson said “we are able to effect and drugs which have proved inef- cures for 60 per cent of the third fective are being largerly displaced by stage cases of the disease” While all sanatoriums have not yet surgical methods supplemented with rest and provisions for fresh air and gone fully into the thoracic surgery treatments Dr Matson said the moveproper food 'The use of surgery” Dr Matson ment was growing and that the day was not far distant when every instisaid "is merely extending the theory that securing rest for tution would supplement its procethe lung is fundamental in the treaV dures of rest fresh air and diet by having a thoracic surgeon on the ment'of tuberculosis” This principle is observed Dr Mat-so- staff said in keeping the patient in bed Growing industrialism has given the and consequently the lungs in a state medical profession its greatest clinic of rest Physicians: however he said for evolving tuberculosis treatment He said began to realize that they could ex- methods Dr Matson said tend and facilitate- - this “resting" by that most of the methods now used other methods were developed by European doctors With this recognition came the grad-ua- but have reached their highest1 perof thoracic development surgery fection in America One) umd the entire regroup attended the president’ ception in the evening The men’s group vl ill attend scientific meetings Friday and Saturday Dr Joseph E Tyree k" the only Salt Lake man scheduled h speak at the sessions A banquet is scheduled for Friday at 7:30 p m Officers will be elected at a meeting of the house of delegates Saturday at 111:30 p m after which the newly elected president Will be installed The women’s sessions trill continue C Dr through Saturday also Callister Will discuss “NOrassary to Protect the PulpKc Against Drugs" A tea will be given at the home of Mrst I A Stevenson Saturday from 4 to 0 pm Attendance Riser At the president's recepti on Thurs day evening iri the ballroom of the Newhouse hotel Dr F M McHugh president stated: “We hagvf been swamped Attendance is vtell over 200 the largest we have evdr had in Habit-formin- sight-seein- n g a state convention" SL Flower Club To Hold Contest For Decorators Complete Removal Now n Safe by Use of New Medics Told Anti-Toxi- "Cancers don’t have stagesthey of four groups or types varying in curability” Dr C F Dixon abdominal surgery specialist for the Mayo clinic told members of the Utah State Medical association Thursday Dr Dixon said permanent relief is now being obtained in previously hopeless cases of abdominal cancer by complete removal of affected intestines and areas As a means of combating peritonitis which in the bast has taken a are Medic Auxiliary n To Install New President Friday d ct $20000000 i Netf-hous- Utah physicians more than 200 strong had a busy day Thurs dya attending opening sessions of the Utah State Medical associa tion Shown above are (top) Dr: Alfred W Adson of the Mayo clinic Rochester Minn specialist in brain surgery addressing a group in the postgraduate clinic on vascular topics at the Salt Lake general hospital Thursday afternoon left Dr Clifford Sweet of Oakland Cal who also conducted a clinic and gave demonstrations and right Dr Harlow Brooks of New York with his stethoscope watch and reports which he used in diagnosing heart ailments at the clinic which he conducted Thursday afternboftt day submitted two emergency relief bills one directing the expenditure of $20000000 in state bond issue relief funds and another liberalizing the antitrust laws The antitrust bill would suspend for the period of the emergency certain civil and penal statutes relating to trusts monopolies and conspiracies in restraint of trade The mountains of Albania are rich in minerals and your Camay Complexion— Admired Wh erever You Go I The girl with a Camay Completion she gets the plaudits of the populace— has a skin soft as down and petals— she gets fun and admiration out of life I Camay Brings a Velvety Softness to Your Skin Camay is made for the feminine sl&t It’s as soft and gentle as your finest as a beauty cream! Pure creamy-whit- e if it came as be perfumed soap should from Paris smart as the newest drops from Vogue — CaAay gives you a detn and girlish skin “I must take excellent care of ny skin” said a charming young singer home-grow- erations an antitoxin has been de veloped from the blood of patients which when injected into the blood three days before the operation largely prevents such