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Show December 30, 1982 Newsprint Iigc 1 1 Basin ISfewsprint wise. FOR RENT Neoli foot deluxe living, carport 355 East 1st No. Inquire Tom Howcroft. 789-35or 789- 5510. Vernal. 20105 Two Offlco Spaces For Rent Bnn,?,0ii!0c.ltylLlE5 COMMERCIAL New Two bedroom adult townhouso 1ft bath, 918 sq. Topographic maps for Uintah, and Dagget Duchesne for rent new 2 bedroom, 1200 sq.ft, large rooms, full bath down, ft bath up. Dishwasher, range refrigerator, wd hookup, deck in back. Carport with storage, large landscaped yard well insulated double- - .Duplex counties in both 250,000 and 7ft Size at Bitter Creek Books. Vernal. 2A104 37 ffin your lastcraft prefect closet? Or, is it .1750 West 1000 South, proudly displayed in your across from new Sheraton. all it Approx. 900 square feet. Air home? Show it was a lot of work and time, conditioned. Carpeted 450 Call Terry 7894292 or Or use it for a Christmas. 353'4527- tKn : birthday or even Let our professional framer Vernal. 20106 here at Ben Franklin help you For Rent 2 bedroom choose just the right frame townhouse 4 plex. Refrigera- for it. All the labor is free, all tor and stove, washer and you PaV or 's the mater'a?- - dryer hook-usatellite TV 2B138 no pets 400 a month. Call 7 ask for Art, Genealogy Course by mail. call Covers basics as well as evenings more advanced areas. Vernal. 20152 Consultation available with For Rent near golf course on knowledgable professional. Neola . highway, 5 minutes Learn information "hiding from Roosevelt. Two plates," professional bedroom trailer needs little secrets, motivation and work to get ready for winter basic heraldry. More 150 month MOO00 security advanced courses in deposit, no pets, references 7 European, Ethnic American required. ask for .200 in your off-Aft- er p, 789-199- 789-045- 8, vemai- 139 Pomeranlin Puppies and adults 250 and up. Ready NOW Also . and in January. i Arabian Mare and Gelding 11,500 each. Call j Bluffdale, Utah. 254-140- 4, 2B174 ' 7 b office bedroom house with fenced yard. 325 per month or best offer, 200 deposit. Located at 135 West 200 effective 12-27-8- Nostrom. 2W115- Vos 2. - m bdrm, wood rnmE million years ago. wnnv paE ience Drives lloSfs walks, footings and yard curbing, etc. Call ADventures 789-920- 4, South. Call 722-347- remodeling. Carports, additions, windows and doors. Anything for Home GRANADA ia7Q QiiwiTr nhp 6, Housing starts in Call a CdlUOS III 19ol tOttllCQ licensed contractor at 789- - 177,973, compared with VernaL 2F144 158.601 in 1980. Improvements. HERE A GARA6E. SAIEKUCT ACCEPTS CREDIT CARDS f&!8SKS!?3uJ ml Roosevelt. 2L147 ti Spend s New Years Eve At Bottle Hollow I my New Years Eve Buffet and Dance Live Band: Featuring Steamboat Saturday Night Starting at 8:00 p.m. Vernal. 20180 close in, FOR BUILDING USED CARS 789-691- 2, Two bedroom houso nun uv 789-584- Professionally decorated. 2000 square feet available. Call Candi Vaughn at High drawer, country Realty will not be responsible for debts other thin my own Hr Now Open for dog grooming, GUARDIAN KENNEL in Sharks, among earth's Vernal. Experienced groom- - oldest creatures began er. Call for appointment 789- oevoive more tL, juu 4957, Vernal. 2F152 722-HOM- spies for I 2, 2L143 9. includes conference room and five separate offices. ual headboards, pedestals available. 2B176 789-749- Fuqua 14 x 64, 2 RENT. 3t264 square feet, sided, shingle roof, all appl. Located at 480 East 100 South included washer-drye- r. in Vernal. Call John Hacking Dishwasher, disposal. lino. Downtown location s. 722-999- 1. J Professional tike witerbed tride-ln'Are you tired of your old waterbed? Trade it for a new one! Sleepy Hollow Water-be- d, next to Western Auto in Individ- Roosevelt We i, erKe,35M527.VOT.l.2LI0 8mi1 0nB 5e?r' QJLhJ? near newly .course Neola highway, ft minutes from Roosevelt, no month MOO00 pets 295 security deposit, water paid, Reference required call 353- 4527 ask for Ken or Pat. Neola. 20164 (89-11- 1 SLSitah mU 3,900, asking swamp cooler in Jensen. FENCING and 789996 evenings. days nice ROOMMATE to share We go anywhere. All types, Want to trade building lots in three bedroom house with Jensen. 21109 industrial and residential or Roosevelt for carpenter fU 200 farm. Trained installers. basement work. Lots are near golf includes all utilities, 435 Check our affordable prices. course. Ask for Ken. 353- - south 200 West, Vernal. Call E Earl's Fencing Co. Call 4527. Neola. 2L103 2 no 2F114 smokers, IMPROVEMENTS We 3170, Gusher. sorry Excel in interior and exterior For Rent in Roosevelt two 2L148 Ken or Pat. Neola. 20163 available. For information 530 send SASE to Coat-Tre- e five acre book 789-229- 789-326- REAL ESTATE 353-452- and Heraldic sources - beautiful ranchettes. two miles north of 3,200. Call Neoli Store. 3,000 to 5,000 in Vernal. 2S168 aero. Beautiful view with privacy. Owner will carry MDBLE contract Will consider trades HOMES 2 for down. Call Terry w: .vy $3500 Per Couple for Dinner and Dance leave for rent. Call 20183 Vernal. message, 789-549- 9, Free bottle of Champagne with your dinner. Free noisemakers and party favors. Special rates on overnight accommodations. $2000 per room Friday or Saturday night. Admission to Dance Only: $10 per couple. Buffet Dinner Served 7:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M. ,.Vi Tickets available at the door. Saturday morning brunch served from 1 1 a.m. to 3 p.m. $550 Friday and Saturday night Steak Stockade Buffet $595 All You Can Eat! Before you buy any us. see home, more than We'll Le ft: building exper-- 1 give you find and tise. Well help you arrange financ-in-g with good terms to suit your needs. Make your decision to buy a new home easier. al f- 4A vr- - Youll like doing business with us and you'll love our homes! We re an authorized dealer tor M , Boise Homes A Omimh Oi Tte Bo HOMES ROBB 100 HI Em) O SouWi 4 Compaq Vernal area: 8 789-766- er J0M357 f. JF 'n 'ri I |