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Show ALL ACROSS AMERICA Largest and Best Selection of all types of properties In the Uintah Baalnl Hundred to choose from! ROOSEVELT 722-22- 35 Dean Frandsen (home and office) Free Nation wide Catalogs Ted McBride 7222124 home National Referral System 0 ; O.B. Oberhansly r. Melinda Frandsen 722-283-4 - 12 stalls on 2.8 acres with alt utilities 1895 Trail Caart la Soren Nielsen 353-42trailers a storage trailer. Well house underground! Includes 2 722-22- 35 MLS 353-444- Bluebell(1959) 76 & & commercial water softener! All equipment, will trade for trucks, equipment, backhoe or property nearer to Nevada or Southern Utah. Priced at only 50,000" or will give owner terms! 1820- - Prestige Area Hama In Roosevelt! Large 4 bedroom, 2 bath. Features room with view wood overlooks Roosevelt Drive burner, large family under double garage with genie. Sprinkler system & water share! Large garden spot. Possible basement apartment if wanted! Excellent neighborhood. Owner ill and moving- - needs quick sale! Reasonably priced at only $85,000". Well Deal! 1687 8125 Par Acral Where can you get around at that price. We have 64C acres lust waiting for you. Loaded with Firewood! Posts! Game! Trees Pinenuts! Adjoins forest! Only 25 down and 10 years at 10 ownei 1914-- 1 Acre Home er Trailer Let near Roosevelt with city water in front! Only $6,500". Prefer cash, but will give terms! 1686 One of the best there is. 20 acres of heavy pasture with irrigation. Stream runs through property.Cool and quiet but notfarto town. $60,000 and ' worth every penney. Deer and Elk romp here. Secluded near Whiterocks Canyon. Great owner financing. The perfect place! 1726 Best Bench Farad 372 acres. Excellent farm land on So. Myton Bench. '200 plus acres irrigated. Excellent hay, com and grain. 200 shares UBIC water. Sprinkler system with pumps and wheel lines. One of the best for only 260.366 with 25 down and 15 years owner financing. financing! will consider dividing. 1745-1Acre Hems Sits. Just two miles north of Roosevelt. Excellent view in all directions, plenty room for garden, animals, etc. Priced to sell fast for only $10,000 with good terms! 1884- - Price Slashed Is SeH Fiscabin, 2 stories, with wood stove, beds, tables and etc. Has electric heat oodles of trees, on acre approx. In area with excel lent hunting and fishing. Priced at only $19400. Make offer. 1852-- Hancock Cave SpadaU5 acres ground with water rights. Excellent spot-- . for home. Beautiful view, good access, close to town. Owner will split in two parcels. Buy all or part Priced low! Call today! Wont last long! 1781-YeOwn Privets Hunting Grounds. 160 acres beautiful mountain ground with beautiful view. Has good road access, nice grass meadow with pine and cedar trees, deer on property. Buy this one for only $200 per acre with $6000 down and $250 per month at 9 Interest . 0 t- . 1908- - Brick Duplexed 2 with room for more. Take advantage of tax break! Get break on interest and scheduled depreciation, while you enjoy the appreciation! In Roosevelt near shopping, schools & church. Choice locadown. owner w25 $169,000 tion- - HurrY. has Oood financing. 1898- - Money Making Duplex on Pdollne read in Roosevelt! Very nice units on money plus rt toX tor 8lde! tradB land in one br8ak or live equity v'11 1901 - Uvs year arauad stream wllh 10 acres on paved country road with culinary water in front 2 shares of Indian water. 5 miles out of Roosevelt for .you horse lovers. Has good owner terms. Only 35,000. Build your dream Hur Maesar. 3 to 9 acres,' exclusive area, quiet, with irrigation water. Excellent price and (prms. 1805-4- 0 acres Traa Covered recreation and cabin site west of Duchesne, has road. A steal for only $16,000. Look! 20 down and plenty of time on terms. 20 Acres with larger older home very near Roosevelt city limits. All irrigated with water shares. Also live stream, heavy pasture. Great investment ef. only $5,000 per acre which includes home. Terms are available by own-- r. This is Roosevelt.