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Show Dcceml)cr 9, 1982 Newsprint mmr ciassimeps Basin USED CARS Moblli Homi For Salt 1976 Fuqua 14 x 64, 2 bdrm, wood 26 FL Rood Runner 5th wheel shingle roof, all appl. washer-drye- r. included 1981 Model, camper. MOBILE HOMES SOLAR KITS! SERVICES COMMERCIAL BUILDING Professional FOR save hundreds by doing it RENT: 3,264 square feet, Call Solar Valley 3dd, Located at 480 East 100 South yourself. for all solar in Vernal. Call John Hacking your Systems, 1982 Dodge Chirger excellent 7 estimat- - 789 - 3269. 2L143 Free Cement work. Vernal. Dishwasher, condition, 16,000 miles PS air disposal, cond., es. References. swamp cooler in Jensen. cassette, 4 generator, - TV hook-uPB, AM-Fand VimaL 2F102 days evenings, speed $6,900. Call after 5:00 excellent condition. 21109 Jensen. ?iUSon Vernal. 21108 Vernal. 2S167 789-268- nr. 789-431- 5. p, 789-399- 6 789-450- 1. 789-575- 0, foot Keskill trailer set up in quiet lot Solar Basin and We do it all. a month space Energy. Maeser Corner, 2F103 $200 bedroom WILL RENT 23 UINTAH BASIN AREA VOCATIONAL CENTER WINTER QUARTER 1983 CLASSES OFFERED: included or $2700 4 offer. or Heber. 21134 789-914- Trailer AKC Springer- - PAINTING Spaniel Down, and brown and white. payments, 360. 2500 must sell before 5ailable. ready to go. Call Quality Concrete Work.24 combined experience, Christmas. 187 N. 700 E. East 789- 5357. Vernal. 2B119 rives.floors, patios, walks, Meadows Trailer Park or call and footings yard curbing, Custom Framlnn: Are vou Vernal. 21158 6 4 or etc. Call Travel trailer for sale 28' hidi.yourlasfcraft.roiect Vernal. 2F122 " y?ur ctos ur' 18 11 Roadrunner very in your HOME IMPROVEMENTS We anri evreiient condition Proud,y Splayed it home? Show it cehrnntaineriraii 7rq1 was a lot of work and all Excel in interior and exterior S771 Vorn9i time, remodeling. Carports, Or use it for a gift for a additions, windows and .... f'J Mutt Sell 1976 12x56, 2 birthday or even Christmas, doors. Anything for Home bedroom mobile home, Let our professional framer Improvements. Call a excellent condition with here at Ben Franklin help you licensed contractor at 789- the right frame 2771. Vernal. 2F144 wood burning stove 5000. choose for it. Alljust labor is free, all 0 Call or DANCE MUSIC! For parties, T abiona. 21166 you pay for is the materials. weddings or dances, book B138 SALE FAILED" 1972 14x72 3 your dance early for the holiday seasons. Call Steve JSST,.bX,ITai!: at the Sound Company 789-Mndiliojjl can 9044. Vernal. 2F148 789-100- 1. 789-939- Farm Fair March 2, 1983 BUSINESS DEPARTMENT CLASS LOCATION AND INSTRUCTOR TIME DAY off-Aft- er 848-553- 9. 748-568- Real Estate Selling W.-T- 6:00-10:- h. 00 UBAVC-Rsvl- P.M. Th. Principles 6:30-8:3- ofMgt Th. Intro. To T. Data Proc. 0 UBAVC-Rsvl- Mon. Intro, to Acctg. Wed. Establish-Ing a Small Tue. t. P.M. Weatherston 6:00-9:0-0 UBAVC-Rsv- P.M. Advanced Data Proc. t Curtis 0 t. UBAVC-Rsvt- P.M. Grasseschi 6:00-9:0-0 UBAVC-Rsv- P.M. Gamer 6:30-9:3- 0 UBAVC-Rsvt- P.M. Staff !& K'aiSMt lt Consultation REBATE! REBATEI 'like new Wilderness Travel Trailer and receive a 500 check to spend on Christmas! Offer t. European. Ethnic American Occupations, Shorthand, MgLMktg., Communications, Math, Basic Skills, Computer Training. NURSE AIDE CLASiSES (Includes CLASS Theory ' TIME DAY M.