inflammation of the lining of the abdomen This antitoxin Dr Dixon said is being perfected and it is hoped that its use in the future may be applied to all abdominal cases including appendicitis and thus remove danger of complications TO GIVE REVIEW Mrs Maude Beeley Jacob author of the literary lessons forr the L D S Relief society course Of study this of Officials to Conduct year will give the first review the season next Tuesday at 2 p m of the Bishop’s Star Valley Conference in the auditorium building it was announced Thursday at the society headquarters George Albert Smith of the council of the twelve apostles of the L C Snow of the Young Men’s and D S church wfll leave Saturday Emily H Higgs of the Young Ladies' morning to attend quarterly confer- Mutual Improvement association genence in the Stah Valley stake Sat- eral board and Marcia K Howells of urday evening and Sunday at Alton the Relief society general board who will be in charge of auxiliary instiWyo Accompanying him will be LeRoi tute work LDS cleanse my skin with a rich lathet Camay and warm water” of Try Camay Now and Convince Yourself Camay is a 1933 soap — the smartest looking best feeling soap of the year And in spite of its low price — wealthy women were the first to adopt the Soap of Beautiful Women Write to the beauty editor of any of great magazine Ask her opinion of choice The the new Camay your beauty soap is a serious matter and you ought to have all the facts good-lookin- g with The Soap of Beautiful Women w One Dollar age Sale! do-net Huey Long Medal Unclaimed Will Be Given Society Hundred of Higher Priced Piece to goat NEW YORK Sept OT— Owen Athletic Clubs White magazine editor who started a movement to present a medal to the man who knocked down Senator To Elect Officers Huey P Long recently said today it 14 Officers of the three high school girls' athletic associations and of the clubs under the sponsorship of the physical education department will je elected within the next 10 daya Miss Charlotte Stewart supervisor of girls' physical education said Thursday The organization is the oldest of its kind in the United States In 1908 at the time the cadets of the Salt Lake City high school went as personal escorts of Admiral Robley D Evans to Portland Ore the girls Joined and formed the association which is now a part of the three senior high schools The activity clubs formed at the schools Include dancing riding swimming tennis tumbling golf hiking archery and outdoor sports The Leaders’ club one of the outstanding girls’ clubs in the schools Includes members who are interested In building health scholarship- sportsmanship - "leadership and service The offices to be filled at the elec tion are vice president secretary and All oftwo Junior representatives ficers are to be Juniors The president treasurer and two senior represents tives were selected last May 'V V! would be presented to the American Numismatic society A copy will be presented to tha National Press club in Washington The medal was designed by George De Zayas Inasmuch as no one came forth to claim the medal the numismatic society asked for it to add to its collection Should the mysterious gentleman who socked Senator Long step forth and establish his claim another gold medal will be struck off and presented to him” White said The Sands Point club on Long island — where the senator attended a charity affair and was knocked down another allegedly after affronting guest— also will be given a copy of the medal which shows a kingfish reclining in a wash basin Class Elections “And twice a day without fail I r - West High Slates One fail hful month of Camay— and any girl however will find! herself is prettier more attractive woman than the il todsy Win your daily Beauty Confesfs You don’t have to grow flowerato compete in some' of the classes at the Salt Lake Flower Garden club’s fall show which will be held at the state capitol Saturday and Sunday Grant R Bowen president of the elub announced Wednesday that the club has opened a contest in the use of flowers for decoration in which It js not necessary that the blooms by the exhibitors “Persons who live in apartment houses for example” said Mr BoWen “may desire to compete in artistic display The artistic display contest is divided into two parts one for n flowers only and one which will permit the use of any flowers whether grown by the exhibitor or not” While many entries for the Salt Lake Flower Garden club’s annual fall show were