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Show {Seat ye iy A % eye diy! a rt ik ae oe ae "4 fa ot ad Mountain West Minority Reporter & Sentinel, June Ue Blacks’ call to arms a cry of anguish from the New York Times In Milwaukee, a black alderman has called for a black militia to wage ‘‘ur- ban guerrilla warfare’’ —actual for a black militia was actually a dramatic attempt to call the city’s attention to the desperate situation of African-Americans there. The first violence— unless “‘racial parity is ‘item on his list of three demands was achieved in the city by 1995. a $100 million emergency jobs In Teaneck, New Jersey, black program. youths angered by the killing of a That’s jobs, not welfare — or cerblack teenager by police erupted in tainly no more welfare than is involvviolence after a prayer vigil. ed in the jobs of featherbedding union In New York’s Harlem, the pastor members or business executives on of a famous black church is campaign- golden parachutes. The emergency is ing to paint over billboards carrying clear. While the overall unemploycigarette and liquor ads because, he ment in Milwaukee is about 5 percent, feels, blacks are disproportionately it’s 25 percent among blacks. victimized by both tobacco and And 40 percent of Milwaukee’s alcohol. blacks live in poverty. What justifies And in Brooklyn, a black his militancy, says McGee, is not just neighborhood is boycotting a Korean desperation but Milwaukee’s ability to grocer for allegedly abusing his black act decisively when it wants to. customers. _ He points to the city’s exertions on In American cities and some behalf of its sports teams, including Sh : suburbs as well, a new militancy is evident among African-Americans. It takes different forms, not always laudable. But each instance is a reminder of an old agenda overshadowed by the thawing of the Cold War and forgotten by all except those whose cir- cumstances won’t let them forget. Milwaukee is a case in point. Alderman Michael McGee’s call settle for a degrading status quo. 26 arrested at apartheid protest Cambridge, Mass. (AP) — Twenty- | themselves inside the hut, protestors and a university spokesman said. six protestors were arrested at MIT Cambridge police Sgt. Robert after building a South Africa-style, shanty on campus to protest the Kloran said the 26. were charged with school’s investments in South Africa, trespassing and disturbing the peace. local police said. | After a rally Friday attended by All would be released after paying a $25 bail commission fiee, he said. Ten people suffered iminor- injuries some , 100°‘ ‘people; * Se organized Ise, by...the.. Coalition..A Ons.aa Apartheid constructed a wood hut on campus, said Rich Cowan, an alumnus of the Massachusetts Institute oF Technology.. The protest was against the university holdings in companies which do business with South Africa, despite the government’s policy of apartheid. After several warnings, police arrested students who had linked arms around the building. They also arrested demonstrators. who had locked by Peter Scariet Claiming _ Abortion opponents are bolstering their. ranks from a new source: black Americans. ‘The movement has been primarily two opposing white groups,’’ said Rev. George Lucas, a black Baptist minister from Petersburg, Virginia. **Black participation is what will tip the scale’’ to end abortion. Although most black political leaders support abortion rights, black groups against abortion are active in at least eight states and Washington. Their goal is to have black participation across the USA by the 1992 elections, said Judie Brown, head of the American Life League. Rev. Ron Ross, an African Methodist Episcopal minister from Stafford, Virginia agrees it’s time to recruit minorities, who have abortions at more than twice the rates of whites. Whites have 23 abortions per 1,000 ‘“condones and largest school district is refusing to participate in a national convention this summer because it will be held ini Utah. The Los Angeles Unified School District is boycotting the annual con- ference of the National Coalition for Sex Equity in Education, which is in the incident, including a‘ consttuc-’ tion worker taking down the shanty, about Utah being host to this conference,’ she added. _ Jane Burlingame Smith, woman chair- of the district’s sex equity commission, said in the letter that the commission approved a motion in an April 17 meeting opposing any particpation in a Utah conference. It states: oe ‘‘American women are from many cultural backgrounds; racism is a very important