Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE WEDNESDAY MORNING Office Phone 117 ADDING WATER- Home Phone 3892 - Grow Longer WELL $ Ogden Society CITY PERFECTS BISHOP AIDS Emits of the Day AT CEREMONY Follow RELIEF METHOD - Miss Tabitha Harness bridge luncheon at her home 2509 avenue in honor of Miss Jeanette Morrell who recently returned from Berlin bc-cl- es Presides at Consecration of Alain Aliar in Acad- Mis Joseph Tracy bridge luncheon at her home 1465 Twenty-sixt- h street in honor of Mrs Ludvig Reimers who will leave October 1 for San Francisco to make her home emy Chapel OGDFN— Impressive ceiernonies attended the consecration of the main altar in the chapel of the Sacred Heart academy a recent gift of to the the Alumnao association school in memory of the late Sister Mary Celsus foimer mother supe-- l which took lor of the academy place Tuesday morning with the Most Rev John J Mi tty D D bishop of the Salt Lake diocese of the Catholic church presiding V Community ben ice Group OGDEN — Announcement of a perfected organization to be known as the Ogden Community Service committee to lake care of tire uiiemneedy during the com lngJw Inter was "made Tuesday by Mr arid Mrs J W Farnsworth bridge supper at their home on the Ilarrisville road m honor of Mr and Mrs Ludvig Reimers - e'euve8""18" will Martha Junior society afternoon wuth Mrs meeting Thomas Leslie 2523 Polk avenue Mrs Warner Arthur as- - "Ogden can and 1 °f take care of waact according to Mr U i urollment at Westminster college this year has reached a total of 201 being 24 more students than entered the school last year Dr Heibert W Rehrrd president announced Tues dav The college department lias 111 students 28 more than last year while the high school department has 06 OGDEN— Elated over the success sturnys t new (‘ attending the opening of the of the rollPge y M c A Mfmrs basin the artesian in and v w c A wili mPe( at n 40 a Ogden valley a short du dance south m Wwl1Phday for tUplr lrsl nwl of the old gioup of wells tltP cRyings of the tall semester The Y M commission Tuesday arranged to p A W)U meet In Foster hall being sink another well fiom bOO to 700(addiev-ebv coach J Rrvan Pnttei-fee- t south of the first new well m ison The lf u b F A contract with Dalton Ac Thomas jlRp for the drilling of the newest well annual conceit of the music is expected to be entered Into V ed faculty will be presented at 8 15 p m nesday morning between the citv Friday in L’rrry hall being given bv commission and the contractors and Row man Engle soprano Beu wkKvu11 begin at once The well if ford’ violinist’ and con lah Frances- u from !U3nnf wlkanddYhencMof blunlst uttCeMaP t American firm will build an craft factory at the Hull dniw1lnCnvTiiS1vqilT7S gland municipal airport affi er day aftprnoon and ppoltwr the blte Mulcahv for the newest well Mayor Ora Bundy is chairman of connection with the openuig of the general committee and repre two wells the city engineer was Radiant chapter Mooseheart of all creeds civic and the sentatlves to submit an esLegion card party at 8 30 p m service organizations fraternal and Instructed Tuesday cost of the 24 Inch in the Moose hall labor bodies all types of business in- timate of tile wooden pipe that will be used to stitutions and professional lines connect club the two wells with the mam Harmony evening have been chosen to serve as mem Burwith Mrs Aurilla transmission line meeting will bers the There of organization ton at the home of her daughbe no paid employes of the organiza ter Mrs Lottie Davey 2942 with tion the exception of one man Grant avenue whose services will be engaged to keep the financial records E J FJeldsted secretary of the Ogden chamber of commerce will serve as manager of the organization Mr Mulcahv announced add lng that his services have been do nated by the chambers board of di rectors because this is a major comAlbert C Scoggin 39 of Pasadena munity enterprise and he represents Cal died in a local hospital Tuesthe largest community organization day a short time after he had been He will coordinate the functions and fatally stricken with pulmonary OGDEN— Miriam chapter No 14 activities of all committees and will hemorrhage in a Main street drug O E S entertained Tuesday evening arrange for the expenditure of all store