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Show replacing the city and county commissions we now have. Over this county-council would be a mayor elected by the entire county. The concept set forth by the committee urges that the mobility of the citizens in the valley, . characterized by living in one area, by Rhoda Werner working in another, shopping in The National Education another and finding recreation in Association has appointed Robert. yet another, plus the question of. T, Krueger a special consultant for how competent any one unit :of citzenship committees to the NEA. local government really is, requires ‘Well known in the field of the attention of the entire area, not education throughout Utah, just the one involved directly. Neal the head of the Colorado, and the nation, Mr. Maxwell, committee, told news Krueger comes well qualified and representatives that since the object with broad experience to this WALL SPECIAL CONSULTANT APPOINTED of Rampton. of councilmen Now, why .because that it this eleven system areas function on the in the northwest area called council district eleven and in_ other. concentrations of low-income level families, the resulting structure of whom new the prove the very system to be people to solicits close government ties. In any given income area, proportionately low low taxes less would result in inequality. a For high moderate poor or income even income to to low income areas as a matter of survival, the rich to rich and the medium to medium. The resulting services based on taxes would mean UTEGO for short — Utahns for a total degeneration of opportunity Effective Government in the long for effective combat in the war on version, apparently has designs for discrimination against blacks, further categorizing of classes of browns, Indians, and poor people. people in the Valley of the Great It should be further noted that Salt Lake. This group, another the facts considered in making the were somewhat committee built to serve the local proposal government, proposes dividing the questionable:—school district lines, entire metropolitan area, from stem historical divisions, community by Joe Blecha to stern, into eleven different sections. . .each equal to the other in total population. It point that the muahy fade. is at this seems to First, each of the eleven districts would have several elected representatives to take care of it. these would: “also county-council representative serve --on::.an type of board, allegiance natural up over boundaries built like the a ..« When you do, you will e joining more than 33,000. subscribing and fully paid NAACP life district, the tax load to a family with low income would be ridiculously high. The proposed system would then force the low-income families POOR GET POORER? of for them.. (GP ReSGeeee" mo levels medium council 1555 West 3500 So. Sign up for life, government service. It could not be afforded. In an industrial area with low income families living in the same council-district. the taxes would be either dissproportionately high for the poorer people or low for the industry. another in. One 2x4"'x * Redwood Line Rail ...... 49¢ its own council districts one, two and three; The Then, 4"x4"x8" Redwood Post .............. 99e out of level of service. . .meaning taxes. This is precisely why the proposal should be of particular interest to citizens in lower income groups. In the Central City Area, called could children. care?. pointed lets each to candidates they feel would be good for education, regardless of polictical affiliation. At present, Mr. Krueger is advanced placement English teacher at Hillcrest High School. He is married to the former June Richins, living at 4836 South 4480 West, Kearns, Utah. They have three we also taxation to support direct to a district, should was disastrous is also used better the the election of a representative to the county-council and the county-wide election of a mayor. PACE: and UCIE “function through donations by the teachers. money &' GRAPE STAKES | “In Full Bunk ah. em urs Me TS aro cece oe iste: CUT: cased may chi le instal SHIP will help || mans for as litle os $50 0 yoo. This meons less thon a , job opportunities — Extend : ousing _—- e Expand Voter Power | © Instill Race Pride ¢ Integrate and Improve $1.0 0 Cua ee ee eee | | 1 WISH TO BECOME A UFE MEMBER OF THE NAACP § enclose check for $ Res - payment toward a Life Membership. = (| 0 t enctose a check for $500.00 for full Life Mem1| bership. j i j Mame years, rivers, C and roads, and sticking to census tract lines. Mr. Maxwell said that in all but the case of Salt Lake City, no new boundary would cut through an existing municipality boundary. Under the plan, there would no longer be a municipality of Salt Lake City. just government responsive to the dollar. - es clinics teaching committees how to be involved in politics. He is past President, and Vice President of UEA. During the teacher strike of 1964-65 he held numerous conferences with Gov. Calvin L. election ef Ge numerous of provide through 2 Si Sie cant es conducting committee would @ ae NEA, citizenship plan 3 os concerned with providing local government that is closer and more responsive to the people, that their accountability pe ean the ae 4 cleo on of primarily eas ans oe In the past he served five years were ° incresse Participation INSURE THEIR FUTURE i 5 j , City and State heme! lestalimests of a3 Etlie as ethas yout Tne Wonch of the sree amps ps taper Membership Committee er more, sent to of the Iwen 1York hesdape ESE antes is political arm. 3 His untiring efforts have been felt throughout the UCIE (Utah Council for Improvement of Education) and across the U.S. government see cau Convention in San Francisco it was voted upon to establish a national out discussions consolidation Gay pee the National Association drawn Retail rvasee During long erent @ ‘educational system of Colorado. the regarding & 5 roa - | Recently he returned from Denver, Colorado, where he organized and helped create PACE (Political Action Commitee for Education) throughout the Wholesale =: CHRIS &DICK'S: a position. PANELING - Cs aemcomac Page 12 c/o Danny W. Burnett — Phone 363-6031 247 North 6th West Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 |