concern to women; the elimination of sexism can never oc- - ‘*{ don’t know exactly what she (Ms. Smith) was making reference to. It could refer to any state. She didn’t cite any specific examples. We’re wondering in what capacity Utah condones and practices discrimination. “There are committed educators here who racism, daily combat sexism, and discrimination. I’m disturbed we’re all labeled this way. We know it’s not perfect, but there are a number of individuals in this state actively working to address these problems. This is an inappropriate indictment of the state,’’ she said. Roslyn woman, Cooperman, vice chair- sion was reluctantly taken, but was reflective of its members’ feeling that there was too much racism and discrimination in Utah. | ‘‘In the past, we’ve always attended a student, and eight policemen, said Kenneth Campbell, director of the MIT news office. | Campbell said that the university place’ in a state *whichstill condones and practices discrimination.”’ Dianne Siegreid, director of the Mountain West Educational Equity Center, Ogden, said the letter was bizarre, couched in vague wording she had invested about $84 million, or five said was equally applicable to every percent of their portfolio, in comstate in the country. panies which had employees in South The Mountain West Center is housAfrica. He said all of the companies ed on the Weber State College camadhered to the Sullivan Principles, pus. The federally funded center is which work against apartheid from in- cohosting the NCSEE conference side the country. along with the State Office of Education’s education equity unit. ‘I’m surprised at their concerns. women. of child-bearing age, com- Our center works in six states. We pared with 53 per 1,000 for non- work with colleagues throughout the whites, reported the Alan Guttmacher nation. Their letter describes practically every state in the union. All have Institute. Ross and others on his side carry some examples of discrimination taking place,”’ said Ms. Siegfreid. an already emotional debate one step NCSEE conferences. But our members felt there was a degree of racism and discrimination of Utah and that it wouldn’t be appropriate to send representatives.. Utah is. often Monrovia, Liberian refugees Liberia — soldiers attacked tribal in a U.N. compound Wednesday, killing at least one person and kidnapping up to 40 amid growing chaos in the war-torn West African nation. | she by Paul Rolly The Salt Lake County. Commission The pre-dawn assault against refugees fleeing reprisal attacks from government forces came as rebels fighting President Samuel Doe moved to within 20 miles of Monrovia, ‘the capital. in Arizona a couple years ago because, of then Gov. Evan Mechatn’s opposi* tion to making slain civil rights leader. Martin Luther Bea, It's Oe Pea California’s ry pei all of 1s. : Angeles and some of its environs. This summer’s NCSEE conferelice,, | will be the organization’ 's 11th. The. | coalition was formed in, 1979 to pro- mote equity and ‘excellence in educa: tion, to work with school districts and. :, other education, agencies in developing equitable programs and. practices, to infuse. gemmey:: into oS s eorbe ra! of ihe: Church: of. sea Christ of | Latter-day Saints, | co-hosted a luncheon for While the commission never denied. the wishes of any denomination from. praying at its. ‘meetings, it began, ;ac, Bank and Huntsman Chemical Corp., celebrated religious diversity and the practice by the commission of inviting all denominations to pray at te meetings. ‘“While the Mormon feels close to Brigham Young, he should feel equally close to his neighbor. While the Jew feels close to Elijah, he should feel equally close to his neighbor. And whle the Christian Scientist feels close to Mary Baker Eddy, he should feel equally close to his neighbor,’’ said Salt Lake County Commissioner Mike Stewart. Among the approximately 50 guests at the luncheon were representatives of more than a dozen denominations who have offered prayers to open commission meetings. More than half the audience was represented by tively pursuing prayers: from meme ors, of religions besides. Mormons after the ACLU threateried to sue the commis- . : | Continued on paged Bi. J ica: ‘Racism is hurting: economy Omaha, Nebraska (AP) — The , ability of the United States to compete® economically in the 1990s will de on whether minority, groups are jin- cluded in. mainstream American life, ‘ the president of the National, Urban : League said Friday. john Sac ah Didelid ea cata § Urban League conference, said the : United States is pete ‘beat ,to: competitors. He said that by improvi ©: ing the economic lives of Blacks and© other minorities, all Americans wn 5 be assured that your Staridard of li ing would not decline.