Show V o i THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE THURSDAY MORNING PIEKUS RECIPES JUNE J8 1931 HINTS FOR ‘SEWING THOSE WHO BUDGET ARTISTIC TREATMENT OF DECORATION ' AND- DESIGN FOR “THE HOUSE'S INTERIOR THE HOME - 4 Auction and Contract Bridge MILTON WORK CAN MARRIAGE DESTROY LOVE Sometimes I ThinkmmmJul—JSometimes I Think C By Opal is a charming peony with the THE ORANGE SFOON FOR most delicate' tints of pink ImagiMADRID June 17 (JP)— Rumors of nable toning to cream and white The AVOCADOS an imminent monarchist d'etat coup Dear Miss de Peyster: fragrance is delicious to be led Msrtlnea by Anido By VELVA G DARLING General When serving avocados as a salad Nymphae as Its name Implies is If yoa afe the contrary sort of person who simply cant STAND a like a water lily To me however for tire purpose of seating on the without slicing or peeling them Just Carl-1sDon Bourbon throne de Jaime In half and filled with dressing you OUGHT to like it— If you chronically more cut flower has white apthis the ant what you haven't got and loathe what you own— marriage is not for pretender were published in sev- should a salad fork or spoon be used? of a double parrot tulip pearance I A marriage with money perThat is not a marriage with love you with its peculiarly laclnated petals eral evening papers In Spain today It Is much easier to eat them with a haps or with a title— but not with love The subtle irritation working spoon but it seems logical that being Kumogo is a Japanese peony tn a including Herald o of Madrid on to subconscious are tied one the you that this The rumors as published reported a salad a salad fork you telling shade of very deep pink which constantly would be more Individual for life for better or lor worse in sickness or In health will Oeneral former that Anido M C placed unhappily by a flaming scarcaptain proper ' finally rouse such a let Oriental poppy In my border is general of Barcelona was on his way When avocados are served tn this In terrible discord fury1 in you that you’ll With white flow- to the province of Navarre to lead way it is more convenient to eat an army In an attempt to place Don them with a spoon Many hostesses ers it would be lovely find yourself on the Jaime on the throne train for Reno before placq the orange spoon with this serQUERIES The general is now facing prosecu- vice and very convenient it is you really know what D S C Springfield writes: Idaho has happened! In law “I have a red rambler rose on the tion by the republican atgovernment a contract lor personal his administration Barcelona (Copyright 1931 Premier Syndicate south side of the house under the for a member of the cabinet of service is regarded as Inc) w hich grew well the first year He was eaves one of the most diffior two and blossomed splendidly Now General Prlmo de Rivera and has ‘(Miss de Peyster will be glad to With the above hand at auction cult contracts to enactive In been politics under answer Spanish It has dwindled to a few pale yellow force As soon as you've questions on etiquette subbridge the bidding would be: South sprouts Must I transplant It or does the monarchy for many years mitted by readers) specified Just how much and West pass North one heart East It need some special plant food?" work a man must do for Rhinoceros use the same paths pne spade second round Boujh two A This position on the south wall you how many articles if a camp be pitched on one they hearts West and North pass East eaves with above be will the a very walk through it of such and such a two tpadea third round South three dry one Perhaps your rose ts sufferquality he is to write Beautiful hearts which would end the auction from lack of water turns form of nitrate ing for month each Foliage you you When the hand was played In a of soda given lone a aad number for reasons Too of yellow to have a tied rope Dllle Co) (Copyright John game ol duplicate contract there were wet or too dry a position or Jack of tablespoonful to a plant t weekly that man’s ego— and inan Improveuntil Intervals notice tlie same two Initial passes North Useful you nltrogerWln the soil may cause it stinctively he resents it ment Sprinkle the nitrate around bid two hearts East two spades and He wants to pull back Nitrogen may be supplied in the the stems 'Graduation but not touching and South four hearts like a puppy on the end water It Into the aoil This Is a splenthe At one table East opened with aad of a string being led by did tonic king of spades South (dummy) a small boy If ne were a soil needs your West and Maybe the deuce compoundthe Wedding played loose and permitted to trey ed fertilizer such as Vlgoro to supply North the five To the second trick go exactly where he ALBANY Ore Gifts Any man the various food elements East led the ace of spades South who thinks he can (UP)— leased he would follow wood might chop fhat boy to the end of Mrs Ohtrwlddn mill b did to n Cash or Terns played the four West the deuce of well consider the ability of Pete Mcrour qutitlons In her diamonds and North the queen