Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE Pro vo M cCorntck left who will leave Tuesday with Mrs E G Gates right for Washin' gton!) C where she will visit for six Weeks Mrs PROVO— Mr ana Mrs Robert M Bo&r dm an announce the marriage of then- - daughter Mary to Norman Ferguson eon of Mr and Mrs R H Ferguson of this city The ceremony was performed in Rich field Tuesday An attractive event of the week was the garden party given at the home ‘ of Mrs J Erval Christensen Tuesday afternoon by Mrs Christensen Mrs D Orlo Allen Mrs LeRoy J Robertson and Mrs Seymour Gray Bridge was the feature of the afternoon after which luncheon was served to Mrs Leulnna Hovey of Logan Mrs Wilford Oray Mrs Ralph A Bullock Jr Mrs Don C Williams Mrs Parley Christensen Mrs E Byron Dastrup Mrs B K Bullock Mrs Walter P Whitehead Mrs Alden J Anderson Mrs C J Hart Mrs Mrs Carl D George Beckstead Cwenson Mrs CLaVolr Jensen Mrs Alonso Morley Mrs L DeVere George Mrs John A Van Cott and Mrs Walter E Tueller Mrs Bradford Bixby Smith of Cleveland Ohio was the honor guest at a bridge luncheon at the home of her mother Mrs O p Maw Saturday afternoon Luncheon preceded bridge and was served to IS Miss Florence Maw and Miss Margaret Maw were the assisting hostesses Honoring her sister Mrs Estella Neff Caldwell of Los Angeles Mrs Gates is returning to her home in the east after month’s stay the McCormick home Ed-wa- rd Nettle entertained at her home Wednesday afternoon Cards were played and luncheon was served Members of the Sprlngville-Prov- o Bridge club were entertained at the home of Mrs Ann Johnson Tuesday evening Mr and Mrs Joseph Markham announce the engagement of their daughter LucUle to Harold A Thome son of Mr and Mrs D Thome of Pleasant Grove The marriage will take place In the Salt Lake Neff-Sma- Frances Miss at a Cal Midvale SANDY— Miss Ireta Hansen was the hostess and Mr and Mrs WU-foHansen Hho were recently married ware gUeats of honor at a party given at the Hansen home on West Second South street Monday evening Oames were played on the lawn and prizes were awarded to Mr and Mrs Arvid Larson Mlsa Lillian Jensen and Carl Watkins Luncheon was served to 50 guests Mrs Hansen was formerly Miss Esther Jensen rd Of JULY 26 1931'' visit With relatives In San Pr&nclsco Sandy Leaving for Nation’s Capital Society SUNDAY MORNING Holladay MIDVALE— Tuesday afternoon at her home on Jefferson street Mrs George W Cox was hostess to members of her card club Mra Guy H Wight Mrs A A Larson and Mra Kelvin Aylett were special guests Prizes were won by Mra H P MUler and Mra Larson Mra Curtis Booth entertained members of her card club Tuesday A dinner was eerved to evening Lionel Babcock and two chilMrs dren of Myton are guests of Mrs eight guests followed by bridgeWhltte-morWaters and Mra O Baboock's parents Dr and Mrs J H William won high scores Brown Mra E W Robinson who has been The Bunday school of the Oongre her son and his family In gatlonal church enjoyed a picnic at visiting New York since the latter part of Saratoga Wednesday Mrs J R Anderson was guest at May Is here for a short time before a birthday party at her home Wed- going to Logan for the remainder of nesday afternoon Out of town the summer Mrs Paul Pennlston of Richfield is guests were Mrs Shirley Thomas Mrs Andrew Swensen Mrs Ralph visiting with her parents Mr and Brown Mra Jack Martin Mra J R Mra W J Dearlng Mra Samuel Blee and daughters Johnson Mrs Hyrum Anderson Mrs J B Jensen Mrs Alloa Jackson and Misses Emma and Vivian Slee of who are on their way to YelDenver Mra Rose Smith all of Salt Lake Mrs T R Llndgresn Mra John An- lowstone park were guests of Mra derson and Mrs M J Brown of Mur- Mary B Stokes and daughters Sunray Mr Ted Jensen Mra R V day and Monday Lange and Mrs John Thorpe of Mr and Mrs J W Ntbley and sons LehL are home again after an extended Mra e Betty Alley daughter of Dr and Mrs J B Alley entertained a num ber of her friends Thursday at the family home on South Malnstreet The occasion was her birthday annl By Kathrine de Peyster ' versary Card games were played at AND STRONG" “GOOD small tables and refreshments were de Peyster Miss Dear served late In the evening The You can help me If you will write tour Idea of a man who appears be guests numbered 16 - Mr and Mrs E C O'Brien have re- lore ladles In hie shirt sleeves and suspenders ana even slta down to turned from a trip to 'various parts of Christmas dinner to them before his California family Miss Clara Rasmussen entertained As a bride X amxa little helpless eo much ap Tuesday evening In honor of Misses and your letter will' be Nina " and Edith Qreen Twelve predated Do not be