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Show 12 THE REVIEW. —— would hab it, de dis time. Laws folks fit! W’y, tishin’ one day down de lane; 0 ee, — a ee oe in de creek an’ he wanted fish monst'us. but da wouldn't bite. He fished an* he fished, he did. luck Fouf’ o’ July come at er massy, how dem wn’ still he couldn't git er he wuz da fit fust in one place nibble. An’ jesterbont ter quit an* go home nad an’ ‘gusted, wen allo’ er suddent de fish gunter bite fit ter kill darselves. an’ den inernuder, an‘ long come Marse Greorge Washin’ton an’ fit all ober at de same time. Laws er massy, de dust riz up like er drove o’ mules dun gone down ee oran daddy used ter hold his hoss while he got down ter whup some pusson dat wuz tryin’ ter take some man's liberty erway frum him. Yas, sah, he come mighty nigh bein’ kin ter me. My ole gran‘daddy tole mry daddy, an’ my daddy tole me, dat dar wan't no man dat could outdo Marse George. Wry, all de balky hosses in de country wuz erfeered o’ him. W’en er hoss ‘fuzed ter pull. all you had ter do wuz ter say: ‘'Yander come Marse (ieorge,” an’ dat hoss would mighty wigh break his neek, pullin’ out. Dar aint no sich men deze days, T tell you. My old gran‘daddy said dat he wuz fond o’ tea, an’ den he ‘lowed, he did, dat it would be er monstus good idea ter tax de tea. De white folks didn't say nuthin’, but w'en de king had dun tuck dar tea ’way frum ‘em an’ put it oner steamboat da went down ter de landin’, grabbed de tea fum de deputy sheriff an’ flung it inter de riber an’ den say ter de king: ‘He'’p yo’se’f, sah. An’ now, jest ez 2 big man, an’I wanter say right yere dat he wuz one o’ my fam'‘ly. My ole deputy sheriff dat de folks wuz monstus mornin’.’ -- Dar wuzer tray spot ergin er king in or show down, but de tray spot won. Ah, Marse George Washin’ton wuz er de king. De king said ‘work’ an’ de white folks worked ‘long wid de nigDe king said: gers dat da owned. ‘Gimme dat money dat you got fur dat cotton,’ an’ de white folks had An'it went on dis way till teryibup. it got ter be mighty tiresome, I tell you. Indem days dar didn't 'pear ter be no Fouf o' July, but neber mine, de folks knowd dat one wus comin’ putty soon. Wall, one day de king come ‘long de big road an’ he say ter his Good ——-- Wall, he whalloped ‘em out on de bank an’ he whalloped ‘em out, not understundin®’ whut made ‘em bite so, an’ utter while he looked roun‘’, an’ dar stood Marse George. er smilin’ at him. an’ it wan't no dead sho’ thing which side gwine whup, I tell you, but de fust thing you know Marse George he got de king down. ‘Does you | Oh! but he wuz er ore't man.” “Jes hole on er minit.” said Unele vib up?’ says he. ‘Not yit,’ lows de Lon. ‘You say he wuz er good man.” king, an’ den da kep on er skufflin’. “Dat whut T says ‘Now does you gib up?’ axed Marse “Ah. hah.” Old Lon eontinued, ‘but aeorge. Den de king studied er little ef he wuz sich er monst'us good man while an’ sorter scratched his head an’ free de niggers while he says: ‘Wall, seein’s dat it’s you. I blebe | why didn't aie gehe t $6 ’ I does,’ an’ he did. are atter Wall, dis —wuzer de country wuz free, an’ er gubermen’ wuz. ‘stablished whut ‘lowed er man ter. keep er part 0’ de money whut nachully | b’longed ter him; it’s er mighty an’, feller fine thing ter citizens. be ter keep dat whut ‘longs ter you. ‘lowed An’ . dat’s whar de ’spression comes frum: ‘I’se gwine ter hold my own.’ O° cose. dis is jest er story dat Ise tellin’ you: but, comin’ down ter de serious fack. we ought never ter stop thankin’ de Lawd fur de liberty dat we’se got dis day. se talked ter er good many folks—I’se traveled er good deal—I has been “way ober ter Spencer's branch an’ down de county road ez fur ez de big mill; I has clim’ ole Eacle Nest mountain an’ seed mighty nigh all de worl’ frum dat higa pint. an’ I wanter say right yere dat I’se thankful way down In my heart fur de liberty dat I’se got. An’ de startin’ 0° it all was dat han vul oO brave ners, men Pdoan age kine Dar er Way off know whar, wuz bie yvander sum- rizin’ up ersin odds, I tel] you, i || freent de white folks? ax you dat one pint.” The spesker spoke up “Look yere. Marse George I wanter instantly. wan't no haugy. He knowd dat ef he wuz ter free de niggers he wouldn't leave nuth- in’ fur Marse Lineoln ter do de reason he didn’t ‘complish See?” Having a Nice An‘ dat’s dat faek. Time. Peterby — Come Susan, hurry up. Here it is nine o'clock and we want ta enjoy all of this gtorious Mourin Mrs. Peterby —-We tuust not be unprepared. William = Llave you got the liniment and “They cholera bandage? are packed away mixture and the with the headachic remedy.” “And the ‘directions in ease of drowning?’ ™ “In my pocket with the ‘sunstrokrules." “Then let us ' selves.”’—Texas go out and enjoy Siftings. our- || | |