of Laren world champion wood chop the world But tie a rope “The House of Virgin Diamonds’ and hold him to It Tell him as he ffwer a personal Mply pleat column Foritrdpri By ANGELO PATRI around bis neck and tend stamped envelopespadea East then captured his last per to Is bed goes he that Well tonight quite Getting dehim to of and lead he clubs and try trick with the ace He won $50 here by cutting through well again and that you expect him The White House was modeled Frankie had peen HI He had un- to behave will elt down on his clarer had a showdown for the re- a fir log 58 Inches In circumference as though he was and stick after the country seat of Duke of move and haunches In 2 Un45 severe only and for seconds minutes a and and game to it Have no fear of his making Leinster dergone maining tricks operation near Dublin by the sheer superior der terms of the contest he had to cut con- himself ill He won’t You’ll have a was a time THE CORRECT PLAY his family gravely force of the boy at the the log ln of the time retwo breaking him in or hard At the tables at which the hand quired day I tended well he him about But the of other end got rope by Paul Miller former Albany was played correctly East drew con- high school again but if you act as you So with the marriage football player and surprisingly fast once he started to had made up your mindthough once and siderable Information from the cards contract The very fact mend "He will not know it hap- for logger Roy Morlan of well is all Frankie that will he that he has sworn to played on the first trick He could Torth Albany and George W Hayes pened In a week or so" said the phy- believe it too” love honor and cherish a woman makes many men yearn with all sician see every spade except the queen of Albany McLaren won handily proudly Illness breaks all habits But as their souls to flee in the opposite direction Not because of anything the he did He kept right on know- soon a child Is well enough to wife has done — but because they are SUPPOSED to stay beside her all But It happened and demanding the controlas himself ing their days! again let him do so had Illness him his attention brought sancYet on the other hand the public acknowledgment and legal Help him to get back to health by was health his although completely of the can woman for lovo a tion of a man’s supreme expression signify giving him the support of the old that love Without a ceremony of eome sort without a definite marktn restored He refused to stay alone routine It will quickly reestablish of the hour of starting their life together he loye of most couples woul for a minute He Insisted that some itself If you half try and the child sort of thing And If love dies out after the member of the family ' depending will get well much faster It Is no bo a prety namby-pamb- y which one he chanced to think kindness! to a child to tell him how marriage ceremony the chances are that It would have died without a on out should read to him tell him 111 he ceremony Just as thoroughly as it died with one Few people are yet has been Let him forget all capable of being satisfied with a purely abstract recognition of their stories stroke his head sing for him about it Talk as little about It asi status They have to have legal sanction the county clerk’s permission amuse him generally - possible and drop all the bedside document to make them feel that their love "I want grandpa to Bing to me” manners and a and habits The less a child Is truly secure and safel "But Frankie grandpa Is tired thinks about the condition of his Sometimes I think nothing can ever wipe out the necessity for a He has just gone to Ills room for a and promises it incurs Men and nap He has been with you a lot to- body the healthier he will be marriage ceremony with all the oaths women need such a ceremony and want It And yet— when you bind a day Now let grandpa rest a little” The temptation to pet a convalescent child Is strong Some petting man or woman with a contract when you have him or her swear to love I want grandpa I want grand— is due him but try to see that it is honor and obey another for life you set In motion right there the desire and no more Try to get him to get away from that promise Just pure unadulterated human nature “There there now don’t excite enough to love health and Its ways Drop all that's all! rourself You’ll bring on a tempera-ur- e (Copyright 1931 Lo Anceles Ttmis 6rudtcU ) thought of Illness as soon as his conIf you must have grandpa why dition permits and he will be the ‘ of course he will come But really—” better for It And so will you and Nothing to Wear ?’ ”1 want—” all your house "All right all right Til call him” The phone rings It’a your husband He’s bringing Of course this sort of thing bethe chief home for dinner! Your favorite dinner frock (Mr Patrl will give personal atBy DR W A EVANS was came unbearable The family is at the cleaner's You feel that you simply can't tention to Inquiries frohi parents between the devil and the deep sea and school teachers on the care and If only you sparkle if you're wearing an old frock on Frankie his If they kept REPLY had that ravishing chiffon that you saw in The giving CROSSEYES AND UNFUSED development of children Write him (' ' a could not live ones 1 in But Hudson Bay's advertisement way they peace in care of this paper Inclosing Among “the prominent your allowance IMAGES won't permit It until next week Now if you've a are breads pastries desserts sweets single hour of the day If they tried stamped addressed envelope for The latest opinion Is that cross-ey- e cereals Nearly ill to was be to check he can him BAY make food HUDSON CHARGE ACCOUNT likely all you have every and cockeye are due less to some sugar A certain percentage of “Not a bit of It ” said the doctor to do is phone It's sent out and there you are at t J differences in the strength of pull of lean meat is convertible Into this "Send grandpa away for a rest Put (Copyright 1931 by the Bel Syndi-dica'V dinnertime radiantly smart I the eyeball than to the failure of the chemical the young man on his old schedule Inc) to The first retinal Images merge 2 One should limit the Intake of of these causes has been told so foods that make sugar To avoid often during the last 50 years that them entirely is to go without the everybody knows it Merging of the ordinary food images is new matter to most of us 3 Yes of some kinds ' Objects are seen by both eyes Im4 I doubt it ages are cast in the retina or screen of each eye Since each of the two CONCENTRATION eyes sees the object from a slightly A S writes: different location its image Is made I am in Wall street therefore I from a slightly different angle do not need concentration or brains Therefore the two images on the But I go to night school and that two screens are not exactly the same does I am in my right senses but In normal vision the two Images are I cannot concentrate What can I WHY NOT TRY LUX ? merged or fused into one and what do? MY HANDS LOOK DREADFUL we think we see is really a composite REPLY WHAT KIND OHANYTHING ORDINARY SOAPS DRV’ THEY’RE something of a compromise between You are Just where you ought to BUT JNO WONDER mirNoro) the two slightly different Images ac- be Your teachers can teach you to SOAP OF HANDY Loading Central Americtn Code UP THE Ol LS OF THE tually seen Some people have eyes concentrate Tell them your diffiJN THE DISHPAN shipment toFolger that do not fuse these two images culty and ask them to guide you DO YOU USE? SKIN — LEAiVE HANDS properly You need not tell Wall street TIMES A DA y A baby at birth and for some ROUGH AND j time thereafter eees two Images beOPERATION USUALLY CURES from NAILS cause his eyes have no ability to A J W writes: 1 fuse the Images As he grows older Is operation a successful cure BRITTLE West if his eyes are normal he learns to for hernia? see one mamma instead of two Fu2 Is there more than an average sion is an acquired capacity Some chance if care is exercised after the babies never acquire it If the power operation of a recurrence? to fuse Is never acquired the person 3 If there is no operation does New has a persisting double vision hernia gradually grow worse even of In order to get away from the in- though a truss la worn? convenience of two almost similar 4 Is It necessary to wear a truss Can images the muscles pull one eye in or other protective device after op (crosseye) or out (cockeye) because eratlon? two dissimilar Images are less conREPLY fusing If crosseye is permitted to 1 Yes as a rule 2 Recurrence Is not to be expersist for years the crossed eye loses LF your eoffee has lost its oldtime the power to see Therefore treat- pected but It sometimes (mu ment of crosseye 'should never be 3 I expect so but thehappens progress Best and delight non)) postponed It is said that If it is al- downward is slow Wearing a truss lowed to persist beyond the seventh cures some cases- If it tastes suspiciously “fist” or thin From mountain plantation mule year of life the ability to see and 4 It may be best to wear a bind—no matter how you make it bring these codec to town certainly the ability to fuse the im- er for a while but not permanently ages can never be regained (Copyright 1931 by the Chicago Try a change — m real change not Tribune) YOU'LL BE DELIGHTED just another “brand”— but a (differ- of rich volcanic soil altitude sun’s FOODS THAT CREATE SUGAR I'M GOING TO TRY IT FOR DISHES TOO-I- T O G N writes: ent kind of coffee Try the flavor of rays and tropic rainfall— that is I CANT TELL THE DIFTRY I IT 1 Besides 'potatoes what other OF COURSE USE TONIGHT! GIVES YOUR HANDS rare coffee from a different part of found nowhere else in the world foodstuffs create sugar In the blood? FERENCE BETWEEN BEAUTY CARE 3 LUX 'FOR FINE the world 2 Should one avoid all starchy The Folger Test foods to cut down the high sugar THE HANDS OF A ’ TIMES A DAY THINGS — They come from certain mountain content? WOMAN WHO USES LUX 3 Is a periodic canker sore In the districts along the West Coast of Would you like to see for yourself just how different these