Show ‘ r 4 t THE SALT LAKE TltlUUXE THURSDAY MOltxlXG 10 JUXE 18 1931 1 HEIWS RECIPES SEWING 'HINTS FOR' THOSE WHO BUDGET THE HOME § OC 1 ARTISTIC TREATMENT OF DECORATION - AND DESIGN FOR' THE HOUSE’S INTERIOR average 8 feet 101' Inches in Athletics Creates height one of the tallest groups In the world and that the average college girl la 5 feet 48 inches toll her ancestors In all bodily Improved Race surpassing respects except breadth of hips ETY CAMBRIDGE Mass (UP)— A race The Chinese make a candy from erect and shapely humans CHAPTER 47 loves him This other woman doesn’t Jenny listening and the of lithe Interpolating the heavier and of bet- sugar and rose petals r He rose and looked down on her count” sakl Jenny magnificently necessary exclamations and mur- ter men taller the women taller and ' "Anything” he told her conscious "Well who said she did?” asked murs Larry and Lominer went moreproportions than their predecesBusiness and Professional of a sense of relief of reprieve for Larry walking together In the boxwood gar- sors Isgraceful being developed through colLorrtmer got him by phone ( Women’s tlub monthly dinner den where Lorrimer told him briefly which be hated himself athletics according to statistics lege be "I v Can there 6:30 p m Country club had hold hat thought you'd ybu "Then get of that press agent happened assembled by Professor E S Hooton come over?" he wanted to know lad I want to talk to him” of Harvard university Westminster Presbyterian She will— It'S rathe? Taking It Like Soldier If too course Of Mitchell? Larry Data gathered- from Harvard " Tells church Women's Missionary Himself Larry be won’t theHe’s hard of Mrs at WHITE BUHilY Mr Smith and Jack probably Long Wellesley Vassar Smith and Mt ‘A delightful affair of Wednesday While Larry was answering Jenny “No need to' go Into details Vou Holyoke society 2 p m Mrs J 8 Hanow” visit a have week’s showed that college sons Beach Wynnes’ arrived for Fresh From the Freezer was the tea given byMrs Jacob E ven 609 Eleventh East street 'j danced hissaround him now about everything frantically In a sense "Wynnes’?’’ with Mrs Harry C Jessen 1547 HarFANCY ICE CREAMS not sup- you’re responsible’’ ing “Remember you’re enIs Mitchell 6f ours Bamberger at her home In Cotton said Lorrimer avenue Mrs curlers rison "Neighbors this these When for evening purpose church Sunday Immanuel Baptist wood In compliment to her grandposed to know anything about re trying to smile "for It was you who curlers are used Ihe hairs remain1 AND SHERBETS Lawrence Naylor gave a supper for gaged to the daughter” Women’s society 12:30 p m "Oh yes I remember A young man cent developments” at which Larry gave’ Mary Lou the advertisement uncombed thus forming a neat and daughter Mrs John E Bamberger a In their honor dozen — Thirguests 929 East Ward R Mrs J f°und himself a bride of the past a Inter A profit Into the In which was smirking love He I as ’can the Indeed fashionable end arrangement Mrs Roy GrdSsbeck gave a perfect pictureonly designate teenth South street Delicious Flavors to m wreathed his smiles lace Phone slcn of summer flowers from the gar-- i Many fatal’—" of Well that stole more for get' luncheon for Mrs and the mature or sedate type touching Smith bridge 1 JollUy From 11 Choose dens of the hostess acre ised for thci Gosh!” me him can for I takwant to "he's ask Mrs you covers were Mrs thought for Larry Smith church laid First Congregational If Lorrimer could see him decorations and one hundred and flf-- i 2 p m ing It like a soldier—’’ (Copyright 1931 by Newspaper Enid Orlob Mrs Jessen Mrs Edward lilm something" Missionary society 756 SO MAIN ttle later they rode over tot "And” Lorrimer went on "It was After Lorrimer had left the roomi80 ty guests were bidden ’ Feature Service Inc) 57 Sixth H Jenkins Mrs Victor Mrs Boxrud Holt J H A Mrs Westwood while Mrs l Lorrimer a and Was 4353 you who found Delight She wants K Ball Mrs Ray C Green Mrs Wil- she lay back against the pillows and East street to Jenny In Uie library andjto talk to you I don’t know a hat French hard rolls fresh from the Matron to Visit liam Connor Mrs H Arnold Rich tried to think her way out There tked to her very carefully the about I’ve asked mother to tell ovens at Glaus’ 