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Show December 16, 1988 Newsprint Page 11 Basin Kgwsprint nearly DuPx for rent new 2 years combined exper- - new, nice neighborhood in bedroom, 1200 sq.ft, large lence. Drives, floors, patios, town. All appliances washer rooms, full bath down, ft walks, footings and yard and dryer hook-u- p No pets bath UP- - Dishwasher, range etc. Call curbing, 390 per month. Call 789-- refrigerator, Vernal. 2W114 with deck jn back. I 3406 Vernal 20177 r1-- : storage, largel fflYped FENCES We build Em" and Professional office space for yard, well insula fix Em" all. No job too big or jease. Downtown location Ii too small. Double D Fencing; includes conference room pang windows. to 425 $40000 2W100 Roosevelt and five separate offices. Ham Hanneit IMPROVEMENTS We Professionally decorated. Vernal. 20182 9343, "um. Excel in interior and exterior 2000 square feet available. , Call Candi Vaughn at High remodeling. Carports, 9 for rent. Call 2, country Realty addtons Vernal. Vernal. 20180 message, doors. Anything for Home QUALITY CONCRETE WORK Thru 24 Bedroom Duplex Spaniel puppies. Black and white, and brown and white. Available, ready to go. Call 785357. Vernal. 2B119 Are you project in wSur rinSrt? nr is it dhSSL in your proudly home? Show it off- - After all it was a lot of work and time. Or use it for a gift for a birthday or even Christmas. 789-691- Call a Improvements. n at our professional framer here at Ben Franklin help you choose just the right frame for it. All the labor is free, all- you pay for is the materials, 789-353- fore hiding 789-750- rn 5. trees, grass, fenced. Call 789-365- 722-347- sewer improvements 6, 789-194- 9, 2, 3 bedroom home for sale on acre lot, fenced.. All kitchen appliances, fireplace and many extra's. Payments 421 month. Call after 5:00 789-675- 0, Vernal. 2L150 in Roosevelt's Poco Acres and receive a second unimprovBusiness space for lease in ed lot FREE! 8,000 and up. Roosevelt downtown Mini- - Call 2 or 722-27for Mall with a 60-cparking details. 2L153 lot. Presently occupied by j.R. Merc. Fashion Factory TwB or one. sale on building and Deep Sleep Waterbeds. lots. Poco Acres in We are looking for fast food, Rooseveit. Buy one improv bootestcre. jeans, ed lot at 6 annual Interest fabric shops, etc. Call Teddy and receive a second 722- - unimproved lot FREE! Call Roosevelt Mini-Ma- ll 722-28or 2L154 2872. 2L151 722-287- 87 ar 722-288- 7. ttXME GOT ID BE "WE GUy WHO THE WANT AD1. 04 secrets, motivation basic heraldry. Morel advanced courses in MOBILE HOMES European, Ethnic American Heraldic sources) and Tis the season to be pleasing . . . available. For information Mobile Home For Bale: 1976 530 send SASE to Coat-Tre- e Fuqua 14 x 64, 2 bdrm, wood (89-1East 550 North sided, shingle roof, all appl. Roosevelt Utah 84066. 2B139 included washer-dryer. 1) dose Out Sals Diamond Hills Dishwasher, disposal, Gift Shop. Most items 2(W0 swamp cooler in Jensen. 6 off. November 20th through days and evenings, 21109 30th. 590 West Main, Vernal. Jensen. 789-399- 2B156 Trailer for sale take over 360. Down, payments, 2500 must sell before Christmas. 187 N. 700 E. East Meadows Trailer Park or call Vernal. 21158 have a few Novan Solar Kits available. These are factory We still SOLAR KITS! assembled and panels control modules ready for you to install on your home. qvqtfm At nr-- ? 789-100- 1. trailer for sale Roadrunner very low miles jriB 78 and Vernal. 2BI61 9513, 28' Fully condition. excellent call 789- - self-contain- ed your family 1 future for 2771. Vernal. 21165 Christmas. The Complete Must SeN igy6 12x56. 2 Apple Computer System is bedroom mobile home, Come now condition - with Glve !!ee excellent specially pr'ed. wood burning stove 5000. 743.5680 or 600 West Vernal. Ca 26162 848-553- 9. Tabiona. 21166 A Complete Apple Computer REBATH REBATE! System for only $1,995? But -- ,ike new- - Buy my 3' igai that's a $2,700 computer!! Widerness Trave, Traller Come see it at THE and receive to COMPUTER STORE, 46 South ChrSmas! Offer on 600 West Vernal. For Salo Inds 2BI63 Dec 25th! Call Blue Healer puppies, after 5 pm, Vernal. Just in time for Christmas. Call Vernal. 