Show The Grantsville GAZETTE Thursday July 16 1987 page 7 LIVESTOCK from 40th Annual pl In 1975 two days after the Tooele County Livestock Show was held a fire destroyed the buildings At that time Tooele County requested that a master-pla- n be drawn up before the buildings were replaced Brian Crist then a GHJS student designed the master- Iplan and the following year the build-ling- s were reconstructed by using the fire insurance money and also funds 1987 ' from the Bi Centennial Committee -- Through the years there have been many individuals and groups who have been instrumental in making the Tooele County Livestock Show the big successful event it is today Tooele County Clubs and county agents the Lions Club Bert Lawrence Pratt Matthews Mike Marshall Wendell Anderson Jack Brown Quentin Brown and TOOELE COUNTY LIVESTOCK SHOW AND SALE July 15 16 17 and 18 CALENDAR OF EVENTS 4-- H Tooele’s Leland Beckstrom nificant roles Grantsville’s present g teachers Teryl Hunsaker and Jerry Hurst have also been very instrumental in promoting the program Hunsaker stated Jthat when he first' years came to Grantsville twenty-fiv- e two buildings ago there were only livenumerous now erected There are stock buildings restrooms concession stands a fence and a sprinkling system The funds for the materials for these projects have been provided by the Tooele County Commissioners but the young men and women involved in the Grantsville FFA Club have been the building force who have' actually constructed the present site of the Tooele County Livestock grounds livestock project is a good one for youth" states Bleazard "If a member is raising a cow he is responsible to feed and water that animal for nine months and for six months if they are raising a sheep or has pig Many times a young member borrowed money from a bank to finance and has had to take the inhis project 6:00 pm -Horse Show sigVo-A- - July 15th Show Grounds in Grantsville Bill Hogan and Eugene Morrill have all played "The FFA and WEDNESDAY 4-- H itiative to pay that money back" Mr Bleazard continues "The quality of livestock this county raised increased when the show encouraged state comthe petition Students then realized level of competition they had to achieve and worked hard to meet those levels Last ‘year’s Tooele County Livestock Show total sales were $73000 THURSDAY - July 16th -- Livestock Show Grounds in Grantsville -5:00 pm-8:0- 0 pm Receiving of Cattle Sheep and Swine -7:00 pm-9:0- 0 pm Fitting and Showmanship contest Beef Sheep and Swine 4:00 pm- - 6:00 pm -Receiving of Rabbits FRIDAY - July 17th 8:00 a m - Meeting of Exhibitors 8:00 am - Junior Judging Contest 9:00 am- - Judging Rabbits and Poultry 9:30 a m -- Judging Swine 9:00-10:3of Small Animals Receiving 1 1:00 a m -- Judging Sheep 6:00 p m - Judging Beef Cattle SATURDAY July 18th 0- 10:00 am - Sale of Market Livestock Lambs Hogs Beef |