Show THE' SALT LAKE TRIBUNE Two Killers Face BISHOP NEW r Unhappy Queen : Doom on Coast Quits Rumania TAKES POST SACRAMENTO Calif July 18 lPt On King’s ‘Snub’ Catholic Prelates Gather Jn Denver for Installation Ceremony —The first legal executions since James Rolph Jr became governor last January are to take place tomorrow Charles Simpson convicted of burning an aged woman shopkeeper to death during a robberv is to mount the gallows at San Quentin F'red Mott convicted of killing a radio salesman is to hang at Fol- DENVER- - Colo July 19 W— The som Most Rev Urban John Vehr of CinSimpson paced his cell tonight and cinnati today uurt<od blaho( played Jazz records on a phonograph of the Denver diocese of tbe Romas He refused religious consolation A score of afch-bishoCathollo church Mott telegraphed thy governor to- tu ' reprieve bishops monslgnors and day: “Please grant me a tomorrow I hang prlesta from all part of Colorado I am innocent and neighboring states participated at Folsom'' The governor known to oppose in the elaborate ceremonies Bishop Albert T Daeger of 8anta capital punishment save in extreme Fi N M acted ss the fnxtalllni cssee said he could not Intervene prelate Among others who tool in Mott’s case part in the servloes are: The Most Rev Daniel J Oeroke bishop of Tucson Aria Bishops H P n of Davenport Iowa R A Amarillo Texas L B Kucera Rohl-ma- n Ger-ke- A J Pt uler Lincoln Neb Texas George J Finnegan Mont and Joseph P : : of Omaha P Vehr succeeds the Most Rer J Henry Tihen who aang the pontifical mass The Rev Tihen has Bishop served as bishop of the Colorado diocese since 1937- Be plans to leave within ten days for his old home In Wichita Bishop Tlhen's successor Is recog nised ts one of the most brilliant of the younger Catholic prelates He was born and reared In Cincinnati Kan Midwest Roasts Englis- h-speaking and Leads to Suicide CHICAGO July 16 (CT8)— Over- whelmed by whims of race track luck which cost him all the monay he had Herbert Jackson 39 today lay down on heap of losing tickets in his north aide rooms and turned on the gas His landlady found him the a dead several hours later "Tried to make up the losses” a note read “but It was too tough a gams" BANDITS FEU CLERaTMIN FOOCHOW China July 19 WVA message received hers today said the Rev Clement Sites member of the American Methodist Episcopal mission had been-release- d from bandits who captured him last Sunday while he wa coming here from Kut-te- n No details wars given SALISBURY N O July 16 !Py Sheriff Locke McKenzie of Rowan county was shot and killed here today by Scott Winders a world war veteran who was lodged in Jail The sheriff went to the Winders home in response to a telephone message from Mrs Winders — Winders had returned to Salisbury after being treated In several government hospitals for shell shock and Mrs Winders reported that her husband Was talking irrationally TWINS BORN PITTSFIELD With 111 the July 16 and the chamber’s The constitution reserves Shallenberger Influenza Perils Alaskan Outpost DUTCH HARBOR Alaska- - July 16 (UP)—Twelve lives already have been taken by a serious Influenza epldemlo which threatens to wipe Over 7 att the Tuba down In Cuba Jwrffkriaaifaapaai TW tW YawNa b Iia-4Vdb- twtay My Aomm-n- HIA oM sellers Hatton h Sort Loan (A1)— was upon lo- the assailants who fled after (UP) the shooting whoi jou moot SOUTH BEND Ind July 16 O’Donnell noted —Rev Charles L poet and war time chaplain waa reappointed president of Notre Dame university tonight for the seoand term at the conclusion of the tri- a letter written July E Watts of Chicago 111 that ought to be read by every underweight man or woman In America: 11 9th talks mm wok’s best “ManriMa1 Pounds in 28 Days Feruna Tonlo Is pleasant to take la not expensive and can be secured at any drug tore In Take a the United Statu tablespoonful before each meal e and before going to bed Eat “Oentlsmen: Peruna whatever you like " I started taking Psruna Tonte Tonic way la the safe way to I waa too thin and wanted to put on firm flesh Test It for give it a lair trial sat"I had been forcing myself to eat four weeks— If not Joyfully more — drink rich drinks took Cod Liver isfied your money will be paid Oil but thia so upset my stomach that back for the asking— or I was forced to give it up and