Show SEPTEMBER THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE WEDNESDAY MORNING T6 REDSKINS OFF FOR SEATTLE 23 1931 COUGARS TO SAN FRANCISCO 4 4 4 4 Good Ends Chief Lack in Salt Lake High School Gridiron District T ir- t Utes Finish I O S C Header Gone Boulder Men Suspect nA I raining in Brisk Drill Fans Plan K M Champs Rousing Scndoff at Depot 12:30 CORVALLIS Ore Sept 23 (P— The Oregon State college Beaver is gone The bronze mascot weighing nearly 1000 pounds a symbol of the college spirit since 1894 w as stolen from the men s gymnasium here last night by invaders who pried open main doors with crowbars Student officers buck for the opening of freshman week undcitook an immediate search with suspicion cast on the University of Colorado which meets the O SC football team in Portland Saturday CARDS AGREE Coach Olt Puls Great Faith in His Anzac Only ‘Fair’ Wingmen on BY Tackles TO SPLIT POT THIRTY WAYS Lk back !so EITHER" WITH Prep Squads KICKS’ FOOT --AND DEAD RUN TOO ON THE! Wot Jordan Have Good $0E HAILS Other Athletes Lark Weight Linemen FARAWAY ST LOUIS FROK NEW ZEALAND AND IS GOING 22 (J1)— The and Assistant Trainer Kirby th Back home: Husky Regs Benched for New Charges stringed and Aggie Frosh 58 of Them ' VS" Start Drills il Train 21-- ht ar v V - J LV0 i t '"v 1- Oi "csrKT BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY MAORI all-sta- te ii ‘THEN AND NOW’—STAGG Ring Pilots Yale Game in ’83 Drew Under 5000 Scrap About PLAY SLOW DELIBERATE Boxer’s Heft Dick Glendon Resigns From Navy Position foot-ial- J° W -- PROVO—The Brigham Young university football team departs Wednesday at noon for an Intersectional gild tussle with the strong University of San Francisco The contest will be staged Friday night under the arts lights m the new Seals’ baseball park Twenty-si- x players will accompany Athletic Director Ott Romney and Assistant Coach Vic Tauter on the twelve-da- Rex-bur- Jaunt to Calilornia and y Nevada Arriving in San Francisco at noon Thursday the Cougar gridders will take a short signal drill limbering up the muscles Fnday night the game will take place and the "following week the gridders will practice at the Presidio and scrimmage with the west coast Army team On October 3 the “Y ' plavers will mix with the University of Nevada at Reno Gridders in Shape Coach Romney was rather eaty on his gridders up until Wednesday s workout but he sent them through a stiff drill and scrimmage which put them in peifect shape for the game Monday and Tuesday were spent in polishing off plavs and doing away with the sore spots The Cougars will depart for the coast knowing that thov will be minus the services of Red Richardson brilliant tackle Red suflered a wrenched knee In the game at Ogden last week and will be out for n some time Tempoiary loss of will be offset by the return of Marvin Skousen veteian fullback 25 Delegated The players who were named to make the trip to the coast are Captain Keith Wangsgard Steve Murdock Gus Shields Wayne Peterson Iman Hales Bernell Lewis Melvm Griffith Max Nisonger Red Richardson Errie Shober Vernon Condi Lou Johnson Burle Robison Fgeertsen Irvin Stratton Ray Merrill Glen Wilkinson Reed Russell Joe Hapl Weldon Matthews Pete Floyd Biddulph Cliff Toone Wilson ciarx Lee Marvin Skousen and Earl Hone all-st- ar Rnh-ardse- nd Big Three of Turf Enter llau lhornc Cup all-sta- te fent E October 3 Sam- Coach Ike J Armstrong and his uels will come in for By ruiL MLELSE band of 33 Utes will set their bights of the team’s “take” which Strong ends appear to be the chief toward Seattle Wednesday at 12 30 