-T- 5:30-9:0- ue. Home May 1, 1983 available. sendSASE to Exper- - To Be 3:00-10:0- An- - 0 P.M. and (100 Hrs.), nounced 7:00 A.M. to 3:00 PM. Ashley Valley Medical Center Duchesne Co. Hospital Stewart Conv. Villa Rich DAY TIME CLASS Basic Auto Fri. Care Sat 8:00-1:05:30-10:- 30 0 Welding Diesel Mon. Wed. Mon. UBAVC-Rsvt- UBAVC-Rsvt- P.M. Wilson 0 thru Fri. P.M. 6:00-10:0- 0 6:00-10:- 00 t. Aumiller 6:00-10:0- 0 8:00-12:0- Mon. LOCATION AND INSTRUCTOR . t. Topographic Duchesne mipsjorUIntah, and Dagget counties in both 250,000 and 7 size at Bitter Creek Books. Vernal. 2A104 General Properties 2750 West Highway 40 Vernal, Utah 84078 Cabinet T.-Th- u. 6:00-10:- Const Petroleum Technlgy. 00 P.M. daily 8:00 a.m. ' Vernal Bradley. Vernal UBAVC-Rsvl- t. Shelley Staff 'to 10 P.M. 789-19- 42 or 789-486- 6. New Two bedroom adult townhouse 1 bath, 918 sq. foot deluxe living, carport, 355 East 1st No. Inquire Tom Howcroft. 789-353- or 789- - 7 789-615- Two Office Spaces For Rent Duplex lor rent new 2 West 1000 South, bedroom, 1200 sq.ft, large across from new Sheraton, rooms, full bath down, Approx. 900 square feet. Air bath up. Dishwasher, range 1750 conditioned. Carpeted 2 mo. Call Terry Ken Neola. Vernal. 20106 789-229- 450 or 353-452- 7. 789-934- 3, required. 353-452- 7 K.h.or Pat N, ol, tr 20163 ask bedroom home near golf remodeled newly course Neola highway, five minutes from Roosevelt, no pets .295 month 100" security deposit, water paid, Reference required call 353- 4527 ask for Ken or Pat. Small One build Em" and No Em all. fix job too big or Three Bedroom Duplex nearly Double Out Hills 0 Fencing, new, nice neighborhood in Close too small. Sill Diamond town. All appliances, washer 20-50 2W100 Gift Shop. Most items Roosevelt and 0jf November 20th through pets dryer hook-up.N- o 789-30th. 590 West Main, Vernal. 3406 Vernal. 20177 2B156 Buy yon Magic Mill Bosch d grinder-an- feniiu9n"Vn?arliaiut We Buy, Develop, Sell, control modules ready for ou to installI on your home. all VALLEY SOLAR SYSTEMSat 78926fff or 9513, Vernal. 2BI61 DEVELOPERS SPECIAL 60 acres of prime residential property ready to go Chrlitmas. The Complete Apple Computer System is now specially priced. Come in to the COMPUTER STORE. 46 South 600 West Vernal. 2BI62 anything you want. INVESTORS SPECIAL Various kinds of highway and commercial property. Come al and commercial shop space avail 789-097- 3 or 789-478Q- .1 : 789-32- 84 or LANDSCAPERS A BUILDERS SPECIAL Topsoil, lava rock road base, and al General PropertiM -- 2750 West Highway 40 Vernal, Utah 84078 ranchBttB. two miles north of n MW tc nm .. !rewB nii.r win e?rrl UM. 7B9ZZBZ wjwMjlMiny f K353A527.OTaai04 nS l20000 deposit. Located at 135 West 200 South. Call 722-347- 6, Roosevelt. 2L147 ROOMMATE to share nice three bedroom house with full basement. 200 includes all utilities, 435 South 200 West, Vernal. Call 2 sorry no smokers. 789-584- 2L148 FOR or sale 350 RENT two and three 7,500 bedroom mobile home, furnished or unfurnished. Carpeted, fenced. Call 7893659, 789- 1942789-575Vernal.21149 5. Apartment For Rent an,d dry?r hdok:uP- washer - ,r8n9. refrigerator. Center of near school, Roosevelt. For more information call 789- 9 4374 after 6 p.m. or before 6 p.m. Vernal. 2L144 -W"P South? 1976 2Z Midas For Rent New Deluxe Duplex, thna kaiirAAni Sts idVnk PricBeasnnahS cSn nf -- 0n,y 16.00 mjn'-hom- emiles-GM- Chassis, party SJJwpI call model $13,900. Call Hap 722-it 2411 or 722-28Roosevelt. 7890009. Vefnal. 