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Show April 7, 1983 Basin NICKEL ADSAtEWSIRINT bedroom mobiffhomeFor down , information call home for 4 19V. interest, Vernal. 1W392 and payment 4 Roosevelt. 1W412 Beiutiful 1983 deluxe DINA MOBILE HOME PARK 930321 double wide with cedar NORTH VERNAL AVENUE. accents, bay windows and ADULT FINEST VERNAL'S dishwasher. Now is the time PARK. HAS OPENINGS. $1 35" A to buy. Joes Mobile Homes East Hwy. 40, Roosevelt MONTH. CALL 3885. 1W371 MdroomMansfield $11, 900-- No 789-516- 722-367- , 789-214- 8. 722-1W3- 32 mobile Homes KowwiJli1 llvvouTcamanM avaiiaN? phJS tUX. CJIUJ2 On FinaS 353-420- 8 ipnllincu! or Verl 722-24- 76 r?rJ Neola. 1W324 tOIM p.. ii?mpBlin Of !?.? Sale 1972 Centennial mobile home 14x53, 2 bedroom, terms available, set up in park or can be 6 moved. Call or 789- 789-084- 1849 Vernal. 1W388 bedroom Wint Mobile Home- - will trade $15,000 equity in Roosevelt 10x35 for remodeled. 1 acre. duplex on 3 or Tabiona. 1W394 722-916- mobile home home. Will take vehicle for sale. Newly partial or full payment. 789- 7 Vernal. 9797 Vernal. 1W408 Trailer double wide repossession in a local park that can be refinanced to a rate with Make 1972 old 4 have a one year 74 For 1 Hard to believe but true.- - We Sl,K 1982 14x70. with 21 Riposiused 1978 Van Dyke expando, fully furnished all 14x70 two bedroom home, appliances. I arnornnlpranH $13,800 with no down and fireplace. Very nice. Call 12 interest. Call 722-36after g p m 739.5347 or 739. Roosevelt. 1W409 4826 Vernal. 1W403 Offer 1972 14x60 mobile For ffor'lns Iige 3 Section nnnthi JjJ 789-696- Mfe Free Homes Vernal. 1W224 1W404 848-541- double wide wood stove, circular ar?!n n0??0 JSSSJ n n with 1320 sq. ft., 2 baths, 3 kitchen, skirting and porch. Needs Will sign private contract. 7 or see Call after five at 486 East 700 North, Vernal. No Down PaymenL Take over 1W374 $27,600 loan balance. 1981 How about a 3 bedroom mobile 5 Ann11 per nnt down is all you need 'r ?wJ!.ewrs iSS. home ailset up m a park, to P.aV buy one of the like new available. Approx. Only $8,000. Cal. Terry 789-- i3te modej repossessions at fJDpcing 35 month includes lot rent. AflentLook at this levely 789-598- ?5SLfor details - CaMFHom5rr755S5raL Will vernal. -- 1979 GREAT NORTHERN-Arti- e Insulation package 14x70, 3 bath- - all bedrooms- - 1 appliances-parked-skirte- d- EXCELLENT SPRING CLEARANCE SALE! N ' CONDITION-!!- $13,500. Call 789-344- ! 3 g Fsoule hStot Ca7m3lsifi 7&7ifiA vlrS for 14x70 Magnolia. 3 bedroom home. No down payment and 12 interest. 722-36Roosevelt. 1W410 74 trade for singlewide. 4 after 5 p.m. 789-700- Vernal-1W29- 2 Rent or Lms with 2 buy- bedro!2home- - Cal1 1S Tired of Renting? You WOO" Mew Models alreadv or Vernal. 1W390 . Ca 3423 Verna 1981 Redmond Trailer. 14x52, cant 1979 24x60 Mobile Homo tll ree be?rooma- - 2 batha one of !2 jp nice park on No. Vernal Care Free Homes for, with no ve., little or no down JKJff ,52 5r-?- down payment and only 12 payment. I will interest Across jrom Gib- - contract. Call Jim 3 son s Vernal, vernal. 1W375 Call is the of form flattery. highest Watch the other dealers follow the leader, Care Free Homes, in their attempt to duplicate Carefree Homes "No Down Pay- ment financing. Deal with the professionals. Care Free Homes, across from Gib- - Thoy Soy Imitation 789-191- Care Free Homes across from Gibsons, 789- ren,al- - Vernal. 1W397 4 1982 Governor 14x70 2 bed- - 6663. 1X177 room, garden tub, dish- washer, snack bar, T.V. 1979 Brighton Minor 14x70 room, wood burning stove, repossessed" two bedroom sliding glass doors, small home for $12,900. No down porch (wrought iron) behind a(U) 12 interest Call Casa Rios 22 must sell. 789- - 3674 Roosevelt. 1W411 1744 Vernal. 1W398 .wr For Sals 74 Invader 12x6olJ00 Nearly 1800 iq. fL double This 4 bedroom nartiallv furnished two bed-P1W308 sons. room mobile home. Just woodburning cooler, dishwasher, where sov appraised, ed in Maese?y Asking wood sidingshing. d roof modified "for cS 9re,at.buy at - $10,000 or best offer. Very Rath A P hpatinrf at Joe only s Mobile fnnan9' condition. Call 789753-114- 5 utan. flood East Homes, Hwy. 40, 0052 before 12 noon after 6 1W353 Roosevelt 1W372 1W399 Vernal. p.m. Mow $17,60800 722-success- ful : w- S 1- 789-752- 5 722-388- 5. OOF U UNITES (2 Come in and check these unbeatable prices BROADMOREII BY FLEETWOOD 1,128 sq. ft Home Full $2900 Now 19,995 Spadous wardrobes length draperies and sheen in IMng room and dining room Brand-nam- e appliances Dual glaze windows Curtains throughout Kitchen pantry (most models) 14' WIDE HOMES Was $23,900 Now $19995 Includes wood burning stove, includes del. & set up. 2X6 walls many extras bay windows Etf FLEETWOOD Was $22,900 19995 We have a full service department "We Care After the Sale 722-388- 5 RANDfELDER (Mgr.) CRAIG ELDER 6 789-666- bedroom woodburning 1N354 stove, excellent condition, Mobile homo for sale. 12x65 J(?x52 2 bedroom ropoososslon. little house Take over $1,000 down $211 per Sk Iine 3 bedroom 35 700 month or consider trade for total orice NO down New the payments and we II set it furnace and water heater, up tree. It would make a nice Reg; $19,99600 Professionally designed dccon carry 2 Example: 1982 14x70 3 bedroom, 2 bath. Was 789- - or 1W357 789-320- On The Way Daily PHONE Pt,010 - East Hwy. 40 Roosevelt, Utah 84066 : |