received up to Thursday and more were in the malls it was announced by Taylor S Wool-le- y chairman of the show that all exhibits received up to 10 o'clock Saturday morning will be received and properly entered in the various contests "We have a lot of space” said Mr Woolley “nd we want all amateurs Year-Ol- d wh& are proud of their blooms to (bring them to the exhibition Plenty of table space is available and fee exhibits for this show will be massed Stricken En Route to Par- in the center of the main flow under the dome where they will make a ley in 1932 lie Makes splendid showing For purposes of administration we like to have the1 entries in as soon Trip Safely This Time as possible but we do not want anyone to be discouraged from showing A doctor who turned patient— and by the fact that it was inconvenient a desperately ill one at that — re- to get the entry blanks in advance turned to Utah this week-en- d to de- Judging begins at 10:30 Saturday liver papers and clinical demonstrat- morning and any entries received up ions which he had prepared for the to 10 o’clock will be welcome" The fall show this year will be state convention last summer in Ogwithout the exhibits of commercial den The displays of the The doctor Is Alfred W Adson flower houses specialist in brain surgery for the growers will be massed in the center He of the main flow of the capitol around Mayo clinic at Rochester Minn contracted pneumonia en route to the statue of Massasoit and special Utah last year and as he said Thurs displays will be placed elsewhere on day “it was only owing to the good the same floor The third floor is given over to services of doctors and nurses of Og the Kress art exhibit which will be den that I lived" Becoming- desperately ill Dr Ad- - an added attraction have la be mem Exhibitors an oxygen tent which was rushed by bers of the club Mr Bowen anHe nounced airplane from San Francisco “All fldwer lovers are welcome to lived for 10 days under the tent behe said ing supplied with extra oxygen and display their products" made a perfect recovery within' a "whether they live in Salt Lake or In fact several counties month when he returned to his elsewhere are usually represented at the annual work He told local physicians Thursday show” of & recentjy developed nerve operation known as sympathectomy By this operation Raynaud's disease Of which often results in loss fingers hands and toes is cured by the renerve fibers He moval of offending will speak Friday on neuralgias of the face and Saturday on treatment and diagnosis ol spinal cord tumors - Life’s a lark to the girl with a lively skin— so start acquiring yours mow For every day you live you’re jin a Beauty Contest and people judge your charm Artistic Display Competition Announced for Fall Show Recent Advances Doctor Returns In Curing Cancer Here to Deliver Cases Described Papers - Dr McHugh classed the palters and clinics which were given Tlsursday as “the best I have ever heard in any convention state ot national" and was enthusiastic over prospa fts for Friday and Saturday sessions Among the guests at the red eption wiere Senator and Mrs Elbe rt D Thomas Governor Henry H IBlood Will H Folland Justice of the state supreme court State Superintendent of Public Instruction Charles H Skidmore City Superintendent of Softools L John Nuttall Jr Dr A C Wherry of Salt Lake president of the A peri-caDental association Dr J H Davis incoming president of the Utah State Dental association and Dr Btar-loFox president of the Salt L4k® County Dental association Banquet Programmed Friday’s program will be climated Mrs L S Merrill of Ogden will be by the annual banquet at 7:30 p m installed Friday morning as presiof in the ballroom the Newhotise dent of the woman's auxiliary of the hotel Utah State Medical association when The sessions will open at 8:30 a fl) that organization meets at 10:30 a m "In "fee' ballroom with1 the presidenTS at the Hotel Utah ‘ Mrs" E D'Haih-monaddress which will be followed fc(v of Salt Lake is the retiring presaddresses on scientific subjects as ident and presided at Thursday’s sesfollows: sions of the annual convention At 9 a m Dr Lewis national! A president-elefor 1934 and othpresident subject to be announced! er officers for the present year will 9:45 a m “Abdominal Manifestations be elected at the meeting of Circulatory Disease” Dr Eugene Thursday was devoted to a business S Kilgore 10:30 a m "Differential session and a book review by Mrs F Mrs McHugh