Mr Scoggin collapsed in the drug at the Masonic temple with past funds subject to the approval of the store and a call was placed for the finance and executive committees matrons and past patrons of the Due to a confu oil a regular budget pre police ambulance operating chapter as guests of honor A lodge pared with a view tg obtaining the sion in the call the ambulance did was fol- best possible results from the funds not arrive until 25 minutes after the meeting with initiation Past matrons available lowed by refreshments original plea for help Mr Mulcahy declared that it will Police Tuesday night were atand past patrons of Queen Esther to communicate with Mrs chapter and visiting past matrons and be the policy of the organization to tempting use all funds and donations for the L P Reuel of Pasadena partly idenpast patrons were invited Included in a foursome at lunch- benefit of Ogden residents The tran- tified by papers m Mr Scoggm's eon and bridge at the Hotel Bigelow sient problem will be handled In such pockets as a relative The body is in Tuesday were Mrs Irving Lehman manlier as to discourage transients the city morgue Miss Dolly Louise DeVine Muss Pa-- j remaining In the city longer than a tricia Healy and Mrs John Scow- - few hours Committee chairmen areExecu- croft Mr and Mrs Edgar A Payne oLtlve P H Mulcahy finance M S New York have arrived from Taos Eccles auditing Wayne M Mayhew N M to visit Mr and Mrs Frederick legal Samuel C Powell medical Dr G Ruthrauff before going to south- - E P Mills investigation L W Nims The Utah Poultry Producers Coern California comlssarv F F Gunn employment conassociatlon’s two-da- y Mr and Mrs A P Hall formerly Burton F Dinsmore coordination operative of Utah ference of branch of Ogden and now of Galveston Robert I Burton solicitation F M and Idaho ended managers The sesTuesday Texas are vinting friends here and Nye publicity Robert H Hinckley sions were given over to a discusfuel John Farr clothing W Karl sion of methods stopping at the Healy hotel of feeding disease Miss Mabelle Van Meter of Lex- Hopkins housing E W Cannady analysis and increasing production ington Ky left Monday for Pasain distribution C C Edmonds gendena Calif after a visit to Mrs E I eral manager of the association preMiss Van Meter will OGDEN— Weber county commis- Van Meter sided The meetings were held at sioners may legally transfer $10000 later return to Ogden for a visit central the headquarters 1800 South reM G have Baxter Mr and Mrs from the general fund to the poor West Temple street motor a fund it was ruled Tuesday by Coun- turned from month's trip by to St Louis Chicago and Indianty Attorney John A Hendricks This means that the poor fund this apolis vear will be increased $20000 over last year's as the poor fund levy when fixed recently was raised to OGDEN-Un- der the ruling of the piovide $10000 over last year civil service commission Tuesday A C Shields o I Denver vice presiThe Increase in the poor fund was and other citeuinstanees connected dent and general manager of the necessitated by the large demand for with the case it would appear thatlDenver & Rlo Grande Western rail- assistance during the past summer L' oi ch'ef was a Salt Lake visitor Tuesday "n shortly ’i"be chosen 'road and increased demands since the cold OGDFN— Edward Staker 77 ana- - 5ergeant Un one Af vu ours 01 inspection lie weather has begun to arrive com- tive of Weber county died at 10 30 of cap !arrived In his permanently as the private car During the missioners said p m Monday at his nome in Paul tain Robert Burk who will be reday he conferred with A J Cronin Idaho following a paralytic stroke tired from the department on a pen- assistant traffic manager and othpr Monday afternoon October sion officials lieio He was born here February 27 The commission ruled that1 only 1854 a son of John H and Mary Ann dutv fn- - prowere eligible seigeanls residing in this motion to the position Wiggins Staker There are vicinity until 1916 For many years onjv three duly sergeants— L W he served as a director of the Wilson Pack Geoige Finn and Herbert PeOGDEN —John E King who has Irrigation company He was a mem- terson As Mr Finn has not served D S church L of the ber been held in the county jail since the time in his present poMrs sitionrequired Surviving