be will either 60 or 40 per cent of Mx on of lack the the squads high teams’ net from reo'clock for their opening encounter the competing dus In the Lake schools football Salt of the 1931 campaign— an mtersec-tiona- l ceipts of the first four series trict The team winning the fam with Coach Jimmy Phegames West seems to have the best looking lan Washington university Huskies world championship gets the bO ot The ocher five group wingmen Saturday per cent share schools In the league— South Jordan Local admirers of the three year Davis— have large East and Granite HE PLAYS ANY champions of the Rocktps plan to give numbers of scrappy and promising the Redskins a rousing send off at end for youngsters fighting positions NUMBER OP the Union Pacific depot Several but for the most pait they lack dvtd In the wool fans will accompany INSTRUMENTS SINGS both and weight experience the team on the northwest Invasion Coach Roy Mclnlvre at the Pan BROADCASTS OVER Utes Hustling ther Institution has his regular wing THE RADIO AS ONE men back from last season His re Vowing to gain the national repti tatlon which the Utes have apFAMOUS serve material —or what was his re serve material last season— has tm proached In recent years by a victory iMA0Rkl ovpr the Huskies of Seattlp the Utes proved so much that those two regu hustled through a long and active fan Allen Binolka and Ardo Parry are In danger of losing their jobs scrimmage session Tuesday night In the Utes’ final hard workout Washington Allan the younger brother of Emil Vets Find Coach Armstrong gave observers an Smolka who several years ago was Idea as to his starting lineup Bgnlnit picked on most all state selections Many Promising Youths (loin petition Keen for the Washington eleven It will llkelv while playing at end for West several b Pete Carlston and Sherman Clark years ago weighs over 160 pounds With Report Will Varsity l’osts ends Les Walling and Jack Johnson That means that on the stripped tackles Elmer Welch and Winfield gridiron he can throw about 167 Croft guards Ike Howard center Regular Varsity Team or 168 pounds at opposing backs to Fred Teriesco quarterback Captain! The Tribune) (Special Parry a small 148 pounder last sea Frank Christensen an detther Aldo son has put on about 10 pounds dur SEATTLE Wash Sept freshmen rehalf-- ) Ricnlns or Kean W’stnhall LOGAN— Fifty-eigington's varsity lineup is not yet set-- ! lmt Die summer H's vicious tackling birks and Dan Beckstead fullback ceived suits in response to the first mark Wm as a dangerous tied for the game with Utah ext'and The personnel of the traveling Saturday C'ohn Howard has not opponent call for frosh football candidates at Utah squad Includes Captain Frank tacked his shingle on the the Utah State Aggie campus TuesSj0E IS ONLY post! Other Look flood pivot Christensen halfback Pete Carlston and in today's workout Rav Finn day afternoon Assistant Varsity r Hcln-Dan East and Rut Albert A SOPHOMORE Sherman Clark Harold Dav'es Bob was the Coach Jack Croft will have control center and he was man the former about 150 pounds varsity Bonne Ralph Knight Lisle Reading playing not because Howard was In- of the first-yeAT THE gridders although ’Ule the are iaUfr j60 and pressing ends Jack Johnson Les Walling jured Howard scrimmaged they will receive plenty of attenwith twd hard for portions PROVO tion from Coaches Dick Romney and Harry Ostler Wallv Morris Stanford the second eleven Rex Beckstead who played with L SCH°01- Frlrk'on tackles- Charles Larson ElBill Reading Neither can one safely bet that Bill D 8 last year at tackle been has