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Show one CL o THE REVIEW te tt ta - . ee - st -- ee mee 9 —< the editorials inthis insignificant | \ sheet were and: taken June RieVIEW,and from numbers the May of THE Dreva Sif a also that they were ll = not credited to that paper. The. versatile editor who peaned the | copy has the same subject, the. Mi / if ’ ‘ si Y, fe * - e ' e * es Oe the same in THE points REVIEW’s as , I - pre {' = WY) ae ra =, eo) exact line of thought, and brings | out ss Ee 7 4 4”, yf ; ENR were. columns, and| the. only difference is in the! wording of the article, the editor | of the Mirror proving that he! had a spark or two of honor | still burning in his ignoble breast, when he took, the trouble to | es SiR eS Fie ; turn about the sentences. HOWARD (RLETON TRIPP. In. LY conclusion we wish to state that When Independence day comes round, THE REVIEw is furnisbine brains Je-whit-i-ker! How father sings! for no newspaper or magazine You'd think he had a pair of wings in the United States from the! _ And mortgage on the world of sound!, He strut Sr New cee s about much like a bird eaten up a worimy prize, - That's His stage-like gait seems so absurd. Aloft he looks with cagle eyes At every patriotic word, When Independence day Put When Independence Je-whit-i-ker! ‘t's | . | comes round. day appears, But father sighs ff clouds half darken atching skies , | Just ready to o’ertlow with tears He scowls at mother’s dress so plain, ne He hurries up the morning chores. And UL ees t, NY. 1O0 oH should on +ze4588 When re eewee —<———— WITH Comfort All eve of Hirschman's and pocket The Famous wheie resort Young an Shaes. book. The Bells ing ALL of of ees Independence day doth come, He to the celebration goes, Where farmer neighbors “How-d'y e-do,” Old one for the foot, Shandon. boxing and sport- Salt Lake | Boxing _ a drop of rain -,.. Je-whit-i-ker! But father’s voice Keeps bidding all mankind ‘‘Rej oice,” It seems a patriotic drum! He'll proudly den his Sunday clothes, His shoes are blacked a shiny hue, THE are | there fall He like a very Whirlpool roars, If stormy—how he doves complain , When Independence day appears. joast"on re | City : Athletes appear every Saturday in boxing bouts evening | M. Fitzgerald, 245 Main STREET... - Prop. And change of harvest fKands propose— When Jndependence day doth come . When Independence Je-whit-i-ker! day gets Then here, father’s joy Makes him appear an awk ward boy, With acts and language. oh, so queer! The stories that escape his lips, The actions that proclaim the day, Our highest ideals all ec lipse— He gives his memory full play, And patriotisni drips and drips! When Independence day vets here. When Independence day arrives, Je-whit-i-er!' No day of Curth Has quite so much of rey: wort h— Oh, day on which our free do:; thrives! Day of all days!) We date fro. thee Man's splendid birth to eravie r powers, Thou spirit of the «reat a4 t free, Oh, day of sunshine avd of 5) mer s! Our freedom came from (to: Lhroug h thee When Independene doy arrives. -_ —-- the ce _— to meee whe ' Salt Lake Mirror York World. cree |