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Show 4 Mountainwest A " ore, Eh 09 io Os oo a bt Minority DALY Skee ine; \ rier & Sentinel, February4, 1991 Selective Service System ready to go should Congress reauthorize draft im by Nancy Benac Associated Press Writer Washington - — Seventeen. years after the government’s authority. for a - military draft expired, the Selective Service System isi alive and well -_ - and ‘Allah made me bigger than all of on standby. by Chris Conley Dife as a | them, so I would. get famous and - But if President Bush and. Chines gave the order, the Selective Service The Commercial. Appeal celebrity— the spread the word,’” he said. ‘‘Even could start issuing draft notices within days and supply up to 100,000 ye world’s most This is why I fought,”’ three-time 1 when I was boxing, I wasn’t that 1 in- ‘men within a month. recognizable world heavyweight champ MuhamBush has said as recently as last week that he doesn’t want to see thie draft terested’’ in boxing. figure for a ip mad Ali said, pulling a packet of reactivated, but it’s the job of the Selective Service to be ready — just in;case. For two security men who accom-. pamphilets ~ on Islam out of his time — Ali The agency has 270 fulltime employees, 2,000 local draft boards, and an pany him on his tiring schedule of - said, was but.a . » briefcase. promotions, Ali outlined his plan of | entire system for resuming the draft if ordered to do so. | | “This is what it’s all sions out... box- _ phase in ‘‘wakloading a mobile home with 300,000 - ‘It’s business as usual because that is our mission — to be teady,’’ Selecing up’’ to his ing is nothing,’’ he said in an interbooks on Islam, and traveling around © tive Service spokeswoman Barbi Richardson said. *"We were ey a year ex_ view last week in his Memphis hotel ~ current. ago, and we’d be ready tomorrow.’ the country teaching. suite. He was here to help promote © istence. He is. Muhananad Ali ‘*Mississippi, Alabama, go in anHowever, Selective Service Director Samuel K. Lessey, if said, ‘‘Our the Miss capa Memphis os for “bored with boxing talk now. nounced, just pull up,” > with the agency has had no indication that a oe is needed in1 ee tothe Middle Ali, 48, has a wife and: four. -@ friend.| message that ‘‘God is peace ssscaul East crisis.’ _ children. He suffers from Parkinson Ally bom Cassius Cy: in’ 1942, men are brothers. Still, the buildup of U:S. oops i inithe Persian Gulf has led to growing eee was the-thost celebrated and con-” syndrome,.and now lives quietly on ‘*You can’t convert nobody — God public concern and debate about the draft, which was one of the most divisive & “troversial sports figure a’ generatién “an 85-acre farm in Michigan with his converts. My job is to deliver the issues of the Vietnam War. ge, ‘ago during the 1960s and 70s. He © family, devoting himself to religious. Former Navy Secretary James Webb last week cuiestionsl Bush’ 5 buildup message,’” he said. | «changed his name after converting to _ pursuits. The disease has caused his of the troops in the gulf, but said ‘‘if the president is serious about going ‘Imagine me on the street in Times ' speech to become slurred and his ~*-\ the Muslim faith, 7 on the offensive, he should call for an immediate Saale, of the draft’’ Square, teaching, passing out pam| 4,2). Hewas stripped of his. heavyweight | hands to shake slightly. to avoid troop ‘shortages. phlets,’’ he said, his voice rising with “It’s quiet, away from people,’’ he we4 “4 title in 1967 after refusing military The president’s authority to dente men into the armed forces, hich had religious fervor for the first time. said. ‘“These cities are so congested .° ='service on religious grounds during been routinely renewed by Congress every. four years, expired on July 1, ‘‘They’d probably lock me up,’’ he . _~ the Vietnam War. Ali was allowed.to - you can’t walk on the street.’” 1973, three months after the last U.S. soldiers left Vietnam. The military ‘“‘Now I’m happy... now I’m just joked.