2L145 2W112 67 see it at COMPUTER STORE, 600 West Vernal. THE 46 South 2BI63 sofa For Sale: Matching gold and arm chair, electric stove and refrigerator. Price negotiable, Call 789-549- 2, Vernal. 2B165 AKC . Old Registered ; . English Shsspdog repdy around 738-570- children by day, night, week. Call Clara 7895417, Vernal. 2B168 Waterless Cookware Stainless multi-pl- y Call Dennis J, Homes for advertising in the Basin Nickel Ads Christmas, for that special 1 after someone. Call 2B166 Duchesne. 5pm to see. landscaping material at the LOVING CARE for pets or Rendezvous. 789-478- 0. or 3 Phone at the Rendezvous ISS' Givi your family a future for CONTRACTOR'S SPECIAL 20 to 100 residential lots ready to build on. $8,000 each and terms. Also, individual view lots $10,000 to $1 50,000. About Real-dentl- panels, and assembled . Trade, and Flnanca Real Estate Property. & RoTsevlr'Mrpe'nter Fwerttocliinlhtappli.1 VerniL 2W113 available. These are factory RENTER'S SPECIAL : : 7 : . , J!SLJL V unrr Lots are near $3kitchen machines in tlmefor course. (or Ken. nelBnDOrnOM. taJ W5M 8 BSh Christmas. Call for holiday 4527 Neola 2L103 789-38-. : : winter rafts 3178 Vernal. rices. wheat refrigerator, wd hookup, deck in back. Carport with storage, large landscaped yard, well insulated doubleIn city limits For Rent near golf course on pane windows. 200 to 425 Neola highway, 5 minutes $400 Call deposit. from Roosevelt. Two damage 20182 Vernal. bedroom trailer needs little work to get ready for winter For Rent in Roosevelt two 150 month $100 security bedroom house with fenced FENCES We .... brick front. Very nice inside with lots of extra woodwork. Off main road in secluded area yet close to schools, churches, stores. Will be landscaped in spring with garden spot. 400" month 3 Vernal. 20181 call 789-773- SPORTSMANS SPECIAL Want to find paradise???? "We Can Xelp You." Cal Rsvlt 530 e FOR RENT 789-307- 0, able now. For More Information Call: Uintah Basin Area Vocational Center 722-452- 3, gJLSJBgg S3159 Phona 789-097-3 at the Rendezvous office Wed., T.-T- hu. JJJL Carports with tool sheds, 722-382- 0. Terms available. TRADES AND INDUSTRIES DEPT. Coat-Tre- RnnLvMSL(829B UBAVCRsv'li. Rich P.M. (100 Hrs.) Clinical LOCATION AND INSTRUCTOR 0 Hive Country Western Bind will nbu snerial nartiPC Hall and Heraldic sources paiyiiye 7B750S virnii For information Adult Business Lab Offerings at Roosevelt Campus and at Maeser Center in Vernal 8:00 to 4:00 daily: Accounting, Typewriting, Office Health Aide Component) Jan. 4 available with places, professional Vicki. Duchesne. 2F149 secrets, motivation and NMriafnhittnf naintinrthB basic heraldry. More advanced courses in MDi Business I areas. advanced more 4656. 21170 Gamer . 6:00-9:0- lt. bfmog! 789-691- 2, appliances furnished. Bluebell. 2L146 454-387- 4, VernaL 2F104 5. 2 full bath, Professionally decorated, 2000 square feet available. Call Candl Vaughn at High Country Realty vernal. 20180 mobile home, fireplace, covered deck oorch manv For Rent new duplex two extras, all for 50.d00 or bedroom, two bathroom. will sell separate. Make offer Washer and dryer hookup, Free estimates. References. 789-431- 789-920- January 3rd to March 11, 1983 VernaL 5. or best 2A136 654-353- 7. sale take over puppies. Black and white, for 789-431- , office space for lease. Downtown location includes conference room and five separate offices. self-contain- M 11 Iige heavy, home demonstration kind, never 789-097- Colorado. 2B169 789-974- 0 |