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Show 6 Mountain West Minority Reporter & Sentinel, June 8, 1990 _ ‘Church News Miracle Rock Chure ‘131 North 900 West Church schedule Max Jaramillo, Pastor -. Phone: 599-0056 “Upon this rock I will build my elie hi. and drugs Four women Roar for their ‘gifts of — AIDS The second in a series of meetings at Shiloh Baptist Church, the general the spirit’ during annual breakfast public will participate in discussions Schedule of Services Church of God in Christ Wed. Spanish Bible Study ........... 7 p.m. Bishop M.A. Givens, Pastor 3100 South Redwood Road = (3060 South Lester Street) West Valley City, Utah City, June 3 — More than _ ing her parents, a Christian educator, on ways and means to stop the hi gathered to celebrate the and her husband and children. epidemic of AIDS and the abuse of the spirit’’ of four. drugs in meetings being held at the Phone: 967-0082 _ The chair-elect of the Committee of _ women during the annual Schedule of Services Shiloh Baptist Church June 23.. _ Women of Color, Alice Nishi, said Faith breakfast. President H.J. Lilly said the “‘best , Sunday, School’. 3. 0o1s..ckeie soaks 9:45 a.m Morning Worship ................0005 11 a.m Elizabeth Bess Haile, Sara Bernice that Iyoya and her family’s ministry line of defense is an educated public.”’ was interrupted in 1942 when they Eveping Worship ...o¢irsscacrest sss. 7 p.m Mosely, Rhoda Akiko Iyoya, and We hear many things about AIDS as announced were incarcerated in a concentration | Mary E. Pardee were honored by the and we read about its dreaded effects Wednesday Bible Study .............. 7 p.m Women’s Ministry Unit for contribu- camp in Topaz, Utah. Iyoya was a in our daily lives however is round ‘mémber of the first graduating class Griffin Temple Church of God | tions to the mission and ministry of table discussions we hope to ascertain in Christ | women and the Presbyterian Church from the high school at that American all of the facts about these devastating camp. She has dedicated herself in 2424 E Avenue (USA). : problems in our community, a Ogden, Utah The Rev. Bernadine McRipley, co- years since to the development of spokesman said. = “minority women as church leaders and Bishop N. Jones, Interim Pastor chair of the Justice for Women Com- . Shiloh Baptist Church is located at was instrumental in organizing the Elder Wm. G. Golding, Assistant Pastor mittee, said “‘nowhere are the gifts 1170 West 1000 North. For more in- Schedule of Services Asian Presbyterian Women. more evident’’ than with Haile, a formation, please call 531-7732. Sunday School New York Shinnecock tribe of State whose revolved around music, | life has “T am accepting this on behalf of and dance. Haile has served on several women’s committees in the | edge like the women before us with Presbyterian Church and was a foun-- courage and conviction.”? ding member of the Committee of Pardee ‘‘has a love of history and Women of :Color. an urge to teach it,’’ said Cleda “T accept this on behalf of the _ Locey, moderator of the Presbyterian women of color who contribute to the - Women. Pardee is a member of church not by their abundance but by Christians Associated for Relationtheir living,” Haile said. ‘‘My vision ships with Eastern Europe, the Chrisof women in the church is erasing in- - tian Peace Conference in Prague, justice and following in the steps of Czechoslovakia, and Bread for the Jesus Christ.’’ . World. She has traveled around the Mosely, according to Edith Patton, world on behalf of the church. From chair of the Women Employed by the 1973-1976 she served as president of: Church Committee, has ‘‘granted her United Presbyterian Women. gifts and.used them for the common _ Pardee accepted the award on good.’’ Mosely was the first woman behalf of ‘‘all. those who work moderator of the former Presbyterian alongside me.’’ She said that Church, U.S. and the first chair of the seminaries, the larger ecumenism, the General Assembly Council. She conEcumenical Decade, and congregatinues to serve on the council and last tions, are_ the ‘‘places to .look for _ year chaired its Mission Priorities , creative;vision todayi§ yi: e a VES | The Seminary: Singers, one Committee? + 4° aR 3 € women’s units past and present of ,the Presbyterian Church ‘‘have been my teacher,’’ Mosely said. She pe ala on her faith journey j mention- ass Francisco Theological Seminary provided special music. The singers are master of divinity students at the seminary. intermountain | book stores Christian Booksellers Since 1952 e » Books ° Bibles ® Records & Tapes/CD’ $ e Gifts For All Soecial Occasions ° Weddings « Confirmations e Baptisms «© Communions _« Church & Sunday School Supplies | Salt Lake Murrcy 6582 South State St. ~ 4986 South 1100 East 486-4965 _. Ogden | 261-4923 ~ Riverdale Shopping Center : 399-3403 Hours: Monday Saturday 9:30 a. m. to 6: 00. Dur mM. Sunday Morning DORR. SWEEN cae’ 11 a.m. Name change, dedication postponed Asian pioneer women who became our first Christians,’’ Iyoya said. ‘*Let’s continue to live on the cutting education, ORV The scheduled service of dedication. ae aie eee! AIDS and Drug Abuse tomes, aa ZB _ Conference ~ “Knowledge Saturday. June 23, 1990 10:30 a.m. - 12 noon be . Is ae pple Me The Rev. George Johnson. Moderator. ». a ‘Shiloh Baptist Church North » 1170 West 1000 Pee Salt Lake City, Utah sa The Rev. H.J. Lilly, Pastor Phone: 531-7832. Sunday School ............sc0c0008, 9:30 a.m Morning Worship ..................+ ll Evening Worship ..............000. oes 2 Holy Communion.. Each Ist Sunday Prayer Segvices. 3) 600.05. seas. Tues. 7 am pt night p.m., Mass Choir Rehearsal ....... Thurs. 7 p.m. Children’s Choir Rehearsal ... Sat. 11 a.m. Ebenzer Church of God in Christ Inc. 820 South 300 East Elder Bobby R. Allen, Pastor “Everyone is welcome here.’ Holiness... at any cost. - p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m, Monday, 6:30 p.m., ‘C.H. Mason College ) Tuesday, 7:30 p.m., Bible Band Bible Ogden, Utah 84401— Trinity African Methodist Episcopal Rhone: 621-8844— Church The Rev. Curtis F. Sewwil, Sr., Pastor the illness of Bethel Baptist Church 401 Frernont Avenue | Pocatello, Idaho 83201 Rev. Wm. S. Beard, Pastor Evening Services as Announced the great revival in Asia since 1965.,.: Phone: 392-220) His,,.best : known: book,. ‘‘Like.a Mighty Wind,’’ has sold into the Schedule of Services Sunday School .,..........cs000060 9:45 a.m. ee Morning Worship ...... 11:30 a.m. 30 a.m 110 tos cae s3igcS ats ee fic oth ué Ol He Og Schedule-of; Serviceses'ss:, | ok isco: en Evening ServiceIces... i sae: ied 8 Re pT Sunday School .............. oo cey. 9: 30 aa.m. Morning Worship .............. eel ole asm. Friday Evangelistic Service...... 7: 30. b: m. New Pilgrim Baptist Church Evening Worship ......0:....6..c0s0e00s 7 p.m. millions and has been translated into 20 languages. This book documents his experiences as an evangelst in ~ Indonesia. Mr. Tari is the vice president of All Seasons Resorts, a multi-million dollar 1624 South 1000 West BTU each Ist, 3rd Sunday evening. 6 p.m. Wednesday Fellowship .:;.. 12 noon, 7 p.m. Friday Night Bible Study......... 6:30 P. m. Saturday Choir Rehearsal Office Hours, Tues. -Fri.: ake to. 6:30 p.m. Salt Lake City, Utah quartered in Costa Mesa, California: His topic for Friday, Jurie 15, is ‘Identifying Revivial in the ’90’s.”’ He will be speaking at 7 p.m. There _. Schedule-of Services Sunday School es Morning Worship ........:......5.045 Mid-Week Prayer Service Wednesday eooeereeeaseeeseooetarese 2nd Baptist Church Elder John Miller, Pastor Phone: 393-9865 ! - The Rev. Clifton B. Wilkes, Pastor | Phone: 972-8626. Emmanuel Spun at Los in Christ.) ~ sh 2778 Wall Apentits ee Ogden, Utah 84401. membership resort company head- | 301 33rd Street Ogden — Schedule of Services.) ‘Rev. Charles Petty : Stinday Schools: stoic tes 9: a5 a.m. Phone: 825-9019, 393-4801 . Sunday Morning Worship 11:30 a.m. COGIC Training Union .......... 6:30 p.m. Schedule of Services Sunday Evening Worship ............ 8 p.m. Sunday School On Saturday, June 16, Salt Lake area businesspeople will have an opportunity to hear Mr. Tari discuss ‘Identifying Business Opportunities on the Pacific Rim.’’ The Pacific Rim offers a vast resource of possibilities for business expansion. This luncheon meeting will be held at 11:30 p.m. Morning Worship .:............ ipl cok Wed. Prayer Meeting and — | Mid-Week Services Goeessocvcecsreoresesb. Tuesday Prayer and Bible Band 7:30 p.m. Friday, Youth Night .............. th 30 p.m. ‘“‘Have Christ — will share.’ Revelation Baptist Church Shiloh Baptist Church 10th North Buccaneer Drive The cost is $10 per person. Reserva- — 644 East 1000 North — Layton Schedule of Services : Stinday. School \s.