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Show Section 1 Page 14 Basin NICKEL ADSABYSPRLNT January 37, 1983 Paintinoamf iscellaneous black swivel naugahyde" rocker 0nepiy8irlci on 350 Chevy 722-27couch Gold hemoaeung 25, 5000, engines. blue naugahyde couch : Excellent location business Jn the Roosevelt . Balanced unit 7500. Vernal. 1A104 meals, call sevelt.JG271 SEWER 722- - CLEANING SATELLITE TV FOR ONLY $99 24 HOURS, CALL per month. We have installed 1A108 satellite earth stations for over 100 satisfied families in Burning Stove: head- 70 channels of the Uintah Basin. 789-064- 7. Wood DRAIN . Itreal mmm 789-420- Three with swimming pool fireplace on one acre for under 50,000. ; ong. Call Basin 6vr ijont last 7890686, of exclusive movies, sports, Vernal, and Bedroom Home aa: Quarters iS!VernaL NEW DIMEN- - West 500 North. i - yeur convenience, eirn around AMF rur TRAMPOLINES FOR SALE of Items sold. Contact 40 Deanna Hays 7392805. 1A128 real quality for low prices, 789-307- ruv-zau- Entertainment Center 145 Propane hook-u- p complete 82 West Main " we make gallon tank. Call 7894419. staying home fun!. 1C114 Vernal. 1B321 estateH ."0tl F.orl,.Backho; 17 ft It renot but for 500 it is the bargain of the year; 3 self-contain- ed office setToffiS sSSriLtaSie ApaS When you think QmIKy Pinion Black, white and tan male Beagle. Has choke chain collar with Fort Collins, Colorado rabies tag. Missing since January 11 from 3935 E 4000 S MOO00 his. r5SfT.n--; C3ll 5155? f5r Vernal. LOST Cal ndCedir45a ton. Free delivery within ten miles of Roossevelt and 5 (or each additional ten miles. Phone Roosevelt Complete floor & window coverings 1B3M Refinance while Basin Real Estat2 Vernal : 1P251 on & Lens: Two acres on Brush Creek near Jensen. Set up for mobile home. $225 per month without utilities. For more information Call For square feet Aveiliblo for Immadloto 3,264 apartment all utilities paid 25 plus TO" deposit in for Bryce or deposit or .VaB Roosevelt, Call 722-37uaiowen, Vernal 1P259 1P260 20 722-306- 9. j YOUR HOME REPAIR Repair-Plan- t- K Remodel work by the hour Reasonable rates 360 sq. ft. " j Lee Thompson p 789-229- 2 789-716- 2 789-005- 0 17 head of good For Sale 789-068- 250 sq. ft. Monthly Rate $6.67 sq. ft. in house secretarial computer & copying service available. 1050 sq. ft. 253 W. 200 N. Vernal Ut. 722-923- 1, ?his Bastian Realty Building 722-359- 2, 1, Bedroom home op .66 interest is down Located in OFFICE SPA CE AVAILABLE carpets think 5- acre Far Rent 2 bedroom 0 One nice refrigerator G.E. For information call 303-672359 between the hours 9 ,200. One fair refrigerator a.m. to 6 p.m. or earlier or G.E. MOO00. See at Skips later call Refrigeration. Call Roosevelt. 1B332 1B322 Colorado. Rangely, 789-813- 1, RENT; Two Located at 480 East 100 South occupancy: Sell or lease to in Vernal. Call John Hacking buy. New 3 bedroom home to 3269. 2L143 gudapp!icant,Call789- - 722-223- compartment stainless steel restaurant sink for MOO00, has never been used. All Vernal. 