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Show WASATCH MOUNTAIN TIMES pa Pf 7 Vf rw, fy, | OUTLET Franeuace run Flexing Your Flexibility By Abi Wright Ideally, you should spend onethird of your physical conditioning time on increasing your flexibility and stretching. (one-third on strength train- * cycle * swim ° fitness ° Ewen ae ee _OurTFitT Every ADVENTURE not help lengthen the muscle. It has a high risk of injury and is not recommended. PNF (propnoceptive neuromuscular facilitation) — involves contracting a muscle, releasing it, and then stretching. PNF can be risky and should be done with a trainer or a physical therapist. It is important to warm up before stretching. Move into stretches slowly Hold your stretches for 20-to-60 seconds. Stretching should always feel good — don’t stretch to a painful point. Five Basic Stretches ing and one-third on cardio-vascular workouts.) But I would bet most people don’t spend one-third of their workout time stretching. I am at fault, myself. Flexibility is a joint’s ability to move freely in a full range of motion. Stretching lengthens muscles and connective tissues that surround them. By stretching your muscles and connective tissues, you gradually increase your range of motion. Benefits of stretching Gastrocnemius stretch (upper calves and Achilles tendons) : Stand on a stair and gently drop your heel down. Move into this stretch slowly. Hold for 20-to-60 seconds. Quads: Stand and hold onto a chair or wall for balance. Stand on one foot, while reaching behind with your free hand to hold the other ankle. Stand tall. Make sure your hips face forward. Hamstrings: On your back, with "AT THE HIND OUTLET! factory seconds * closeouts 675 E. 2100 S. bv er wepat Salt Lake City, UT 801.486.1330 include: decrease risk of injury, increased blood supply to joints, reduced muscle soreness, increased physical efficiency. There are many types of stretching. The three most common types are: Static Stretching involves stretching until you feel tension (not pain) and holding the stretch for 20 to 60 seconds. This is the safest way to stretch. Ballistic Stretching — involves bouncing while stretching and actually makes the muscle contract, so it does knees bent and feet on the floor, raise one leg (without lifting your hips). Grab the lower part of the elevated leg and move hands slowly toward ankle. Repeat with the other leg. Anterior shoulder & chest stretch: Grasp your hands behind your back. Keep your elbows slightly bent. Gently push arms upward. Posterior shoulder & upper back _ stretch: Grasp both hands in front of your chest, round your back out and drop your head down. 801 649-1884 oFrice * 800 641. 884 1283 ae Drive * P.O. B @ = ® 17 34 a7 * overstocked items Mon.-Fri. 10am-7pm Sat. 10am-6pm Sun. 12pm-5pm |