2B170f 789-661- 3, 789-468- 0 21171 -- RENTALS J Looking for avl. band to work with, or if For Rent new duplex two youre starting a band, call bedroom, two bathroom. Washer and dryer hookup, Vernal. 2B171 DRUMMER 789-878- 4, appliances furnished. Teacher has Carports with tool sheds, for piano and brick front. Very nice inside openings Call students. organ with lots of extra woodwork. Vernal. 2A100 Off main road in secluded close to schools, Topographic maps for Uintah, area yet Duchesne and Dagget churches, stores. Will be counties in both 250,000 and landscaped in spring with 7ft size at Bitter Creek garden spot. 400 month 9 or call Books. Vernal. 2A104 Experienced 789-161- 8. SOLAR KITSI 789-268- 2A133 W. will take on trade Real Estate, or truck, as down payment on Solar System, 9 Solar Basin and Vernal. 20181 For Rent Neola highway, 5 minutes from Roosevel- t- Two bedroom trailer needs little work to get ready for winter ffnu!?tt3S!S720163 for 2A136 22 Midas Only 16,000 Going South? 1976 mini-hom- e. miles. GMC Chassis, "party model $13,900. Call Hap 722- Roosevelt, or 722-286- 7, 2W112 bedroom home newly remodeled near golf course Neola highway, five mjnutes from Roosevelt no 100 month pets 1295 water paid, security deposit, 1 Reference required call or Pat ,4527, ask- for Ken. Neola. 20164 Maeser Corner, smell Beware of cold sores, fever blisters Approaching holidays mean a quickening pace, with resulting stress and strain. Unfortunately, many people who are prone to cold sores and fever blisters (herpes simplex) lips are at their worst "break out" during the season. If you are emotionally upor suffering set, from a common cold, you are causing a change in your body temperature, says Dr. Jones. The lips are vulnerable because they have a thinner cellular structure than other parts of the body. So, it's easy for a breakout to occur like a leak in an inner tube when run-dow- n, snow. ups are up front EveiyoKwsmstojMtteir day season. And, there is sim- ply no substitute for smooth,: moist, healthy Ups. If youre a woman, your glimmery gleaming lip prod-ucts wont work their magic if your lips are dry and chapped, Likewise, if youre a man, even the bushiest whiskers hide rough, peeling One Ups! No matter how busy you are, if you want to make sure you are ready for Santas its wise to get into the 353-241- - your lips on a year-roun- d basis, especially the lower lip which is more directly exposed to the elements.) chapped and cracked from sun, wind andor cold outdoors as well as from dry, humidity-robbing air indoors, Dr. Tony E. according to Jones, Professor of Medicinal Chemistry at the University of Colorado and Director of Research for Blistex Inc. The reason is that, when you are outdoors, your lips tend lo dry out from the onslaught of the elements whether you're battling too much sunshine, or ice and best near golf course on 789-959- Energy. No one, but no one, will see. Santa kissing you under the Christmas tree this holiday season if your lips are rough and peeling from winter's onslaught. With the kissing season fast approaching, it's time to get your lips into shape! Alas, now is the time when 789-218- 789-615- 3 save hundreds. by doing it yourself. Call Valley Solar Systems, for all your solar 7 Vernal, needs. Will Santa want to kiss you this Yule? When you come inside to an even drier, warm house or office or classroom those same lips can suffer from the change of moisture in the air. . Painful cracking often results because of lips thin tissue which is actually exposed mucous membrane. Dr. Jones explains. Tbo much central heat tends .to air we breathe as well. (Uwk at your Christmas trees needles droop and fall!) And a stuffy nose doesnt help mat- either. , I 789-575- 5, Vernal. 2L149 7. Roosevelt. 2L147 72 2F151 places," professional and South. Call or unfurnished. Carpeted, 722-287- 789-549- furnished home, 350 789-773- For Rent: 789-Lea- acre. Beautiful view with privacy. Owner will carry contracl Will consider trades Apartment For Rent washer for down. Call Terry and dryer hook-urange, or Ken Vernal. 