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Show EDUCATION Migrant Panel To Gain Grant BLACK OPINION SURVEY WASHINGTON — A $100,000 federal grant was reported by Rep. - Te Do you have a child or children attending Salt Lake City Schools? Yes 2: Name of School a Are you presently involved, in one way or another, in the schools? No . If yes, what do you do? 12. Do you believe the needs of black students are being met by the Salt Lake City School System, particularly as it relates to school dropouts. Yes No Undecided : 13. Do you believe the school administration is responsive to the wishes of black parents? Yes No | have not decided 14. Do you feel your child or children are happy in school? Not happy or unhappy, neutral : 15. Do you feel your child is being taught the skills he will need in our society? Yes No Comments - 16. Do you feel that the principals of the schools your children attend are showing leadership in getting quality education for your community? Number of Children there Elementary Junior High Senior High Yes 3. 4, 5. No | am not certain Yes If your child attends a Title | school, how familiar are you with the Title | program? very average little none 5 18. Do you feel that the teachers are sincerely interested in your children? Yes No | am not certain : Do you favor the closing of Central City Schools? 19. Do you feel that the programs (instruction, curriculum, materials, etc.) are meeting the needs of your children? Yes No | am not certain 20. Do you feel that the staff (counselors, social workers, speech therapists, etc.) No Let us say that the school your child attends will be closed for good and that it will be necessary to bus your child to another school. Please check one of the three statements below assuming that the quality of education in each BEAUTY PRODUCTS for him & her EBONY MALL no. 11 so. 3rd west of the schools your children attend is adequate? Yes __—‘'No 1am not certain __. What courses should the school add delete case would be equal (program, materials, staff, etc.) 21. | would want my child bused to a school where there would be a concentration of black students, ! would want my child to be bused to a schoo! where there would be high fashions and Afro-American products tis Do you feel that the teachers in the schools your children attend are qualified to work with your children? Yes No | am not certain ; Yess San Juan. No 17. : Box Elder counties. Rep. Burton also was notified by the Office of Economic Development of a $86,486 award to the Southeastern Utah Community Action Program in Price. This program involves the counties of Carbon, Emery, and Yes Do you have children too young to go to school yet? If you do, please indicate how many and their ages. ! have _ pre-school children. Their ages are : ; : eee 3 | have not decided 6. Salt Lake, Utah, Weber, Cache and 11. No lf you do, please complete the following so that we will know which schools your children attend and how many of your children attend each school. Utah Migrant Council to organize a Community Development Corp. for would be doing Salt Lake City tel. 355-9497 How would you rate the total school staff and program of the schools your children attend? Excellent. = Good _ Satisfactory Inadequate . across from U.P. depot How many contacts did you make with the school this year? Artis & 23. Who initiated the contact? You inter bank 24. lf you had any problems with the school or schools, check the block which describes the problem. Academic _ Religious Racial ~ Disciplinary . Others: (list if desired) 25. My child or children are encouraged to assert initiative. moderately _ little none : 26. | believe that the Black Community should have a voice in decisions concerning the schools and our children. Yes No ____ltamnotsure___. 22. Ruth C. Ross, prop. an even balance of races and culture (if possible). | would want my child to be bused to a school where there would be a majority of non-minority group students. 7. Jamin favor of busing for quality education? Not decided : 8. Open enrollment means that students chose the schoo! they wish to attend. | favor open enrollment for: All students Minorities Blacks None ; 9. | amin Yes Yes No favor of integration as it exists in the Salt Lake City School System. No ! am not decided When Are We Going To Stand Up Against A Prejudiced School Board? | It is amazing that the devious and dishonest methods can continue in our school system and by the Salt Lake Board of Education without the black, brown or non-Mormon communities taking any action. There have been repeated incidents in our schools of racism by teachers and counselors. Time and time again, we hear and investigate the complaints of graduates qualified and certified to teach and not being able to secure positions in Utah because they are the wrong color or the wrong religion. Dr. Arthur Wiscomb spoke to the Salt Lake branch of the NAACP and told of repeated attempts to secure minority teachers, of how concerned he and the Board were about racial problems in the schools, how they wanted only: the best education for minority and disadvantaged children—and no one questioned his statements in view of actual situations. A very concerned young woman called the WORDPOWER offices on July 1, to tell how truly unfair the hiring _ practices are in Utah. She is a fully qualified graduate of the University of Utah with a Master’s Degree but because she was not referred by the local Bishop and was not LDS, she was unable to obtain a teaching position in Utah. Within 10 days, the Colorado Hiring District had received her application, sent her a contract and had received it back. They do not know if she is black, brown, Catholic or Protestant and THEY DO NOT CARE!) in their schools. We are losing some fine teachers to other states while we continue to. accept the of the local principal school board. cards welcomed Often social acUion organizations in Utah in an effort to build support for the establishment of a Central Hiring Board and the IMMEDIATE HIRING OF MINORITIES. Minority in Utah includes non-Mormons. If as Dr. Wicombe contends, the ef forts of the school administration have failed to locate and interest minorities in teaching in Utah, we will be happy to establish a team to recruit such teachers. Available Now: ce heeHe Reprints of Letter from She is qualified to teach and she will teach dictatorship teacher___ counselor Birmingham City Jail Lutheran Hunger MARTIN March LUTHER Her suggestion is one we should seriously consider and attempt to 1 Copy KING 2 eae. JR. 20¢ have implemented. She advised that en School Bells Ring... in a few short weeks, you'll be ready-for-campus in fashions from our outstanding selections, for everyone from kindergarten to college. SALT LAKE CITY AND OGDEN. Utah eliminate the individual district personnel departments, do High school age youths at Our away with one administration giving final approval and instead Saviour’s Lutheran Church, 2500 E. adopt a Central Hiring Board of 39th South, will stage a hunger perhaps three persons who would march July 11. review all applications and hire the Students will be marching to the teachers for all districts. This board Crossroads Urban Center, 347-4th should consist of representatives East, to raise money for the from various ethnic and religious hungry. backgrounds rather than all being “It has been brought to our Mormons which is now the case in attention that there are many needs school personnel. Applications for food right here within our Salt should be reviewed on the basis of Lake Valley,” the Rev. Mr. Prescott qualifications only, not race or said. “Our youth have decided to religion. do something about it.” The administrator in charge of Youth at Our Saviour’s have hiring states “We like to keep our requested that the congregation own in the district”. This is pledge a certain amount of money: _ prejudiced, biased thinking and is a per each mile they walk. Funds reflection of the school board’s collected will be used to purchase: attitude. A letter is being written to — food for the hungry fed through both the S.L. and Ogden branches the Crossroads Urban Center, the of the NAACP as well as other minister said. ie 100 Copies ........ $17.50 500 Copies ........ $75.00 New Leader Reprint Division 212 Fifth Avenue New York, N. Y. 10010 Please send me ........... copies of LETTER FROM BIRMINGHAM CITY JAIL. &} Cj keenclose: Sik cise. zs Please bill me (bulk orde only). Nae 655 oe Address City ee Re areca ...... Sin stete Ss © oro o%e ....Zene....State.... nee The following survey is intended for black parents only. It is requested that it be completed and returned to J.B. Stewart, 333 E. 7th South No. 7,S.L.C., Utah 84111. As chairman of the NAACP Educational Committee, Mr. Stewart is attempting to learn the desires of the black community regarding Salt Lake City schools. Laurence J. Burton, R-Utah, for the Do you want to be involved in some kind of community action with special focus on the school? Yes No Maybe, depending on what | on 10. Pyne (Questionaire) |