Show The Weather UTAH— Generally fair little change In Wirrsture cloudy' and mild: tern- ( Local Metal "Prices local T thunderstorm in mountains Thursday IDAHO— Cloudy and mild local thunder storms the mountains WYOMING-unsettled n'west Mostly fair (Detailed' Report on Page Twenty-seve- 123 NO 22 0 INDIA l SALT LAKE CITY WEDNESDAY MORNING MAY 6 193i A a) o)1? fc’la) o) util If lit ENTERS FRENCH PLAN SILVER STUDY Brings Ovation on Tells Progress BLOCK ACTION Again Leads in Boosting Plan for China World Conference 'Washington May 5 -India with -- no voice in - her took Issue with the previously stated British objection to an International conference for the stabilization of silver and arrayed herself squarely alongside China which has taken the lead in urging a worldwide study of the greatest economic problem of the AVY AUTO PROVIDES STRENGTH Former - CLUE of Chamber Deputies Insists Large Scale ConBe Started struction Fugitive Serving Ten Yearn Record Reto Life veals Long Death List By RALPH IIEINZEN BCISE May 5 M1)— The picture of Lyda Southard slayer of at least one husband fleeing to freedom in a second hand automobile driven desirous of enterby an was ing tee bootlegging business drawn today by prison officials woman was The believed by prison E 2 the most modem battle cruiser afloat the first of two “mystery” treaty cruisers of 23333 tons on which French naval experts have been working for more than a year It will be a rapid protected cruiser capable of beating Germany’s new and the latest Italian models The ship will have a speed of nearly 31 knots will carry six guns will be electrically welded to increase its speed and will have special armor plate to make it albe E Roberts Reno Gives Wet Mayor Third Term Platform BY COUNTY Moormeister Murder Case Dismissed for Lack of Prosecution ATTORNEY PLANS NEW COMPLAINT him Death Ambition Rule in Aviation 16 from the two years of a pentence for theft of an automobile In Bannock county She Interrupted a ten-yeto life sentence in the penitentiary at 10:30 o’clock last night by usabout ing a cleverly constructed ladder a garden hose and a rope made of blanket strips to scale the Wall surrounding tee cottage in which women prisoners are confined She had sawed a three-fourtInch bar out of her window to escape from her cell Woman Describes Suspicious Automobile Officers sought to connect Minton with the crime after Mrs Lawrence Baker living in the east part of the city near tee prison reported-sear FREIGHT RATES The first degree murder complaint charging Charles Peter with the slaying of Mrs was—dlsmlssed-Tuesday‘'fo- r lack of prosecution” by City Judge James A Stump The dtef ess ) (By the Associated ambition Death tragedy hope and reigned yesterday over aviation in the four corners of the world Death struck three British fliers on two continents Among the three was Captain Glenn Kidston millionaire aviator -- sportsman who set a new record of six and one half days for a flight fr6m England to Cape Town South Africa Defense Lawyer Says Client Remains to Face New Count Dorothy Dexter Moormeister e ghi?ridMinjTIirecJIritQns-Direleased on April prison after serving tic Japan Sea Flier Hops Trio Plans Flight eBcapeTast a former convict ot Landslide Returns Roberts on “Wide Open ” GREELEY Colo May (5 Afl— A salesman James Foster was held in jail for questioning tonight- while authorities continued their Investigation of an incendiary fre that early today took the lives of his wife and three children Foster was accused of the crime by his daughter Mildred who died late this afternoon at the hospital “Daddy did it” the girl told Searll Roberta chief of police “lie woke us up threw gasoline in our faces and lit a match to the room” Mrs Myrtle Roberts 40 the mother also accused her husband of setting fire to the home She died three hours after the fire started but was able to tell officers that her husband poured two gallons of gasoline on the beds and ignited the room “He threatened to do it” the woman gasped on a hospital bed as she lay dying “He burned us up" Darline the daughter of the Fosters was burned to ashes before Mildred could bring assistance Another child Geraldine aged 3 died in the hospital almost at the same time ' her mothersucrumbed Foster Was arrested a few miles from Ault Colo but denied any part ui the fire He told officers his wife had started the fire and claimed she had been acting strangely for some time Later Foster said he did not want to say his wife had lied about V Aided Woman in Bold Dash for Liberly Convict- AIM Charels Dumont minister of th navy completed the 1931-3building program and copies were distributed comto members of the navy tonight mittee of the chamber of deputies to permittee project Jx he presented to the chamber Thursday The project calls for tee building of 48533 tons at a cost of 1293000-00francs ($50427000) Program Includes Other War Vessels The chief unit of the program will SOLONASSERTS DELAY ASKED Officers' Believe since 1922 own government and completely subservient to the will of Great Britain made herself heard in the forum of the International Chamber of Commerce this afternoon when she lylMlMi RUM Cruisers Seen as Most Modern Battleships Now Afloat PARIS May 5 (UP)— Prance will continue during the coming year to pile up her naval strength adding nearly 50000 tons including her first post-wa- r battle cruisers to the re Juvenated navy she has been building By HARRY J BROWN Tribune Correspondent A JUDGE DENIES Two POES STRIVE TO o 3171a 28 CENTS AGES-FI- VE LINKS Dying Child Says Father Lit Fire That Killed Four RING IN PRISONBREAK “Mystery” t SUver Zinc IDAHO LARGE FLEET of Chamber Floor OF 1280c 28 m FIGHT TO WIN BUILDING Stirring Plea for Aid 9?67c Copper Dead in VOL — — - was granted over the strenuous objection of County Attorney Matthew Cowley who announced that a new complaint would be filed prcfoably with?