265 So Main Adv) Past Matrons’ circle O E S Mrs Steven H Beesley and Mrs was no doubt that she was tempted explained Mrs Charles A Allen of Lima Peru whole situation as It now stands Jenny the story- - you don’t want to 1 p m Mrs Ed Diamond 874 Frank S Gainey Thursday Mrs Terribly tempted She admitted as will arrive Sunday In San Pedro and keep any secrets from your wife do East South Temple street Jessen and Mrs Keith Klmmerer will much to herself Why hadn’t Mary will come to Salt lake next week "And moreover you?” he asked (T tea from 3 until 6 o’clock for Lou stayed and fought It out with a - to spend the summer with her moth give 1:30 club she'd have to know soon” S B A Thimble the visitor One hundred and fifty her?" er Mrs Jacob E Bamberger in Cot1207 Etchers "I’ll see Miss Harford” CALLAWAY HOOCK & p m Mrs John Larry Invitations have been Issued Friday tonwood Major Allen will Join Mrs “But" Why had she “Lord what a muddle Alameda avenue promised Mrs Victor K 'Ball will entertain thought Delight "in this case runAllen early In July as And most It of fault" you say my at a luncheon for Mrs Smith Tues- ning away took more courage All Susanna Eaton tent No 1 "I’m not blaming you I’m thankA reception will be given Thursday day Mrs William Connor of Los An- she had to do was stay and say 66 South Main of Union Veterans Lorrimer him “lor assured Daughters ing you” look at both of evening by J Walcott Thompson geles who Is spending the summer nothing and let him 2 p m I O O P hall If it hadn't been for the advertisehavsmiled She Miss Thompson '’and Miss Dorothy in Balt Lake was hostess at luncheon us" very bitterly ment— and you — and Mary Lou Jane Thompson In compliment to Mr and bridge at Plnecrest inn The ing no Illusions “But now that she Extends to Companions of Needlecraft I'd be right where I was last aupublic a cordial invitation to run has said one which were and Mrs Walcott Bishop Thompson table Delight to herseated at away” guests 1:30 p m Mrs B H tumn was In which considerable self "she’s me clear left a who were recently married In Camfield was centered bowl a of red and with 1134 Seventeenth attend a special exhibition of the beautiful outer darkness You know Mitchell bridge Mass yellow wild flowers blue tapers were East street the Center for experiment to I don’t have to tell you” at either end Covers were marked frolnUkeadvamtage of It But1testnow and tcor a newly discovered serum which “You’re not sore at Mary Lou?” Clara M Clawson announces the for Mrs Smith Mrs Harry C Jes-se- then I’ve always been a fool” Evenglow club 8 p m Mrs It Is hoped will provide immunity asked Lorry directly but a little arrival of "Travel-Tweecoats in Mrs C C Countryman Mrs' Before dinner Larry Mitchell ar Sadie Anderson 564 East Sixth the dread disease typhus— more hesitantly than was usual to advance fall models Just the thing Walde Moore Condon Mrs Charles rived He arrived In a condition against South street News item him for motor train or ocean trip New a Ollmer Mrs Keith Klmmer which strongly resembled excitement Warren "No” low prices 38 North State Apt 4 Berean society 2 p m Mrs er Mrs James Steele Miss Beth for Jenny meeting him at the staQUESTIONS Larry looked at Lorrimer’s face of course tion had afternoon that Vic(Advertisement) Mrs George W H1U 150 Seventh B Mrs 1 Whitney Raymond Under what organizations’ di- closed against him like a fist not street East tor Ball Mrs A Cyril Calllster and told him the whole story of her en- rection are the tests being made? hostile but a little menacing In Its — direct from the Lenox Potteries and shown here Birthday Cakes are made to order counter with Mary Lou Mrs George Roberts 2 Why su-they being made in complete Jack of revelation its hard at Glaus’ at little cost Dainty and Harmony club 1 p m Mrs In “She said touch she'd ' under supervision of the factory representative with China? keep delicious reticence Glaus’ 265 So Main B Lapey 414 Redondo avenue Mr and Mrs A H Parsons have as us But she won't Where has she 3 For what period of time may a “Well” suggested Larry with an (Advertisement) Thursday and Friday Juue 18th and 19th only An their guests for a couple of days Dr gone?” Jenny demanded frantically person expect immunity from