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Show i | . 6 Mountainwest Minority Reporter & Sentinel, April 19, 1991 Liningup 10 support Buchwald ee oe | ps ok | Do you know anyone, other than moguls, rooting for Paramount against; Art Buchwald? . Jesse Jackson’s television show gets better and better . How do they check out the factual responses in order of importance on “Family Fued’’? . “By Ron Galella, Ltd. ee oy , “{ Had a’ Hammer: The Hank | $21.95) is a very open, honest, wellwritten, important book about more than baseball... Why do I have this Bran feeling that this i is going to be a long po aaa Jerk eee the Utes have raced to a 25-2 record. THE j very hot biography iy cover ... to cover ‘Christopher Walken is one of the most Interesting and talented actors ever to grace a screen. “The Larry King Show’? is heard é nightly on 385 radio stations via the Mutual Radio Network. ‘‘Larry King _Live!”’ can be seen . News. Network. 4$.4"! ahs; ste on Cable | Arizona ty oe Bowl vote stirs. a Ses ie i. 4 owners aera wom: Kh ce ae Ria mY wae eoeo re ces ; « Hr net's F + bt FIM n Ty 4 =— because CERES - holiday in memory of Martin Luther be ge Tagliabue the . game pene moved Oe OES ty i> Paul es “M eS ae 2° io oe ee 2 King, Jr. Youth Fo ~ Some owners want the issue decided by a majority; others want a three_ fourths majority. ‘We've got to go in thinking the - worst, that itll be a majority,’’ Cardinals vice president Joe Rhein said. “One side argues that you won it by majority, so you lose it by majority. The other side argues that it’s in the case, as a he CS ee nee is ae Gil lesa mexhonor forthe waa ce? AER become the state’s first-ever national hacketball coach of the year “Really, it’s incredible when you for them. consider oe that there are so many great : Hank Raymonds and the Milwaukee coaches in the country and even inour own : league. We’ll (the Western Athletic Conference) have 7 two the Hall a Babe core diy cai in ee jerus, referring ar to UTEP’s don — Bucks’ Don Nelson and Del Harris). I’m going to call Al, Hank, Del, and aNellie a>before the day is out and thank i ., Grant, the 6-foot-10 Ute co-captain Haskins and the retired Boyd Grant of _ who led the Utes to NCAA Colorado State. Majerus, who guided the Utes to a 28-3 regular-season mark, a best-ever 15-1 mark in winning the Western Athletic Conference championship, wins over South Alabama and Michigan State (51 points in the two games), said, ‘‘It might be a mean thing to say, but I expected it. I expected it a long time ago. The one thing the man knows is basketball. I think I can speak for the 4nd two wins in the NCAA tourna- team when I say we're very proud of ment, said re staff honor anda him We congratulate him.”’ team honor,’ ”’ the same reaction he —_ Grant said his highest expectations hdd a foleteee py otesiocal Beeeball pit- the cohesiveness we needed. We fac- is to leave the-game in Phoenix,” says (Sean Mooney and Ralph McKinney) edBenethings always as a team, not as in- 6 a> David. Ratcliffe, chairman of the e 3 Phoenix Convention Bureau. yy . a ee uae Phoenix the "96 league insists that linked to a King ““Our concern ween the game . Ratcliffe said. ‘“The voting public in ae a 9 two walk-ons Super Bowl. The game would still be holiday. is the linkage betand the holiday,’’ Arizona has reacted so negatively to the linkage. And the (Super Bowl) committee doesn’t want to be party to Rec. e that.” “Its been rough — I went through 5 the season were ‘20 wins and first or second in the WAC. Give the guy Gredit, he brought us togetier. The he puffed a victory cigar outside the ¢.4004) courthouse. ‘Finallv. I y, I gota chance to tell my own side of the story. I’m glad the truth finally came . Associated Press : The 32-year-old Igwebuike, known out ©1707, ... and I’m glad they listened. fic ¢ 6 9 . Jurors who deliberated 5%i hours hito his fans as ““Iggy,”’ said he will turn over eno dis-cefused comment afer the verdict. e. Assistant U.S as Mocnon ACL (Josh Grant, Craig Rydalch. M’Kav McGrath sed ae Cain) : ‘‘There was also a 5-foot-7 point guard (Jimmy Soto) and a center (Watts) who the coach required weigh no more than 260 pounds on game day or be benched. ‘“Add to that the fact that Majerus lives in a hotel, doesn’t own a suit and Attorney odd Foster said prosecutors ‘‘put on We cher ace nothing we could: differently we ‘Theres could oe attentions to training for next season.season “‘I want to kick. I wantto to cetvon: play next . . and Ie want with my jifa be my have qo.» Defense attorney Frank Winkles blasted the government’s case for roles in the scheme. ae Authorities stumbled _ onto the relying on the testimony of convicted heroin smugglers and secretly record- smuggling attempt last October when ed conversations full of oblique Madawuba Ibekwe was. arrested at references in which the player was Orlando International Airport with nearly half a pound of high-grade alleged to be talking about drugs. heroin packets he had wrapped in a me oe ee was ee ns a ae swallowed. <#i¢ ancGone, ie Sovernment § Case exwe led authorities to another question was whether we could play was together because we were such a YOun8: diversified team. He gave us__ Winkles said. The type of people Ofedu, who was arrested: in Tampa they were relying One? nobody would after accepting a heroin shipment from so full of contradictions,” rely on people like that. friend of the football player’s, Ibezim an undercover agent.. 