afraid to make your an guests were ’present Games and re- ewer good and strong If you feel the I do about it freshments were enjoyed —i-PERTURBED BRIDE The Thursday Afternoon club met at the home of Mrs 3 M Warner "Good and strong" is Just what I like to have my answer be I e should last week The hostess was In costume and served a ’’plains” It Is very humiliating to a woman of to even the dinner The favors were miniature taste and sensitiveness of social form to have a covered wagons Eight guests were simplest man even think that he can sit at present the table In hta shirt sleeves and Mr and Mrs Donald Nelson of San suspenders Can’t you persuade your Francisco Cal are here for a vtslt man about the house to dress in a They will spend the time with Mr civilized manner when he takes his Nelson’s parents Mr and Mrs Wil- place at table and when he is liam Nelson and with Mrs Nelson's to be dressed to receive vicparents Mr and Mrs Enoch Rusaon tors? of LehL Don’t carp at him and try not to old-tim- iup-los- ed "nag” —men who sit at Christmas dinner In shirt sleeves and suspenders will always get the best In such primitive methods since they are primitively Inclined But use those gracious methods as subtle as you can that women from time immemorial have had to use for such persuadlngs THE “BACKGROUND PLATE Dear Miss de Peyster Kindly tell me how long service plates remain bn the table? Also If they may be used any time other than at dinner? M K ' Service platee are usually removed the dinner plate Is placed on the table The waitress removes the service plate with her left hand and In tt place places the heated dinner plate with her right hand The plates under the first courses of the as are dlnuer plates placed on the rt j L D S temple August S Mr and Mrs J J Williams entertained at a dinner party at their home Tuesday evening In honor of Mr and Mrs H E Throwback of San Francisco Covers were laid for ten Mrs Vera Barrett of Ogden was the honor guest at a bridge luncheon Monday afternoon given at the home t ' 4 - z V I jtfr' At v $ " LI i v ? of Mrs Orval Frampton Luncheon && i was served to Mrs Roy Sorenson Mrs Alex Martenson Mrs M I Bushman Mrs Sharp Gillespie Mrs W O Frampton Miss Maxine and Miss Mae Mortenson An Interesting social event of the at the home of Mrs Wesley Stubs week was the trousseau tea given In Later In the afternoon they motored honor of Miss Kathryn Lewis a bride to the home of Mrs Curley Brown of the near future by her mother In Provo canyon where bridge and Mrs Sadye Lewis at her home Sun- luncheon were leatured day afternoon Miss Alice Taylor A farewell party was Riven by the presided in the dining room Mrs members of the F B T club Batur-daLora Dabling and Miss Lucile Markevening In Provo canyon to honor ham poured Miss Vera Merrill Miss of Mrs Charles W Robbins who Is Miss Helen Rowe Miss leaving soon to make tier home In Joy Aagard Genevieve Boshard and Miss Dor- Los Angeles 4 picnic supper was Jones served The guests were served othy received at the door by Miss lone Honoring Miss Kathryn Lewis and Ludlow- - In the receiving line were her fiance L N Sorenson of FounMrs Sadye Lewis Mrs J N Soren- tain Green Mr and Mrs Ralph son of Fountain Green Mrs William Kitchen entertained at an attractive H Reese of Payson Miss Kathryn breakfast Sunday Covers Lewis and Mrs Rachel Aagard were laid for eight morning Three hundred guests called Miss Joy Batchelder was hostess to Professor Ralph McIntyre of Hew the members of the Nautilus social Hampton Mass was the honored unit at her home Monday evening guest at a well appointed dinner The guests motored to Utah lake given by Mr and Mrs Bert Crane at where swimming and a picnic suptheir home Sunday Covers were per were enjoyed laid for 15 Mr and Mrs J H Currant anMrs Edith Jolley entertained nounce the engagement of their members of the Psysonian club at daughter Inez to L R Swasey son her home Wednesday evening Card? of Mrs Nettle Swasey of Bonita and luncheon were diversions Utah The marriage will take place Members of the Wednesday After- In the near future noon Bridge club were entertained Members of the Clivell club were Mor-tens- rmTPwr uiLIvu ORICG (DM! f 't J-- V on — enterUlned at th home Martin Monday 1 Bckr Zola of Mlse evening Needle- work music and luncheon were dl versions Honoring Mrs H Lynn Black for merly Miss Ella Vincent a recent bride Mrs William Vincent Mra George Vincent Mrs Edward Vincent and Mrs Henry Brown entertained at a miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs George Vincent Monday evening Games were played after which luncheon was served Miss ‘Phyllss Adams entertained members of