2L104 refrigerator. Center of town, near school. Roosevelt. For Excellent location for your business in the Teddy 4 more information call in Roosevelt Mini-Ma- ll 9 after 6 p.m. or downtown Roosevelt. Lease before 6 p.m. Vernal. 2L144 includes utilities and a 60-For Rent in Roosevelt two car 2 parking lot. Call bedroom house with fenced for details. 2L152 yard. 325 per month or best offer, 200 deposit. Buy a building lot with streets, Located at 135 West 200 curb, and gutter, water and 7,500 789-437- 353-452- 7. by mail. three bedroom mobile 353-452- 789-229- Covers basics as well as more advanced areas, Consultatton ayailabfe with knowledgable professional, information Office Spaces r 2B138 Course Two Neola Store. 3.000 to B5.000 an p, - or sale two bedroom 325, 350 RENT FOR 789-229- 2 1766 West 1000 South, COint2S5lr ,n- across from new Sheraton. wnf tn hlli,H:nn inc in DANCE MUSICI For n enter parties, Approx. 900 square feet:Air 0 0 s e veil weddings or dances, book conditioned. Carpeted 450 WOrk Lots are near golf 2 or course. Ask your dance early for the mo. Call Terry for Ken. 353. Ken Neola. holiday seasons. Call Steve 4527. Neola. 2L103 at the Sound Company 789- - Vernal. 20106 ROOMMATE to share met 9044. Vernal. 2F148 . New Two bedroom adult bedroom three house witf Need a fresh coat of paint for the townhouse Iftbath, 918 sq. 200 holidays? We also hang wall foot deluxe living, carport. war" YruT h7 WTryiiii 3H East1stNo. ln(UireTom South MO West Vernal cfl 7 or repair. Free estimates. REDMAN Howcroft. PAINTING VernaL 5510. Vernal. 20105 Let Genealogy J beautiful five ecre rinchettes. two miles north of Neole 789-326- 9. 722-382- 0. Framing: Custom COMMERCIAL BUILDING FOR RENT: 3,264 square feet, Located at 480 East 100 South in Vernal. Call John Hacking 2L143 wvokup, 789-920- 4, fftKC Springer . PREPARE TO PUCKER UP for Santa's kisses! With the bow to get dry. 'PProKhin, h?Udy T. ahape. chapped lip. W. habit right now of routinely using a medicated balm or ointment such as Blistex. Trite a few minutes each day to condition your lips both indoon in day .healed i rooms and outdoors when you face the elements. The emolli- ent waxes in these products make lips soft, protect as a screening agent, and keep lips in good health. Also, just before using lip- stick, coat lips with a medi- cated lip balm or ointment, wiping the substance off after a few minutes. This helps to remove flaky, unwanted skin, The result is softer, more at- tractive lips. You can combat the dry, chapped Ups syndrome this Yule too by drinking lots of water, using a humidifier, and surrounding yourself with green plants to keep humidity up in your room. Don't forgttyournuuaetii If you are lucky enough to be sunbathing or skiing during the holidays, dont forget to pack along a medicated lip balm such as Blistik that con- tains a PABA sunscreen, Lips bum much easier than other skin because they do not contain melanin, a dark pig-wo- nt ment present in other skin which acts as a natural anti- sunburn ointment, says Dr. Jones, (If you live in a sunny mate, its important to protect cli-kiss- es, there's been a maladjustment of the system. You can help prevent the pesky blisters by applying a medicated lip ointment such as Blistex early (when the first feelings of heat, soreness and itching occur) and repeatedly. If you have a tendency towards herpes simplex, its important to avoid exposure to sun, wind 'and glare. If you have a cold, be sure to control irritation to the nose and upper lip as well, If blisters do occur, medi-ter- s cated lip ointments will help to soften the crusts and relieve the pain and itching. Like everything else, kissa-bl- e Ups take a little advance planning this holiday. Start a daily conditioning routine now, so Santa wont write you off his list. In fact, with today's emphasis on beautiful healthy skin, small-size- d personal care items such as medicated Up balms and ointments, and other grooming aids can be welcome stockug-stuffer- s. Blistik, for example, now comes in bright containers of berry, mint and citrus flavors as wdl as regular. |