typhus assumed lightness "suppose I go unusual opportunity because many of the designs and Mrs Pierce C Barrette whose “What will she do? Larry we must If the tests prove successful? see Miss Harford? Didn’t you say marriage took place recently in New find her she’s breaking her heart 4 How many injections are she’d left the revue? Perhaps she Popular Visitor displayed are not carried in stock but may be Mrs Arthur Blake Thomas will en York They are en route to their over Travers and this idiotic woman given? wants me to square her with the ordered Included will be special at this time home Cal Is in whoever San it’s Jose And all she 5 FRECKLES Under what names la typhus powers that be” tertoln at a luncheon Thursday at your new Dinnerware patterns Service Plates Dessert fault! To think that I have prom popularly known? the Country club In compliment to Miss Eleanor Lowe daughter of lsed to marry such an unmitigated 6 Is it a contagious disease? DisMrs William Neill of Menlo Paik (Copyright by Faith Baldwin and Salad Plates V How does climate affect typhus tributed by King Features SyndiCaL who has been the guest of Dr Mr and Mrs William J Lowe will lmbecllel” cried Jenny very much return Thursday from Mills college upset fever? cate Inc) and Mrs Robert R Hampton and where she has completed her sophoS NO OBLIGATION TO BUY— BUT ORDERS MAY What Insect Is a dangerous carMr and Mrs William 8 Worthington Couldn’t Keep Pre tending more year rier of the germ? for is week the and the bow Old-Fashion- ed guest I past ' BE PLACED IF YOU WISH "freckle-timTo End NOW the of Time e at 9 What features characterize the begin of Mr and Mrs Thomas Tuesday (fobs Daughters will hold a garden 'Check I" agreed Larry as dis- disease? prevent freckling t keep your Mrs Arthur Thomas enterevening the home of Miss Jane Lay turbed as she “But how could I 9 Skin fair "all summer with Plough’s ANSWERS tained at a delightful supper party avenue Peroxide that Mary Lou dam her would 1 The tests are being made un(Vanishing) Cream 1 for the visitor when twenty mem- June 20 from 4 to 8 p m Saturday know the spill complicated beans? I tel) der the direction of the Antityphus bers of the younger set were Invited Plough’s Cleansing Cream ends Jenny I was blamed near keep Association of Belgium The serum n of the night section of the you the tlun congestion Meeting whole business to myself but with which the doctors are working pores) Mr and Mrs Max Pepper have ing Mizpoh chapter scheduled for Fri- I couldn't You see the situation was recently discovered by Polish ad gives immaculate beauty gone to Boulder Colo to attend the day has been Indefinitely postponed had to be cleared up tooner or later doctors In Warsaw Plough's Cold Cream nourishes your graduation of their son Milton from 2 Because the disease is more By JOSETOINE HUDDLESTON skin and preserves its youthful on pretending the University of Colorado medical A No 3510 will give a picnic Mary Lou couldn't go B S in the north and northsmoothness! time She couldn’t prevalent school They will be accompanied! Darty Friday evening Members Kid curlers have again come to the will to the end of Lorrimer until all of west of the country than in any fore home during the early part of next rnett at the hall 323 stalling and proven of greater importSouth State keep other part of the world Back of Plouth'o Paratdd Vanlahlnr us and were I and had you son week gray daughter-in-latheir and by street at 7 p m For information call our 3 For about nine months After ance to hair dressing than ever beCleaaatnc and Cold Craanu comoo la 89c around our who will remain in Salt Lake Mrs playful ZSo and SOc aliae grandchildren that time the injection is expected fore With the growing-i- n bob re-or Kay Bridge e rheumatic knees — ” for a few daya before going to e to weaken the force of the attack bob of shoulder length the ends Fresno Calif "You take a lot for granted!" to a point where It will be no more quire almost daily care if thpy are Mrs R Li Eddington and Mrs C a she smiled sniffed deBut serious at a Amott entertained than a mild case of Influ- to appear well groomed and so conJenny The Talmud Torah auxiliary of the Ralph dinner "Sure I do That's the only way to enza form with an otherwise