Show p r j? mmi UMbsmih a rfw it ' Ca hw'- tu - The Grantsville GAZETTE Thursday July 16 1987 page 3 DON'T MISS THE DANCE! FRIDAY JULY 24 at the STOCK SHOW GROUNDS after the RODEO sponsored by Colleen Oliver (right) is shown with Utah’s First Lady Colleen Bangerter Colleen was presented a volunteer award by Mrs Bangerter for her efforts with Grantsville’s Family Networks an organization which has helped fight drug and alcohol abuse in the schools and the community Mrs Oliver organized Grantsville Family Networks three years ago and has been the force which has guided the organization ever since Also presented awards were Noleen and Paul Thomas of Tooele the Tooele Arts Council Hospice of Tooele Valley Shirley Matthews of Grantsville is also involved with the Hospice organization Governor and Mrs Bangerter were in Tooele last Thursday July 16 as part of the governor’s "Capital for a Day" program GERALD NELSON SALT LAKE (801)265-124- 6 GRANTSVILLE (801)884-554- 5 $300single $500couple 9:30 1:30 pm am ney action in the first two games of the first round of Tournament play The team lost the first game Monday night to Sandy North 25-- 4 and were defeated again Tuesday by Midvale 7 team pictures will be taken Grantsville WBBA Minor League Friday July 17 at 6:00 p m at the ball were eliminated from tour fieUL Minor League conclude season 9-- All-St- Tihe ar Grantsville Reunited 684-55- 61 Health Tips t I' r Max Bleazard was an original member of the Grantsville 'Young Farmers Group which organized the first Tooele County Livestock Show forty years ago He still serves as treasurer of the Livestock Show organization and is a staunch 'sup- Your Traveling Medical Kit porter of the FFA organization When you pack for your summer vacation don’t forget to STOCK SHOW SPECIAL indude a first-ai- d kit Pack: cotton gauze adhesive tape bandages scissors tweezers an elastic bandage safety pins alcohol wipes and a fever thermometer Don’t forget any over-the-count- er medicines that you might need Sunscreens are a must drugs or prescription Insect repellents may be necessary If okay with your doctor pack an antihistamine It can y medicine a remedy for mild serve as an a motion sickness and sleep aid If leaving the country ask your doctor or pharmacist about medication for travelers diarrhea Bring along extra glasses or contacts off all saddles and tack 10 anti-allerg- Don’t forget your health insurance card Source: FDA Consumer May 1985 Wi For more information on packing for a healthful vacation— Ask your pharmacist 00 124 W MAIN v -- |