mer Welch Winfield Croft Paul Rose O Brien and Bob Palmer will be the Coach Romney has announced that to a wing position by Coach Bob SonhP Mike Luce guards Ike guaids the frosh gridders will do their pracA little watch charm of a shift’d Is Rex Jordan Eddie Kimball at Howard Gordon Bridge John Ste lad today by the name of Elmer ticing right along with the varsity to 170 pounds He Is falrlv fast centers: George Blschoff Larentson put on as pietty an ex- close and that all three coaches will help phens and Beckstead hard an tackier da F Fr’d Ted°Sfo Ted Aldous Allen hibition as you would want to see with the exercises (L to be about the only o Guhin Fred Fartensteln nuarter-bv-k- s The same goes for Ralph Smalling Smolka appear This year's greenllngs will assume In two ends the distlrct outstanduig "Hit-MAMo Elchins leo McDonald the the responsibility of retaining the k and Frank Windrust time at the present Keen Westnhall ha'ihacks state frosh title which was won by Dan who at present Is changing off with Frank Brant lng Dick Morris the Utah Aggie yearlings last year Sherman Woods John Palmer And there s Joe Wiatrak Vadal Peterson Dern and Joe's a big moose and a tough one Jimmy FeUer fullbacks To do this they must overcome their at Fast a traditional foes In the U of U and 1Two orkouU B Y U freshman teams The youngloosing tor Graduate Manager Stanley Mur is The at this position charges particular sters are buckling down to their work halfbaik position is not are considered os a whole rather WAIF-BAC- K phy Athletic Manager Monroe Wlss-ma- r filled right with serious determination and with by Bill Wolcott for the season small when and Trainer Elnar Nielsen will with the Pan compared the acquisition of a number of by any means He s not the passer he h n accompany the team rS' g T T He was ‘way off color prep school stars they are exto The squad will take a workout at should be and go Wolcott have to be in the thick of the penwill to apparently today pected keep The Dalles Ore Thursday afternoon le grtdd r a nant scramble jumping to keep ahead of Louie 'e'°Pjn'0 Is and at Seattle Friday ftertioon Davis Coach At Ray Forsberg Lindstead Ren Mender and Clarence Among the outstanding men to reso pressed for end material that he 4 4 4 44 Bledsoe ceive suits were Elmer Ward These facta were brought out In has been using btg Clarence Swan fullback from Box Elder high season rrll'?lit'aCu!P’ at scrimmage drill which if Ihe truth on the offensive City and Guy ChrisBrigham to back shifting g be known was a smry exhibition tiansen and Kulon Hams of indeed in 14 passes only three were tackle on the defensive The other who performed on the Idaho 4 4 4 4 are In half a dozen running candidates for wing positions completed gridiron for Ricks Junior college 138 pounds Clay 135: Clay plays only nine and a fraction yards Aamodt Christiansen was an Idaho end while 143 150 Ford 140 and Barton were gained The Washington team ton plavtng for Firth high lie stands of today would have to go a long Farmers Lose Star 6 feet 3 inches weighs 185 pounds way to beat the Utes who leave for With the loss of Del Pendleton big ball thereby causing a new rule to and Is expected to do btg things for ANNAPOLIS Md Sent 22 UP)— Seattle Wednesday 170 pounder who was headed for a be enacted making it a foul to “wave the greenlmg squad Harris also Ls By AMOS ALONZO STAGG Richard A Glendon “Old Dick” to The varsity as It lined up for regular end position Coach Rex Suth Head Coach the hat or hands” in front of an Quintero around the 185 class and should deThomez of Agree University