fashionable Monteflore Sisterhood will give a lightful at the party Wednesday 4 Two injections are given about and flattering coiffure quoth the Hermitage in Ogden get along in this life" don’t ilcnlc Sunday at Liberty park Mem- evening worry a week apart The curling iron aided somewhat in canyon In honor of Mrs E B Bus&th unabashed Larry "But bers will meet at the flagpole at 2 of 5 "Famine fever” "Jail fever” solving the problem of Sacramento a Salt Lake visitor honey I'll take a jaunt out to Oakstraight ends and fever" sure p m I'm dale I’ll She'll “hospital go there A dozen guests attended the affair but in inexperienced hands the Iron 6 It is very contagious take her and shake her—" was often overheated and the result 7 Although It has appeared in all was Mr and Mrs Victor William Sweet “And bring her back to me" oror split ends Then too has kinkyburnt and small son Richard Armstrong dered Jenny ’’She needn't go to parts of the world the disease rather than ringlet ends are or cold in temperate Sweet left last week for southern Westwood House She can see Aunt raged mostly often the result of improper curling California where they expect to Margaret here She needn't lay eyes climates with an iron 8 The flea A little experience with kid curlers spend several weeks They will visit on Travers— but I can't endure to by great prossome time In San Francisco and Lake think of her eating her heart out 9 It Is recognized severe nervous and you'll consider them a most imof tration strength — Lake before to Tahoe Salt somewhere thinking he hates her returning symptoms and a peculiar eruption portant aid in the grooming of a a These curlers may Oh she told me he’d hate her! on the skin Typhus usually con- lovely coiffure Miss Martha Ensign Honoring be purchased in department stores this can't you choke Delight tinues about fourteen days bride-ele- ct a prettily arranged mis- Larry come In a dose sizes Thus If or of and several her person give cellaneous shower and bridge party arsenic? Because it's ’Mary Lou the hair is short a smaller curler is (Copyright 1031 King Features was given Wednesday evening by whom Travers really loves And she used than when the hair has grown Syndicate Inc) Miss Ann Crowther and Miss Alton shoulder length In at the home the Young Young The time necessary for the curlers Summer Kensington apartments to remain In the hair depends enflowers In a pink and white color tirely upon its texture and condition scheme formed the decorations The Two or three hours of time is suffollowing were bidden Miss Ensign ficient in some cases while others Mrs L LeRoy Ensign Mrs Florence Q Will are however three other must let the curlers remain in over yea settle a dispute by There Lands Steele Miss Dolores Graves Miss call night Mohammedans Holy printing In your Information column Ruth Streeper Miss Erma Hales when After the hair moisten and where the first surar fac- Mecca the Holy Land because MaMiss Margaret McKinley Miss Max- tory was established In Utah?— F M homet was born there Chinese the ends brushing with water then placing a ine Hanford Mrs Fay Aldrich Miss D Lehi Buddhists call India the Holy Land kid curler under the extreme end of YEARS AFTER Lola Ensign and Miss Mary Belle A The first successful sugar fac- because it was the native land of a lock of hair twist each end o'f the the Buddha the curler so that the hair winds itself Ensign tory in the state was established at Sakya-MuLehl and began active operations on Greeks consider Ells as the Holy around the curler Continue twinOctober 12 1891 ThU factory was Land from the temple of Olympian ing or For June Bride the curler until the For half a century Leonard as an experiment Zeus and the sacred festival held desired winding Mrs John O McGlnley and her regarded by many length of hair has been years four there every fachas been making high and successful which curled Then fold or bend each end mother Mrs W O'Rourke were co- tories atproved 5 CUBIC FOOT Ogden Logan Payson Lewhostesses at a beautifully arranged iston Garland quality refrigerators Now Q— Would you kindly publish the of the curler which secures it in some other towns CAPACITY Remember must place the that hair dates on second which formal dinner party Wednesday