1989 to rescue Utah’s program from the throes of mediocrity, said, “Rick’s Majerus didn’t mask his feelings: “I am extremely happy. It takes a lot to make me feel what I’m feeling now.”’ National coach-of-the-year honors can do thai to you. a DRINK AND DRIVE o ee ete Intermountain 2 coach’s coach. It’s just a great thing for him and his staff. It’s nice to see all their hard work recognized on a national scope. Rick and his staff developed a real team and this honor is a credit to that team.’’ a 2 | : Hae St ores: : e Christian Booksellers Since 1952 ORE Gia b oo e Books le e Bibles * Records & Tapes/CD's ° Gitts For All Soecial Occasionis ¢ Weddings * Confirmations * Baptisms * Communions ¢ Church & Sunday School belt bane Supplies oa 486-4965 DON : dividuals. He demanded that of us.”’ Vs a 6 | e verdict followed a two-week 1986 South 4100 East So ae Ale, trial that focused on the relationship between Igwebuike and two Nigerian friends who pleaded sult to3 their Tongan center (Paul Afeaki) who _ Hill, who hired Majerus in April of The NFL has talked about awarding 5 Poet “adn t wear shoes unt! a86 -: & had in early March when he was nam©¢d WAC Coach of the Year. , 3 5 a convicted of conspiracy and drug” ‘importation. He said the award “‘is really a tribute to the four coaches I worked four (Marquette’s Al McGuire and cher (Walter Watts), Rs kicker not guilty hell,”’ a teary-eyed Igwebuike said as way to separate the game from politics believe strongly that the best wife Milli es a federal Prison and $6 million i in fies >» odds with the accepted formula for success in college basketball. Majerus “We ith his The 42-year-old Majerus, who Majerus, who previously coached Igwebuike, the first NFL player recovered from septuple heart bypass at Ball State where his 1988-89 team ever charged in a heroin-related case, surgery in December of 1989 to lead went 29-3 and won a first-round game the “Utes*to their“wiriningest season N tM 18'S could have faced upto 120 years in troversy will turn future Super Bowls into forums. for political activists. £ ndation al ee this team came bs % 4 . five-times Pearadieveiant Tampa, Florida (AP)— Minnesota Vikings kicker Donald Igwebuike together. With only one star player in pumped his fists in the air and broke junior forward Josh Grant, Majerus | into tears Monday when a federal jury used his entire bench and had nine acquitted him in a scheme to import players average double figures in $1 million worth of heroin from his minutes played.”’ | native Nigeria. ‘In any : Phoenix leaders say the King con- Roblnsei, shooting accident during the season. minutes, it’s'a standard resolution, and any resolution has to be overturned by a three-quarters vote.”’ 2 Ray Minnesota “it’s very flatiering,”’ said anemo- Tve Seadistly maintained thet players controve rSy Commissioner of the year tional Majerus when informed he had haven’t settled on how to vote. “wants en a > “from ,Tempe, Arizona, but they | University of Utah athletic director Chris Hill calls Rick Majerus a “‘coach’s coach.”’ On Wednesday, a panel of United Press International sports writers called Majerus the nation’s coach. EVER—Sugar native, who passed away April 12, 1989, founded the Sugar Hey Robinson oe fang VATeak) ann newly dled 1990-91 Coach of the Year. NEL owners, meeting this week in _ Kona, Hawaii, are to vote Tuesday whether to 1 move the 1993 Super Bowl ote Fee's te y.. Su per Se ‘Tribune Sports Editor ever at 30-4,..was named the..UPI’s ia . ; Dick Rosetta by If everyone's in his prime, Muhammad ' Ali beats any heavyweight who ever > fought .. . Glen, Campbell isi as good a guitar player as is Or ever was . ao Coach . BEST champion, will be inducted into the Detroit Sports Hall of Fame on May 12. Robinson, whose real name is Walker Smith,is considered by many the greatest fighter pound-for-pound that ever entered the ring. The Detroit UPI names U of U’s Majerus read 2 tashy, unauthorized, sosipy NAtIONAl d Staff Photo by Al cand By. listening to Coach of the Year candidate Rick Ma- Aaron Story,’ by Hank Aaron and Lonnie Wheeler (HarperCollins, 6582 South Store St. | Ogden OE eae 261-4923 a | Center Hours: Monday Saturday 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 o.n:. RPM eh SSRN Se Beene lL chard |