reviewed Diagnosis of Surgical and Nonsurgi-ca- l Abdominal Conditions” Dr Alson “Devils Drugs and Doctors” by Dr R Kilgore 11:15 a m “Pathological Howard Haggard Lesions of the Mouth of Special InFriday Dr A C "Callister will give terest to the Physician” (in address “Necessary Legislation meet will of The house Public From the Sale t Protect-thdelegates from 12 noon to 2 p m after which n Narcotics” Dr Alfred W Adson will give a papn Saturday members of the auxwill be entertained at a tea per on “Trigeminal Neuralgia-Diagn- osis ilary and Treatment" at 2:45 p m Irom 4 p m to 6 p m at the home of "Operative Collapse of Therapy of Mrs L A Stevenson 1291 Third the Lung Including Pneumolysis aSUenue Phrenic Neurectomy and Thoracoplasty” Dr Ralph C Matson 3:30 Tl'exas Legislature Given p m “Gas Baccillus Infection” Dr Joseph E Tyree 4:15 p m “The Relief Bill Child as a Patient” Dr Clifford be will Sweet q The council meeting USTIN Texas Sept 14 (Pi—Govheld in the president’s suite at 5 p m Scientific meetings will be contin- ernor Miriam A Ferguson in her e md ssage to a special session of the ued all day Saturday in the Tel as legislature which convened tohotel (XU 1933 col- Convention 'Speakers Cite Progress in Battle Against Disease went 15 Thoracic Surgeon Tells Latest Plan of Treating Tuberculosis OPEN ANNUAL MEETIN SEPTEMBER West High Student association elec-lions are scheduled next Tuesday and Wednesday Jerry Jeremy student body president announce Thursday Names of senior candidates will be submitted Monday and junior candidates Tuesday A special assembly to introduce the candidates which Include vice president of W A S senior and Junior class presidents and cheer leaders will be held on the election days Students vote as they leave the assembly halL The office of vice president was vacated by Josephine McKendrick who has signed tor a vaudeville tour The elected officers will be members of the student council with Jeremy Harold Young secretary Viola Matson historian Ruth Davis editor of Panther and Stanley Foutz editor of Red and Black: 1 Turkey Growers Divide Markets Arrangements to terminate harmful competition have been made by the Northwestern Turkey Growers’ association and the California Turkey Growers’ association announced Clyde C Edmonds vice president of the northwestern group upon his return Thursday from the Pacific coast A tentative agreement reached by Mr Edmonds and George Maklns of San Francisco- - general! manager of the California growers must be ratified by directors of the two groups before it becomes effective The pact provides that the California organization will represent the northwestern group in San Francisco bay region marketing and the northwestern association will represent the California group pn eastern coast markets Three More Reported Jailed as Kidnapers '1 Overnlte Cases Hat Boxes Mirror Cases— ten different smart styles’ and sizes as iarge as24 strong and two tncheswlth frames all-wo- od locks! washable Inside and outl Zipper Duffels too — Just a handful of these— made of tweed heavy canvas or auedette full rubberized Shop early today for a wonderful cholcel good They’re ' OKLAHOMA CITY Sept 14 UP)— Two men and a woman were arrested here today and despite the denial of District Herbert K Attorney the three Hyde reports persisted men were held as suspects In the kidnaping of Charles F Urschel for Dern to Inspect which 12 others face trial next MonIn Great Lakes Section dayEarlier in the day Federal Judge Edgar S Vaught Issued a court orWASHINGTON Sept 14 UP) — Sec- der directing that $660 allegedly paid retary Dern planned to leave Wash- as part of the $200000 Urschel ranington tonight for Superior Wis som be brought here Monday by F D where he will 'address the St Law- Stackhouse clerk of the district court rence waterway conference Satur-)- y at Denver Projects He will be accompanied by Colonel Edward J Markham division engineer at Cleveland and will inspect Important Great Lakes projects being constructed under the supervision of army engineers JOY OF WORK SHORT LIVED MINNEAPOLIS Sept Kaufman 65 reached what had aeemed for a long Ume to be unattainable yesterday when he was given a job — but hia joy was short liO’ed A few moments later he dropped dead of heart disease The average cost of a trip on an airplane in continental United States cents a mile says the is 6 of commerce I ZCMJ Travel Shop Headquarters for -- World-Famo- Oshkosh and Wheary Modernised Luggagel us |