eve- followed But and the Leonard introduces its respective as March as early be wound from the extreme end or ning at the O’Rourke home In com- 1852 John Taylor purchased In En- - third and Victory loans were called Indefinite new electric refrigerator or kinky rather than ringpliment to Miss Victoria H Unarm a gland the machinery for sugar mill for redemption by the government? let ends will result bride-ele- ct combining til that is The guests were seated he equipment arrived in Salt Lake C H L Logan at a long table which held an attrac- City in due time and the mill was A— The second Liberty loan issue For shorter hair however kid ' ? CUBIC FOOT good in modem electric tive centering bowl filled with pink set up in What U now known as was called on November 15 1927 curlers may be used for an CAPACITY refrigeration In addition roses and ferns Garden flowers Sugarhouse where the first molasses The third Issue matured September ringlet effect This Is done by dividLeonard Electric offers a were used throughout the rooms was made from cane sugar beets not 15 1938 The Victory 4 4 issue was ing the hair in sections and winding Covers were laid for a dozen guests being introduced tintlf 1855 The called December 15 1922 and the each section around a kid curler special Chillomcter with CONVENIENT TERMS Following dinner tables were ar- mill was not altogether a success Victory 3 34 issue was called June Then Instead of running- the comb ive different freezing was not 151922 through the hair separate the curls mainly because the country ranged lor bridge Mothers-Appreciat- e e with the fingers This particular arspeeds and 23 extra in- yet ripe for such an enterprise Bllver Maple circle 108 Neighbors s ulatlon that guarantees certified refrigeration Hie Q— Would you please tell mo the rangement is especially flattering to of Woodcraft will hold the regular Q I have but recently come to height of Gloria Swanson motion the younger girls or sportswomen Chil-le- r and bandy Defroster are added conveniences I arrival have since my If a straight rolled effect at the meeting at 8 p m Friday in the L O Utah and picture actress? term tne heard "Valley frequently O F hall of Idaho the Is neck desired dime nape the Leonard Electric is priced lower than you would tan'’ used but have not been given A—Gloria Swanson Is five feet tail stores offer a variety of special for such a fine refrigerator Learn how economeconomy of the a satisfactory explanation of its expect TI1E convenience and 111 Clover Leaf-Harr- ls cream- you kin ical it is to buy and operate see it on display GROCERS KEEP ?r Delightful Tea Many Affairs Honor Visitor From West Coast Events of the Day At Bamberger Home Wednesday TRY t — Wed-nerda- 06 “ j FRANCIS run-away- ? & I the Chris-tophers- Id-fam- d” OflONA WENODX I ! e -- PREVENT USETHIS CREAM Kat 6Kid Curlers Boh Growing-I- (dirt-clogg- for 1- -2 w D2AUTY CHEANIS qsrrrrrrrr7? TRIBUNE INFORMATION The New LEONARD &ledn ’ 50 nl i EXPERIENCE 205' t: all-ov- er 277M Careful - Stranrrr Salt top bottle the dependable freshness of this selected speedily gathered milk the scientific care with which It is effectively pasteurized for absolute safety the added protection of the sanitary Kleen-Kap- s which keep this clean milk clean! REAL CHEESE : III ICE BOX These exclusive features make Clover Milk the choice of the greatest number of Salt Lake homes each morning Tet this milk with all Its extra qualities and extra safeguards costs you no more than ordinary milk Tou are cordially Invited to visit our dairy at any time Fhone us now and order a regular daily delivery to your home Women Learn They Can’t Get Real Cheese Flavor From ” Faekaged Kept en Counter Leaf-llarr- is Old-Tim- e "Nair-Chaase- Housewtvee who want the g musics old tints cheese flavor In their cooking bare learned that they must use real Cbeeee and not a "processed” or "pasteurized" This simply means they must get their packaged cheese from the grocer's lea box becaoea real cheese having no preservatives added must bo kept cool ilka milk or good butter It can not be near-chee- Just call Wasatch 2177 vu x it MUk Clover Leaf-Har- ri selected by Mice Pauline Edwarda for uie the Cooking School In The Tribune-Telegra- m Auditorium thU week