Show ft THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE SUNDAY Canal Zone Chief Lists New Budget MORNING D SEPTEMBER 20 1031 9 I ing yeaT was given by Mrs E H Eastmond Honoring Philip Christensen who is leaving soon to attend school In Washington D C membeis of the PROVO— Pr and Mrs ChrlstemThe marriage will take place the "gang entertained at a farewell BARLBOA C Z (TP)— Governor announce the marriage of ter part of the month at the Christensen residence their daughter Lorna to Bertrand Mrs R A Moorefield entertained party iHarry Burgess of the Canal one will evenin'? F Harrison son of Mr and Mrs W at a bridge luncheon Tuesday after Saturday entertained se6'c Zone appropriations approxiH Harrison of Sprnigville which noon in honor of her sister Mrs members the Columbia Sewing took place Thursday September 17 Hollis Nelson Luncheon was served club at her home Wednesday eve hearings In Washington In October m the Salt Lake L D S temple The at the Sutton cafe gladioli decoratIncluded In his proposals Luncheon followed needlening Is $2300000 for a new library high couple will make their home m ing the banquet table Following work and music Junior Provo school and college drydock luncheon the guests motored to the Miss Donna McCoard wras hostess An outstanding event of the sea- Moorefield residence where an afat police station and road and hospital son was the trousseau tea given by ternoon of bridge was enjoyed Prizes to members of the Le Tesee club provements A re- Mrs LeRoy Dixon at her home Sat- were awarded to Mrs Roy Green- her home Monday evening a mmion dollars Is proposed of the short story Marjorie jQrHalj view which are In honor Van Mrs of Alma wood afternoon Mrs her urday Wegenen Miss Laura tobhouse all Canal Zone em daughter Sarah whose marriage to Ed Firmage and Mrs Bert Sutton sel after which luncheon was served Clyde J Summerhajs son of Mrs Present were Mrs Wyman Borg Mrs Mrs DeCosta Clark was the honor ployes Hilda Summerhays of Oakland Cal Hugo Price Mrs Arnold Rawlings at a surpuse party given by will take place in the Salt Lake L D Mrs Jack Booth Mrs Shirl Wilson guest Merrill at S temple October 3 In the receiv- Mrs T L Schofield Mrs Ed Firm-ag- e her sister Miss Lucile the Merrill home Wednesday eveline Mrs Wells Mrs were Van Brimhall Alma Mrs Wegenen ing picinic supper was served Mrs Jacob Coleman Mrs A N Tay- Frank Brannegan Mrs Heiman ningMissA Aline Coleman Miss Florlor Mrs LeRov Dixon Miss Sarah Hinze Mrs S I Levin Mrs John to Swenson Miss Louise Dixon Mrs Hilda Summerhays Beesley Mrs Dwight Packard Mrs ence Maw Edith Paxman Miss Margaret Miss Bessie Summerhays Mrs Ben Bert Sutton Mrs William Chipman Miss CHICAGO (P) — A Chicago artist Maw Miss Joie Batchelor Miss Summerhays Mrs E A Clarkson Mrs Nell Moffitt Mrs Roy Green-Mis- s Edith Young Miss Sarah Brown and has completed a happy cycle between Alice Dixon Miss Delenna wood and Mrs John Taylor economic and artistic factors Miss Helen Newell Taylor Miss Maxine Clayton and Mrs E LaVon Menlove assisted Three years ago Walter Vladimir Mrs Wells LudMr and Honoring G the Mrs P low who Miss Rose Leichty received by Mrs J J Beardall and Mr Rousseff saw a plot of beauwere married recently a Ida at kitchen and Mrs Paul G Ciandall enter- tiful virgin timber land at Fish Creek Tanner Weeter entertained guests at the door Miss In room at the Monday evening It was supervised the dining a dinner party at their lake near Ephraim Wls at the tea table during the love home in honor of Mrs Clyde E tained at hickSaturday evening Mrs Lud covered with old beech balsam afternoon were Miss Valera Dixon Jacobson Progressive "bridge’’ was home low was formerly Miss Arta Thom- ory spruce birch and other woods Miss Edna Ballif Miss Rose Leichty the diversion Prizes were won by son of the host and hostess He wanted a domain of his own but Brimhall Miss Delenna Mrs John C Brown and Mrs W D Coversniece o were laid for Mr and Mis he was not an especially to Miss served Coleman was Aline Luncheon Collins TayloneMlss of Ketchican Alaska artists Kesler Vere J Phillis Miller Miss Dixie Bangum Mrs L L Nelson Mrs A