-- - mountian property with stream, elk and deer! Private access! per acre. 1714- - Bast Fans la Vallay own 300 shares richly sandy farm ground thats irrigated with sprinklers. Includes wheel line sprinklers, pump, large storage ponds. Excellent water rights, corrals, sheds,and lovely 3 bedroom home with fireplace. Machinery can be bought extra, buy all this for only $330,000" with good owner financing. 1 Ha a 1 0 Acre Hsmeslts on paved county road just waiting for you. Perfectly picturesque. Has water, fishing and ponds. Only $2,500 per acre and only 6 down and 10 years at 12 owner financing! Hurry. 1706- - Big Big Dream Mountian creek, springs, Moose, Elk, Deer, Douglas Fur face it this 1400 acres pine trees. Quaken Aspen, Trout' Sprouse trees-le- ts has it all with elevations up to 9200 feet. $709,000". With good owner terms & will even consider trades. Paradise for facilities such as hunting lodge, R & R or corporate training facilities. Can you handle this. 1 730- - Mountian Of Otari 30 acres of tree covered mountians with many deer in the area near Strawberry River and pinacles! Just think 30 acres only $8000 13 down and 3 years at 12. A bargin. a Money Makars 6 duplex apartment buildings located in town. Approximately 8 years old, all two bedroom, on 310x160 lot All rented at $350 per mo. Call for more details. 12 at $350 is $4,200 per month income. 1 Haw Ballard Honia! 13 acre, water line, good soil, paved road, 2 d bedroom home on full basement Already appraised for financing. Only $65,000 and will be ready soon for you, by time we arrange the financing for . 1662-- 730 acres Terms. Only $250 854-Balla- ranchette here. 1903 - Berdan River south ef Roodlstfl 10 acres out in the country for only 5000". Only 1000 down and 5 yr. at 10. ff1gQ . Trmi Trwt covered io acres 8 miles west of Roosevelt. 12,000 with terms. ( 190Mtmal Kernel CaM 6cM Brill 10 acred Everything just right to live & earn! road Has town. from paved 1775- - 0ns Acre Lets In country just minutes low Main down, Low, fronts water Hiway location in excellent business spot! Everything to run business. linn, property. frontage, power, phone and Only 160,000 with terms for 40 yrs. easy terms! $8,700" you! 1838- - Only $300 per Acre- - buys this 40 acre tract of land. Oodles of trees. Oeer 1898 MyM Full block! 16 lots! Water & sewer available! Excellent location! 1783- - WIN Trade far Mobile Heme! or sell! 38 acres only 15 miles from town for , have been spotted on property, Good road through, many good cabin or Cash or wHI trade for backhoe, truck or property closer to Nevada or will terms! Owner home sites, close to good fishing. carry Southern Utah! Only 1500" per lot. Total 24,000. Trade! only $10,000. Trade or cash. Hurry! 1647-- Hear the Haw Breen River Bridge toward D.G.& T. is 2 acres south of - Hew Rohm In 1808water on 2 acres! home 3 bedroom shares. 22 LepeM 1799-- 357 Acre Farm. Rich, sandy farm soil. Excellent water rights with Green River frontage. Deer watch you! Wild game abound! Fish-s- wim Vernal In Live of Need amount half Home to convert small could Onl finishing. duplex. Machinery. Three bedroom home. Underground pipe for sprinklers. hunt boat! Has irrigation water! Only $15,000 for this with $2000 and have rental make your payments. Fantastic view- - oood land. Sheds, $238,000 with low down and easy terms. Pelican Lake Area. 10 years at 15 makes it easy to own. Do it now! and down corrals. Over 2180 sq. ft. In home. Asking $76,000 well help you get the financing. 1913-- Great Starter Home. Excellent shape with 2 car (new) carport, near 1623- Ufe Begins At 20 Acres on the Uintah Kiver by West Lapoinl Has older Can & Now hall. make as Business school 5 view wooded. water and with type acres 18871epeM. any building! pool line, cabin, river, playground. Exceptional low down and owner terms. Total pirce Only $50,000 power! $10,000 down and 12 interest by owner financing! We did say owner business. Lot size app. 34 x 200 on cornor with oodles of parking on main only $40,850"! Owner financing! Owner financing! street! Only $40,000" with owner financing! Invest now! 191 - Country Cnual Quiet Home. 5 acres with water rights. 