“..* -fesume boxing in 1970, and regain; His preoccupation with religion has then began depending only on voluntary enlistments. “starting,’’ he said sleepily, during +. ed thettitle from.Ken Norton in 1974, not dulled Ali’s noted sense of — Even if the draft were reinstated, there would be a time lag before conwhat was supposed to be his rest lost it to Leon Spinks in 1978, and humor. Though it is sometimes dif- scripts reached the gulf. By law, draftees may not be sent overseas oF three period in a busy day of promotional took it back the sare year.. | ficult to hear and-understand Ali months after induction. stops for the pageant. Lawrence Korb, a Brookings Institution analyst who was assistant aeceuiy _ because of his condition, his thoughts Handbook. “‘It introduces the general are surprisingly lucid. His short-term of defense for manpower until 1985, said it would take a year to get con- public to collecting autographs in a memory falters — he had difficulty Scripts trained and over to the gulf. _ way they otherwise might not be remembering where his next ap- | ‘I don’t think it (the draft) is likely,’’ Korb said. **Militarily, it doesn’t .. aware of — through a retail establish- pearance was to be. But he can recite make sense.’’ Martin Binkin, another: Brookings Institution ce. said, ‘‘I do hot tink ment. It certainly broadens the obscure passages of the Bible to ‘that the average American kid has to worry about conscription.” bolster his religious arguments, and — “market for sports collectibles. Many are worried nonetheless. _ | Lemke says the balls sold in the sayings from Islam roll off his ‘*We receive calls from mothers . from the young men, their wives, their | catalog have an advantage over balls tongue. girlfriends, their grandmothers, their grandfathers,’ ’ the Selective Services’ His religion, Ali said, helped him sold by dealers — a certificate of authenticity from J.C. Penney’s ven- achieve ‘‘self-knowledge,’’ and to Ms. Richardson said. ‘“We let them know there is no draft and we do not anticipate one.’ ‘‘connect with the rest of the world.”’ dor, Score Board Inc. ‘‘Buyers can David Treber of the National Interreligious Service Board for Conscien“If I was still Cassius Clay, I | | . trust that the autographs they’re getwould have gone to Vietnam,’’ he tious Objectors said his organization also is getting more calls. _ | ting are genuine: and authentic and not ‘‘We’ve even had mothers who have 14-year-old sons wanting to get in_ said. “‘The war was wrong . . NOW . forgeries,” he says. 3 ta eee te *Treber ‘Said Otter calls come from college. students | Who say, _the. $39. 99 J. C. Bey pace also n’retired (from boxing), I ‘I registered for the’ draft a couple years’ agovand'‘néver aoe it would 1 balls.’ With: an unlinnited nambet of ‘Boul have been finished ,’’ like other -amount to anything and now I’m worried,’ ’’ Treber said. James Blackwell of the Center for Strategic and International Studies said fighters, he said. ee Gem eat ot hare’ ) - balls now available for the 21 stars, former the need for a-draft may increase as voluntary enlistments drop off due to Ali has survived two failed mardealers cannot charge more unless _ they can prove their ball was hit, riages,. blasts from Joe Frazier and concern about a possible war in the Persian Gulf. ‘“The longer it lasts and the closer it comes to a shooting conflict, the closer George Foreman, and financial setcaught, or thrown by the signee or we come to a draft,’’ he said. backs — he was once bilked of $2.4 was signed on a significant date. The Selective Service insists it is doing nothing unusual i in response to the million. troop buildup in the gulf. His ee with Evel Knievel The J.C. Bees Stars include Should Congress authorize a return tothe draft, the Selective Service within in a cosmetics firm has been going ‘Hank Aaron, Yogi Berra, Roger 4 “J.C. Penney’s. bold move to: sell autographed: baseballs in: its 