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Show to be them, Understanding intentionally against and organized to enfore their dependency and submission. They are aware of the kinds of punitive actions sometimes taken by service organizations and The Poor government bodies. For others, the fault is viewed as their own. In other words, by Leroy Davis 3. | hope that what | am about to discuss will be of some help in beginning to understand economically disadvantaged people. Let me begin by saying one of the major problems of the poor is that they are not in a _ position to influence the policies, procedures, and objectives of the organizations responsible for their welfare. As a result, these organizations tend to’ become separated from the poor. The organizations are oriented toward the interests of the politically effective sectors of society. This operates to the ‘disadvantage of the economically deprived when the interests of these sectors are in conflict'with those of hy ae : t e€ poor. oy increased can influence to over counteract the that of to is, to the resident participation, increasing the capability client population representation | community oo and to gain influence affairs. and procedures Organizaed the tendency of such vital resources as the schools, health, welfare agencies, and employment service. Groups such as these disassociate themselves from the unique problems, attributes, andinterests of the poor. For these reasons, it should be required of all POVERTY AGENCIES to give priority attention means and with active DRAINS UNBLOCKED trust, training programs to bring them productively into the economic structure. 3. They need jobs, money and goods to develop self 5. Our and cooperation. UNDERSTANDING JE Ti DRAIN SERVICE AND ACCEPTANCE ARE THE GREATEST THINGS IN THE WORLD. PH. 298-6392 on “outsiders. by increased the shortage of trained political leadership among the poor. This stems largely from a lack of appropriate Organization for developing such leadership. Now, self-managed groups specifically created for, or oriented to social action, are rare among low _ income populations. As a result, these populations usually do not have means for training leadership capable of representing them and promoting UTAH'S CUT-RATE WOOD SUPER MARKET Since : institutionalized community life. that| might ey © COLORED NAILS © PRE-FINISHED MOULDINGS @ FULLER PAINTS © STORM DOORS — FENCING © ROOFING er 266-6122 1555 West 3500 ee GET INVOLVED Join In The Fight For "placa a ~ diminished by: the fact that eee these 5 difficulty, however, is not with the problems arising from successful resident participation, but, in fact, in developing participation in the to. populations offer Ses such unonte leadership -adeqate rewards. When potential leadership does emerge, it often turns to other sectors of the first place. You see, poverty in our community where leadership society is a social stigma, as a result many poverty people although talent will bring greater capable and qualified do not personal bene fit and participate, because to do so would advancement. be admitting they they are poor. Why are the above factors By ‘reading this material, you apparent? 1. There is a great lack of have discovered that there are many education or equal education factors inherent in low income life exposure for the poor as that act as restraints to effective ~ compared to the middle or participation. Let's discuss a few of the factors. .. 1. Poor people, ‘in general, are preoccupied, and frequently overwhelmed by concrete daily needs. Their attention is absorbed by the fundamental problems of self and family care. 2. Many low income people do not believe they can affect the world in which they live. For some, the world appears wealthy classes. 3 risa ; ip napRE SREP City CI oe aT eee WORDPOWER have great resident participation’, GFSRLESt Equality SUBSCRIBE TODAY that's the. South Salt Lake City add is that the availablility of leadership is further ae MATERIALS — FLOOR TILES 266-9551 Okay, some of the CAPs and war Gans id Health Organizations may say, We great! 1956 Do-it-Yourself & SAVE - on LUMBER and ALL BUILDING MATERIALS -@ OVER 500 KINDS OF WALL PANELING © CEILING TILE — ARMSTRONG interests their with the sectors of Advertisers of community life. ,The dependency is Patronize pride for sectors One other thing ' Communicated facts changing them. This, in -aG Gi tion. to..a jack of awareness of their rights and privileges, tends to enforce withdrawal from _ public affairs, creating a dependency On outsiders. tor | : ; representation in the acquire performance of the organization established to serve their needs and interests the probability of low income people improving their circumstances and moving out of poverty is minimal. They are powerless 4. they themselves as being inadequate for task or job. For many the habit of apathy is long established and difficult to change. The way that | view this, is the lack of information and knowledge among the poor, about the actions which can be taken when someting occurs. Theyhave little understanding and acquaintance with the social policies shaping their lives, let alone with the 2. Salt Lake City, Utah 841065 - Please start my subscription now, addressed to: Ts sida sien : : ae ee aus bei : uC) Remittance enclosed casks calekiad dap SUMREME Cs zig eee: came © an understanding MS ES OD OS OS aR aD TROUBLE GETTING INSURANCE? SEE THE AUTO SPECIALISTS ae = 15Ba at the develop between the “haves and havenots’’. If this is accomplised, the poor shall. develop a competitive eagerness to participate, work to achieve an acceptable goal in the mainstream without fear, indifference and lack of trust. : : : 8 $2.00 a year | Luucdtueoumatwsdunedcunaces ETAT) 15 ; : This deficit must be corrected elementary level to = GNGSUNNDOURODUAGASAONADDODOONERAOS SOUUNNAUNNNADR ONDA ONARSRAAAAaSNNSA aD ReRAgRR NED RONSED 6 SS saancenacennnensceansengannesa ae eaneutts Page YOUTHFUL DRIVERS eg, |