1C113 surely worth checking on. 303-675-889- SSSfSRJae !?. tJS (orCashgodchromeheavy condition 1951 Crown camper trader Ml.hiliHhIL JJ1 toics for Private- 15 trees, fruit and ?JI2SJ!Jn5 jBir Downtown location Pine. acre lot, basement 3 andffve ! garage. J4 .bedroom, with others sold in this area. 38? barn tile root, patio. Trade excellent fishing and boating o for property, cattle or what lake, . ,Yenf duty springe. ly Huyerl-OnCandf vihratHioh haveyouintheUIntahBasin. specially treated weather- by You mats. owneragent, Ken proof jumping 3594527 or Terry at countrv Reaitv '8M9 2, Call 5, Dean Frandsen , would expect to pay up to Ver"al-2018- i I ! OZtfT: 1P256 Roosevelt 1P133 twice as much for AMF-no- t so, I sell out of my home, so you save. Call 7892496 Professloml in and fill. We specialize 7111 sewer connections and MOVIES FOR RENT over 1,000 septic tanks. Very reason-movie- s. Choose from the abe 5 or prjces. call largest video tape club in the 7844959, Vernal. 1B293 ' Basin- - only $2 per night . ' - Besner,tair Rent video free. Sundays J Jlcyor machines only $5 per night SjKSfi i, vernal. imai (club prices). Home Featuring Fullview niflnt club ac.s.iraz Bicentennial free standing newm This is the grea.est Niw Duplex 2 bedroom, concerts. stoves and inserts, prices start at $295 Western Auto, om. Entertainment source kitchen appliances, washer-available today, home dryer hook-up- s, Vernal 7892609. 1A121 carport, Entertamment Center 789 good location. Call 7898541, Call 7891914, Vernal. 1P255 family room, living room, 2 9343, Vernal. 20182 . WeSt Main Vernal Vernal-2U-5- ? !2145 : BACKHOE. hl!!i!n!lmf0i9nnec!iftnernR For Rant 2 bedroom Rent or Salo 2 bedroom 1975 townhouse 4 olex Refriaera- - rooms, full bath down. Hallmark. Has stove and bath uo. Dishwasher, ranoe Nice clean hookas MKft.lHio refrigerator. refrigerator, wd hookup, s mobile home, new carpet in. n 6ac1- - Csrport with 789Call Pets,400' a month. Well room. insulated, living 997 ask f0r Art. Evenings storage, large landscaped gas biH for December was call 7890458, Vernal. 20182 yard, well insulated double- only 25. Sale price 7, 20000 pane windows. In city limits or rent for 280, includes Upilcol 2 acres with lovely $4000 to 425 200' space, no pets, references, large home, 3 bedrooms, damage deposit. Call 789 ' 9, - 789.9602. 1B301 722-278- 7. 789-234- 5. At Dana's 165 789-687- DUMPTRUCK AND NEW! SOON SMALL CAT FOR HIRE. Hauling vernal. COMING bETAMAX VCR FOR 439! of any type, top soil, gravel, ll. 722-287- Cuts are Cllts and Curls bHcE?tiSOat n- - 800 w- by appointment 1B315 ci5 SIONS 2510 Mini-Ma- ll Merc-addition- R. - & ROOTER SERVICE Teddy Gil Hair BPTiuiv unuic TELEVISIONS 789-110- Custom ELECTRIC your in downtown Roosevelt. Lease orange 65. Call 789 BACKHOE. DUMPTRUCK. m NEW includes utilities and a 60. 5277, Vernal. 1B325 ItLtVIOlUN!) TRACK LOADER FOR .HIRE. 2 ni'ifCMcmMc AND car parking lot. Call Guitar Lesions fun, easy, fast mm" 1B340 Excavating, septic systems, MnviF lor details. VER 8 sewer and water. Contact L00K way to learn. Call or see Sharon Wilier, Vernal. Mike McKee 7895701. 789 HOME IMPROVEMENTS We 16226 3214, Vernal, Utah. 1G268 Carhartt work Jackots. button Excel in interior and exterior Springer Spaniel Pups Pure!. Dog run for sale, with dog front, blanket lined. Regular- - remodeling. Carports, windows and Bred, AKC registered house. Call 7894065, Vernal, 35. longs-39.T.in Roosevelt. Business doors. Anything for Home Champion Pedigree. Bred for 1G269 Call a spaces for lease in Teddy Improvements. hunting, great family to" Call licensed contractor at 789- f "T,0,1, w.S.ni Roosevelt Mini-Ma$100" each. Call 7S9-241B338 2771. Vernal. 