coffees are — mouth a symptom of stomach disorCentral America A region where THOSE OF AND in richness and in flavor? Here’s a der? Nature produces coffee utterly un4 Would nervous Indigestion and WOMAN A test that is as simple asit is fair like any you ever tasted before acid stomach cause total alopecia? Coffeea with a rare tang and rich' ' Tomorrow morning drink Folger’s mellow body that world experts ' The next morning drink the coffee concede Have no equal today Cof- - you have been using The third fees (rtira which Nature leaves out morning drink Fplger’s again In a the “rough" offensive oil morning or two you will decidedly favor one or the other the best This day carries genius especially coffee wins That’s fair isn’t it? Introduced by Folger In diplomacy and with assistance tasted the cefrom relatives nature la a little Years ago Central American coffee FOLGER COFFEE COMPANY too sympatheticTheand blows and real that apeaka for itself-Kansas City San Francisco sneers will hurt exceedingly though was first served in the famous BoheBalias not much show will be made of the haye you beard it tell the mian restaurants of San Francisco ' each toasted pain inflicted If there should come world how where it was introduced by Folger a severe shock to the affections It is bubble is P good Travelers tasting it there were capliable to develop a morbid tendency which should be strenuously fought tivated by its unusual flavor Flavor r Pour milk cream in a TODAY’S BIRTHDAYS produced by a peculiar combination bow! of gojden Rice Kris- " t)r Herman A Spoehr director of — im4 natural sciences the Rockefeller pies then listen to it snap Deli Foundation bom in Chicago 48 years and crackle Crisp SAVING THE GAME They Are that card might be In either the West or North hand (West would not have signaled with queen and deuce) so East s best play under such ctrcum stances was to lead a small spade That lead would not make dummy’s Jack a winner If West had the queen If North had the spade queen West would be able to trump and to lead a club up to dummy's weakness Saving the game hinges upon East's second spade lead Should he lead the ace West would not dare to trump because the lead might have been from five spades and In that case North would have two spades loft and East leading the third round West could-nif- f that Had North cannily the on of the first trick it queen spades would not have deceived a clever East In that case the five would be the only spade unseen by East and he could place it in the North hand because holding the five and deuce West would have played the former on the first trick They Aren't false-card- r Oregonian Wins Chopping Honors I Hears Talk Through the Qarden Qate Spain Of Coup d’Etat t I HAVE GROWN By Maud Cbegwldden The three most common peonies I believe are the Festive Maxima white Edulis Superba dark pink and Officinalis Rubra bright red These are all early bloomers and are sold extensively without their names merely as "white” “pink” or "red” It is nice to have some of these especially the Festive Maxima which although a very old variety rates 92 out of a possible 10 but one need not stop there when there are literally hundreds of varieties with much to recommend- them Monsieur Jules Elle I consider one of the finest peonies In existence My plant is grown no more than three feet away from the trunk of a poplar tree and it has not been fertilized since it was set out five years ago In spite of this this year It has borne 17 perfect flowers of a particularly good shade of pink and there are many more buds The blooms are enormous as large as an Infant’s head and the fragrance delicious Avalanche is a good white companion to this peony blooming a little later but Just as freely It is sweetly scented also SOME PEONIES OUR CHILDREN two-thir- Are People Changing' slgnea-and-seal- ed oris Coffee? “Both” Say 1 Domestic Science Experts WHAT! HOW TO KEEP WELL St: re-pi- y- te A Beauty Secret in - 0 ? Rare Coffees her Dishpan — the Coast of Central Are Giving A Idea Row Good Coffee Be America I have y bra Ih®amod 1 it? HOROSCOPE FOR TODAY Have you — or cree fTc Lovely hands for If a day - a ago William C Redfleld secretary of commerce bom at Albany N Y 73 years ago Raymond B Stevens adviser on financial affairs to the Siamese government bom at Binghamton N Y 57 years ago Cyrus H K Curtis noted Philadelphia publisher bom at Portland Me VACUUM 81 years ago PACKED Harold C Keith prominent Brockton Mass shoe manufacturer bom Qf Ctuml there 47 years ago —Almayi Fruk Carolyn Wells author bom at RahwAy N J 82 years ago one-tim- e ' - — cious Order a package from your grocer Made by Kellogg e Creek rce hushes uwaawa RICE KUISPIES r V I '! i The big box does six weeks’ dishes Beauty Experts Beauty experts advise using Lux for dishes taf s because it softand all skin the and soothes preserves the natuens ral oils Even a few dishwashings with Lux leave your hands ever so much whiter and lovelier It’a the easiest the most inexpensive beauty care in the world! ’ soap-and-wa- ter |