- in 10 days Kidston was killed at Van Reenan Natal Africa when his plane crashed In & storm With him was also killed T A Gladstone pioneer British commercial flier In a crash 100 miles east of Port Defense Attorney T D Lewis told tee court that Peter would remain In the city and be prepared to face any new charge provided It was filed within a reasonable length of time Peter left the courtroom Tuesday with his face wreathed In smiles He declined to talk to reporters but Mrs Peter expressed her satisfaction with tee outcome of the case Peter who has been In the county jail since his arrest early Sunday morning went Immediately to hla home at SI Sixth East street County Prepares to V Bring Witnesses Here RENO Nev May5 US)— Edward E n Roberts colorful exponent of of main Orient and one gambling and quick divorce and Arthur Ontario Canada Lloyd New-buan ardent antlprohlbttionlst was sent the contributing causes back to the mayor’s chair for a third eing pilot was killed and Earl Hodgan automobile and driver son was seriously injured four-yeterm today by a majority acting queerly in front Of her home prevalent worldwide depresAt Famborough England Flight that completely snowed under the shortly before Mrs Southard is besion Lieutenant H R D Waghorn British votes of his more conservative oppo- lieved to have escaped The "underdog” as India appeared f Schneider nents Howard S Doyle and Mllburn Nevada Congressman Sees most totrpedo-proocup winner In 1929 was After learning this morning of tee at the conference) so well presented com- R Gregory of seriously Injured when his plane remainder the The program shatso ofdescribed she to car the escape convincingly her plea pnd ' crashed E R Alexander civil test Mayor Roberts who recently pro- ficers as a machine which tallied prises two light cruisers of 7600 tons Progress Made on Siltered the objections raised by Britain pilot was also injured In the crash each one gunboat for colonial de- posed In a public address that open closely with a Meanwhile members of tee sherroadster that her spokesman as he concluded Hupmobtle with Waghorn ver Problem fense of 2000tons one transport of barrels of “good corn whisky” be sold to Minton was greeted by applause second only iff's force County Attorney Cowley shortly after he was Railway Executives noted Bert in street Australian on Hinkler comers escorters 2000 tons the city and four placed convoy which greeted President Hoo the pardoned She copied the license to that the filer took off yesterday from Toronto and deputies went ahead with arof 1500 tons each or nine vessels order to rid Reno of bootleggers re- number a California license ver at Session at opening day of the con' on a flight by stages across the At- preparation of their case and Special ceived 3773 votes Doyle came next In all and This license number officers unexpected ference rangements to bring witnesses here Encouraging lantic to Africa This construction program Is to with 2988 and Gregory trailed be- disclosed was on the Hupmoblle from California and Philadelphia Chicago progress toward a solution of the be followed by a second Seiji Yo&hlhara Japan’s foremost Sheriff Grant to hind with 159 ballots In hl&favor The purchased by Minton from a local Adjournment lialta program Young who Is In Calisilver problem and the cure of one be drafted in July and submitted to vote was complete unofficial tabula- dealer pilot landed at Nemuro Japan and Discussion of Stiver on the case is not exfornia working voters’ off on swelled to tions take ballots third the Absent leg Ills prepared parliament in October in an effort to the total vote The automobile was in front of NEW YORK The International chamber did not of the world's major economic pected to return for several days good-wi- ll of 5 to United his 6624 -It was (P)the the beyond perflight May on new time lost building into County Attorney Cowley came motills afternoon conclude discussion of has been made within the past few regain the sons who actually visited the polls the Baker residence from 8 30 until learned in railroad circles today that States across the North Pacific a the silver program as called for by days In the opinion of Congressman during the London and Rome naval The election marked the end of one after 10 o’clock last night Mrs a special meeting of tee executive Clyde Pangborn Hugh Herndon court Tuesday morning with for postponement setting out told officers She gave teem schedule The program was