| ‘te a “It’s no longer an issue of whether © or not you love your brother>or! sister,”’ Jacob said. ‘It’s an issue ‘of: America’s competitiveness. America® simply can’t be competitive if she cOh-tinues to exclude meee sectors of her: society.” | Jacob said there are’ ‘striking ‘bon | 8, a iafi trasts between Japan’ and the United’: States. In Japan, 95. percent of ‘the.. children graduate from high school| _ and attend college or technical school.| He said the majority of Japanese high school graduates attain an intellectial: level not achieved by Amefican | students until they are sophomores‘ college. | One-fourth of ‘American studeits | drop out of high school, Jacob said, ly irrelevant,’ said Robyn Menin, executive director of Planned Parenthood of Mid-Michigan. ‘‘It’s a personal decision, it’s not a racial decision.”’ and another 25 percent* cate ‘graduating with serious educatibhal deficiencies.”” He said the federal government ‘has been slower to recognize this problem - remaining personnel from the country. than many business leaders, who are concerned that they will not be‘able There were unconfirmed reports that the country’s only international - to airport, Robertsfield, about 40 miles been ted. Ms. Cooperinan said it declitied i to participate ini a different conference ,. several dozen ecclesiastics who have Monday recruiting of their own. “‘Race is total- of the city, had event the school district tas boycot-,° Clerics grace commission luncheon | of Planned Parenthood Federation of America. And abortion rights supporters said they are not responding with black south (to Utah),”’ she said. - Meena The Utah conférence | isn’t the only.’ Ry currigulumn. to women,’ for,’’ said Faye Wattleton, president fill _jobs because poteiitial Jacob, who. has been with the Ur- | closed because of the rebel- offensive. Witnesses said the U.N. Development Program camp on the outskirts of Monrovia was attacked by 10 soldiers who demanded to be let in. Three jumped over the locked gate and began beating women and children, forcing about 50 to strip. we discussed the possibility of going’ tion and inequity further, calling abortion “Black genocide.”’ _ Blacks who support abortion rights fight that charge: ‘‘The ultimate form of genocide for black people is to have our children born unwanted, unloved, and uncared Doe over the assault and withdrew its 2 “Tt was aa very difficult decision’to’ make on our part. Our members ~¢ and the school board — are very seri-. ; sitive about these issues. One of Our): black members. resigned just because, \,: and The United Nations protested to Masked ‘ associated with forms of discrimina- Soldiers storm Liberian camp Reuter News Agency sai d. said the commission’s deci- - state holiday. . cur in any country that is still fraught prayed before the commission since with racism and other forms of the American Civil’ Liberties Union discrimination; as a sex equity comattempted to halt such prayers _ mission, representing a state countyyears ago. district with a majority of children of The ecumenical luncheon, also color, we cannot participate, in good | hosted by KUTV (Channel 2), and conscience; in’ a’ conférence taking financed by American Investment- Abortion foes seek more support by Steve Marshall Utah practices discrimination,”’ California’s evidence of this than their comments tical help, and a determination not to TS L.A. School District boycotts convention, calls Utah biased scheduled for July 16-20 in Park City. The district’s decision to boycott the NCSEE meetings is contained in a letter the chairwoman of the district’s Commission for Sex Equity sent to NCSEE. ) ‘‘This letter is evidence of their own bigotry,’’ said Francine Giani, Gov. Norm Bangerter’s press secretary.‘‘All bigotry has a basis in a baseball stadium that could cost - ignorance, and there is no better $100 million. Talk of armed militias understandably frightens many people, but those who listen will hear a cry of anguish over unyielding poverty, joblessness, bad education, and health care; a demand for compassion leading to prac- 8, 4990 7, ae ban League since 1965 and president since 1982, spoke at a press. conference during the Urban League’s | Midwest Regional | WHAT IF SOCIAL JUSTICE COULD RISE TO.DIE WMO MORL e Assembly:: Representatives of 40 Urban League affiliates attended. the, ne conference | |