decided to give Perun Tonic a trial Send for Tree Sample T took a tablespoonful of Penma Peruna CO PTERE’S lUbrrAukt infl- 16 - Or Money Back plays the Rumba out small native settlements slang 99 the upper Nushagvk river It wee said In reports reachlrg here today Little relief could bo given the awe ms y uenza-ridden sections by residents af Kanakanak It was said aa white trie feekal — people there Including a doctor s lJ Wwhudy 61 b playing nurse and several volunteer ' assistants have been trying to stave off Wwfca Ba an riy htd — yoon A yon dornim ID pWy k too ywj nowanday a scarlet fever epldemlo A shortage of food and medicine e — RBOOKD mzZLi has made the fight against the diswa lacsaSl Yoa ea cJmot eases extremely difficult it was said rT ci Wad Ham U Gunmen Shoot Fascist Guards All-Sta- te dect- - the Ethl- Ont July !6 (JP)— TORONTO Jullen Hyer of Fort Worth Texas today was elected president of Lions International He succeeds Earle W Hodges of New York City Tonight was “California night" at the convention'' The California group distributed oranges raisins and other products of the Pacific coast The Indiana Lions' band received first award In the bend concert contest For the fourth time Philadelphia won the quartet oonteet The Pittsburgh quartet was second and the Denver Colo quartet third Puts on Firm Flesh seriously 1931 by Mrs Tonlo before each meal and before going to bed and the day I started taking It I weighed 104 Today Just four weeks later I weighed 111 I feel so much better too and am no longer nervous like 1 was and my stomach Is never upset and I wm so much better 1 I can hardly believe It to be true find that I sleep much better too to on wants that weight Anyone put should certainly give Psruna Tonlo a Dept t JM E Illinois SO Chicago JU j me a sample frse ef ! send Please J trial” charge s Name j Address ! I V City ennial chapter meeting of the Holy Cross order Rev Michael Mulclarf was named to continue is vice presi- dent Rev J Hugh O’Donnell was named president of St Edward's college at Austin Texas and Rev Joseph Burke was selected principal of tne st Thomas Military academy at St Paul Minn also Wife Says Mate Forbade Shoes CHICAGO July 1 6 (GTS)— Jealous of his wife Anna Edward Ochs pursued a strange course to keep other men from seeing her— he wouldn't let her wear shoes or stockings 4f irj si'S' i and so bearfooted ah® had trod linos her marriage in 1925 Mrs Ochs testified today in court applying for a divorce on the ground of cruelty FAIR OBSERVE ANNIVERSARY (CTS— arrival of twin sons to Mr and Mrs George Coultas yesterday the parents have three children under a year old the first son having been born in August 1930 The mother ts 19 The constitution created two legls-- st pietrodel'carso Italy Two fascist border July Dame ‘IP were fired guards and one wounded here early this Retains Leader evening A police patrol failed to cate War Vet Shoots Kills Sheriff Track Loss Marlon Notre - Race 00F J tlis summer's second heat wave held on patiently through another siege WASHfNOTON July IS (UP)— of routing- - temperatures today Mrs John B Henderson grande while the south was succored by dame of Washington society died totimely rains night at her summer home at Bar Wet weather advanced from the Harbor Me according to word renorthwestern plains upon Minne- ceived here by her lawyer She was sota and the Dakotas supplementing 88 years old last night’s showers which cooled She passed sway peacefully with oft the Canadian border states and out regaining consciousness since a the Atlantic we aboard etroke of paralysis ten days ago Local and occasional showers were So far as her lawyers knew there of the most predicted for Mississippi was no reconciliation with her and Missouri valley region except adopted granddaughter Mrs BeaICS ns as Iowa Nebraska Indiana trice Henderson Wholean who atand most of Illinois and Missouri tempted to prevent Mrt Henderson There the relief which reached the from giving her $300000 home here Rocky mountains and the north- to the government for a vice presiwestern plains today waq not ex- dential mansion last spring' ADDIS ABABA Ethiopia July 16 —Emperor Ras Talari Makoimen elect of God king of kings conquering ' lion of Judah and emperor of pta signed and sealed a con-iofor his empire today while