Loveless Mr and Mrs Jex Lawrence and Mr But drawing on that landscape for Austin Miss Louise Swenson and Miss Beth Mrs Elmo Cheever Mrs g O Lawience of Span- Inspiration he painted a L Mrs and Ashworth Members of the Trovata Brereton Mrs Julia Brim Mrs E ish Fork Mr and Mrs Ed Ludlow In 1929 With the prize canvas social unit of which Miss Dixon is a A Menlove Mrs W E Lichfield Bert Ludlow Max Ludlow of Span- money he built a cabin for himself member assisted in the serving Mu- Mrs Ralph Westover Mrs W D Col- ish Fork Mr and Mrs L L Palmer on the land Again in 1930 one of his sical numbers were given by a string lins Mrs Glen Jacobsen Mrs Emil Mr and Mis R S Lawrence and Mr works won a prize d trio consisting of Miss Joie Batche- Jacobson and Mrs John C Brown and Mrs Osborne Lawrence of Salt lor Miss Lucile Merrill 'and Miss of Grantsville Sina BrimhalL Two hundred guests Mrs H S Pyne entertained at a Lake Mr and Mrs H P Hansen held dinner party at her home Monday open house called home Sunday afof G T Crandall Mrs Mr Mr and Mrs Paul and J Young ternoon andat their in honor of in honor of evening of Mrs of Dean announce Cal and the and Oakland Provo marriage Miss Evelyn Hansen their daughter Wells to H V Arta their niece Thompson Hoyt Miss Glenne McRae of San Luis Mrs J N Crawford entertained and Ludlow son of Mr and Mrs Edward Obispo Cal and Mrs Hilda Potter SALEM Ore (UP) —California members of the Springville-Prov- o Ludiow of Spanish Fork sister of the host of Las Vegas Nev specialists will arrive In Oregon soon Mrs Paul P Robley of Portland Bridge club Tuesday evening at her The affair was also In celebration of to investigate a serious horse maladv Two tables of bridge were Ore was guest of honor at a bridge home hostess’ birthday Dinner was State Veterinarian Dr W H Lytle luncheon at the home of her mother plaved Mrs Floss Cates and Mrs the served to 50 guests believes the disease spread Into this Wednes- Golda Woodward Mrs G H Heindselman receiving the At a quiet home ceremony the state from California day afternoon Five tables of bridge prizes Luncheon was served daughSeveral cases of the malady were were played Mrs E A Brannegan Mr and Mrs Alfred E Eves an- marriage of Miss Irene Beard Mrs Fred Olsen Mrs Alma Van nounce the marriage of their daugh- ter of Mr and Mrs W W Beard of discovered In the Klamath district Levan and Wilford L Williams son near the California line Some 3000 Wagenen and Mrs Paul Robley win- ter Dora to Harry Hatfield son of of Mr and Mrs J E Williams of this horses died from the disease In Cali list in- Mrs Mary Hatfield of Springville ning the favorsB The guest fornia last year cluded Mrs A Morgan Mrs J T which took place Monday morning city was solemnized at the Williams afternoon The The malady Is known by various Farrer Mrs Henry Geese Mrs in the Salt Lake L D S temple residence Thursday inclding Kansas horse plague Charles Ward Mrs Roy Batchelor Following the ceremony Mr and ceremony was ofperformed by Bishop names the Fifth ward in cerebro-splnmeningitis botulism Mrs Max Thomas of Spanish Fork Mrs Eves gave a wedding breakfast WO Facer Mrs Alma Van Wagenen Mrs Clay- - at the Temple Square hotel in Salt the presence of the members of the forage poisoning and pasture paralyton Jenkins Mrs Henry v Blumen- - Lake Covers were laid for the mem-tha- l immediate families and intimate sis friends of the couple The bride wore It was expected that Dr Karl F Fredibers of the immediate families Mrs John Burton Mrs Alex Hedquist was hostess a gown of orchid chiffon and lace Meyer of Ban Francisco will seek a Olsen Mrs Swen O Nielson Mrs 25 guests method of Immunization by using C E Maw Mrs William Ferre Mrs to members of the Nelke Reading Luncheon was served to Honoring Miss Naomi Smith a brain material of recovered horses Lester Baker Mrs D D Sutton Mrs club at her home Thursday afterof the near futuie Miss Alice Dora Epperson and Mrs Malcolm noon An interesting plav review bride Hucktns entertained at a bridge party Lemberg of Heber Mrs L D Bayrell was given by Mrs Nellie C Bailey at her home Friday evening Lunchof Salt Lake Mrs Herman