4 acres into hay! financing! We did say the river is thru this scenic hideaway! 1767 Hurty 40 Acres for only $8,000, near Duchesne. Only $2,000 down and 5 1842- - Buy One er Sheds & corrals. Raspberry, plum, apple, peach, grapes, and apricots in acre building lots approximately 7 miles out of town. Beautiful view, owner will sell for $3,000 each, terms or $2250 each, , years at 12. Good, good buy! young producing garden. City water. Shade trees. 11 year old home on full cash. Good buy! Hancock Cove. basement, fully finished & 4 bedroom, 2 bath, family room, wood burner, Opportunity- - grocery, gas and mobile home park. Also has 6 on garage. Many other exceptional features like water line, view, peace & s.Has35(r major hiway frontage, sets approx. building for other 1924- - Want a main street corner business building location In Roosevelt! Lots of 27 and all with home mobile water, propane, power quiet! $60,000" with owner financing! 20 years at F.L.B. rate. acres, park has spaces frontage on two sides. Best exposure! Has business! Living unit and 3 rental sewer hook-up- s. Park is chain link fenced, includes 6 mobile homes and a one 1875-- 80 Acru Pasture in Bennett- - Asking $55,000". Has owner financing Call on this one! units! Make any kind of business bedroom apartment. Room to expand park or put other business. Priced to available. 1922- - Hilltop Homo! Really nice 3 bedroom home with fireplace. Total sell fast! Don't wait! 1792- - Pinion 6 Coder covered recreation and investment land west of electric! Has 2 acres with water rights. Sheds, corrals, new trees, garden, 1812 South Trldstl- -5 acres your choice! paved road. 1 share water. Hurry Roosevelt. 30 acres for $15,000 with only $2500 down and 5 years at 8 owner fantastic view and all for only $55,000! Has F.H.A. assumable loan of it's only 15,000 for this ranchette! Has terms! Well deal so hurry! financing. Make us a deal on this one! $31,500" at only 1892 Hies 3 yr. ell 3 bdrm. hem In Roosevelt on full basement! 1 Has $33,000 1791- - FniMandl 40 acres on US 40 with full water right. Good farm land and Owner will carry a 2nd. Appliances & drapes. assumable loan at want a business of yourown. Don't delay, buy 1841- - Da Yen Uks Measy-An$2000 per acre. 20 down and 30 years at 12 owner financing. Have only Immediate possession. Nice new section! Good location! Only $63,900". now before ifs gone! Excellent clothing business showing huge profits. your own farm. 1727- - Reds. Trial 5 acres northeast of Neola. Perfect homesite. Many trees, Choice U.S. 40 frontage. Want more details, call us. Now! Only 10,000. 1784- Best Investment Buy In Basin. 60 acres of US 40 frontage between cedars and native cover. Be first on this one. Only $10,000 with owner & Myton. Also county road frontage. All utilities except sewer. Roosevelt 18 It -makes while Roosevelt! you money. 1721 Money Makert Sleep financing at 12. New area. Only $750 per acre with 25 down and 10 years at 12 owner financing! A 1832- - Far Largw Fully. Lovely 5 bedroom, 3 bath home, brick, full finished storage units. (10 units are 15x20, 8 units are 9x10). Has 8 vacancy rate! Best Investment. On 5 acres for lots of expansion room. Homes or business. This investment basement, air conditioned, 2 fireplaces, 2 car garage, basketball court sets 1708 Tall pines and quakies! Stream & fish! Cabin foundation (new) cant be beat Owner financing 10 years at 13 after down. Full price on 10 acres with oodles of trees, beautiful view, 240 well and more, only and Argyle!in! Good access! Deer country! Exceptionally pretty and native! septic $115,000 buys with $10,000 low down terms! only55,000. A best buy! 120 acres for $108,000. 