the Beni Trovatl social unit at her home Monday evening Members of the Columbia Seeing club were entertained at the home of Mrs Lena Swenaon Monday eve ning Needlework and music were diversions after which luncheon was served Honoring MUc Kathryn Lewis Mrs W O Creer popular bride-eleand Mrs Ray Dabling entertained at a miscellaneous shower at the home of the former Monday evening Garnet were played after which luncheon was served to 60 When you begin fo cook Electrically you’ve taken a very definite stop in the direction of real home enjoyment No other method of cooking compares with Electric from ct any viewpoint It not only releases the home-makfrom her former burdens of kitchen drudgery but also brings to her and to the entire family the utmost in cleanliness convenience and economy er Magna MAGNA—Mr and Mr and Mrs Howard A and Mra J R Jar vbs attended the summer outing and convention of the State Press assoJarvis ciation held Saturday and Sunday at Provo They were entertained at a picnic In Aspen grove visiting Snyder’s Hot Pots and ended the two day’s festivities with a banquet at the tat The New "Eugenie” rHats DemandT v k Perfect Wave! the first time in years hats are riding atop your waves— revealing the hairline in back a quarter or half the head on the left side Which means that your waves must he perfect the ends must be “fixed” will give you a soft wave and show you how to set it for the hats new “ship-shape- ” 'For Call Was 300— Mezzanine Floor BEAUTY SALON AUERBACH CO Hotel Roberts In Provo Mrs 'Ed Gardner entertained Bet bridge club at her home Wednesday A 1 o’clock luncheon was served to twelve guests’ Mrs G L Weller of Salt Lake Mrs Bland Sorenson of Oarfleld Mis Orem Stewart and Mrs Bert Mix of Arthur were special guests The club prlws were won by Mrs Ida Anderson and Mrs Fred Barton and the guest prize by Mra Sorenson Mra Amy Merrill and daughter Betty Jane and Mra George A Partridge and eons Francis and George Jr of Salt Lake Miss Mary Brown of Gnmtsvtlle and th j Misses Maldic Clara and Bona Finilnson of Oak City were guests during the week of Mr and Mrs Erie H Anderson Mr and Mra PeW Cavanee and family left for their home In Nampa Idaho the esxly part of the week after a four days visit with Mr and Mrs WUUam Cavanee and Mr and Mrs Jack Cavanee Mr and Mrs J W Cook: son Junior and daughter Dorothy Jean of Sterling Colo arrived Sunday to spend a two weeks visl with Mr and Electric Cooking is surd to please you just as it many thousands of others in this territory i i j f Hotpoint or - West-mghou- so Electric Ranges completely installed in your Mra A H Cook On their departure Miss Carol Cook vrll accompany them for an Indefinite visit Fathers’ and sons’ outing of the Oqulrrb stake will be held in Coons canyon July 11 and August 1 The first outdoor meeting of the court of honor of Boy Scouts of the stake trill be held Games hikes and many other attractions will be featured A work meeting of the L F A club was held Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs Frank Chapman Refreshments were served to fourteen guests Miss Estelle Fenton of Pleasant Grove was a week-en- d guest of her sister 8 tray Elks of Magna Garfield and Tooele and their families will enjoy a picnic Bunday In Legion park Tooele canyon Mra Kenneth Kidd entertained the L P A club Tnurrday evening at her home After the business session tables were arranged for bridge at which prizes were awarded A late luncehon was served to sixteen guests Mr and Mrs Dave Jones of Heber guests of Mr City were week-en- d and Mrs Al Cook Mrs Roy Harris entertained at a 1 o’clock luncheon and card party Thursday at her home on tne B and G row Mrs J J Barrett was a special guest High score at cards was won by Mrs E H Cotter second high by Mrs John Bayes and the house prize by Mrs Rey Wyatt Mr and Mrs T N Sonne and daughters Norma and Maud left for their home In Denver Colo Friday after a week's visit with Mr and Mrs O A Sonne ?$ pleasing i One of our famous home YouH find steps to too that this wonderful servant— one of the three "ALL-ELECTRI- SERVICE in your home— Together C" with Electric Refrigeration and Electric Water Hooting — makes yours a modern household ak no greater cost than before : - can be pur- chased on a very liberal’ time-payme- plan nt ELECTRIC COOKING on our Combination Stoo-Dow- n Rate with other forms of household Electric Service source of real economy VISIT OUR STORE OR PHONE LET'S TALK IT OVER US-- AND CSTTSF j ETtSf mESS EFFICIENT PUBLIC SERVICE O service Service plates may be used for luncheon Coo But usually they aie used only a the "background plate” that they are supposed to be is a |