2F144 2 or 1A155 ;VemaMG270al1 backhoe dumptruck loader service, ditching, trenching, excavation, sewer and water line installation, septic tank and drain fields. Licensed Contractor, Gilmer A. 7894408 Chivers, Child Cars daily loving care, 0 or radio dispatch L06AN8 for 722-287- 789-856- BACKH0E SUPREMO NON-WOR- C Ron 7890423?Vernal 2F153 HPT"' Freo Black Lib- - Sitter mix. About one year old. Healthy 6 and spayed. Call Vernal 2B180 . WE TRADE TELEVISIONS K WORKING OR ING! ON OUR NEW SONY TVS!! STOP IN AT2510W500 Roosevelt 00 BPUI d 789-56- 97 registered polled Hereford new cows. Jo calf in March. Call mid a For fast one 3534462. Neola. 1B334 day service on most model For Sale: Thompson Super 14 trucks and cars. For auto 357 Mag Super Target Pistol, glass. Cali 7898449 for in very good shape. Make appointment or quotes. Cut-- offer, willing to trade for rifle Rite Glass, 390 East Main, in good shape. Call 7891 149, Vernal. 1A103 Vernal. 1B335 Do you windshield? Carhartt Insulated Bib Overalls M5ob. at T.R. Merc in Blaze King woodburning stove. Vacu-Mai- d RENT THIS DUPLEX AND WELL GIVE YOU THE FIRST TWO WEEKS systems, Roosevelt Business space Trampo King trampoline and 'for rent in T. Roosevelt 2 or Seeleys 1010 North! Mall. Call 1B336 3 2787, Roosevelt Ave., central vacuum ! Mini-jogge- 722-287- 722-Vern- rs. al 789-093- Vernal. 1G117 Sals: For fireplace Flame insert (Western ' Golden Auto). Heats 1800sq. ft. Used only 4 hours. Paid s680 with tax. sell for 580. Call 789 7319, Vernal. 10223 XfWood Burning Stnvss headquarters of the Uintah Basin. Featuring full view, Bicentennial & Golden fire stoves. We also stoex single & triple wall pipe. Western Auto, Vernal 789 FUNT5TONE MASONRY Brick, Block, Sfucco. l w r fmaiicmgo Before 29 experience. Free estimates. The finest yrs. craftsmanship. Ouaianteed- Professionally signed fireplace. Dress the area around your wood burning stove. Well give you more than building expertise. Well help you find and arrange financing with good terms to suit your needs. & 3d "See our idea book" 789-453- 2 you buyany home, see us. Price: $350 and $375 month Location: High Country Estates Call: 789-3557 Vernal . 2609. BASIN MOVING AND STORAGE ' r Make your decision to buy a new home 'WPR easier ?.aW. 4 a Ufl a. Pj Price Reduced .Maxjflouier 722-55- 55 Sales people I I wanted: Experience JW 1 IriMir ' necessary. Full or Real part-timestate experience ' - Beautiful older home - relocated to 1 10 W. 500 S. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, double garage. Unfinished basement has roughed in plumbing, walls sheetrocked and 2nd fireplace has been finished. Beautiful hardwood floors. See to appreciate. Price negotiable. Must sell new, low price. Call John or Keith. Totally new paint. Youll like doing business with us and -- youll Jove our homes! - WH an auttionzad dealer tor Boise Homes Company 789-303- 3, e. HOMES ROBB 100 touffi til EM T22-M- or 789-766- 8 7 helpful. If'' . . - i r t M 0 'f Miff Mfl .i . 1 4 a t 'ii 1 f M lit i f f 1 1 1 I M H & |