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Show IiCc 2 Newsprint December 16, 1982 UP With Youth creative Without the following sponsors, the youth whose'of seeing have the opportunity pieces were chosen would not Johnson of their work in print: Sheldon & Jill Player MurrayHaws of J.C. DOTCO, Zions First National Bank and ! Penney. j A Precious Gift First Place Winner $25 from Ashtons We had so much fun that Memories of Christmas J'ff mill 4ft Christmas When A Kid I Was AfHfiT. ffArrr nff tuff YiAriitnnJ ' wwr fim; .fietftft Jr Amt AhhM- iitiA mi many mmtnriri. .fi ft Mfir non r fhr mi. - Place Winner 2 Dinners from Taco Time AAritAntu ' firAm yrrmi ifran yW-- ' tf 'Ai.iim fifri naiiny in Atfr . An nr tty. j ntrrtf Art Ar nrrrr & in iiruf tt Ar inft tf Ar JAltai. Anff Any ifrii. "enmr rtvKnf " .AAtm . 7 nonA triAr Anrr iAfu tf a one. v rAriiAnad in nnf unit . tfnttfiififf 'Jnnft. Aatyrra man. Atu Ar , J lwr Nt wt? Aiiiintf . nutA .AAr rayl wMtltr fi Aitr marAiiy ( .')nt ntntyAy? Andr w .'Jot A At f ttttfi nrrrr. Ar raAmtAir. r Ar J Jinan. Am .fftnJ rtm YiAriiAnaJ miff jau miA Amy iu my tamiy j nra. .rJm tun mu m an ftontrr . ftfnnffy Arman rArar. J ... ny mt. J fm: .ff Ann A Arm ft yirity mr moA a nonrrftA yjft niff nAitnyj Ar Atfi fomAy in my Arm. .'lAn at Ar ymr comr ant yn ant Ainrj cAnnyr Ar MffnArn nr Aaar in mr. . Itn . ffAn Jff Am nA ant yotn. my Aanjr it . fAr mrmorHr J&ff mnmain: fjfAo utnaffafff'AAridrna J . Atnr rtynyn. Air fuun. As you know, this Christmas we haven all the money to get as many gifts as we hail hoped. So this Christmas the only thing we can give love that ire hope you is a Christ-lik- e have will the rest of your life. you Ijove, Mom and Dad Now as 1 look back on that day. my love for people has increased. I also love my Mother and Father very much.' I hope that this Christmas we all will love in our hearts. carry the Christ-lik- c niff rrmrmArr tAr yrrat Umr. no iffy fta irrtrJrntrn By Stuart Simper everything 1 remember firemen rushing around' trying to put out the fire, and the baby on the ground, crying for Mom. I went over The present had a card on it with my name. One of the mother tried to climb out the tiny window. present, . Nobody moved, and I screamed for her to break the glass. One of the firemen put up a ladder to help her out, but just as the ladder went up, the roof of , our house caved in. The fireman barely escaped with his life; I knew she hadn't. The fire was put out sometime in the early, morning of Christmas Day. The firemen and neighbors stayed to help start clearing away the charred wood and burnt things lying around. One of the men found her under a large beam. She looked like she was sleeping; the" fire hadn't touched her at all. It was the beam that killed her. In her arms she was holding a brightly wrapped Christmas present, slightly burnt me the and as they men thanded anywhere in the crowd. I began to scream for her. Dad ran oyer to us children to see why I was screaming. When he found out that Mom wasn't there he also began looking for her. We asked around, but no one had seen her. Suddenly, we heard a scream coming from the second floor or the house. Everyone looked up and watched in horror as my covered her body I slowly opened it. Inside was the porcelain doll that she had received for her thirteenth Christmas. This year was my thirteenth Christmas and the doll was to be mine. That was over five years ago. It was a late Christmas Eve three years after the fire as I sat in bed thinking it all through again. I walked into the storage room where we had packed all of mother's things away. I opened up her cedar chest and lifted out the doll she had meant for me. I brushed the doll off and as I was straightening one of her curls I heard a footstep in the doorway. My father walked in and he put his arm around me. Slowly the rest of the family came in. We sat there and no one made a sound until father . started singing "Silent Night." We stayed there together and sang for almost an hour. When we began "O' Holy Night" I heard another voice join in with ours. I knew instantly whose beautiful soprano voice it was, and just knowing that she was there with us made everything all right. By Andria Amodt MEMORIES nd Place Winner v imrJ An mme YiArHAno .Ay trrrr Mrniff nAitay rrmrmAtr !'innriiny .r.'fn fij rrrry mnnA mmu rim ym. . AAif imnriir niff aAnay Ar CrrrmArr. !o nan excitement Christmas Eve came we all hung our stockings and went to bed. 1 knew that when we woke up this Christmas was going to be a special one. Morning came and we all went down the stairs, two at. a time. When I got to my stocking there was a piece of candy and a card that read: Arsra .'fi AniA At Mr, department. Just as we heard the fire engine coming up the road, my parents came stumbling out of the house. They were choking from the thick smoke, but they held several of the children's Christmas presents. With all the heat and became a blur. You're already working two shifts at work. I sneaked back to my room and went to bed praying that we could get enough money, just this once, for Christmas. As Christmas Day came nearer and nearer. Dad started coming home at 2 and sometimes 3 a.m., and leaving again at 6 a.m. to be at work on time. . J'ff iftrntunf my ,fn ft Aram no Antnr. !'fntn get the money. yw. tact. AmA Well. I'll just take on extra jobs to lArumaJ. fntf njAr ffr I'lHtif What arc we going to do? Three weeks from Christmas, and no money to buy gifts with. ytmn. tuh frar tiAntiif.i .m ynirnm-- l .An remember a few years ago, three weeks before Christmas, Mom and Dad were in the kitchen talking, and 1 couldn't help but overhear their conversation. I evening lighting the candles on the Christmas tree, singing carols, and last minute present wrapping. No one really knows exactly what happened. It might have been started by a spark from the fireplace or one of our Christmas tree candles. I just don't know. The fire started at about 9:30 p.m. The children had been put to bed early because of Christmas the next day. Dad, Mom and I brought out all the little children first and then Mom and Dad tried to get some of 'our furniture and clothes. The fire was spreading fast. I was beginning to get worried, because Mom and Dad had been inside so long. The neighbors came over to see if they could help. One person started to spray the nouse with a hose, and someone called the fire on the corner. to pick him up and that s when I realized that Mom was gone. I couldn't see her .AAmdAndAy toftfunk, AiAyiminAAny AiaAli (jAainy utiA moAnuAoAf iafinon &uA year Ary roAtrn, Jlnl eacA tin Ary fad . . . Aanya Ai tAniiny, JaAiny mr anayfrom fanuy Aoro iiffraMyA Ay mo ifeatiny Jo. aJaro Anon not jAuutyA it ix mm my Acme . J $5 from BitterCreek Books .VomAtyi HAnt nonfront only Anolinot Joftweti in mUHluq. JAoy iuJai an JAmy to. Aomo ayaitu' rjuArm koinAiina toAfa omnSnnanjZfJ jAat moaniny A mono 6am jnrt nnyiAlr. An Jmnofioroito. and imiU. fAtddonfy, jAoir ooim Mnyiny AriyAfy iffAoirwuot atom Aanfuol makmt tamo from, deoft, iruido jAy sffnd aro onlyfrom ono of Ait, timo JAoatunooneAao JAao AouyA, - Jam, Ay ntyoojf ifffy oxAtndiny, loan ou&aard Jnoed noon Ao aJono Slindnon. AriyAin momortet,'' m WJtmiLnoAnJd Jfy |