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Show 'A V.t : !' t . SMURDAYcowt m HBO All Night Radio tWGN Nightbent 8 12:45AM Headline News CNN 1:00 AM Trmx CBN Cmon Alone CNN News HBO MOVIE: lee A young fl skater's pic glory aeem shattered alter ahe ia almoat totally blinded in an accident Lynn-Holl- y Robby Benaon; Jokoaon, Colleen Dewnunt 1979. From WGN the Editora Deek 1:15 AM CNN Week In Review 1:30AM CBN Weat-broo- 3:45 AM of WTBS News Im- - 2:15 AM CNN 2:30 AM CBN 4:30 AM 8 ' 8 Buddy CNN Money Week WGN ' WTBS Sea Hunt Agriculture Jimmy Newsmaker :30 AM SUNDAY O Sesame Street Shrinking A housewife, subjected to the chemical in aerosol sprays, finds herself fast shrinking Charles Tomlin, Idly Ned Grodin, Beatty. 1981. Rated PG. 8 10:00AM the Press In 1:30PM WGN Ciaco Kid 8 O This Week David Brinkley Dick Clark hosts TV Censored Bloopers 4," an edition of the specials that present the flabs and goofs never Intended for TV viewing, to air Sunday, Nov. 7 an NBC. all-ne- w Theatre: 6:30AM 5 fcs WGN Workshop w CBN CNN Weather WTBS NewsSporta gen Robi- - CBN Deaf Hear CNN Big Story ESPN ESPN Sports-foru- Show WTBS SHOW Sophie Minds Gerry Schuller Faust 8 BCBNCaptain Kangaroo Lcmoa NewsSporta Weather ESPN ESPN Sports Center Fractured Flickers WGN WTBS nival 6:15 AM Cartoon Sacred m Beat of Kids Are .People Too SHOW 8 Heart It la Written Agricul- 6:00 AM o Robert 7:00AM CarWGN Friends Faces 8 Jerry Falwell 8manUnderstanding Behav. JimBakker 8 Kennetk CBN Hu- Cope- land CNN News ESPN NCAA Football: Notre Dame at HBOl MOVIE: The Sea Wolves' British sol- diers attack ships biding in supposedly neutral waters. Peck, Roger Gregory Niven. David Moore, Rated PG. German SHOW Shut-In- s WTBS Lost In Spaee ral CNN a Cathed- WeekReview 7:30AM 8 Jerry Falwell Day of Discovery Robert Schuller WGN Chicagoland Church Hour Jack Van 8:00 AM O B o CD Pittsburgh Maaa for 7:15AM Crossfire WGN Front WGN CNN Sln-- Heritage the Store 5:30 AM CNN CL Faerie Tale ' in Auto Racing 82: NA8CAR Atlanta Humpelstil-tski- n BOO Imps Sunday Morning (D Jimmy Swaggart Sesame Street Kenneth Copeland 8 88 CBN Changed Lives CNN Newa SHOW MOVIE: Runner Stumbles The A young nun ia mysteriously murdered and the priest who loved her ia put on triaL Dick Van Dyke, Kathleen Quinlan, Mau1978. reen Stapleton. Rated PG. WGN Tarxan WTBS Lighter Side 11:00AM Trout 8Teams 8 Special to be Alternate Programming 8 8 TarxanDr. Muaie and Spoken Word the James Kennedy Religion CNN Weather NewsSporta HBOl 8RO: Crystal Gala In Concert SHOW The Grid Bog WGN MOVIE: Charlie Chan in Honolulu' The disappearance of iew-e- k leads Chan on a chase in hia own beck yard. Toler, Phyllis Sidney Brooks, John King. 1938 WTBS MOVIE: The Love Machine A man advances ruthlessly, via hia sexual prowem. from a six oclock newscaster to network president. John Phillip Law, Dyan Cannon, Robert Ryan. 1971. 11:30 AM O Jack Anderson Confidential World of a Child O 8 Last of the O NBC WTBS Nice People 8 6:00 PM CNN News Carol Burnett and O Friends MASH Q CD Voyagers! 8 SoundFlyingFestival Houae rie WTBS MOVIE: CarA girl leaves a salesman to run off with a Center married man. Laurence Olivier,. Jennifer Jones. of Country tling O ABC Newa O Newa O Sneak Previews ESPN Cham- young nun is mysteriously murdered and the prieat who loved her is put on triaL Dick Van Dyke, Kathleen Quinlan, Mau1978. reen Stapleton. Rated PG. CNN Novak Evans classroom. Gary Bueey, Annette OToole, Eddie Albert. 