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Show Section Page 6 Basin NICKEL ADSAtEWSPRINT January 27, 1983 1 obile home Bred?r,h W &?.dr?om- !J?ra SivSiwpir j! 55W 1470 ,r?"' Oakbrook by Liberty. Windows. All Take ever payment al 384-5on 1982. used S months. 3 0 454-340- ng Beautiful bay or Altamont 1W188 1. onyof 10 down, at 196T payments 14. 2 bath, family Almost New 1982 used 4 See at Joes Mobile Homes, room, dining: months. Take over pay- - East Highway 40, Roosevelt All have'ments 195.07. Cathedral 1W196 cathedral ceilings. Beautiful' callings, 2 bedroom, 1 bath MaUla Heme net bedroom, : Far W5S: 500 site: 1981 skyline 14x56, 2 bedroom. Appliances. ' payments. 789-- : 8961, Vernal. 1X179 LffiSMSTSESl 2 bednmm Bontrese on jj. "0 ,e'cedj lot storage shed, covered porch, AC. Jj- ruSLH0?KL "2' !SS?v?5,m wlndows- - Very o663-1X1- SAVE SAVE SAVE 1.995 5461466 7 1982 mobile home 14x56 2 bedroom, 1 bath. All kitchen Net 3 bedroom 14 2 door bath. 1 appliances, washer and s'p.fflr.xii nice. Jj. 6. payments of 250 for years. Country Village space 126, 789-844- Vernal. 1X184 7, within 100 miles. Monthly Qa 9 5 ' payments 218. Housing vernal. 1X185 Plus Mobile Home Sales For Sale 12x58 2 bedroom Roosevelt. 1W212 mobile home 1,000 down Brand newl 14x70 3 bedroom, 13500 per month or rent with 2 bath furnished, wood option to buy 150. Located siding, ceiling fan, 16.900 jn Roosevelt. Call with down. The or Bills Huskv 1,800 5 payments are only 207.00 Roosevelt. 1X186 per month. You cant rent for LOT RENT that. Care Free Homes F0R 8 M0MTHS PA,D across from Gibsons 789- to own a home, want n you 6663.1X176 save n money and make a 8x45 trailer for rent grr miles for pr0fjt moving in, call for Northwest 789-927- 789-927- ,esa- - 545-258- 6:00, 722-245- 1, 789-297- 0, 722-966- 2rtS?Pal1 Home is'Tef up" on ,ar9e choice tat- - Small down 1X169 payments and 70x14 3 bedroom, seperate dining area, carpeted, storm windows, many extras, ail this delivered and set up Stock pin-hur- ry 5 jL REPO DEPO, . Home of the fantabulous deals!!! t? ... 24 J0.!"- Jy8 - ?ever Jf- - Will HA rates 0C,piei!lX Pus- finance at current with proper down, DOWN with easy, easy payments. 14.75 financing $ Availa blle now. talking distance to H. 1982 Champion 24x60 mobile 4 u 4-4- 4-4-- 5. Roosevelt. Travel Trailers in Welcome. Phone 722-25Roosevelt. 1V162 4- - 4- - 60x14 2 bedroom, nearly new carpet, storm windows, neat as out and buy this for only $10,500. Stock 5 Rent: Choice Mobile Home downtown shopping in 4 for only $11,495$ 1 etc. wui rtRHjKW or 789- 8 6992 days or after ' Vernal. 1W205 payment of 227 per month. fr bath, raised kitchen and dining room with 80x14 3 bedroom, m hutch, Island cook top, eye level oven, pantry, large living-roowith beautiful fireplace, large bath and bedroom, many extras-hurr- y and see this one. Stock 2 1 tgnlty InntwPanArrew Meter jj. bomtwill trade for what have J! take Rent reason SrablewS jL 14x70 drapes, swamp cooler. !t monthly Jc 'V25 Verna " i owner2' ir iwi84 : ; 4- - furnished Jh4x7L - wood-burni- 4 j Located at the Old Auction Barn . jj, d!me,a65eve'niS financing 4-- 4 4- 4-4- 4-- 4 4-4- 4- - 4- ji- - Central Trailer available. East Meadow Sales, Vernal. 1X187 Home 14x46, 2 bedroom, condition Set good 9,000. SAVE SAVE SAVE acre landscaped' up on 2.280 rentable lot. Call SJI132 14x66 Net with 8x20 .Venal, 1X171 For Sale: 1975 789-243- 9. 789-393- 7, andffoam Preside walls bSrhmnH toft for travel and roof. 2 door refrigerator, rnflm nnnS liwHc ?pmnHpiinn manY fflcall Vernal. 1X172 789-120- other options, Delivered and se up wi,tlin 100 miles. Month y payments 282. Hous ng Plus Trailer for sale with acre lot. Mobile Home Sales. Roosevelt. 1W210 14x70 1976, 3 bedroom, 2 baths, garden spot, area for Five Star Homes Roosevelt cow 30.000. Call Vernal. 1X180 Van Dyke 14x70, two bedroom. Call Ken 8x35 Traveleze Park model Roosevelt. 1V201 722-245- 1, 789-589- 4, 722-367- 4, with two tipouts Call Ken 5,900. at Five Star Homes Wibiviil4x70repisesedKlt View. This has ?k bedrooms and two two baths, a 4 1X178 r.--,cathedral 77 ceiling. Really P Sh3rP! YU 630 0et tO this SnJhrmc2 Ji3 !1 an2,52?!! easier than you can rent an apartment..Care Free Homes r trad' ll across from 6ibsons 1X183 6663. Vernal. 1X173 West Highway 40, Roosevelt 722-367- 789-Ca- 722-360- 1. '!.V' m Itf 6" m A Bonanza R.V. & Mobile Home Community Reasonable Hot showers, electricity, water, your pets, cars and family are all included in your R.V. rent m Laundry room & propane available on site. RVs - Varies with size Mobiles '16000 per month. Vem4 This nice 3 bedroom, 2 bath, exceptional quality, exceptional price, large living area. All set up and ready to move in to. Includes skirting, cooler. Was $19,900 Move in price N OW $1 6,800 0 Set up in Ashley Creek Mobile Home Park. Payments as low as . $200.54. Only $1,761 douin Call for information. LF Ini 789-083- 4 789-396- 2 to fiVC S I MCE : Under new management Hwy 40 6000 SOOTH 1500 EAST e t i 1300W. Hwy. 40 Vernal, Utah 789-752- 5 |