Chicago thousands of crew racing enthus- scrimmage today included A Smith ehland at Granite most decidedly lf w tatfh a klcked Logan high velop Into a fine player I saw my first football game forty- iasts resigned today as hHd coach and B Smith ends school stars to report were Captain Sihwegler not enthusiastic about his wingmen Terms but on sun wears mv first Money of the Navys oarsmen and passed and Mladnick tackles O Brien 1883 11 as footba11 one of the candidates rear h 150 baU a Atkinson dNot Just Vern Qutnney and coming Cooley e lht me vears from the sport in which ly- - has beent Windrust guards Finn center Mar-- pounds its clothes and was ’Ihev are Marcus Jensen coached Rvan first on my Poundage Split confined to the narrow fringe of col14(1 leading figure for 30 years “Old tin quarterbnik Huffard and Harold Millrr 145 Dave Cox football team at Many others reported who have rewill be succeeded by C A colt halfbacks and Buse fullback 130 Charles Pratt 138 Dale Jensen leges along the Atlantic coast Now ceived some previous recognition and the i Springfield Buck) Walsh his assistant for the' 145 and Frank OUason 145 the students of hundreds of colleges Miller International seem sure to develop Into excellent Y f last four years and universities normal schools and A matter of a few pounds which plavers and Cox members of the Rarmer bas M O A forty-tw- o From American Falls Glendon entered the service of the ketball squad last triason are light preparatory schools and thousand? Manuel Quintero ls opposed to his Idaho comes Fred White a halfThe ago years 1900 Its in when he became ot high schools are playing the game academy but hard and fast They have been game I saw was! back who welglis 195 pounds and who and millions of growing boys are be- opponent carrying was the only Is very fast He heads a list of other rowing coach and remained for 21 showing up well at the positions a the Thanksgiving? anheld the definite which 1922 in to son his up At South Coach Bob Davis has yenit giving way ing stimulated to high ideals of thing American Falls plavers Including football game “Young Dick” now head crew coach Wendell Jones former L D S grid day training and to the personal ambition nouncement Tuesday night of the Bruce Stewart Meadows and Baker between Yale and at Columbia university Young Dick x to Thomez battle at'xhatcher Handley from Richfield play football and to mnke the'Quintero-Felider at one of the end positions H’ Princeton In 1883 after winning the Poughkeepsie relearn when they get into high school McCulloughs arena Monday night L expected to make a strong bid for Jack A1 It was plaved at is showing up fairly well In 1925 two and for and resigned college gatta All day Monday and Tuesday theth tullback lev a Carbon county joungster and the old He was an all- We are startmg another football managers of the two fighters and round athleteposition years Robert Butler of the UniverWinston Bruun are making strong grounds In Polo In high school weighs New V of at the season but a who would sity ariungton reigned Promoter R Veine McCullough 134 pounds and is In splendid condi-hav- e year ago bids for a regular berth York and my academy During the time Butler thought that we would begin It wrangled over the terms of the t0n Other players who are likely NFW YORK Sept 22 guess would be the great Knute Roikne? It match Finally at 7 p m Tuesday to draw attention before without that there were dancing ls no easy tu-which I am attempt-bligthe managers decided to fight closes are Fenwick Thomley and fewer than 5000 a victory lng — that Ls