left on the counter e mixTbo packaged tures marked "processed” or "pasteurized” are not real- natural cheat) They have been rooked and mixed with other Ingredients This destroys the delicate real cheese flavor and also makes them harder to digest Doctors will tall you so Grocers bars the real genuine fullmllk Cheddar Cheese In packages marked "Bluhlll” It Is made easy to spread and will giro your cbeeee sandwiches tidbits and tasty dishes ‘ the real near-chees- - old-tim- e atf tim ii lllhi i V A “Valley Tan” was the name choeen for the second newspaper published in Salt Lake the first Issue appearing in 1858 in which the editor explains the reason for the choice as follows: '“‘Valley tan’ was first applied to the leather made in this territory In contradistinction to the imported article from the states it gradually began to apply to every article made or manufactured or produced in this territory and means In the strictest sense ‘home manufacturers until It has entered and become an Indispensable word In Utah vernacular and It will add a new word to the En- Circumstances and J’llsh language form the mint from which our language Is coined and we therefore stamp the name and put It In circulation” Some of the troops at camp Floyd aided in the production of the weekly paper Q What la tha origin and mean Whist?— Card ing of the Aftrmd One risk J )h no woman can afford cdardivafeGo c ALT LAKE CITY UTAH—BOISE GRAND FUNCTION Unknown substitutes are health risk you know Kotex is pure Axrii-- mt Bail Mali Aitom C Fmllr C8ilt Lain Cltr Utah E G Bcanatt PaUasla SerrleHetaT Can Faraltara Ca Brzaar’c CaMwaU Can Faraltara Ca laattl Cat Faraltara Ca Naan Far A CasUt Fart Mara Salima ChrtaUaaaaa Faraltara Ca Fraatlar Saratr Ca Lbr Tara Kamanrar no woman THERE’S one chance take That's the chance of poorly made sanitary protection It may look like Kotex But who made it? Where? How? Who guarantees safety health protection ? You know you’re safe with' Kotex It’s a hospital product— last year 10000000 pads were used in hospitals alone Kotex is pure cheese flavor you have wanted Look for the name Bluhlll— on the why b It so called?— Bible Student clean immaculate through and package Bluhlll means real cheese Logan Don’t sacrifice this assurthrough A Palestine call Christiana the it baa meant real cheese for more Land because It was the site ance tt’tr Kotex is Available every-then 31 years aJt ofHoly Christ s birth ministry and death: CCaill makers yot ?n addition Kotex offers every comfort It is amazingly soft and ts softness lasts KOT eX Sanitary Napkins Cala Utah Itab Msba Maha tiah Utah Mataal Leaker Ce Brlee Utah F O’CenaeU Seaerler Wrt Okay Ba4le A Elee Shea Serene Make Carl Pehnea Electric Ca Lana Utah PiekreU Meter Ca Behl Make Pawail Serrlea Sletlea Nytea Ore BiehfteU Fernltara CaRlekftet4r Utah S A ReekaeeS Para Ce Salt Lake City It Eeeerear Hdwe Ce Glenna Ferry Idahe L Eebnldt A Same Hardware Wra Oread Jiaellea Gaar A Ca Bana Oraaaa L Schnldt A Sea Hardware Delta Shelter Graaarr'a HAaa A Haraaaa Ca Baaart 1 4a S heller Bdwe Ca SberherA Hdwe A Imp Ce Parle aatrl A T array Faraltara Ca Glnw4 Syrian Cala Rntlh Bdwe A Inp Ce Ricky Baataa Malar Ca Haalaa 14aba S wanna A Matter Barter Maakar Faraltara Stara Meeker Cele A Sweatea (Mama Para) Mama Mlaer Mere Ce Mat Deal Tartar Faraltara C Hetchklse Rack Serine Wye Wendell Bdwe C Ltd Wradell Maaa’i Petal A Para Stara Tala Fella He' Teaea-FInllm- a la Farattarg C Mertaaeh H4aa Ce MerUetk Hake Mantra L ' IDAHO COLO— POCATELLO IDAHO SELECT TOUR LEONARD ELECTRIC FROM ANT ONE OF THE FOLLOWING ' LEONARD FRANCHISE DEALERS: O C to huHta WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS eujmn Flayer A This game originated In En' gland In the 16th century and was gradually evolved from several older games It waa first known as Triumph whence trump then Raff or Honors and finally Whist Whist was so called because of its requiring alienee and close attention Ed--In the middle of the 18th century nd Hoyle and others published rules and maxims for playing The present rules are a Combination formed by Dr Henry Jones of London and Nicholas B Trist of New Orleans La Q Where la the Holy Land and h Gud I Cala Utah Idaka Idaka Idaka Idah Utah Si Cel Idah Cala 1- - |