are his widows to be eligible to the promotion last May awaiting trial on the charge Neatness and correctness characof Paul Swaner Staker Emeline ofhe is apparently eliminated that he committed ’a statutory terized the books of account of CarCecilia Ishburn Mrs and Idaho Disfense was freed Tuesday by to Ivor Mr Peterson has declared he does bon county it is Staker of Ogden Surviving are nine not want the position and will not Ajax state auditor reported trict Judge Eugene E Pratt by Deputies G T wife: Mrs of the first children Mary At the conclusion of the prosecuenter the competitive examination James and G W Hines The two tion's testimony the defense an- H McFarland Los Angeles W Har-of This leaves only Sergeant Park who deputies made a study of the ac both L Elmer Staker Staker old to no offer nounced it had already is acting chief of detectives counts of the county for 1930 in testimony and was granted a directed verdict Ogden Joseph E Staker Twin Falls The examination of applicants for w hich the state had equity and verify Idaho John Staker Wilson Heibert the position was fixed by the e statements as already forwarded of not guilty A Staker Rupert Idaho Charles E to the auditor by the eounty off u ials mission for Friday Staker Taylor Arnold H and Sherman G Staker Paul Idaho a daughter of the second wife Mrs Claude Cauley Ogden two brothers Chaun-ce- y M Staker Mokelunne Hill Calif Charles A Staker Spokane 35 grandchildren and four OGDFN— Members of the Hotel Men’s association Funeral arrangements are In with Piesident George C Ober assistant manager of the Hotel Utah charge of Larkin & Sons pi ending met at the Hotel Bigelow JUDGE ORDERS PAYMENTS Tuesday evening and discussed the OGDEN -- In the divorce case of of for first the convention piogiam the association which w ill be held at Hester llnbbs against John Henry Ihe Hotel Utah October 15 16 and 17 Hobbs District Judge George S The full piogram will be announced Barker Tuesday ordered Hobbs to pay $5 a week toward Die support of at an early date thiee minor ihildien In the case of Winifred M Riehardron against FACES BURGLARY CHARGE OGDEN— Sherman Johnson 24 of Harry E Richardson Judge Barker Glendale Cal was arrested by dep- ordered Richardson to pay $25 a In the alimony brown has its promiuty sheriffs at North Ogden Tues- month temporaryBaird against day al 2 p m In the Lowder confec- case of Alice J ordered L Baird Barker nent Judge place in fall fashtionery and barber shop building ’Die officers say Johnson will be Baird to pay $15 a month temporal y ions new tones that i harged with burglary In the second alimony are rich dcRree with the new ASKS BUILDINGS REMOVED ensembles OGDEN— The city commission Tuesday directed the city engineer to notify Eugene Wright of Idaho Falls Idaho and G T Olsen his Ogden agent to remove certain old and This smart regent pump dilapidated buildings at 158 and lfiO Twenty second street which have or brown kid been declared a nuisance 13 23 1931 dations and cold weather said Mr Wyoming Horace M Albright director O Spencer National parks in southern Utah national park service is expected In and northern Arizona will also be Salt Lake Wednesday en route to open for motor travel until October Washington D C It was announced I as w ill Gland Teton national paikl Tuesday Oirden Seeks Data On Finger-Print- s College Sees Student List NEW OGDEN PLANS OGDEN and VICINITY! Business Office: 2436 Washington Avenue SEPTEMBER The ruling of Juvenile Judge Der-raB Van Dvke of the Second district against1 fingerprinting of juve- nile delinquents brought a request Tufday for an opmlon from the at torney general The city attorney of Ogden requested K H Wootton manager of the state bureau of criminal identification to obtain an opinion on the disputed legal point from Attorney General George P Parker Yellowstone Park Attracts Crowds More than 200000 persons visited Yellowstone national pal k this year D S Spencer passenger general agent of the Union 1’acific system reComplete totals ported Tuesday however for the season just ended are not available as yet he said Athough the regular rail service to the paik was discontinued Sep-A- n tember 19 the paik is open until Oe-a- u 1 for motor tourists who have to take their chances on accommo- - sist mg hostess