Heinze after which French Spanish Belgian Mrs E A Brannegan Mrs Paul and Italian musical numbers weie eon was served to Miss Grace Miss Florence Ford and Robley The hostess was assisted in given Following the program reWallace of Ogden Mrs Miss serving by Miss Marie Morgan and freshments were served The as- MelbaDorothy Kartchner Miss Fern Smoot Miss Joie Batchelor Mrs Robley sisting hostess was Mrs Lucile K old ARKADELPHIA Ark (fPh-A- n Miss Lucile Merrill Miss ola Marwho has been visiting friends and Dixon bullets for mine that lead supplied Delenna Miss Miss Ruth tin Taylor Mrs Moselle Davis entertained relatives in Provo during the sumOra Haws Mrs Oa guns of Confederate Is soldiers during mer will leave for Portland next Fri- the members of the Lambda Tau club Johnson MissAda Miss Hasler and Miss the Civil war again active Lloyd A at her home Monday evening day The "Gipsy Queen” worked In seof Helen Boyer afat Springville was held short business meeting Mrs Gertrude Page entertained cret during the war has been rehonMr Mrs Alfred J was and home ter featured which bridge in a family dinner at her Honoring with the coming of Improved opened E Y H of Mrs N was J Fowers and Luncheon served Albany or of her daughter LaVern to Arkansas and Is said to highways Mrs Mr and Wis and a Dixon Miss of Sarah pop- Phillips L Kammermyer Ralph be rich In lead ore Mayville Honoring at a Bullock dinner of entertained near the Miss ular future The Jr bride young couple Monday evening Located In the fastness of Ouachita were married early in the day Cards Fern Smoot Miss Aline Coleman at the residence of the former Fri- mountains the mine was easily conwere for laid Covers for Miss Sina the and Brimhall entertained were diversions day evening and music cealed from the federal army the evening In attendance were Mr at a miscellaneous shower at the Mrs Elizabeth B Fowers Joy Phild Danger-fielDean Mrs eveT and Brimhall residence Mr Franco-Italla- n Ray Mrs Albert lips Phillips Frontier and Saturday Page SUSA Elaine Dangerfield Miss Nor- (UP)— A Cross of Christ nearly 30 Douglas Page Mr and Mrs T E ning Games and music weie diverThurman Mr and Mrs A M Thom- sions Luncheon was served to 40 ma Dangerfield and Mr and Mrs feet high has been erected on Mont Members o fthe Clivell club were Alma Dangerfield as Mr and Mrs Leo F Thurman Moncenlsio near here One arm of Miss lone Thomas Rex Thomas Miss entertained at the home of Miss Irene Pr and Mrs Walter T Hasler of the cross stretches toward Italy and Ar-v- il Fillmore Monday evening Needle- Provo announce the engagement of the other toward France The cross Beulah Hatton Miss Rheta Kay Thurman Miss Gertrude Page work and music were featured after their daughter Ada to Melvin C flies the Italian French and papal Miller of New York son of Mr and Miss Colleen Page of Provo Mr and which luncheon was served The monument recently was Mrs Velma Hedquist was hostess Mrs Charles Miller of Provo The flags Mrs T A Thurman Mr and Mrs and civil audedicated of to this popular couple is thorities byc?urch the members of the Vieux Amies marriage Arch M Thurman Miss LaVon Thur21 to October Bill club at her home Monday evening scheduled take place man Miss Margaret Thurman temple Thurman Miss Bessie Thurman A Following a short musical program in the Salt Lake Is a student at the B the bank management commission was Miss Hasler Claude luncheon served D Thurman Dale Thurman Y club U were Mr and Members and of her three the Clivell years of the American Bankers’ assocla- during Dennis of Salt Lake City and Mrs Earl Page Miss Cora Page were entertained at the opening ses- there has been active in music dra- - tion in New York He is a graduate Mr and Mrs Sid Corey and Gene sion of the season at the home of Imatic art and dancing Sheisamem-Mr- s of the B Y U with a B S degree Joseph C Clark Wednesday ber of the Mask club of the Val Norn and acquired his master's degree in Corey of Payson Mr and Mrs Henry Ellison an- afternoon A talk on “Preparation” social unit and its past piesident business administration at New York nounce the engagement of their was given by Mrs