¢0.05 0200003000 9:30 a.m . Rev. Reginald Clinton, Pastor WoOTship: Service ...0.siiesteiises. 11 a.m . Phone: 546-9451 | tions are required and can be obtained by calling 973-4800 by Thursday, June 14. Both meetings will be held at the Wed. Night Prayer Service .......... 7 p.m. Schedule of Services Sunday School teecreesesoeeeesossor Worldwide Gospel Church Non- Denomination Christian Fellowship: — 862 West 300 North. : Meta Tauta Society, 1935 South Fre- Rev. Willie Dunn, Jr. BESEE BISIOP, Phone: 596-0076 or 964-0098 _. Schedule of Services Morning Sunday School ..........:. to Morning Worship. ...........0....0.5. 1k a.m. Wed. Mid-Week Prayer | npeedencoecces 7 p.m. St. Paul Baptist Church — 128 Broadway sy Boise, Idaho 83702 _ Rev. Ellis Robinson, Pastor ................ 11:15 a.m _ Schedule of Services Evening Worship: 22006025020. .050. 6006 7 p.m _, sunday ‘Scnoole sich cise sou hls Morning Worship Friday Bible Study ................ Las Bm . Advertise ‘‘Come with the Salt Lake City Dr. Minority © ' | To place your oad, call: (801) 967-0082 celebrate Jesus with us. Faith Temple-Pentecostal Church 1510 Richard Street | MountainWest and drive Sage Bieta tyne Saturday, 2 p.m. Elder R.E: Hurrington, Pastor Utah 84401 Rev. Isaac P. Bes Choir Rehearsal Christ : 119 West 26th Street Ogden, Utah 84401 | New Zion Baptist Church Ogden, : Finley Temple Church of God in Pe neesesereeerseesese 2935 Lincoln Avenue = cened ev Vowcdpostccs. M40 GAN: Missionary ............. 2nd Sunday, 4 p.m. 7. it guest of the Meta Tauta Society on June 15 and 16. From Timor, Indonesia, Mr. Tari has been witness to drink Sunday School Sunday School - Morning Worship .................064 : Mel Tari, well-known evangelist, Don’t Schedule of Services Schedule of Services author, and businessman, will be the “Reporter. Phone: 731-7374 | Phone: 392-8503 Mel Tari to speak at Meta Tauta Society is no charge for this meeting. - Friday, 7:30 p.m., Evangelical Service 2168 Lincoln Avenue the interim It Pays hed Rev. Francis A. Davis — Phone: 355-1025 | Schedule of Services Shiloh Church of God in Christ to mont Drive. ; 532 East 700 South due The service will be rescheduled in the near future. | 7 p.m. Calvary Baptist Church Temple Church of God in Christ was postponed by the church leadership Minister and Prelate, the Rt. Reverend. Nathaniel Jones of Barstow, California. , | Thur. Native American Bible Study f Testes loves you. So do we.”’ Schedule of Services — Sunday School ...:.........c¢0000:. 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship eoeroeceesooeneoce Evening Worship ...........:...... 7:30 p.m. cs eae ccc aee pees eaditues 6:30 p.m. Byening Worship ::.....50.0020..5....: 8 Tuesday Prayer and Bible Band 7:30 Wednesday, C.H. Mason Bible MOCUERE 20 Gin nak mneanren. 6 to 9:30 Friday Evangelistic Service ...... 7:30 and to change the name of Griffin i’ «s Mt. 18: 8 Sunday Morning Worship .......... 10 a.m. Sunday Evening Worship .......... aE p Mi Tuesday Bible Study ......... eaerry 7 D.o. Deliverance Temple Salt Lake 370 people ‘‘gifts of Presbyterian Women of meimber ofthe | Rosemary Cosby, | Morning Worship . bie hanes Gieseo : Community Church of God in Idaho Falls, Idaho Elder Wm. Whitehead, Pastor 9:45 a.m. 12 noon True Vine Baptist Church 1323 East 1000 North 6 p.m Evening Services: 0. . 5p dedecceccun esis. 7 p.m. Wed. Prayer, Mid-Week Service 6:30 p.m. Christ Wednesday Bible Class ...... As Announced Friday Young People Saves dee Layton i] am 1275 Bingharn Street Pastor Bishop Robert C: Cosby Phone: 486-5970: Schedule of Services Sunday School......... aie Morning Worship ...........:......... BC. Fp olceae oe tak aereny anes etc : | Rev. Grover C. Walker, Pittop Rev. Timothy J. Harvey, Associate. Minister Phone: 456-6554, 546-6554 Schedule of Services Nee Sttmay: SChOOP:. 2. ssi tees cidacs 9: 30 a.m. Morning Worship ..................0.. Ll a.m. Wed. Prayer Meeting, Bible Study. 7 p.m. Schedule of Services . Sunday School ............ i ee ee 10 a.m Morning Worship ............ Raa 11:30 a.m COGIC Training Union YPWW .... 6 p.m. Tuesday Prayer and Bible Band . 7:30 p.m. New Hope Baptist Church 513 “G’’ Street Rock Springs, Wyoming Rev. Harold O. Fields, ‘Pastor Phone: (307) 382-8280 Schedule of services Sunday School. ...........0c.cceece8. 9:30 a.m Morning Worship ..................05. il a.m Wed. Prayer Meeting ................. 7 p.m Sunday Bible Study .................... : |