to do this particular Job their men on a w ll basis of DavU high Wilford Mower present persons over Joe Sekvra Dayton returned1011 P°lnls which was Knute s Would that nls The winner of the fight Is to receive Hart Metcalf and Jones from Sprlngville contrast a What 10 rounds at and topped off his career by winning ibio heavyweight In mind facile were and a of pen gifted a right's guarantee with privilege The Hash schedule ls not yet combetween then and the Poughkeepsie regatta last spring Jbe Queensboro stadium tonight lore the 'percentage !nS b'8 watch now 80000 about when Negotiations are on for the pleted people 183 weighed for his fouith triumph in that blue(E°'Khran football world That world was at After the money terms had been pounds first game with Rieka college In Lothis historical event when played In ribbon event of the collegiate shelLayra 177 to 'closed he word every of Braun 1kneps 1884 George manager on October 2 t)1eYale!u's he Yalebowl world During the time “Old DU k” fftughran a heavy favorite as a re “tt1'' magic of his Quintero insisted that Fred V insor gan News reports that YhIcs share in hts went victories over Max II c nu h was coach at the atademy his crew man his pf lhomejti the gate receipts tu the Harvard B Y U F’rolmien Ernie Schaaf Tuffy Griffiths vnn slightly more than to 145 pounds Wtnsor flatly DENVER Sept 23 tPi— Ihe Uni In New Haven amounted to the tVh thhiking and vfng to down and Virtoilo Canmolo was hard of ell their contest? "' to refused because sr‘ this lnceStarted Friday fixitball squai nificent sum of $615 For the Pi promise 01 pressed to beat back the determined ve rally of Colorado's Thomez is a natural held an hour s drill under the flood TROVO— Due to the fact that they challenge of the Dayton Bohemian and at better Win that fights weight a game scheduled with the UniSekyra made a fight of It all the lights of Denver university stadium not even'promis! 147 but have toIj'11wr versity of Idaho southern branch at way and In the seventh round had tonight preparatory to leaving his at 92 in faatur-dawould say of $732 ahead or two boy the where weigh Jumps Pocatello Saturday October 3 the leaders of the football woild to hon-p't- v Loughran In distress with a hard morrow for Portland wfll open their 1931 which Chicago harvested during her night freshman gridders will report for they cross the to Jaw a With and fairness right and sportsmanposst aeason of seven pay games In suits no later than Friday of this ble knockout in sight the Ohioan campaign agauist Oregon State Agri- whole ship 1892 week according to word given out when charged In with both fists and gave cultural college Contrast the picture of that period Forcomes the The Coach Myron Witham and hLs as bv Head Coach Ott Romney the Philadelphia veteran a bad beat to first-yeslitant Tom Kassls have arranged and now Then the players all stood men may receive Suits any name lng about the body of both ltncti often on1 Now Pocatello ar&iou a the ofup tt practice j 5°" U0nPr'manHger refused tiTfight Thomez for time starting Thursday withfor Loughran however weathered that FriTheie will be thirty twowardx are crouching with one or both listed Initial ficial lost practice in how a but feorm and the of the you other LEXINGTON K 22 majority played Sept hands on the ground Then the for- jyoo pUrpe (n South America a few day rounds piled tip a heavy margin on players on the trip fTl— Setting a MMsun s record months ago Quintero admitted he ThLs rear the Cougar kittens will Colorado s startmg baikfleld ' forjw ards played opposite one another points