inter- 3 S Arentz of Nevada ranking negotiations of the Association of Rail- Jr and Captain Lewis Yancey of New tion tee of the most spirited campaigns in the Baker was entitled- - to suffl- a description of tee machine which committee rupted before it had reached the Republican member of the house Prance Competes of this will be held In Chi- York arrived at Miami from San that timestate Executives “biggest history way In which to subpoena and clent tallied teat of car the closely on halfway point and will be resumed committee on mines and mining With Germany witji and to Juan Rico a Porto return little city’s” municipal voting cago Friday trip witnesses here later in the week with assurance Congressman Arents arrived in Salt Thus while naval back to tee mayor’s office for sold to Minton by a local dealer In teat connection it was learned New York Their flight to San Juan get“The court” Interposed 'Defense negotiations be- abrought Lake Tuesday on a visit In was former school term given that all resolutions bearing on teacher disexecutives a transatlanthird for that railroad a might Driver Carries preparation Bundle "of the tween Prance and Italy have not yet and congressman and a present diAttorney Lewis “has already ruled on tic the silver problem will be referred to “The action” he said of cuss the in feasibility seeking flight down and the naval race Is vorce that motion by setting the prelimApparently Clothing the International chamber’s general United States chamber of commerce broken rates as a step toward creased attorney before In adopting a resolution urging fur- not openly on Prance will be in a poinary examination for this morning" committee on resolutions The driver had a bundle she said bolsteringfreight on “wide- ran Roberts revenues have a been that Mayor Millionaire Victim sition to cope with any situation teat -- which advocates of all proposals will ther jon&ideratloaof silver bythe Judge Stump promptly overruled the which appeared to be a roll of from Returns declining steadily open’lplatform motion and ordered mayarlser“ The newcruiseivtooris Third ward where many gambling lng theprosecution be given a hearing before the final International chamber of commerce her Held a Records Executives confirmed reportthat to Germany’s launching casinos are located case to proceed The county atthe after1 he left Mrs Baker the meeting would be held a report Is prepared on Saturday who was the most hopeful development of heranswer Shortly him gave big VAN en REENAN Natal May 5 although said it was Impossible for the first “pocket” battleship of the since the metal began its tremenSecretary of State Stlmson plurality He carried five of the six said she saw what appeared to be declining to discuss tee purpose of Kidston one of England’s fore- torneyto proceed because It had no Jast week sought to stifle all resolu- dous fall But even more promising ErsatzT9 Preussen class at Kiel on wards signal lights on top of Table Rock the extraordinary session It was most fliers wrecked his plane against state witnesses present tions before the United States Cham' than that was the action of the May of the Reno a flat hill above the prison That which this association Doyle the a president was through mountainside killed and today The navy committee of the cham- chamber of commerce had promised was about the hour Mrs Southard railroad “The state" Attorney Cowher of Commerce touching upon sil- Chinese delegates to the internaindustry last fall anT A Gladstone a pioneer In Brit- ley said "has County not been negligent In Is believed to have escaped over the nounced Its determination to demand ish ver was the Inadvertent cause of the tional chamber of commerce In urg ber was understood to be insistent a “businesslike” administration and over Africa him with died flying case I myself ascertained that this that construction on a large scale be Gregory advanced as his campaign prison wall with the aid of a ladder a fair breaking up of the silver conference against competitive sys Continu'd on Page Seventeen) the court calendar was full for a week resumed as early as possible and feature the development of scenic made of pipe strips of blanket and terns offight (Continued on Pare Twentr-four- ) to seek (Column One) today He and Mrs Stlmson had isand transportation Seven) (Column could see no reason why I and ahead might suggest that three cruisers of and historic tourist attractions in this a piece of garden hose sued cards for a lawn party at 5 their regulation The membership of those other cases should be side10000 tons each be substituted for o'clock for all delegates to the lnter- -' R E Thomas announced the executive committee Includes the Warden vicinity r tracked and the defendants left lanunless the 23333-tonational chamber sessions and In today a woman's footprints had been presidents of many Important eye there Is some assurance of reaching guishing in jail while this particular order that delegates might accept the traced to the street where the car terns Other executives have been a building limitation agreement with hearing was held" secretary’s hospitality the meeting halted and were joined there by invited