1980. Rated PG. WGN In Search of.... 8 6:00 PM ers! Voyag- O Ripleys Believe It Or NoU 60 Minutes O 88 Child- CNN and MOVIE: The Sea Wolves British solGerman diers attack ships hiding in HBOl ly neutral waters. Peck, Roger Moon, David Niven. Rated PG. WGN MOVIE: The Gregory Foot- Place Chuck Stobort Coachs Show BYU Devotional Hardy Boys CBN Special CNN Health O Insight NCAA Family B CD Archie's Week O Swiaa ball: L8U at Alabama HBOl MOVIE: Foldin Around An Oklahoma ranch hand enrolls in college, but laarns more about life outside the pionship Tennis: The Maryland Classic from Baltimore - Final SHOW MOVIE: The A Runner Stumbles rens Fund Sports 8 Extra 5:30 PM CBN O TV Censored Bloopers 4 MOVIE: Kramer vs. Kramer A divorced couple struggles over the custody of their young O Dustin son. Hoffman, Justin Streep, Meryl Henry. I960. Jefferaons B CD Trapper MJ). Nature Q 8Memories 8Lawrence Welk CNN NewaSporte Weather ESPN ESPN Sports Center SHOW MOVIE: True A brutal Confessions murder tests the conflicting loyalties of two broth-erRobert De Niro, Robert Duvall, Charles Duraing. 1981. Rated R. a. WGN News WTBSl TBS Wsekead News 8:15PM ESPN NBA Tonight CNN Sunday 1947. 2:30PM Gnat Ladies 5:15PM Stallion A boys love tot a hone makes him fight to prevent losing the ranch. Robert Paige, Ted Donaldson, Jane DarwelL 2:15 PM Sports WTBS Beet of World WresChampionship Othello CNN Newa ESPN World ESPN SHOW Dimension 8 HumanMOVIE: Red to People 8:00PM the Prairie Alternate Programming O Shakespeare Plays Shrinking A housewife, subjected to the chemicals in aerosol ipraya, finds fast. herself shrinking Charles Tomlin, Lily Ned Grodin, Beatty. 1981. Rated PG. 88 Thats Incre- HBOl MOVIE: dible Woman News CBS Newa World of a Child CBN American Trail CNN Inside Business HBO 8RO: Crystal Gale In Concert WGN Little House on Incredible To Be Announced CD NFL Football: Teams to be the of Beat Muppeta CBN In Touch WGN CBN Zola Levitt CNN Big Story O 8 People 4:30PM CBN ESPN 8 atGloria a Time CD One Day SHOW This Is Free- CNN 7:30 PM Theatre: takin CBN Ranger CD NFL Football: CBN Sports In man Reporta CNN 8 Crossfire WGN Lone the Life 2:00PM at 8 Journal O 7:15PM 5 Weather 1952. Bijou New Wilderneos CBN Athletes Action CNN ESPN WTBS Wild cial Great Ladies of Country . Martin Pacific Island. West, Venetia Stevenson, Bill Williams. 1962. Campbell Review Muaie World CBN Jewish Voice CNN Newa 1:15PM CNN Spe- SHOW O Jones Glen WGN Fight Bad Week WTBS Seven MOVIE: Alone Seven orphaned children undertake the hazardous 2000 mile journey from Missouri to Oregon in the 1840's after death. their parents Dewey Martin, Aldo Ray, Stewart Petersen. 1974 CBN Travelers Wall Masterpiece CBN Transformed CNN News Spoken Word 1967. SportsCenter Today B NFL Matinee 8 8 8 8 Weather NFL '82 B Harrison, Anthony Samantha Eggar. CBN Newaight 82 CNN NewsSporta 10:30 AM 8 Q Waltons Q Dimensions New-ley- , Devotional 88 BYU NFL Week Review Plus Adam-1- 2 O O Face the Nation ESPN 4:00 PM Special Super Socoer Lamanite Generation MOVIE: Doctor Doolittle A lovable doctor talks to animals. Rex Meet 8 8 Tele- - CBN Newsmaker MOVIE: The Sergeant Was A Lady' An error at the War Department assigns a male missile technician to a WAC base on a remote 1:00PM O Odyssey NewiSporta CNN Sunday WGN CNN NFL Preview HBOl MOVIE: Incre- dible Woman ! Jefferaons CD Show Ministry CD O Archiea Place Weather CNN Street Week CBN Larry Choir 8 Tabernacle Calvary Temple Wonder culture 12:30 PM O Wrestling Robert Duraing. 