1990 Clemens, Will Clark, Bob Feller, two years. ‘‘So far, so good,’’ he hours or days could hold a lottery, based on dates of birth, to determine the order in which men would be conducted, Ms. Richardson said. « ‘Christmas catalog is healthy for the ‘Whitey Ford, Dwight Gooden, Ken said. Top priority for the draft would be young men who turned 20 during the In the hotel lobby i in Memphis last . Griffey, Jr. , Tony Gwynn, Reggie burgeoning baseball collectibles in- /eaqgraphe besebals. P“olwiaythers sign on J.C. Penn ey Gast. a top | Jackson, Willie ae says. Kevin McGwire, ae “t's a Fact thing,’ says Bob Lemke, publisher of Sports Collec- -» tors Digest and editor of the Sports ile ? ye “ ale Resehall dinoetep Mays, Mark Mitchell, Joe oS e a } « “~~Ai a he RE eee . West eee! & Colorado $4 0°° ,,for six months’ or #4 goo per year | ; |} ses | ae Address fet: City - his -Greatest’’ as he refers to himself. He Walton. . ‘Have the Minority Reporter Mail-Detivered to You Today! od remember Bret Saberhagen, Duke Snider, and - Jerome - The Voice of Black America Utah, Adaho, Nevada, those who face: approached shyly, seeking autographs or just.a word with ‘‘The son, Frank Robinson, Minority Reporter & Sentinel :a inas pearance, Nolan Ryan, Morgan, Jim Palmer, Brooks Robin- -epThe Mountain heat eA ee _ week, as he left for a promotional ap- State ZIP ees Telephone Mail your check or money order today to: Mountain West Minority Reporter & Sentinel P.O. Box 26192, Salt Lake City, Utah 84126 | Circulation Department Phone: (801) 967-0082 Keep the dream for freedom and justice alive by subscribing to the Mountain West Minority Reporter & Sentin:' Keeping hope alive fulfilling the dream same calendar year as the lottery. Young men already are required to Tegister with Selective Service when they ,turn 18. Once draft notices were issued, draftees would have 10 days to report to a military processing station for examination and, perhaps, immediate induction. always obliges: ‘‘Service to others is - Only after a young man got a draft notice could he file a request to plane or avoid military service. Reasons for a delay might include an emergency the rent we pay for our room and such as serious illness or a death in the family. board on Earth ... and the hereafter.”’ the players. was Chicago’s Michael Conference teams. Miller Bewe Company is once again the presen- Jordan, who received 321,114 votes from among a total of 1,162,033 | ting sponsor of this program and we greatly appreciate their 10 years of ballots cast. The L.A. Lakers’ Ear*, continuous ee in the fan ‘vin ‘‘Magic’’ Johnson was the leading vote-getter among. the eae’ program.’ The 1991 All-Star voting campaign Western Conference players, receivgot into full swing recently, when ing a total of 214,348 votes. Last oe S top vote getter amon championship race car driver Rusty _ Wallace joined Charlotte Hornets players J.R. Reid, Kendall Gill, Muggsy Bogues, and Armon Gilliam in casting ceremonial first ballots at. the Embassy Suites Hotel in ‘Charlotte. — The All-Star voting program began earlier this month in the 27 arenas around the league, and ran through ~ January 19. The starting teams — as © determined by the votes of fans — for the 1991 All- Star Game, which will be played at the Charlotte Colliseum on Sunday, February 10, will be announced the week after the voting period ends. | “The annual NBA All-Star Game has become one of the most popular and eagerly-awaited events on the sports calendar,’’ said NBA Deputy Commissioner Russ Granik. ‘‘We are happy to have our fans from eee some of the festivities of the 1990 National Corporate invitation’ around the league play an important Golf Tournament are (left to right) M. Anthony Burns, chairman of Ryder part in the event by selecting the System, Inc.; NFL Hall of Fame quarterback Joe Namath and John E. Jacob, president of the National roan League. starters for the Eastern and Western NBA All-Star. voting underway -around league |