boomed crowds cheered and (UP)— ELY Nev — Officers Installed by Cherry Creek X O O F lodge Mon day were: Tom C Dennis noble grand: C W Torrence vice grand L R Zadow treasurer: Duke Hopkins warden Ralph Mllllck conductor David Patterson chaplain I Georgs Campbell J George Bundberg Ralph Guldl Bushrod George Dennis John Sund-ber- g P P Norregard end Alex Baird Anticipating a big affair next year when the Nevada grand lodge convenes hers the local lodge appointed an arrangement committee as follows: C W Torrence chairman P P Norregard L R Zadow Alex Baird Harve Reilly John Bundberg 16 The Paweather - Lodge Installs Capital Society m— MidwestCHICAGO' July Leader Succumbs erners promised in early end to the of Ethiopian Emperor Texan Heads Lions Signs Constitution Club International E Thousands Close Golden Queen Helene and King Carol of Rumania The 14000 delegate te the appeared tonight to have been Jubilee convention here of brought definitely to n end by the queen Helene notified tne government to close their week’s session Announcing Milwaukee had bee: that she would go abroad for medical treatment and to visit her fami- chosen aa the '1933 convention city with the consent of the king President Dr Daniel A Poling bU ly and tok Her sudden departure It was be- the delegatee good-by- e lieved in court circles was due to them he was already hoping ant to see them not planning was invited the fact that she again hi July to the coming wedding of Princess 1933 Ileana sister of the king and Count Dr Poling also anrounoed Carl ton M Sherwood of Boston ant Anton von Hapsburg Carol took the opportunity to em New York had been chosen genera barrass his estranged wile further secretary of the organization Sherin the official communique an wood has been extension secretary of and Is also execunounclng her intention to leave Ru- tivethe movement secretary of the citizens mania Helne wets referred to "not of one thousand a national as "Her Majesty” the title sccorded a queen but as “Her Highness” to movement tor law observance which Helene Is entitled by virtue of her birth aa princess It was understood that Helene would leave for Germany tomorrow Nevada 1 NOOALES Sonora Mex July 16 bars UP) — Three American-owne- d were closed here today by Mayor Alejandro VUlavenor because 80 per cent of their employes assertedly ware not Mexicans as provided by law The owners protested that bartenders were necessary because most pf their customers were Americans The mayor was believed to have taken this step to protect Mexican labor because of a recent controversy between Mexicans and Chinese merchants over the labor laws As Rain Nears week-en- d pected until cific coast enjoyed normal 16 a American Bars Helena Rummell July ¥ 17 1931 com-ltte- Mexico Shuts Up El Paso BUCHAREST The unhappy romance C JULY FRIDAY MORNING Mo KAHOKA i Julrl6(CTS— Mr and Mrs R S Holliday have been married 61 years today Of the 60 original guests who attended their wedding only one Charles Bennett la living IN THIS COUNTRY 1I Gumrautsti bstb by ms m4 by' Kslly - SfrlntfitlJ LAWYER? safeguard your rights ' ' under the law! IlliS " to form a more Union '"s X d perfect f establish Justice insure domestic n Tranquility provide for the defence promote the gencom--mo- eral Welfare and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity — rThs ConsliMion t t f ( (fir l Do N'T doss Kelly Lott i (j&1 j Miles fires with tires usually at these prices By every standard of performance lafety and dependability the Lott Miles is fully the equal of many tires that sell for more money We’ve sold plenty of Lotta Miles tires and we know how many satisfied customers we’ve made NIW LOW PRICES offered You can seftlo this ou? otf couru Every cigarette is its own best witness LET CHESTERFIELD V SPEAK FOR ITSELF They’re MILDER- you can smoke as many as you like They TASTE BETTER you KNOW that the minute you t 32x6 LOUIS A BAILEY Inc cn Cr" SOUTH Wssstch STATS ET j 10 ply Truck Tire i a light up MILD RIPE TOBACCOS —the best that money can buy aged right blended right ’ 7 PURE CIGARETTE PAPER— the purest inade Right there CHESTERFIELDS rest their case with YOU V 3300 SERVICE TIRE CO 451 SOUTH MAIN if ST Wasatch 2052 £3-1- SALT EASE CITY UTAH c DJLlKMgrxaUrauToaAccoCa A 'V THEY’RE MILDER and THEY TASTE BETTER |