29 down & 10 years at 10 Put a group together & enjoy mountain beauty at its best! Much swim! trees! lake! Fish, boat privacylYour Many culinarylOveflooks 1711-1- 2 Out on this beautiful 5 acres recreation ground Just two miles off Tvs Money Making Hama in Duchesne! All with good assumable own ranchette or vacation paradise for only $13,850". Prefer cash-wiarea. in and $2500 trees. Excellent of Oodles Will road. Only sell also individually. Priced at $25,000422,000. Out of area owner loans. fishing hunting paved consider good terms. owner low with Increase your worth! is anxious. down, financing! 1808- - Ricratfloa Paradise at Starvation Lake-- 1 1 .5 acres at only $700 per acre. New River. on - Oucfaasnol 7 acres 4.68 - 3 Bedroom home on 1 acre. Like New! Also includes 32x40 on Batterhome old paint! 1743 1889Strawberry yr. good 12 down and 5 years at 10 owner financing. US 40 frontage and tree Good terms! owner ' Only Full 1 bath! 2 basement! Only New 1nsulated chicken coop, and 60 ft stock shed, corrals. Had excellant privacy! carpets! shop. covered! care. Only $10,000 down and owner financing. Total $74,900 will deal. 1815-- Priced Law Ti Sail Fast-- 70 acres east of Roosevelt some excellent ram. offers! all will at look $20,000. acres terms, 100 1772 good view, easy ground, choice building spots, water rights included, owner will split in 10 IIS ef fL 40 frontage on main street Roosevelt for only $350" per This Is only s sample! Como on Ini re parcels. Only 1250" per acre, 15 down and 10 yr. at 12. ft. Build your business or at near $1000" per Most foot. front selling property Choice 1722-- Pleasant Valley Fans 220 acres fee simple plus 80 acres leased. investment here! Has poor older home! 120 ft deep! Cash or terms! farm land for hay. grain, corn, pasture, 200 shares water. All for only 1921- - Duchesne! You'll have to hurry for this lovely home near school on two years at 10. $217,800 with $55,000 down and interest only for first Has lots of fruit & plum trees and shade trees! Has garage & carport lots. Then refinance it. You can't beat it so do it now. Also root cellar and wood shed! Look! Has V.A. assumable loan at only Kw new mr 1719-- Developers Dratxd OO acres with 75 watw pot wuu gwner wm consider financing equity. Priced at only $39,500". This has feet of paved frontage! ater to be a best buy ever. 1. Creek thru for year round water! Will divide into 5 awes ormmwithwatvlf desired. AH into choice pasture now. Future unlimited! Asking $253,000 with 13 down. Balance 10 years at prevailing F.LB. rate! 1724- - Roosevelt Heme end 475 Acre! Large 4 bedroom home. Full finished basement double garage, sheds, corrals, steel grainery, full water, excellent soil, large trees, city water plus well, 4.75 acres acres developeable, extra nice, only $130,000. Some assumable loan at 9 V.A. it's good for you horse lovers! (and others). 1781- - 4 Acre Building Site-- Has 160 flowing water well, power and Country road frontage. Just minutes from Roosevelt. Low easy terms! $14,500". 4. 1821- - Choice Income Property- - 4 plex apartment builuing on large 100x75 low corner lot with trees. In town, choice location. Only $60,000 buys with down, easy terms! Rented for $820" per month. 5. 1830- - liw Priced Beauty- - Only $16,000 buys this 10 acres with oodles of trees, 1 bath and wood paved road frontage, 3 year old cabin with 2 bedrooms, stove. Also has water well, and other sheds and corrals. Excellent hunting 6. and fishing close by. Thais not all! Hurry! Cash. sewerpower-storawaters Fencedwith everything! 1919- - Altamontl Large lot down. building- - plus south fronL 59,500" w20 ur 1817-Cholc- N 737-Bran- - - 1- All-Thr- ee 1800-Buslnes- s 8. 9. d - ... , m uu u mM!. 1838-Hid- e ll 1891-20- 0 Compare these six reasons: 10-1- 5 Vive La Difference! How many local brokers offer a catalog (nationwide)? 2. How many local brokers offer a mailing program? 3. How many local brokers advertise in over 500 major papers and magazines? How many local brokers are known to most out of state buyers? How many local brokers have signs ge known coast to coast? How many local brokers have lists of hundreds of buyers each week? |