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Show Page Chicago, states, “People who buy things should certainly pay for them. If they can’t pay for them, they should contact their creditors and try to make a different arrangement.” He further advised that lack of communication is the greatest single factor in eredit troubles. at times, collection- » practices are hard to _ justify. Threats of physical violence, calling neighbors and _ discussing the debtor’s bill, telephoning in the middle of the night, swearing at people, and scaring them are all collection methods which cannot be considered good _ business practices. Some colletion agencies have been known to use papers designed to look lixe court papers when actually they are not - in order to coerce debtors. Such action is criminal and is subject to fine or imprisonment or both. For every guy who is taking advantage of his position - as credit manager, or owner of a business - to harass, intimidate, and insult, there is a good guy in the same line of work who has to live with the reputation the bad one has created. There are agencies designed to help those people who find themselves in financial difficulty. In Salt Lake City, there is the Community Consumer Credit Counseling Service of Utah. at 204 West 4th South, they are open from 11:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. The Family Services Division of the Social Services Dept. in Utah can help or refer a person to an agency or department for help with credit problems. The Legal Services can provide legal advice on credit and financial problems as can the Legal Aid Society. ' The middle class ‘and more affluent members of society have always had private attorneys and private credit counseling available, but the, disadvantaged often get into serious financial trouble and have no one to advise them. This article is the first in a continuing series designed to assist anyone who needs financial guidence. The above mentioned agencies are recommended for personal, immediate help and there is no cost or a small nominal charge based on income. For more general budget problems, look for this column in each issue. of 1966, P.L. 89-750. OPERATING PROCEDURES article in a Utah.) LOCAL HISTORY AND PURPOSE The Adult Basic Education Act originated as Title II-B of the Economic Opportunity Act. It was transferred to the Office of Education in 1966. Unfortunately, Adult Basic Education (ABE) has not been very closely coordinated with other federal manpower programs. In fact, only 10,000 of the more than 400,000 enrolled in Fiscal Year 1968 were reported to have gone on to job. training programs. : First established in 1965, Adult Basic Education in Utah has fluctuated substantially, both in terms of enrollment and in terms of funding. The program reached its low in 1967 when it was funded for only $50,000. Since then, however, Adult Basic Education has consistently on the upswing, today has reached its all time The objective is to provide education and been and high. basic for adults to overcome deficiencies that prevent further occupational training, more suitable employment, or advancement in Allocation from the Federal Government to the states based on determined need. States in turn distribute them to public schools or private nonprofit educational institutions. Effort is made to coordinate Adult Basic Education programs with manpower programs which could provide job training following an enrollee’s completion of basic education. all Americans are assured a for an individual and $5,500 for a family of four. Payments vary according to family size as follows: Minimum Adequate Budget: One person, income per year, $2,000, month — $167, Week —. $38. Two people, Income Per Year — $3,500, $67. Month — $292, Week — Three people, Income Per Year — $4,500, Month — $375, Week, $87. Four people, Income Per Year — $5,500, Month — $458, Week — $106. Five people, Income Per Year — $6,500, Month — $542, Week — Limited to SPONSORSHIP Federal: Office of Education, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. State: Utah State Board of [ducation DIRECTOR Dr. Brent Gubler Phone (801) 1050 University Club Building ‘Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 ENROLLEE ELIGIBILITY AND TARGET POPULATION Persons 16 years of age and older with less than an eighth grade education. Priority given to those who, it is determined, will profit most from the program. NOTE: Utah has modified the eligibility criteria to include persons 18 years of age and older who are functioning below the ninth grade level, since the State has Average basic English class *All rights and regulations under distributed to all participants, potential participants and organizations of participants. “Participants in the plan are entilled to a fair hearing prior to the termination or reduction of benefits. The hearing is to take place within fifteen (15) days of the application for appeal. Special grants are provided for participants in the Plan to retain one third of his lawyers or other earned income. For example, if a to obtain advocates and to pay for child care. man who has_ been _ receiving *The NWRO Plan assumes Adequate Income Plan payments of $100 taKes a job that pays the persons eligible for ADEQUATE INCOME benefits are entitled to same amount, his Adequate Income payment will be cut only $67, free medical care, legal services, and leaving him with a total income of day care facilities of a high quality in the neighborhoods where they $133, $100 from his job and $33 live. from the Adequate Income Plan. *Other services to. the *Under the Adequate Income Plan, a family of four is eligible for participants are on a completely benefits until its earned income voluntary basis, administered by reaches just under $10,000. agencies controlled by recipients Families earning up to $8,246 and separate from the agency continue to benefit because they administering ADEQUATE pay income taxes at a reduced rate INCOME payments. Such services. until