to attend was adjourned with five or more Italy and that they be followed by a those of a man The railroads Individually have Peter Held Entitled line ship of more than 25000 tons carried out programs of retrenchspeakers yet remaining to be heard To Immediate Hearing Guards Patrol carrying The time for resuming tte silver guns instead ment to cut expenses They point “Anyone" the Judge retorted "who Two Districts of 305mil llraeters conference basis jaot et keen set— bolstering of QuLihat JfeXjurther Is JangulshlngUi4a)larui demand-sifcjgj'Hieu divides The must "come revenues government’s net project were to either started Guards northward Chinese Delegate an immediate hearing In this court the credits for tee construction over ward Spokane Wash where the through Increasing rates or wage will get it I think this defendant is four years through 1935 starting with Ppens Session said Minton waJs believed to cuts warden entitled to a hearing now and the At today’s meeting other countries Makeshift Grave Gives Up initial credits of 40000000 francs All In the bootlegging busiLeaders Send a have Kwangtung pal state should have been ready to pronine vessels are to be laid down beCANTON China May 6 (IT) — Ten ness gave way to China to open the silver were sent— to Twin Others when the complaint was filed Bodies of Murdered fore March 31 1932 Ultimatum to Head of ceed question Tsuyee Pel of Shanghai persons were killed and scores in- Falls near where Mr- s- Southard the arrest made ‘ and 7600-to- n will cruisers The of of Bank and In a at inauguChina the lived with her fifth husband Paul president jured mysterious explosion “If fee murder” tee judge continBanker and Wife rate a new class of speedy ships des- the Yuchu fortress near here to- V Southard prior to her convicNationalists spokesman for the Chinese national ued "had been committed last night tined to protect lines of communica- day committee presenting the case for tion or tee night before tee court could tion particularly to protect troop The arsenal attached to the fort Her fourth husband was Edward his oountry He was followed by Dr give you some additional time It William H Coates director of the WATER VALLEY Miss May 5 (IT) ships to and from the African colo- blew up and all the fortress build- M Meyer who died September 7 CANTON China May 5 has been under Investigation for 1920 ings were destroyed Imperial Industries of London who --The body of W B Wagner 64 nies in wartime Her other husbands were Rob- or fight was the ultimatum months however and the state has was a found in Submarines Left Of those Injured eight were in rejected the Chinese proposal and banker and merchant of rebellion served ( Continu'd on Two) today by had ample time to prepare its case serious condition sls a substitute advised China to go to a makeshift grave in a garden plot (Column Onp) Kwangtung province leaders upon and get witnesses” LOS ANGELES May 5 UP)—An Out Scheme of nearR then fell a to basis wife S of in his that the gold today and head of the na“Am I to understand then” County Chlang Kai-shelaborate June church wedding In ‘ The building will proceed regardBomanjl delegate of the India cham- by ditch tionalist government at Nanking Attorney Cowley asked "that If the Beverly Hills was cancelled In faber of commerce of Great Britain to The- condition of their house and less of the outcome of the Italian nethreat-teneUnless he quits his post they d court dismisses this complaint and a vor of a quiet ceremony last week state the case of his native land At the bodies indicated the merchant gotiations except that France will to send troops against him new one Is filed tee preliminary In Reno because of a note threatthe conclusion of a brief statement by and his wife fought desperately to concentrate on cruisers and line ships the Coincident with the ultimatum hearing will be set for tee next day ening the prospective bride it beJohn Hays Hammond warning the beat off assailants but were in turn within the Washington treaty limits was arsenal Canton’s outskirts after the filing of tee new comat came known today If the negotiations fall chamber that the threatened gold beaten to death blown up killing ten and injuring plaint?" of the was This the ' explanation Is new Dumont’s and As An ax evidently the weapon used proexpected shortage believed by scientific many The cause of the explosion Attorney Lewis promptly Jumped “elopment” Friday of Miss Louise mining men to be more than a myth by the slayer was found in a ga- gram includes no submarines out of Two) (Continu'd on P Little daughter of a prominent was a mystery of to tee wishes Great rear of deference in the the session adjourned the rage (Column Two) dwelling The rebellious ultimatum Issued O T Johnand family Hollywood be to A the house Britain who started the Chl-tanboy Among negro g accused Chlang speakers waiting by Chen son Jr scion of a pioneer Los Anheard are Jean Parmentler of Paris search for them when he found the In presenting tee project to his ask of seeking to "monopolize Center of Alabama 'and Georgia Feel geles family spokesman for Prance former mem- house in disorder has been held for sociates