Assisting Bishop Mitty in the consecration ceremonies were the Rev John Nestor Salt Lake the Rev Joseph P Moreton Ogden and the Rev William Kennedy of Tooele The consecration ceremonies consisted in anointing the altar with holv oils and in placing blessed relics of St Gratis and St Ria in the altar stone which was subsequently sealed in the altar table Preceding the ceremonies a choir of priests in the sanctuary chanted the litany of the saints and the seven penitential psalms The Rev Patrick F Kennedy pastor of St Josephs Catholic church Ogden celebrated the solemn high mass assisted by the Rev C E Reardon Ogden deacon the Rev Joseph Gossehn Bingham Utah subdeacon the Rev Joseph P Moreton master of ceremonies Alcolytes were Maurice Kennedy Bernard Quinn Joseph Packard and Bruno Tassoni Music for the mass was furnished by the Sacred Heart academy choir Other visiting clergy who took part in the services were the Very Rev Monsignor Alfred Giovanom and the Rev Martin Burke Salt Lake the Rev J J O'Connor Evanston h Wyo the Rev James O'Grady Nev the Rev William Ruel Price and the Rev Thomas Butler Park City At the conclusion of the mass the ponBishop Mitty bestowed tifical blessing on all those in attendance The visiting clergy were entertained at luncheon in the academy dining room following the ceremonies Coast Visitor ifterCollaj )se Miriam Chapter Of Eastern Star Fetes Officials You’ll regret it if you don’t buy 3 or 4 of these ! Dies in Hospital N Ton-opa- Poultry Producers - Adjourn Conclave Opinion Approves Funds’ Transfer cling Head of Detectives May Take Chief Post Railroad Chief Arrives on Tour Former Weber Resident Dies Directed Verdict Acquits Suspect 1 Auditors Praise Carbon Accounts com-ith- Hole! MeuBcjjin Convention Plans Inler-mounta- ln September Brings Autumn Leaf Colors of BROWN Del-mo- nt Athlete’s Foot Is No Joke Priced RITES SET WEDNESD4Y BOUNTIFUL — Funeral services Look Out You will be held in the Bountiful First Ward chapel Wednesday at 2 p m for LJeweilvn S Hampton who died of a stroke Sunday while on the flats You crui’t be too careful when you west of this city Interment will be go to the beach or swlmmtng pool in Bountiful city cemeteiy these dnvs that you don't catch Athi ac lete s 1 oot OGDEN'--L IWiker charged lOr that some other member of the with liquor po'scsMon appeared in family doesn l bring it home to von its nothing to laugh about If It the citv court Monday and was gi rn to ruler Ins plea Bond gf la going good It can pul you pretty un'il Tue-datlmioughly out of business— as ten was fixed at $100 million luckless American can tell' BOARD ORDERS I’lRCIIASLS you you hate The flixt Mgn of ax OGDFN— The citv commission probably lirai d by tills tune— conics Tuesday oidered the purchasing between our toes lawk out for Itch- agent to purchase one carload of cracks blisters and rock asphalt and three barrels of ing burning moist patches of rkln liquid B'phalt for street repairs t ou don get right after the in If PLAN MATER ME'ET to of our sole ton fee j spreads (lie OCDV N Mrtnbet s of the Weber fifi and other pmls of the bodv and then jour troubles la gin nnpr Water Useis' asMridion v ill Cm nfiir 11 with M'wne ntriald meet In their offucs m the Kale Oil An 8i e bottle will clean It up In n couple of weiks or money bai k You diugrl-- sells tt on that basis as du all other drugglsla In steatneis lit Japans purls (Adv ) dl fq ptd from 52J tn 271 America at Lingerie Trims i Lace Collars Fur Trims Jacket Frocks Novelty Tics Uclts Haven't Gotlt! Clever brown suede affair with center buckle Cut out shank Genuine reptile trim Also in lilac k fsoquirTharge 685 1 v !t-- driil-whlt- e ! 1 t 3 Stvle at its peak cvelet lie in genuine Carbon reptile with hrouh suede QT t UOJ trim K-- S & H 0 for Uvcry OcenAum of tlir Fall Season— School— Office — Afternoon — Si root Wear I)n‘sM‘g Brim's dress values and more and more women every day arc £alt Luke women know Keith-of the the Inexpensive Shop on the Third Floor when it comes to saving on impmtunce learning diemex Dou't mlsa this oppoitunity to save! When you see what extraordinary values they me you will not think of stopping with only one dress! 0 Third rtour tt— SUnip Givrn t Krith-O'Brirn- 's KEimo’iniiiM Thrifty Paijilr Save S cJnc Illwt-cla- 9 tf- - If Disromit Stum |