with his famous left hand for trotters in the second heat the Oregon Aggies game had not been tenter to center guard against have plenty of hlglpclass coaching i P Berrj 'a Tronia Hi ittnu toWRESTLING determined 'Ihe coaches have becnguiitd tackle against tackle ahd end Dirk Thorn former Y captain who TI1E BIG SIX day won the Ashland Stake Is the how end That pres most to work the effcctlveigalnst was head coach at Weber high last trying feature of the Giand Circuit v fallacy of making odioa ground gaining year will be In chutge with thiee secU for AB The time the O P Prt program have Just about decided to employ lompoxlaon which ten and liltecnok Almmonn 604 ms tpi Athlrtk MM n assistants Andy Dastrup last year's k 2 01 The winner ond heat H utli common and M4 JWI Ynke i‘U r J7J two ball carriers and two intcrCer vears ago was veiy !() Ml varsity captain will have charge of M 1411 ran the first heat 111 2 02 4ft? no 87 IflJ ISO IniUn still pvrsiFtb uirno Into being to Mt r MiddlnuLst will b i Hifpv with George Cooper as his the line Ciromaia U9 47 lJ S3 3M) Dig backs ' and the third in 2 01 “ r ' lJ “ to ’r '21 ‘T? 7 say ntmj r“ at quarter and Bob Nelson a sopho- - Ome It wax possible tiuly 1?0 31 J ) mi I Iny (v Bliss Hoover will assist assistant K n Ph llir JO IfS mnrte a t more at full monkey -— Other backs who will right ta kle Buxton with the backfteld IDS 30 tomlv Cardinal 7t W8 ni srw see action york iapi KoKinni lnr hide °f left tackle Slimmer in today's1 at Portland T his season the frosh will piny four 'rv George Groevenor 'Sink' Hally kme The first game will be at games Fortv-rx'- d was the1 Hekin-nue years ago there mi inm SUl Pleasant and Paul Bisdley vrt v Pocatello and the following week the 1 "ml )r) " thn iiimi’e deliherat'on about t''‘ r'w iitmos( J" Oeoige Newton college will trnvet to nl1 HI gOCOIKI Westminster u om ain as tiV MiLian a sophomore lias won a °f both team' 7hrt'va( no n d Provo for a game Utah U and the ( tt for No and rules -— — jia im hurry rompi regular taikle berth from Blinev (Utah Agclcs will be met In order on mil half of the gome was three- - 1M" J NFW YORK Sept 22 the Y gridiron 3 of In an hour in lriy ou the' long quarttrx Ritlaff young Duluth heavyweight TuY J?i or ri game w hit it I saw In 186J consider-- 1 AMrm an AvoMTION In Diik Oaken of stopjK-Mundln luf (he Ifnrn V L'i Jnnr limoinn be di lay was due to the fact that n i5' jj the second round of theirGermany on t eai h tiam hid an alumnus as rrp- - m U’ bout ton ght The end lame arter 2 81 Paul No longer that 4 orkx k tired feelin- g- that ease 11 tIk ( m mt "n Ap llJ''vkrr i ted to ihe who leientatlve 87 K ohji 9 ” Hllk i iii in i minutes 4) seconds of the round 7i of nerves” I'ar-trouble fixit a he leg stun — n8 i ClMm of Ihe rctiiec wtmnevir he t in ’ o R tUff weighed 198 1 2 Onken 206 Irifl imbti--HI Thu 0 ol — molm it of tl Is fmnt aKe with it a hard s nun r i it r Pm was Lis side It to thought 83 unjust W 'A si It 32nd wv Reilulfs by Kuflla hurry roiu-’et1 ?2iP'-lw it ! md 8 84 M r n ni'Oiii qiiese men acted as pci ml ad vm ties - $ knockout in 37 si irts tic thin lie MuAndiew u( Quincy Yiuh fur LU team nnlk lilt thereby causli g 6 t In boutVi I on Jo f -- " The Fli e that a Dinerent"- - an Juke Warren lolrtlti and Dave Hat knev of liwi-l- l clipped liequent delays Ti Esi) 197 New Vincent DunYotk stooped con virtu ted to tl e i ml ft m of the (no a off stioki! Wollaston the T u"l4 h HaaulU inuise he ptivris woie toqms when I (mitts 180 can In two Kalamn'oo Mti h 7 7 ir and sir ot) at ihe iu ve (entuv Mi rugged i3 pu today to te fm tin lust mw the giimc i nd tluv had to auk MtnnvHol! JO ANOM jj hMl hi lUnutPx of the fourth round and Pey t njuinh o 13 4 ld in (Mr ft k had In th New f Fril tret pc fiequinty recouied but rtuMi 1 Y: ! 