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Show space for 8 children. With sufficient space, it is impossible for the payment to be that low even at the The Mailbac. are Police ignoring Department. Pimps are ‘‘recruiting’’ young. black and white girls in a neighorhood heavily patroled by squad cars. West Second South continues to be the playground of pimps, prostitutes anddopepushers. “Why? -One answer is racism. By keeping blacks and browns under the thumb of local government to while operate illegally, the white power structure remains in control. Dr. Charles J. Nabors, Jr., Associate Professor of Anatomy, U. of U., spoke out on the issue of racism at a recent Great Issues Forum at the U. He suggested change could be brought about by teaching the public it is the duty of a citizen to participate in government. But one community leader maintains the -police department and _ local government officials ignore pleas for assistance to stop crime in the Also, all banks are accepting 235 ‘applications. They are not all accepting 237 applications. These are for families that have had credit the full savings service and banks loan and many companies are financing 235 homes. Not many are financing 237 homes because of the obvious credit risk. Discrimination against welfare families in subdivisions and by realtors is not rampant. It is against termed “‘lawlessness in the streets.” The Hall. of Justice stands as a monument to law and order surrounded by injustice, poverty inequality. Is there justice within the present system? When more and more white children become addicts, prostitutes and pushers, will our elected officials listen??? Dear Editor: After reading Marie Darling's article, | feel compelled to answer some of the points covered. The whole context of her article seemed to be that a welfare family cannot qualify for a 235 or 237 home. This is the general rule, but not the absolute. The primary concern behind the first, Mrs. Darling stated she could purchase: the home for 1/4th of the welfare grant. True, on a low income, the payments average about $75.00. Point one, ‘agreed: but does it stop here? One of the stipulations of the contract on these home is improvement and. proper maintenance, so how can you stop at $75.00 per month. Lawn, shrubs, fencing are all needed. Secondly, the portion of the grant is not sufficient to pay the average $15 to $20 per month water bill in. the summer. Thirdly, sapplication if the and still suffering the. home not the sarcasim and the willingness of a great number to sit and moan that they are abused by the establishment. to screaming prejudice and leaving ‘it to others to correct or take. actions that tend to increase the in the more paper that than half were nothing truths and mud-slinging. These benefit no one. $30.00 incentive and an additional few dollars by even taking a part-time waitress or other low paying job. They would find out how many doors would open at FHA and the various lending institutions. Eleanor Roosevelt, one of the champions of the poor, many times iquoted, “It is better to light one candle than curse the darkness.’ help themselves. those who nothing. It is not open to want something for NAACP Terrace Ballroom 464 South Main — Salt Lake City, Utah Guest Speaker: _Mr. Roy Wilkins National Executive Director. ‘Donation: $5.00 dissent. | know the difference between the ghetto and being a property owner with pride of ownership, incentive and purpose. How much better to scream for permissive legislation to allow us to help better our own lot and for more money for those who cannot help themselves. There is only so much revenue available. Can we not come up with ways to better utilize the funds? How much better the feeling and how much less the degradation if a family can help to earn and increase their standard of living no matter how small the percentage. A person must contribute. , The White House is pushing for incentives and self-help. While not STATEMENT OF PURPOSE WORDPOWER Newspaper some Through articles in the paper, Wordpower has brought about public awareness of problems and been instrumental in subsequent action on these issues. In addition, Wordpower Newspaper is sponsoring the Wordpower Urban Journalism Center to train minority and disadvantaged people for careers in journalism, photography and communications. These classes are offered free to students and job placement is tncluded upon manufacturing; salvage, ideas good would be quality low One development manufacturing; invention and light and low cost housing construction with FHA subsidies. We need the drive and ideas. The militancy fires, bombings and have awakened society to what is needed to help ourselves. Legislation has opened the way to the. end of discrimination. {t will of the points made in the following will end it. letter but feel we are also. bringing. ls it not the time to end about change and improvements in -mud-slinging and sarcasim and work for the common good? the community.) | _ Charlie Brown South County Dear Editor: minority as the concept. a spokesman groups and party or established It- is published by Inc., a non-profit community organization dedicated to eliminating of for. ~ the the - disadvantaged, be strongly feel that ~ : : “.-jncome is <not sufficient to finish ~much of the contents tend to.”a mCall the basement and provide sufficient increase the disadvantage. READING — TUTORING In your neighborhood As low as $2.50 per it will serve as a medium ae CT Professional a Dr. ‘Charles Pearce, nies 363-3903 of communication for the poor, the Eminority and the oppressed. This newspaper will attempt to establish fia continuing dialogue between these people and other segments of society in an effort to avoid more violent and destructive confrontation, while. working toward solutions to community problems. The Editor and Staff “\WORDPOWER” Wordpower is published every other Thursday by Wordpower, Inc. a non-profit organization. § Editorial Office 975 E. 3300 South Suite 1 Salt Lake City, Utah 84106" Telephone: 486-9371 3 WORDPOWER URBAN 327 E. 6th So. Sait Lake City, Utah JOURNALISM CENTER MARLENE M. YOUNG, Editor STAFF ‘Rhoda Werner, Education Editor Shirley Shields, Fashion Editor Mary Jones Clifford Williams Julie Fox, Typographical Scott Clawson Marie Darling : Design hr. was approved, and is racism, poverty and injustice. the needs. Let’s show them we have ‘not end it. Only the chance for people to meet on the same evel completion. We doagree with some and work for a common purpose admiring political institution. Wordpower, cost, clothing is. independent, owing alligence to no advocating all of President Nixon's done more than just scream about injustice and discrimination. Wordpower BANQUET May 16, 1971 — 8:00 p.m. Charlie Brown bill, there is much to support. South County Federal grants are available for self-help demonstration projects. |Are there not enough brains (Editor's Note: The following letter interested in the poverty programs was received by Wordpower and that we could not form a while we will print it as a viewpoint corporation, sell shares and of a disadvantaged person, as we do establish businesses that could whether we always agree or not, | ‘create jobs, develop ideas and earn feel a defense of our program is 'a return for the investor and needed. Wordpower Newspaper has disprove the tag of welfare bums. While LIFE MEMBERSHIP | have seen ghettos first hand, lived 7 among the blacks, Chicanos and tends to perpetuate welfarelow income people. | am Perhaps a few do. There is not attempting to raise, with my wife, 7 discrimination against a family that children on $310.00 per month. | can prove ingenuity and self-help. ‘have fought and am still fighting How many families with: the system. In the fight ! am determination could somehow earn attempting to offer constructive the MARK THIS DATE— prejudice. | know of some articles the system and the recipient: that Determination, self-help and ingenuity are the candle. Proof of “inner city’. Names. and. addresses. these statements can be of dope pushers and pimps have substantiated by contacting L.@4 been supplied, yet no action has. Romeny, Regional Director,FHA: | been taken. Frustrated parents will have been assured by him that the. find their own solution to the door is open to people who want to problem and the result will be and suffer the ‘problems and/or bankruptcy. All of There is a large measure of futility obvious? Heroin dealers are operating within a block from the Salt Lake Police ““allowing’’ them conditions is needed. Having had to | lowest rate. Can she afford to take degradation of welfare | am as 8 children into a 2 bedroom home much against the:system as anyone. To me, though, what is needed, is and finish the basement herself? OPEN LETTER: Why The pointing out of the deplorable - Wilbert M. Mason, Photography Editor é ‘ 3 eo |