1981. Those WeekReview B Extra 8 CHiPa 7:00 PM MtHooilon Theatre 3:30 PM 12:15PM Week Jack Confidential BYU Devotional O CNN ruly British soldiers find action and misadventure in 19th Century India. Stewart Granger, Walter Pidgeon, David Niven. HBOl Money Blatters WGN Rawhide :15 AM CNN Health MOVIE: Tr Confessions A brutal murder tests the conflict-- 1 ing loyalties of two broth- en. Robert De Niro, a The Rainmaker SHOW MOVIE: Soldiers Three Three un- Sunday MOVlE: My HBOl Teenage Style ' CNN 4:45 AM SHOW Sex: 3:30 AM 8Swaggart for Search CBN Childrens Fund CNN Newa HBO HBO Theatre: World CBN Football 8 8 Week CD Gloria Wild America O Anderson WGN Childrens 8MysteryCBSTheatre Century B borhood Notre WGN Washington Q Review sol- O Oral Roberta (D It Is Written Mr. Rogers Neigh- Evans CNN h' 3:15 AM Tomorrow CBN Novak 8 :00AM Doug CNN The diers of fortune are hired by an American million' awe to rescue his beautiful young Mexican wife. Lee Marvin, Burt Lancaster, Claudia Cardinals. 1966. SHC 3:00PM O Woman . WTBSl MOVIE: 6:30 PM identities. Enrol , Claude Rains, Abu 1937 Beguiled Union corporal finds refuge in a Southern girls' school. (Hint Eastwood, GeralElisabeth dine Page, Hartman. 1971. Newsmaker Professionals Four Mark Twain: Buried Treasure In Review Bagley 4:15 AM O MOVIE: A wounded Jones Sunday TBS Morals The story of a prince and a benar boy who change clothes ana gracy R Paa- - pur 12:00PM Larry CNN Rules Football WGN Dennis CNN News Miaaion Ministry K55T CNN Money Week Cook-I- n O CBN An ESPN both. Robert Foxworth, Mike Farrell, John Vernon. 1973 CBN Heritage Sin-ge- n WTBS CNN Hnmbard O It Is Written Weather ESPN ESPN Preaenta News Saturday Night at the 3. 00 AM CNN Sports WTBS Rat Patrol WGN MOVIE: War-pat- Q aert O 2:45 AM A man sets out on miaaion of vengeance against three bank robbers responsible fin death of his fiancee. Edmond OBrien, Dean Jagger, Polly Bergen. 1951 18:15 AM MOVIE i gKerr Sonnet On The 1:30AM Roy steps in a vicioua land clique hits hia town. Roy Rogers, Rated R. Hayes. 1942. 2 K)0 AM MOVIE: 4:00 AM CBN John The Queator Tapes Waaley White Queator is neither man CNN Ne nor machine. He ia an k Hoapital UAA. SHOW MOVIE: Ulood Beach A local lifeguard tracks an elusive creature that beach. terrorises the David Huffman, John Burt Saxon, Young. L-sa- and the i I FaeS November 3, 1962 BASmNEWSFRIOTElOTWrAlNMEtfr GUIDE & TV IjOG I - 4 Weather SHOW Southern NewsSporta MOVIE: Comfort Rookie National Guardsmen are involved in a bloody confrontation with the Cua natives. Keith Powers Carradme, Booths. Rated R WGN Wall St. Jour-- fll Rtpo WTBSl Alive 8:30PM O at n Time John Ankerberg CBN ESPN NBA Basketball: Portland at Lon Angeles 9:00PM O sions Greatest TeleviCom- mercials H O MJ). CD Trapper John, 60 Minutes Masterpiece O Theatre All Creatures D Grant and 8mall 8 CBN Am Rockford-PrivaInvestigator The King la te Coming CNN Sporta HBO MOVIE: Prince A double-agen- t exposes corruption in his department and becomes the number-on-e target of the mob. Treat Williams. of the City WGN Twilight Zone WTBSl Jerry Falwell 9:30 PM tact CNN WGN CBN Con- Inride Business Saturday Night 10:00PM News O 0 CD Lina 8 Firing Market to Market 8 SportsLarry Joaea CD Wrap-u- p CBN Ministry Nashville One Day CNN Weather New e8 porta |