J C Clark A and a member of the Theta Alpha university He is a member of the and Phi national dramatic fiaternity Alpha Kappa Psi national commerce daughter Beulah to Glen L Bor-g- revjew of the past year’s work com-1 Mr Miller is assistant secretary of fraternity son of Mr and Mrs J F Borget an outline of the work for the Provo Society Gossip 1932-19- Men-lqua- te Scenery Repays Artist Owner! re Men-sidi- er Mlina well-to-d- nature-inspire- Oregon Baltics Horse Malady al Dan-gerfie- ld Stale Opens Mine Used for Bullets LDS et And banish labor dirt grime and uneven temperatures from your home While there is a heating plant down in your basement pouring out smoke soot and grime you can’t really hope for a clean home Install automatic Natural Gas heat on our easy rental plan End the flow of dirt And you will have a cleaner more healthful more comfortable home AH REACH CO FREE CONTRACT BRIDGE LESSONS Edward 0 Russell nationally known bridge the author of “Bridge at a Glance” east from the coast where he route en i who in large cities for both the Hearst and appeared newspapers will give a series of three free contract bridge lessons in a specially Auerarranged bridge salon on the third floor at bach Department Store Broadway at State street at 1:30 p m Monday Wednesday and Friday of the coming week Russell starts Monday at 1:30 p m with trick valuation for bidding and support featuring both On Wednesday the “quick” and “honor” count count for suit” and he takes up bids on and (demand) “forcing” Friday bidding These lessons have been given in all the large stores and resorts of the coast and as Russell is the first Federated teacher to visit Salt Lake a rare treat is in store for both novice and player It is announced those attending can come alone in couples or groups but they are requested to The Auerbach bring their own playing cards Co management announces those attending will No charge of he comfortably seated at tables any kind Scripps-Howar- By RUSSELL Nationally Known Authority d “4-car- d Our rental plan furnishes an easy logical most convenient way to equip your home for automatic Natural Gas heat $5 installs the unit in your furnace And then for a rental payment of only $210 a month you may enjoy the full advantages of automatic heat Most convenient of all you may apply your rental payments on the purchase of the unit after you have tested it to your AV - ’Cl 1 SAA Wr p LEARN CONTRACT! Contract bridge is increasing in so rapidly that the card player who doesn’t play contract feels “out of date” at a party The Auerbach Co has secured Edward C Russell nationally known bridge exto a free course of lessons in give pert The contract beginning Monday will be held at 1:30 p m Monday Wednesday and Friday You can come alone in couples or The only requirement la that groups you bring your Nown deck of playing cards! popu-larit- y vfm £ 6J t £fe Edwird r C $' If you are not fully satisfied we will remove the unit from your furnace so that you may ' i Rutsrll drmonstratlni om ruin to of hli card go hack to your former fuel However we arc confident that after you have once enjoyed the advantages of Natural Gas heat you will not want to go back to methods That is why we are taking all the risks on this unusual rental offer You have nothing to lose Inquire for full details promptly a group of fans 6 LESSONS FREE! Here is the schedule of class topics to be demonstrated by Edward C Russell r ' - ri ) - y— leg-so- First Session Monday at 1:30 p m Sharp entire satisfaction s in free week: ' - contract bridge lesson old-fashion- this Monday— “Trick valuations for suit bids including quick and honor” suit” and “no Wednesday— “Four-cartrump count” bids Friday — “Forcing (demand) bids” Russell teaches the “federated” system of bidding and support which has been generally adopted by all the larger clubs He recently attended a conference of coast experts which formulated standardized rules ed d At AIJEKHACH (7 tiled rinnr CO UTAH GAS & COKE CO Serving Salt Lake City OGDEN GAS COMPANY Serving Ogden ) e WASATCH GAS CO Serving ncmiKN M AII am hi PKOMpr TOW NS corneous mu k: m:kuu: |