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Show WASATCH MOUNTAIN TIMES 2 Government Ok’d Nuke Fallout Gunlock Washington D.C. — Once secret documents released by Clinton Administration ? show that some above-ground atomic bomb ieee Gans ; j 7 a need : si ee ol 4 Ss iiiag ae designed to study2 radioactive fallout in populated areas. The Nevada tests, upwind from Utah, are believed to have caused numerous downwind cancer victims. On numerous occasions, the government denied there was any danger from the tests. In 1980, Congress apologized to-downwinders and made some compensation available. <—# Majority Favors - ’ Tribune poll 3 they were ifjt S of 604 adults, 77 concerned about for Radioactive Leaders Montezuma the Navajo Say Creek Nation — have Slow Down Tribal asked leaders Gov. of Mike Leavitt to extend beyond the April 1 deadline a 2. recommendations for Utah’s Wilderness desigmeen percent i resolution Navajo Takings to Roll Back Environmental Laws potential Washington D.C. — The = Tailings federal government would have to pay down the by the REQUEST TO P.O. BOX 1433 © PARK the process. Zoo The Navajos eo time to UTAH Gets Cougar Cubs Nuke Dump for Nevada? Carson CITY, : govermor Salt Lake City — The Montana 5 ; Soe trek + NOE Ee 3 et pe epartment of Fish and Wildlife has given _ S : on seer, an % ‘ a ear rer e om oe and one female — that were orphaned by a hunter, Their mother was killed legally in Montana. The cubs were found by the hunter after he noticed his prey had been nursing, << City, Nev. — Sen. J. Bennett | D-I for Jonnston penance Sn SOC gon a nuclear-waste dump in Nevada. Johnston's bill would put a temporary site at Yucca Mountain near a proposed permanent site. But Sen Richard Bryan, D- Nevada, wants to store the nations stockpile of nuclear waste around the nation’s 104 nuclear reactors. << Moab — Eco-Challenge endurance race organizers say that environmental extremists are threatening them and race participants with guns and explosives. The 375-mile race is scheduled to begin April 25 and will be broadcast nationally. Eco-Challenge promoters are blaming the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance for the anonymous threats. SUWA denies the allegation but has appealed the BLM decision that allowed the race, along with eight other organizations. —@ SUBSCRIPTION passed Hogle species. Eco-Challenge Organizers Threatened be built here will require 2 million to 3 million gallons of water each day to manufacture computer chips, That is equivalent to 2,000 gallons for every computer chip. Initially, Micron will recycle only 30 percent of the water. A company spokesman said that eventually more water will be recycled during manufacturing. been asking of the measure. Sierra Club representative Lawson LeGate said the bill would roll back 25 years of environmental protection by hampering . Endangered Act to Be Revised 2 Bene cer : ; q Washington D.C. — Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt has proposed increasing exemptions for small landowners to develop land that has been protected oes facts Baa eopscmanen rules Congress would have to revise the Boe eee Species Act to exempt owners of parcels five acres or smaller from penalties. Presently, the law blocks land development where rare plants and animals live. ‘ has Commission study the issues and determine if Wilderness proposals will cause conflicts with tribal rights and activities. . Species Lehi — The Micron Technology plant to Utah and Utah’s Congressional delegation to slow landowners when environmental laws diminish the value of their property by 20 percent or more, if a bill passed by the House becomes law. Utah’s three representatives in the House voted in favor efforts to preserve wetlands and habitat for endangered Water for Micron YOUR . E y ? e Moab — Whether 10.5 million tons of uranium tailings can be left safely near the Colorado River will need more study, according to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory / Commission. An environmental impact statement will not be released on the cleanup until the area’s earthquake potential can be meaSised, Mowe the sfehty vidio aciyeucilings out of the flood plain will cost an estimated $90 — $110 million. MAIL aT tS) 2 supaS 2002 Salt costs to taxpayers. Study O i support the bid. But 39 percent of those polled said O Navajo Olympics wr. oF 2 = am ris is detec asatch Front residents polled recently Bort ae ae Ee aay ante an ort Salt Lake City’s bid to captur Winter Olympic Games. According to a Lake 9 H Overflows St. George — Heavy rains have pushed ane ris : : reservoirs to their brims, washed out bridges ; ed , a pial and threatened homes and water supplies Overflowing Gunlock Reservoir, 15 miles a . ; i or rest Of S reorge On ES ( emeMneS Ge sit are pee une ee eae River, sent 2,400 cubic feet of water per second down a hillside during the second week of March. Large trees were toppled but no injuries were reported. } qa Y ? Environmental : N ews Caps a IKK WY Reservoir 84060 OR FAX a 801-649-8046 fh. Le The High Altitude be Alternative Published Monthly at 7,000 in Park City, Utah F Feet O.RoM 12 ISSUES OF THE “TIMES” TO ADDRESS APT./ SUITE NO. CITY/STATE THIS GIFT IS FROM PHONE NO. 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