Dumont said Italy has been Birmingham control administrative military and O T Johnson city water and 's dropping off tee shipyards into tee of the Kuomlngtang (National guestioning (Continued on Pate Six) commissioner of father the power DamNo Area Twister Wind Rain Mediterranean six excellent cruisers Temblor and the country which (Column One) party) note advised a had groom police of 10000 tons The latest the Corizia teussstiiiiisieaiaiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiEisi s not acceptable to the South China been rcelved by Miss Little dehas a novel feature in being equipped and Hailstorms group” age Reported ROGERS SAYS: manding $5000 on threat of scanwith three reconnaisance planes dal France technical experts contend BEVERLY HILLS Cat May 5 that tee new Italian cruisers have a BIRMINGHAM Ala May 5 MV-A- n ATLANTA Ga —There is one thing abont this May 5 dP- -A torcertain advantage over French ships has offered every depression area of north central Alabama a nado and heavy wind rain and hall of the same class man woman and child In America Birof storms were experienced in portions hundred miles wide whicli At the same time Germany under ene hundred guesses as to how to mingham appeared to be the center of Alabama and Georgia last night the Versailles treaty will within tee was end it shaken by a slight earthquake at and early today President Hoover Used up one SPOKANE Wash May 5 (IP)— NEW YORK Jday 5 MV-- ’ The les- next few years put into service six a m today The shock was variThe tornado cut a pate a mile wide Martin Deasy 18 Michael Casey 24 of his guesses yesterday when he sons of Masonry are needed to lead ships of an entirely new class more ously reported from ten seconds on the outskirts of Camden Ala A at WASHINGTON May 5 told one of those "Men’s Sewing the world out of the valley of despond powerfully armed than other light to a minute's duration number of tenant houses on a farm department officials said today Sen- and George Madison 21 were senclubs” (chamber of commerce By John W Davis former Democratic ships and having technical perfecThe disturbance started with a near the town were demolished and ator King Democrat Utah has prot- tenced today to life Imprisonment for the way I think this was the nominee for president told 2000 Ma- tions which would permit daring and low rumble which Increased In in- several buildings in the community ested verbally to tee department re- the murder of Henry G Anderson mother lodge) he said we would sons at the jubilee dinner of tee New costly raids on shipping lanes far tensity and ended abruptly No prop- were unroofed and otherwise dam- garding statements written by Colo- druggist during a holdup here last from their base They will be so fast erty damage was reported “have good times If everybody dis- York grand lodge tonight The aged A number of trees were blown nel Frank E Evans of the marine November They had pleaded guilty armed" Special representatives from 169 they can outrun most 'French tremor was felt as far north as Cull- down corps on continuance of marine oc- yesterday man forty miles from here and ClanAt Camilla Ga( the roof of a saw cupation of Halit Why that's the only people that grand lodges in' North America and cruisers CROWN PRINCE RECOVERS are drawing salary now is the Europe were present mill was blown away and roofs of sevThe senator's protest was made by Up to the present under the 1923 ton fifty miles to the south tons Is 157444 French tee said the of Davis world darkened The rumble accompanying ships eral homes and the federal building telephone The departments has BUCHAREST Rumania May 5 (IT) program array and navy What does he want to do? Put them among the by the clouds of unrest suspicion have been put Into commission and shock here was similar to the noise were damaged by high winds Trees taken no action taking the attitude —Crown FTlnce Michael was de and fear and urged tee Masons of when the program has been complet- of a mine explosion and miners and were uprooted across the highways teat members of the service do not scribed in an official report today as unemployed? Yours England and America to unite In ed there will be at least that much others going to work swamped news- and power lines were out of comrnls-isio- n speak for the government on ques-- 1 having completely recovered from a WILL ROGERS tlons of policy imore (recent attack of diphtheria paper offices wit£ inquiries asuuuHiimaiaiHiiiiiiiisisiisiul allaying Una condition d during the night V the to wide-ope- super- SOLUTION NEAR -cruiser h BOOST THOUGHT rn ar MEETINGS AIM Plan 3D-26- self-styl- Speed - MV-Gl- n GARDEN BARES super-cruise- JLAINJURLE ( ' j WW ’ Jin MV-Res- ign Po ek QUAKE TORNADO HIT DIXIE STATES - -- A Kai-she- Peo-)!e- NILL t It - CHIANG HEARS THREAT DRIVES COAST BRIDE TO ELOPEMENT It J QUIT OR FIGHT Mystery Blast Deals Death in ''China Fortress MASONSHEAR JOHN W DAVIS Know Utah And the West Elevations in Trio Face Life Senator Protests Term for Murder Marine’s Haiti View Utah provide every imaginable kind of AT N Y FETE WV-Stat- e climate They 2000 1 V' range from feet in Washington county to 13498 in pintail county |