their earnings reach $9,887. include family planning, The Plan works in the same way for homemaker services, family counseling, child welfare, etc. other size families. The NWRO Budget is computed Earnings — $0, Final Income on the basis of surveys conducted Under NWRO — $5,500, Final by the Department of Labor’s Income Under Tax Law — $2,460* FINAL INCOME Bureau of Labor Statistics. These INCOME - — 1966 surveys, as reported in Labor EARNINGS = NWRO TAX LAW Department Bulletin No. 1570-5 $2,000 56,166 $2,000 ‘three Standards of Living for an $3,000 $6,499 $3,000 Urban Family of Four Persons, $4,000 $6,832 $3,860. reflect the approximate amount of $5,000 $7,165 $4,710 money that a family of four must $7,500 $7,998 | $6814 for the “maintenance of $8,246 $8,246 $7,432 spend health and social well-being, the $9,000 $8,497. $8,057 nurture of children, and $9,887 $8,792: $8,792 participation in community similar to the income tax system where aN individual may either itemize his deducations or take a standard deduction, depending on which benefits him more. *The Adequate Income Plan provides a work incentive by taxing earnings at the rate of 66 2/3%. This is an effect allows a participant $125. $1,000 per year for each additional family member. | The National Welfare Rights The nWRO ADEQUATE Organization is the nationwide INCOME PLAN includes the grassroots organization of welfare following features: recipients and other poor people. *Income is automatically We have. 400 local affiliates in 48 adjusted for variations in family - states and more than 150 cities. We are fighting for the goals of size, price differences in various parts of the country, and changes in Adequate Income, Dignity, Justice the cost-of-living and median family and Democracy. income as they occur. NWRO recognizes that people “Eligibility is based solely on are poor because they don’t have need and is determined by a enough money. Poor people have person’s declaration of what his never been able to secure enough income from the wages they earn to needs are, with spot checks as is enable their families to live done under our income tax system. *Emergency grants are available decently. Yet every man, woman to take care of critical or unusual and child has the right to live. We are launching a nationwide situations. These would include campaign to assure an adequate grants for clothing and furniture to income for everyone, from wages, _ bring participants’ households up to welfare or both. We challenge the minimum standards of health and government to change its priorities decency at the time they come into *The average grant level under from an emphasis on death and the plan. Replacement costs are destruction to an emphasis on life provided in case of fire, flood, or ‘the present welfare system. *The Plan is administered by a and peace. We call upon our any other substantial change in single agency located in the federal circumstance. country to begin subsidizing life. Standards and It costs $5,500 for a family of *Participants have the right to government. procedures are uniform throughout four to live at a minimum standard choose between a flat grant and an of decency in America. This is what itemized assessment of their needs ‘ the country. Most of these persons are usually discovered through one of the other manpower programs and either referred to a course offered by the State Board of Education or provided the service as part of the program itself. 328-5574. Coordinator of Adult Education Utah State Board of Education » the Adequate Income Plan are written in simple and understandable language and jobs. Remedial education at the pre-college level, basic computational and literacy training including preparation for high school equivalency certification. In addition, enrollees may. receive education in family living, health and social skills, and personal counseling. it costs to provide a good diet, 5 which would consider actual costs of housing, clothing, transportation adequate housing, clothing transportation and other personal. and any special requirements the have. This is needs. To have less is to be poor in | family unit may Plan, PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS second of 1966: fundamental basic standard of income, $2,000 _ Marie Darling the Act Elementary Daily Attendance (ADA) funds that could be used to teach 16 to 18 year olds. America. We demand that the federal government assure everyone a minimum adequate income. Under the NWRO Adequate ‘From the President’s Desk” is Education III, Secondary Education Amendments continuing series on Manpower This is a non-profit | programs presently operating in agency which will help a person set up a budget and pay off his debts by making smaller monthly payments. They offer helpful advice on living within your means and planning your future purchases. Located (This SER VICES PROVIDED keen of a _ second nd director as Wordpower will give publicity and coverage to any organization or group dedicated to helping the community and_ eleminating discrimination and prejudice — Don’t miss this opportunity to reach over 40,000 readers. Call 486-9371 or mail material to 975 E. 3300 So., Suite City, 84106. 1, Salt Lake THE BEGINNING OF UNDERSTANDING NEED CONTRIBUTIONS activites.” ARE: SPRING ab We For more information The YOU DOING YOUR HOUSECLEANING? — Free Store is relying on the community for clothing, furniture, miscellaneous items. The need is contact: Utah WRO 4595 West 4985 South,Kearns, Utah 84118. Call 299-7017 Bread and Justice. great for baby and_ children clothing, bedding and towels. Take items to be donated to The Free Store at 568 South 2nd West . (upstairs) or call 328-4749. BI Terry, United Charities’ legal aid bureau in However, Adult Title ADULT BASIC EDUCATION A. English reading, basic math, etc. AUTHORIZING LEGISLATION JORGE ARCE-LARRETA Assistant Project Director Manpower Planning Council Part 1 Burton subjects: language, ois YOU AND THE BILL COLLECTOR Manpower Programs |