4 7 J 8 ?ni Ittfl )o 265 N him" A II t Ori h ri Inptlelerl told Hpitllgs open golf Inunpioi hip with totals ipp years Uial I was in tuully niulig 1‘2 ( o hi mi K 1 I KmHM (Hi 1 taxtoiv nod athtfU'r en trse ”1 it Joy Shoes n $ r 'll knmked out IVank Leyete Putmner-- v 8t atll "f I'"’ ihtew ii Ihr 'I t Pa C'otbln our ixnier yyav the oiny rMjiuL N Ule 213 of In one n hr minute NOTH t 10 HHiruM Jchnnv firrell pf Maniatunei Ig jntie who woie a lieu hire ami tint I'av he Milfptrvj nt n r sdot th secondJ round For ivfSY lUfAMiiM tt ei si Mu Fitiiff nf Mu Jmi 1fhu t N Y and Bbbv (’run kshnnk a ( ap hl( h Ilf UftM 1'ftrt of t!P rn II n tlmrt I“y Km ko I ilnlm utth util Puri h isS N Y were In a ond'lime f r giving mine of hs slymils r’ ’6 4t 3"4l mm lirrj ti th chndloik with 146 and Gene As (enter and i anta'ii he gave tle' - s ri'mj ii ( Hv 8h11 luk Utnh (Minor plue IInnlfr-- 1 Immp-n- n Inr i n of tin nt JNe k I I veater- - '’tials on the Vi'p on or hforh th lh cUy of NonhT — teann chempion D A w 14 -' " HU Hr (It Atilt($4 frfti) Hrtler Shoes and Hne V"1 " P' M“'of II i8 Vtbm I went to Yale I L I’1 '1 r r tF an Vtme uuf I u ulay pe e i j at In aid the st- i that link Yu I ’’20 SOil II M IN fl " u AHtiBdr I of Ma AKmlnlft ctnr of tt t fs 4A stske-r- t n fnmuu‘ tinkle wan BllK Iraitcrs ( eltHf t u tumid to1 F(l Lran rh A frill 41 kletn snO Indian I N II rr ' w fnd toon nod J m Kukwoot of run duu n t he Ii Id on high kh lVii d rAAii'umrn i ji n"' VU "u "'r'nht riHMieg M l9 mitAT V k n t X 1! t ) V Mhlellr OI( ii r AiDirnn for Aflminutmiur M Cnii ifc’f pH licit ful fou th jUuCiMkf off his luMjui un I unv H tn ‘‘u i'1— Ini of Ktloii -’ U— Pa'h " Vi I U J’ ' 4n( flat (r Amf 4fBe h jn ‘''J Vnnl limit ol the o mint uiUlniu! Ok "i v'TI’” itilVi m V’i'" I I l"ti ai Play S F U Friday Even ing Nevada at Reno Clarence Lloyd Coach Clyde Wares Trainer Harrison Weaver TO TAKE a record Quite Sept Cardinals 1931 JS’ati°nal league champions held a meeting today and voted to split into 30 equal shares their winnings in the coming world series with the Philadelphia Athletics title winners in the American league Each one of the 25 players Manager Gabby Street Secretary Two Foes on Coast Jaunt CHICAGO Sept 22 (TV-T- he “big three" of the American turf Twenty Grand Mate and Sun Beau have been named for the $25 000 added Hawthorne gold cup which will be deckled October 8 Sun Beau's nomination was received yesterday and the champion to money winner will be shipped Hawthorne the latter part of this month according to a message from Owner Willis Sharpe Kilmer of Binghamton N Y Wol-Dick- Lougliran Paws tWay to Victory In Sckyra Match (AV-Tom- Colorado Grid Team Practices At Pocatello slt ht inncr-take-a- “ ItamelL ' Ot er womtiaT Trailer Sets Season s Mark Lexington it OlR IN OWN CONTAINER 5 $290 ar 100 Gallons PURE PARAFFIN BASF MOTOR OIL ent-du- -4 s Pt 2 4 ' Reg: $120 Gallon 45c gal ftr ‘ nin lr“ CRANKCASE SERVICE ( oil dmlnM ) n UllIvCIl x ihniM7r s'J v ' Quint) Ltmdl d Golf Stars Tie ZEKITHESTTERiLS V hv bnv fhpip oii tan r( the mtrpfl —sit thi'M jt i i ( 1 nan s n (tye-rou- to Sfirt 2 for all nuH IM I iu - ‘ i J I A ti ifi i s- H t II mno r t W S i i ! 4 t - i mm: laxYiu n RaJio Tubes 68c i I V ruKin UH1 7rMlll-Itn- ar ' NA 1 - ’ - rct D I pave-iijeni- S- hiltrrlae v nionih low prlri IK ' i i 4 f l I I A I - (A- - Rfff to $2 20 I tponxrrf tt r a ( i f j l)l rrrl |